I think that Gaara will still be able to control the sand, just he wont have the huge chakra reserves left to do it all the time. Probably lose the auto-sand shield as well. But he should still be able to maintain the other techniques.
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I think that Gaara will still be able to control the sand, just he wont have the huge chakra reserves left to do it all the time. Probably lose the auto-sand shield as well. But he should still be able to maintain the other techniques.
its kind of implied that he didnt actually control the sand himself even for offense......but rather, just controlled the demon chakra that controlled it
an example that supports this is the hospital scene, where shikamaru had gaara in the kage mane no jutsu yet the sand still rose up to attack him
also explains why alot of the moves gaara performs tend to resemble shukaku in one form or another (the shukaku statue against kimimaro, the giant shukaku-like hands extending from the desert at deidara)
Have we really resorted to taking pictures of the manga with a hand held camera and submitting it as a scan?
Not much to say about this chapter. Nothing happened that wasn't expected from February (hard to believe this arc started that long ago).
The only things that really remain to be seen are what will Gaara's status be after being brought back? and where does the story go from here?
thanx for the translation as always
wh0o0o ho0o gaaras coming back. After hearing chiyo mentioning bringing life to things, it was pretty set from there that she'll use it on Gaara. I think Gaara will have the longest rest of his life now he has no demon to unleash when he's asleep. Maybe we'll see Gaara without the black eyes. I still expect him to kick ass with his sand jutsus, but like others have mentioned, he'll prolly have a smaller amount of chakra.
Lol I was laughing when Kakashi "moved" the explosion else where. It did remind me of the DBZ moment, lol.
Quite possibly the worst quality scan in history.
ZOMG i thout graara was gunna die lol i hoppe he livs now that wuld be teh coolz lol!!11!!
Predictable chapter. I'm hoping for some surprises soon, although I'm starting to learn not to hold my breath.
you had you surprise when kakashi woke up with mangekyou shooting outta his eyes.
He can control sand, but there is also the Demon that controls te sand.Quote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
its kind of implied that he didnt actually control the sand himself even for offense......but rather, just controlled the demon chakra that controlled it
an example that supports this is the hospital scene, where shikamaru had gaara in the kage mane no jutsu yet the sand still rose up to attack him
also explains why alot of the moves gaara performs tend to resemble shukaku in one form or another (the shukaku statue against kimimaro, the giant shukaku-like hands extending from the desert at deidara)
In the fight with Kimimaro, he makes those little sand things that float above the ground for him and Lee, that is him controlling the sand.
what makes you say that? he's known that same technique ever since he was a little kid. And the only reason a little kid would know such a thing is because of a demon
In the fight with kimimaro, I wouldve almost considered that levitation as an extension of the automatic defense gaara has going....because it seemed to me like he acted on impulse when he did it.
he might not have had the control over sand he does had he not had the demon, but that he has had the demon, its possible. He might choose to distance himself from the use of sand, and he might reach levels he hadn't known prior. We'll see.
yeah seriously. if kishimoto can justify that assrape of the manga and still be able to sleep at night then bringing garra back to life shouldn't be hard at allQuote:
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
you had you surprise when kakashi woke up with mangekyou shooting outta his eyes.
It would be cool to see a unskilled Gaara trying to find meaning to his existence. He went through such a painful process of finding it the first time, and when he finally finds some thing to protect he loses his strength. I'm all for Gaara living, but hope that he'll be more "human" this time round.
Well, he had become more "human" after Naruto beat the crap outta him. Remember, in Narto humanity means "OMG I've got people and things and STUFF I want to protect therefore I'm a good guy LOLzors!!!"
So yeah, Gaara was acting pretty human before he had his ectoplasm sucked outta him by that stylish Akatsuki Vaccuum.
Perhaps he'll go softie.... or parheps he'll be actually angry he lost the demon? "Now I can't be Kazekage", or something like that...? Er, I don't think he'll regret it though. Just as I don't think Naruto would regret losing the Kyubi.
Well, the Armor of Sand is controlled through his own will, and uses up chakra, I think most of his techniques he will still be able to do.
He may have learnt them from the demon, but that doesn't really mean much, because you learn things from other people, why not a demon.
That fight with Kimimaro, those techniques he used seem like techniques that he's aquired through learning, not because a demon is controlling it.
I belive Gaara's powers came from the Shukaku sealed inside him. There is a reason why his father decided to seal it in him, and why the Akatsuki members want it so much. Like Naruto, Gaara's power source comes from the demon sealed within him. Of course, Gaara might still know all the jutsus he mastered previously, but now he may not have the level of chakra required to execute them.
I seem to recall there being discussions of naruto slowly converting kyubi's chakra into his own. Perhaps a similar thing might've been occuring in gaara so that he's not totally undone by this extraction. Also, I don't think those akatsuki members died too fast. I think it was pretty slow. Painfully slow in fact. And to make matters worse, it was horribly done.
If they had tweaked a few things in the fight, I would've been able to accept Sakura's apparently immennse growth in ability, but they didn't. If they had tweaked a few other things ("you're a master puppeteer with 1 puppet to each finger to crush a castle, but behold! I control 100 to crush a nation!!" ....among other things) the fight might've been good. But they didn't.
Also, after all this time, you'd hope to see the main character grow into something that doesn't reek of elephant nuts, but he accomplished absolutely nothing important this entire arc. Dissapointment? No, completely expected. Which is sad if you think about it, or even if you don't.
There was one possible saving grace to this arc. The emotions brought by gaara's death could've made all the other nonsense I've mentioned almost bearable. But no, apparently there's nothing the good guys cannot defeat. Death included. Booooooo I declare!
Originally posted by: Psyke
I belive Gaara's powers came from the Shukaku sealed inside him. There is a reason why his father decided to seal it in him, and why the Akatsuki members want it so much. Like Naruto, Gaara's power source comes from the demon sealed within him. Of course, Gaara might still know all the jutsus he mastered previously, but now he may not have the level of chakra required to execute them.
do we have any proof that all of garra's powers are from shukaku? i mean naruto's chakra comes from the kyubi but his moves are entirely his own.
also, you want to see garra search for the meaning of life, well i wanna see him rape somebody without the shukaku to show every1 he STILL CAN be a kazekage.
He will probably get his demon back somehow. Kishimoto doesn't seem to like to change things recently.
Yes as i suggested in an earlier thread. If he doesnt keep it, that would mean Akatsuki was succesful in keeping it along w/ the other demons. And besides Orochi transferring to Sasuke's body, this is the other main evil plot of the series. Either one wont take place...permanently.
I agree with this.. no matter how many people on these forums bitch about Gaara getting back Shukaku, the thought of future fights even better than against Rock Lee and Kimimaro makes me hope things go back to normal.Quote:
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
Originally posted by: Psyke
I belive Gaara's powers came from the Shukaku sealed inside him. There is a reason why his father decided to seal it in him, and why the Akatsuki members want it so much. Like Naruto, Gaara's power source comes from the demon sealed within him. Of course, Gaara might still know all the jutsus he mastered previously, but now he may not have the level of chakra required to execute them.
do we have any proof that all of garra's powers are from shukaku? i mean naruto's chakra comes from the kyubi but his moves are entirely his own.
also, you want to see garra search for the meaning of life, well i wanna see him rape somebody without the shukaku to show every1 he STILL CAN be a kazekage.