We don't know the number of spots until we have artists showing an interest or do we just have 8 spots and after 8 people have applied we wonät let more guys in?
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We don't know the number of spots until we have artists showing an interest or do we just have 8 spots and after 8 people have applied we wonät let more guys in?
idk, but we need enough to do a couple rounds so I guess we cant be picky with who we make new sigs
And this isnt a graphics forum so I'm not expecting the choices to be really fair.
This is what I think a sig should be judged on:
Render blending
actual amount of work done (cropped render + a couple brushes shouldnt win shit)
idk cant think of anything else
Kage, who were you thinking would do the judging?
The way I sorta imagined this would work out is basically a few people choosing one person to make a sig for, and the person chooses the sig they like best to use to replace their current one. Something like this would be a little less competetive than a true sig competition.
I was thinking whoever got there sig picked would move on to the next round.
For example:
A and B make a sig for someone. He likes A's sig better, so A wins
C and D make a sig for someone. He likes C's sig better, so C wins
C and D make a sig for someone. He likes A's sig better, so A wins
Each round will make a sig for someone new.
The only way we can make it as fair as possible is if we do the same character, generally a sig turns out better if it's got a nice flow, good render blending, lighting, contrast and a somewhat original touch.
A cropped render and some brushes usually doesn't turn out as good as something with more work done to it. And as you said Kage this isn't a graphics forum so we can't really expect the judging process to be totally fair in that aspect, the winner will simply be the one that made a cooler sig(in the eyes of the volunteer).
Originally posted by: KitKat
Kage, who were you thinking would do the judging?
The way I sorta imagined this would work out is basically a few people choosing one person to make a sig for, and the person chooses the sig they like best to use to replace their current one. Something like this would be a little less competetive than a true sig competition.
when I said judging thats basically what I meant, the person who the sig is being made for should take those things I listed into acount when they pick
if you are developing a project for a client, you dont give them a list of criteria that they should judge your work on. They call the shots, and only they decide what they like and don't like
So we gonna get this thing started or what?
That's what i want to know. We probably can't do anything until KitKat decides on the rules and we got enough volunteers. I could post that ad in General Discussions so that we get some volunteers.
Alright, let's set this up!
Extreme Makeover: Gotwoot Edition!!
Rules: 1) Volunteers must be somewhat regular forum users (this is subjective, and will be left up to our discretion to decide)
2) Volunteers must already have been using a signature which they consider to be low quality or 'ugly'
3) Volunteers must agree to use the signature and avatar which they select at the end of the competition
4) Volunteers can make only one general request prior to the start of the competition. This must be a statement that contains only one thing, which is not too specific or overly restrictive to the artists. i.e. "I want a Bleach-theme" or "I want it to be pink". Statements like, "I want a grunge style sig using a picture of Naruto using rasengan with Jiraiya on his frog on the side and my name on the top right side." will be disregarded and all of the requested elements will be specifically excluded. Also, do not pm the artists telling them what you would like. Keep to the spirit of the competition and have a sense of adventure. The idea is that you will be happily surprised by what the artists come up with.
5)Artists will have one week from the start of the competition to finish their signature and avatar entries. Artists may not pm the volunteer asking for hints. However, artists are strongly encouraged to do some research into the posting history of the volunteer and create a sig that they feel best represents the personality and interests of the volunteer.
Unless anyone else wants to add any more rules, I think we're good to go. PSJ, you can post up that ad and we'll see who volunteers. In the event that we have too many volunteers, we'll decide on a way to narrow it down. Probably just get a few of us together on AIM or something and make a decision. Then we can start the photoshopping!
KitKat, are we going with the braket system with this(like in my earilier post) or another.
BTW, the finalized rules sound great. Hope some people partisapate or this won't be fun at all.
Posted the ad. It is really good if i may say so myself.
Looks good, PSJ! Maybe we should post one in General Anime or Naruto too, since there a lot of people that post there who don't wander into General Discussion.
As for the bracket system, it all depends on the number of volunteers we get. If we get a lot of people signing up, we can totally do it. If less, we might have to have maybe 3 people doing one sig and the winner moves on from the group of three.
I'll sign up. My sig is definitly subpar. I could use a new one.
Yay the ad works. Sure KitKat i'll post one in the Naruto discussion to.
I don't even have a sig because I haven't gotten around in making one...and it makes me sad to post any as my lack of sig makes people disreguard my post as it will made by a person with not style...
I wish to Volunteer for a new sig and will cohear to the rules as posted above
Not true, you haven't been aorund for to long. Once people start to recognize you it will become better. People tend to disregard noobs a bit, just keep posting good posts and you'll get noticed sooner or later.
I dont want to make avatars...
I guess it really doesnt matter, but yea.
Making an avatar takes like 2 minutes.
You should be able to spare 2 minutes making an ava.
I want to have a new sig mine is getting a little out of date...
The rules are good ones and definitely easy to follow
sign me up!
my theme: Intelligence