Originally posted by: Takeda Natsuke
"OOOH SHINN please fuck me you killed my sister, its the least you could do!"
Let's change that around, shall we?
"OOOH KIRA please fuck me you killed my FATHER, its the least you could do!"
It's best to realize that some people look more for emotional comfort that practical revenge. Shinn is a soldier. Athrun and Meyrin are considered "Traitors". Shinn is ordered to kill them. Shinn reluctantly does. Shinn is sorry. Luna goes in emtional shock for a few hours. Shin says sorry. They hug. Shinn cannot do anything else to console her than to make her feel good in a sensual level. Hook up.
If you couldn't see that and were actually more enthralled by the "thing" that is Shinn x Stellar, which was filled with so much freakin substance, you, my friend, need to get out more.
-My look at it-
Stellar panics and says "I don't want to die!"
Shinn suddenly becomes superman and decides "I will fight for you no matter what, even if I don't know one damn thing about you!"
Stellar actually FORGETS who Shinn is in three seconds.
Stellar stops being a drug addict, "Oh... Shinn... I remember you now."
Shinn COMPLETELY doesn't care that she killed Heine (YOU BITC- I mean, aww..) and piloted a death machine and decides "I'll STILL protect the girl I don't know a damn thing about!"
Oh yeah... reaaaaly romantic...
On the other hand, Luna and Shinn have known each other almost their whole lives. The minute they hugged i said to myself, "Yup she's gonna get laid tonight."
Why? Cause Fukuda is one hell of a drama queen.
Shinn x Luna is good. It's a little too late for a lot of development, but good.
And yes, Luna can't aim... You try shooting a rocket going 500+ MPH with a high tech battle suit that you just got a few days ago.
Ja na.