Can't help but think of Neji... A branch family member is greater than a headQuote:
Originally posted by: XanBcoo
Hinata > Sakura.
family member. A minor character is greater than a major.....
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Can't help but think of Neji... A branch family member is greater than a headQuote:
Originally posted by: XanBcoo
Hinata > Sakura.
family member. A minor character is greater than a major.....
I'm pretty much in the same opinion as 2:25, except that I know a few people who are somewhat like her, so my patience for those kind of people is pretty high.Quote:
Originally posted by: 2:25
Personally, I don't like Sakura either. But, I don't hate her. I guess maybe cause she sees her own flaws? (eg: being useless and all)
I do sorta miss inner Sakura. She was funny.
Originally posted by: XanBcoo
Hinata is a minor character though. Her only purpose is to sit in the background, act cute, and say "Naruto-kun".
Hinata > Sakura.
I think...................Hinata = Sakura.Quote:
Originally posted by: Phoenix20578
Then whats Sakura's purpose? Be a major character, sit in the forground, act annoying, say "Sauske-kun", and get in everyones way?
Originally posted by: GhostKaGe
[Inside the head of a Sakura fan]..........[/Inside the head of a Sakura fan]
Seriously. Could not have said it any better.Quote:
Originally posted by: XanBcoo
That's my point. She's a major character, is expected to have a better role, but doesn't do shit.
Hinata > Sakura.
And, in a battle or filler episode or anything, I'd much rather see Hinata than Sakura. Sure, Hinata's insanely shy and quiet about everything. But, we all know she's got that Inner Byakugan Beast lying in the waiting!
They're there. Quietly lurking about., but they're there.Quote:
Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
My question is when did Sakura have any fans in the first place?
Come out wherever you are, so we can poke fun at you.
Sakura will make up for it, since she never showed any interest for being a ninja other than to be close to Sasuke, now she has a goal, about time.
She has a goal, and that's wonderful. It's about 250 chapters too late, though. Her image of uselessness and sheer annoyance is very deep-rooted amongst a number of people I'm sure, which include me.
Most of the characters in this anime are greater than Sakura [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: Phoenix20578
Can't help but think of Neji... A branch family member is greater than a headQuote:
Originally posted by: XanBcoo
Hinata > Sakura.
family member. A minor character is greater than a major.....
I'm still sticking with Hinata being better, like Strider. Even though she does suck, she has the byakugan and has grown up with the (now) strongest clan in Konoha. Some of that had to stick in.
Or maybe that's my impression from the the canon material, we have yet to see her not suck...
We have seen both Sakura and Hinata in fillers, Hinata did a pretty good job not getting in every one's way. She also managed to participate in major fights.Quote:
Originally posted by: XanBcoo
I'm still sticking with Hinata being better, like Strider. Even though she does suck, she has the byakugan and has grown up with the (now) strongest clan in Konoha. Some of that had to stick in.
Even though Sakura is now trained by a sanin like Tsunade and has improved but like Strider said its too late. Her image of being useless is very deep rooted. It will take eternity to chop those roots down, not to mention her obsession with Sasuke.
lol, that goes for me too.
I totally forgot to rant about her obsession with Sasuke, which annoys me even more since I already don't care for the guy. So, it's like .. she's a character I dislike, and her pining over someone I dislike as well only pits her further and further into the recesses of my discontent.Quote:
Originally posted by: Jadugar
It will take eternity to chop those roots down, not to mention her obsession with Sasuke.
I have yet to see the latest two filler arcs [Kurenai's team, and Team Gai], but again, I'm still sure Hinata's uses are much more prevalent than Sakura's.
Where are the Sakura fans hiding? Terra made this thread so you guys can speak your pieces. Or are there really no fans? All the better, I suppose ..
And, if that is the case .. Please direct your attention to the Sasuke VS Neji thread, where you can praise the Hyuuga Genius for all it's worth.
