Why do i seem to hate the Minerva Team and Zaft so much ?
Yes you have a point regarding the inspiration value she might contribute with..
But thats a political factor, and I don't disagree.. But my question is, what the hell she's doing on the bridge during combat.
But, still, if you compare for an example Shinn, if you count him as "one of the 16 year old" that run the minerva he has military training and expiriense...
I'm going to bed now, back to university tomorrow.. CIAO
Why do i seem to hate the Minerva Team and Zaft so much ?
@ naruto 22, about the part of the Destiny plan being absurd, i totally agree with you but i was saying was at least its a suggestion, he tried to come up with an answer, unfortunately the wrong one. But Lacus isnt doing anything
Why do i seem to hate the Minerva Team and Zaft so much ?
Strike Freedom, your point about Minerva having a bunch of 16 year olds on the bridge is moot and foolish. They're there because they're military trained personnel, end of story. Lacus has no military training that we know about. She is their purely for morale, it seems.
Why are they all so young? #1 because younger people are more durable, faster learners and in better shape than many adults. (but they lack expirience, obviously) So why are all of them so young? The Real Reason is because anime is aimed at kids age 13 and up, so having characters the same age as the target audience is supposed to build some kind of bond between them. Haven't you noticed that almost every anime has mostly young teenagers as the main protagonists?
You bring up a great point about Lacus' importance and her impact on the AA crew. Unfortunatley, you can't explain HOW she has been able to contribute so much, because there are plot holes the size of Mount Denali in Destiny's story. She has managed to do more than any single individual could ever accomplish in a lifetime, her resources are limitless, her alliances unexplained and always arriving with reinforcements/new Gundams/info at the perfect time.
Fukuda should be sacked.
As for Meer Campbell, well isn't it obvious what Dullindal was trying to do with her? Keep morale high by using a media sensation.
Why do i seem to hate the Minerva Team and Zaft so much ?
Originally posted by: masamuneehs
Strike Freedom, your point about Minerva having a bunch of 16 year olds on the bridge is moot and foolish. They're there because they're military trained personnel, end of story. Lacus has no military training that we know about. She is their purely for morale, it seems.
Why are they all so young? #1 because younger people are more durable, faster learners and in better shape than many adults. (but they lack expirience, obviously) So why are all of them so young? The Real Reason is because anime is aimed at kids age 13 and up, so having characters the same age as the target audience is supposed to build some kind of bond between them. Haven't you noticed that almost every anime has mostly young teenagers as the main protagonists?
You bring up a great point about Lacus' importance and her impact on the AA crew. Unfortunatley, you can't explain HOW she has been able to contribute so much, because there are plot holes the size of Mount Denali in Destiny's story. She has managed to do more than any single individual could ever accomplish in a lifetime, her resources are limitless, her alliances unexplained and always arriving with reinforcements/new Gundams/info at the perfect time.
Fukuda should be sacked.
As for Meer Campbell, well isn't it obvious what Dullindal was trying to do with her? Keep morale high by using a media sensation.
My point about the "16 year olds" had a purpose and made my point. It is supposed to be "moot and foolish." It is something called sarcasm. That is why I wrote that I hate bringing up those points! My purpose was to show how foolish it is to say that Lacus serves no purpose on the AA or Eternal. It is called a parallel case. I rest my case.
Why do i seem to hate the Minerva Team and Zaft so much ?
Me thinks you better tone down the lawyer attitude Strike Freedom. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] After all, I haven't started talking about audit assertion of Completeness, Existence, Accuract, Valuation, Obligation and Presentation (CEAVOP) in the Minverva vs AA debate yet. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
By the way, i would like to point at Phase 44 of Gundam Seed. Lacus has demonstrated that despite having no military training, she DOES know about strategy and allocation of resources. When Kira and Mwu were having their merry little dogfight in the Mendel colony, Asuran wanted to go out in Justice to find out.
Lacus REFUSED to let Asuran out on perfectly just reasons. Buster, Strike and now Freedom is somewhere inside the colony. Outside there are 3 Nazca's waiting plus the Dominion with 3 mad Gundams on board. If Asuran left, their only protection was a bunch of Astray's, whose performance though admirable, is not enough against the 3 madmen and numerous ZAFT MS.
I was stunned by her intelligence shown as the Captain of the Eternal and from that moment, words that i used to associate with Lacus, mainly NAIVE, BLUR and BIMBO went out of the window. Her diplomacy managed to bring an entire crew of ZAFT with her, and after the three ships met up, she became the de facto leader of the group.
Even now, her charisma was so feared that Dullindal attempted to assassinate her. Meer Campbell, an impostor imposed such a control over the ZAFT population. Imagine what the real Lacus could do. As of GSD, she even managed to win the allegiance of more ZAFT personnel to build the DOM troopers, Strike Freedom and Infinite Justice as soon as they were certain that the world was going mad once again and they needed power to achieve peace.
Why do i seem to hate the Minerva Team and Zaft so much ?
Originally posted by: naruto22
Me thinks you better tone down the lawyer attitude Strike Freedom. After all, I haven't started talking about audit assertion of Completeness, Existence, Accuract, Valuation, Obligation and Presentation (CEAVOP) in the Minverva vs AA debate yet.
Hey, don't trip dude, [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img], I am just defending myself, that is all. One must defend one's arguments, in fact I love it so much. I love the debate and arguments, it helps me out a ton. I thank all of you guys and do not intend to have an aggressive tone. If I did, I truly do apologize. And Naruto, what type of Auditor are you? I got my Bachelor's in Accounting, will be taking my CPA in about a year after some brush up courses. So bring it on. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
I like the use of CEAVOP, reminds me of the SOX act! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Why do i seem to hate the Minerva Team and Zaft so much ?
You know, I hate having the same opinion as you. I'd love to take you on in a debate SF. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Though I'm not thinking of going into law school or anything like that. I think it could be fun. ^_^
Why do i seem to hate the Minerva Team and Zaft so much ?
KPMG auditor dude. Don't mess with me. [img]i/expressions/devil.gif[/img] Nah, I'm a fresh grad myself. Bachelor of Accounting from Australia, currently taking CPA Australia exam.
By SOX, I assume you mean Sarbane Oxley act? OK OK, back to GSD debates!!! And CEAVOP has nothing to do with SOX. SOX is all about auditor independence, not how to do audit.
Anyway, I love Lacus, the only gripe I have about her is her pink hair.
Why do i seem to hate the Minerva Team and Zaft so much ?
Originally posted by: naruto22
KPMG auditor dude. Don't mess with me. [img][/img] Nah, I'm a fresh grad myself. Bachelor of Accounting from Australia, currently taking CPA Australia exam.
By SOX, I assume you mean Sarbane Oxley act? OK OK, back to GSD debates!!! And CEAVOP has nothing to do with SOX. SOX is all about auditor independence, not how to do audit.
Anyway, I love Lacus, the only gripe I have about her is her pink hair.
Oh I know, I didn't say they were related, I just remember learning of CEAVOP in my auditing class, along with the SOX act, and yes, I mean Sarbane Oxley. KPMG is a good firm, I have a friend who is working for them.