Episode 8 is out by TV Nihon
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Episode 8 is out by TV Nihon
Awesome,Tv Nihon is just spitting em out, thanks for posting.
Episode 9 from Tv-Nihon is out
Tv-Nihon - Zoids Genesis - Episode 9
At first I was really pretty harsh on this series, but it isn't that bad at all. I'm actually glad to have an anime that comes out this frequently, even if i don't archive the show. For a kid's anime this isn't that bad at all, and it's a real step up over the last Zoids show (the one with the Liger Zero and the guy named bit, where they were gladiators/mercs.... can never remember the name of that one)
Episode 10 from Tv-Nihon
Zoids Genesis 10
Show is getting alot better. I think Galaga is hilarious and its nice to have a bad guy in Zairin who actually uses his head once and awhile. Mii's voice still makes me want to cut off my ears though...
Zoids Genesis Ep 11 Tv-Nihon They are spitting em out! And I'm really starting to like this show. =)
And another, holy shyt they're fast. Zoids Genesis - Tv-Nihon - Episode- 12
Zoids Genesis - Episode 13 - Tv-nihon
well, i was very hard on this show in the beginning but its actually not that bad. Nothing fantastic to write home about, but I enjoy this show somehow. Maybe I've just been craving mecha and this is my way of filling that void...
Ya, its a kid show, i'll give ya that, but I just like it for some reason, maybe its Kotona? o.0
Episode 14 out from Tv-nihon
Episode 14 - Zoids Genesis - tvNihon
I swear this anime is like my old early morning cartoons before school, provides almost daily entertainment, even if the quality isn't that high
Haha, Yep, Tv-Nihon has slowed the releases but I'll stick with it, Not great, but pretty much daily entertainment.
What in gods name happened to Tv-Nihon...They've become extremly slow, i any other group subbing this?
Edit: Crap, sorry about the double post, didn't realise i posted her last. =S
Well, TV-Nihon subs a lot of stuff they posted on thier main page and forum that episode will sparaticly come out. There is no set time-frame for releases of animes that have already ended.
Episode 15 is out by Tv-Nihon
More improvement. This show might rise out of the depths of mediocrity yet (tho i doubt it)
TV-nihon Zoids Genesis Episode 15
Well, due to the unpredictable and slow releases, I'm probably gonna drop the series. But if anyone out there still watching, Heres Ep 16.
Megumi Fansubs, Zoids Genesis Episode 16
I am still stickin with this show. I don't care that its not that good and that the releases are sporadic. It sorta just is a 'fall-back' anime for me, so I don't really need to worry about getting OMFG!!11 When noo relseasess cumz out!?11 stressed bout it:)
Ep17 is out by tvnihon, I usually don't post about the eps since there usually isn't much to post about but this ep actually made me sing the Muteki-den song:D.
At first I was like 'wtf?' with the whole muteki-dan thing. But it's sorta refreshing to see them poking fun at all the 'Power Rangers' genres and overexaggeratting the anime stereotypes (the Samurai girl's 'So basically we can't cut anything' rant gave me a good chuckle)
and the big gay Muteki-dan member... wow, that shit would never fly on children's programming in the US. that whole "We'll eat together" thing with Galaga... what was that exactly supposed to be!?
So along comes episode 17 and I'm like 'this Muteki-dan humor is ok, but it's a little too silly'. Then the Digald guy is like "Eat plenty! Flame that is!" And then that girl got toasted. :eek: Cold blooded.
But naturally they opted for the 'nah, they all survived' cop-out. But episode 17 was still pretty cool I thought.
Oh, episodes 18 and 19 are out from TV-nihon
Tv-nihon- Zoids Genesis - Episode 18
Tv-nihon- Zoids Genesis - Episode 19
Yea I was kinda hoping that they all did in fact die except for the leader that way she would make an impact later on in the show in her own large type zoid. And what the heck Liger just evolved out of nowhere.
Episode 20 has been released
Also, TV-Nihon has posted on their forums that they plan to finish this series ASAP