/end shameless plug
As if we didnt have enough reasons to hate/dislike Sakura.Quote:
Originally posted by: Strider
I totally forgot to rant about her obsession with Sasuke
You are talking to a brick wall.Quote:
Originally posted by: Strider
Where are the Sakura fans hiding? Terra made this thread so you guys can speak your pieces. Or are there really no fans? All the better, I suppose ..
No pimping.Quote:
Originally posted by: Strider
And, if that is the case .. Please direct your attention to the Sasuke VS Neji thread, where you can praise the Hyuuga Genius for all it's worth.
Well you might as well check it out.
Uchiha Sasuke VS poor poor Neji
Long story short, anyone who is a "fan" of Sakura, go here.
For everyone who is sane, keep praying she dies.
I don't really like Sakura nor am I her fan, but I don't hate her either.
It might be because as a girl I understand at leasta little what is it like to be in love with a jerk who doesn't even look at you and yet be unable to like some other guys who treat you nicely and would be "the perfect boyfriend".
Yep, been there, done that.
But I do agree that she is a very badly written character - she's getting better as of late with her medical skills and newfound strength, but she's still pretty uselss in battle and even if I "understand" her being in love with Sasuke, its been (manga-wise) four fucking years of obsession!! That's enough!! Her whole reason to be there is "OMG I have to protect Naruto and Sasuke!!!!11" even though, as others has said, it is her the one who needs protection.
So yeah, Kishimoto should seriously start thinking of putting her to better use (who needs the "I lack battle experience" crap? Just get her kicking already) or, I dunno, leave her at the village being a nurse.
I am not a friend of Sakura (but I don't hate her neither)
Sakura strength is on her brain (she even can repel Ino 's mind control)... She is smart and intelligent, but that is... did not has any special Ninja technique... But she still has basic ninja skill (as she graduated from ninja academic)... So, she is not as useless as everyone think. I guess... and she is going to a medic in anime soon...
By the way, why the people only compare Hinata and Sakura?? If so, why don't we open a new thread "The useless female ninja, Sakura VS Hinata"?
I would take you up on that offer, but I am busy with Sasuke VS NejiQuote:
Originally posted by: vasco
By the way, why the people only compare Hinata and Sakura?? If so, why don't we open a new thread "The useless female ninja, Sakura VS Hinata"?
Once I'm done with Jagudar in the Sasuke VS Neji thread, maybe I'll start that one up for you.Quote:
Originally posted by: vasco
By the way, why the people only compare Hinata and Sakura?? If so, why don't we open a new thread "The useless female ninja, Sakura VS Hinata"?
By the way, nice signature, Jag'. Nice way to "pressure" the votes. Heh. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
There wont be any life force left in you to do anything at the end of the mentioned thread.Quote:
Originally posted by: Strider
Once I'm done with Jagudar in the Sasuke VS Neji thread, maybe I'll start that one up for you.
Hinata VS Sakura? Maybe.
Personally I think its a dumb idea but what do expect from a Sakura fan (vasco).
Those Sasuke fans are still hiding. I thought this way we might attract some attention to the thread and get a good debate going. It has backfired on me. Everyone is coming to the thread but voting for Neji. Damm those evil eyes.Quote:
Originally posted by: Strider
By the way, nice signature, Jag'. Nice way to "pressure" the votes. Heh.
But I know for a fact that even you secretly like Sasuke better than Neji. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Yeah, I think it's pretty dumb as well, and probably wouldn't take much, if any, part in it.Quote:
Originally posted by: Jadugar
Hinata VS Sakura? Maybe.
Personally I think its a dumb idea but what do expect from a Sakura fan (vasco).
Just thought I'd give the lad some hope. Albeit, false.
Reason: Byakugan owns.Quote:
Originally posted by: Jadugar
Those Sasuke fans are still hiding. I thought this way we might attract some attention to the thread and get a good debate going. It has backfired on me. Everyone is coming to the thread but voting for Neji. Damm those evil eyes.
There you go with your funnies again.Quote:
Originally posted by: Jadugar
But I know for a fact that even you secretly like Sasuke better than Neji. [img][/img]
You really should stop posting, and take your comedy act on the road. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Get a room already, you two.
this whole forum is their room lol