WHAT ABOUT VACATION HOMEWORK!!!! Seriously, teachers have to give you amounts of homeworks when ever you get like two days off. Thats just sad! Why call it Vacation break, when your busying doing tons of homework!!!
fucking teachers...
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WHAT ABOUT VACATION HOMEWORK!!!! Seriously, teachers have to give you amounts of homeworks when ever you get like two days off. Thats just sad! Why call it Vacation break, when your busying doing tons of homework!!!
fucking teachers...
It's not that they're trying to protect us, it's that they don't understand enough of modern culture and fail to understand our viewpoints at times. Believe me, we live in a totally different world from our parents. We see the world differently and therefore act against their beliefs sometimes.Quote:
Originally posted by: Turkish-S
You all suck.. there are people who don't have parents. And you all get mad becouse they care for you , try to protect you?? wtf... pathetic faggots... grow up.
It's annoying because they're ignorant of this.
That is so weird. my brother said almost the EXACT same thing. Anyways, i agree 110%. They think just because theyre parents theyre always right, and never have to have a reason behind any of the rules they make. Im not complaining about all the rules, infact we really need some of them. But alot of the time they just dont make sense.Quote:
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
It's not that they're trying to protect us, it's that they don't understand enough of modern culture and fail to understand our viewpoints at times. Believe me, we live in a totally different world from our parents. We see the world differently and therefore act against their beliefs sometimes.Quote:
Originally posted by: Turkish-S
You all suck.. there are people who don't have parents. And you all get mad becouse they care for you , try to protect you?? wtf... pathetic faggots... grow up.
It's annoying because they're ignorant of this.
OMFG i have hella hw to do over break!!!!!! STUPID FREAKIN PROJECTS!!!! i know that AP and adv classes are supposed to be hard but c'mon now! "have a nice break" my ass!! how the fuck are we supposed to have a nice break with that many freakin hw????
yea thnx psj.. you're right i lost my dad. Maybe that is why i think like that about parents...Quote:
Originally posted by: PSJ
Fuck that towelhead he doesn't know shit about annoying parents, i bet he doesn't have any.
And i know parents can be so anoying.. but just have respect for them for giving you birth and paying your bills for years.
Sorry you lost your dad[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] I guess the whole perspective should change after something like that. Srry man.
Well, to get this back on track and on a lighter note:
I fucking hate it when your in a movie theater, with friends or girlfriend, and its empty. Then some jackass comes in and sits in the row right in front or behind you. The fucking theater is empty!!! Sit somewhere else, you don't have to be near people all the time, you goddamn sheep. Baaaaaaaa!!!
i fucking hate this world. i want each and everyone of you to die
I bleed a lot.
It's called menstruation.
Gee, thanks for ruining my ongoing one-post-per-page emo joke. :/
Don't you mean SK joke [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Gee, thanks for ruining my ongoing one-post-per-page emo joke. :/
My parents are...decent people >.> In so many ways...we live together...but far from family. I'm scared as hell of my dad, though recently he's been showing himself as more of a human being than I thought and we have strange things in common, such as how we percieve life. Lets say...when I discovered this, I freaked out. My mom...different story, she seems less and less human everyday that goes by. She constantly complains about all the bad things about my dad, for a time I believed her, now I realize, now...he's not all, you just whine waaaaaay too much. She practically lives on DVD's now and barely takes care of the little girl entrusted to her, maybe the parents thought it would be alright, seeing the way we turned out (My sis and I) But I guess they didn't realize mother didn't do squate to raise us...more like the tube was mommy and video games were daddy... Seeing the way she is "caring" for the now toddler, makes me wonder how I'm still alive...and kind of sane... who teaches kids this way "You do this...or I smack you." there is always a "...or I smack you." In everything she says...EVERYTHING!!! *freaks out*
The only thing I hate about my parents is that my mother is one of those "everything I say is right, your opinion sucks and I won't even bother explaining my own view since I'm right anyway" people. A genuine example is when I use make-up (which I do a lot), and EVERY SINGLE TIME she's like "stop doing that, men don't wear make-up". And I'd be like "Eh... why not?". And she'd finish it with "They just don't".
That's it.
Actually, I think there's a word for that kind of people. Close-minded. Yeah. Are you close-minded? If so, come over here so I can kill you, you bastard.
Funny how everyone's parents seem incapable of passing the correct judgement on any issue...
Well obviously it wouldn't be as funny if people listed the GOOD things about their parents [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] Nor would it be much of a bitching thread...
True say... but you can't deny that this thread currently reeks of teenage angst.
True true.
Which is why I cut myself and bleed a lot.
And thus the circle of argument is complete... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]