sigh..... i was so hoping to see Hollow Ichigo go berserk and f*ck everyone up
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sigh..... i was so hoping to see Hollow Ichigo go berserk and f*ck everyone up
i think that might happen anyway
Yeah it is pretty aperant that he's losing control. What ever was keeping the hollow side in check has been damaged or is compleatly gone adn it's only Ichigo's pure stuborness that refuses to let go compleatly. But we all know in the end he'll gain full control of the hollow powers eventually it's just how much havock will he rain donw upon the world is the real question.
Is it possible that he won't be able to control the hollow but instead has to get rid of it and gain power on his own?
He should just ask Zangetsu about it or something
He's already got Ban Kai so allegedly he's gone as far as he can with Zangetsu's development, he might be able to learn new techniques but that wouldn't actually make him any stronger. I figure the Vizards will be able to give him something to merge the hollow with himself so he'll be more like it, and in turn he'll have its leet pwnage skillz at his disposal.
i wonder if hes gonna start doin drugs, since he's hanging out with the bad kids now [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
I'm honestly looking forward to seeing Ichigo's upcomming training with the vizards. I really love the whole wrong side of the tracks analogy since it really does look like Ichigo is going off to do go raving and do drugs or something like that since the vizards have that sort of off kilter design to them. I'm just wondering how they fit into the regular bleach continuity though. I mean I'm guessing that there rogue shinigami who have been exiled from soul society but I wonder if there sided with Aizen and his arrancar or if Aizen has decided to become a vizord himself. Plus we haven't seen em fight so we don't have any idea of how strong they are.
The thing is though that Ichigo hasn't really gotten any stronger at all, all of his progression in the series has been learning to use his shinigami powers and work better with his zanpaktou. Ichigo has had this level of strength since the start of the series, he's just learning how to use it. I don't think it would be unreasonable for him to become stronger through training.Quote:
Originally posted by: Yukimura
He's already got Ban Kai so allegedly he's gone as far as he can with Zangetsu's development, he might be able to learn new techniques but that wouldn't actually make him any stronger. I figure the Vizards will be able to give him something to merge the hollow with himself so he'll be more like it, and in turn he'll have its leet pwnage skillz at his disposal.
I just wonder if others aside from Ichigo are going to have to eventually become Vizords to keep up with things. From what I can tell Ikkaku, Renji and Hitsugaya are the weakest bankai-capable shinigami, Ichigo is as strong as Byakuya (who is at least one of the upper-middle level captains) and he is weaker than the Esparda, and from what we know there are even stronger Arrankar out there, becoming vizords may be neccesary to overcome Aizen.
Personally I don't think Ichigo has even reached Bankai. I think it's more the hollow inside of him's Bankai being released. Afterall Ichigo was debating about using the hollows own moves in the fight against Grimmjaw, and if he used any more he'll go hollow mode. Perhaps Ichi will be the first to have 2 bankai's.
....nah...i wont put a DBZ reference here...
its pretty unclear if the vizards are really evil are not, like the other guy said i think they are another thing like the quincy, looked down upon by the shinigami for their methods. Even Urahara said somethin like "but now everyone we could possibly think of will be doing something" or something like that. I can picture somethin like a sort of alliance between them all to take down aizen and his cronies.
Im pretty sure the Vizards are just another group who feel that they are threatend by the appearance of the arrancar. Its why they tried to recruit Ichigo.
the vizards are a group of local misfits who went home and drank some beer. Today they are soldiers of fortune. If you need help, if nobody else can help, and if you can find them, you should call the Vizards!" (duh dun dun duh.....dun dun dun dun dun duh...)
see if you guys can figure out where that extremely bad quote is from with the word vizard stuck in randomly.
i think vizards are the rivals of allancar. I mean there are some natural Allancar, and some natural vizards, but what i remember is vizards are shinigami turned hollow. So....shouldnt Soul Society know who did?
The A-Team of course...but which one is MR.T.?? anyway, i would think soul society would know about them; but then again, they had no idea aizen was a traitorQuote:
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
the vizards are a group of local misfits who went home and drank some beer. Today they are soldiers of fortune. If you need help, if nobody else can help, and if you can find them, you should call the Vizards!" (duh dun dun duh.....dun dun dun dun dun duh...)
see if you guys can figure out where that extremely bad quote is from with the word vizard stuck in randomly.
i think vizards are the rivals of allancar. I mean there are some natural Allancar, and some natural vizards, but what i remember is vizards are shinigami turned hollow. So....shouldnt Soul Society know who did?
they knew once aizen laughed at them, mocked them and then left. And well, the vizards had to have left...