Well next episode we'll finally see some Prime Mat fighting, hopefully it'll be better than what we've seen so far. I'm going to continue this series till the end, even if it turns out to be garbage. I can at least muster a bit of enjoyment in each episode, and that's usually enough for me.
Yeah. The worthless bs dialogue really broke this episode. But like Bud I think I will keep watching, at least for one specific reason: This fight was more like training and debut than any real decisive thing. Thus I hope the extensive dialogues that were inserted won't be repeated in future fights that supposedly are of greater importance. But if this trend despite everything keeps going, I might have to drop this series. There are good titles out there that I'm not watching for lack of time.
I sure hope there will be some action, at last (but there probably won't...):
Episode 6 - LIME
Edit: Actually I'm quite satisfied with this episode. To be strictly frank there wasn't huge amounts of action, but what there were, delivered quite nicely. Some of it was Lan's history, which was quite nice, in the same way the street brawls of the first episode. The Prime Mat fight was quite interesting. Of course it ended REALLY soon, but even then I think it was succesful, despite the fact it obviously didn't present much fighting. Perhaps just because the setting was so classical: under 50 kg girl vs over 100 kg tank of a bearded woman...
Last episode was released almost a year ago.
Even though everyone else seems to hate this anime, I enjoyed watching it.
Wish LIME would continue releasing more episodes.
Well, LIME had released episode 9 over a year ago:
Now, there's a new group called Getbackers that picked it up claiming that they'll finish the series... they even started subbing the second season. Here's episode 10:
For the second season episodes, go check tokyotosho... won't post them since I don't want to see any discussion of the second season until the first season is completely subbed.
Don't know if they're any good, but much worse than LIME I doubt it.
Yes, I noticed. Thanks a lot. :) <3
Finally, I can watch more. Downloading now. :) <3