Originally posted by: DDBen
Originally posted by: drunkenmaster
ok first of all how is justice out of proportion... proportions seem nice to me and flightpack isnt stupid it is very usefull and makes him uber fast... and justice as done alot more to scale of amount of time aired than freedom. on athurns first launch when he was half dead and bleeding he managed to pzoned shin's arm in like 1 second. what did freedom do? oh wait it didnt damage shin. saying infinte justice is stupid is just retarded. its just as good as fredom if not better. freedom did not damage desinty, he hit destiy but did NOT damage him. freedom with a healthy piolt manages to have a close fight with destiny. justice with a almost dead piolt gravely disables destiny in a single strike i wonder which one is better(note im using ur same flawed logic)?. by saying legend is nothing special and its just another prvidence, it was MEANT that way... so by ur interpretation ill just say sfreedom is nothing speecial, its just like the old one (sf is special, im just using ur own flawed logic again. if a suit is meant to be like an old one, then it should be similar to it...)... also, u cant image ij taking out alota suits. shin takes out a crapload of stuff with 1 sword... ij has like 6 times as much.. ij can slice those ppl up even faster than destiny.
First off Infinate Justice is out of proportion because in every image I have seen of it the flight pack simply makes the suit look dumpy I find that visually at the very least it seems far to large. Second Justice so far has really done next to nothing once again Shin was having some emotional trama and as a result Athrun using his seed mode defeated Shinn's berserk seed and removed destiny's hand. We really don't see the extend of damage just that he made a slashmark acrost the wrist of the mobile suit. On the same note Kira virtually disarmed Destiny taking out all its short range weapons that were a problem for his beam shields except possibly the hands and almost completely depleating Shinn's power. Kira Frankly could have gone for the kill but instead took the chance he was given with Destiny's retreat to clean up the battlefield and take out as many suits as possible.
Given that doesn't really matter this is not a episode discussion and my comments are not based on the tech specs of the suits but rather what they have been shown doing in the show. Note that reguardless of pilot what the suit does is based on the suits capabilites otherwise the pilot could never do a given move in a suit. This makes the most accurate way to determine a suits capabilities for you to take what the suit has done with the best pilot we have seen use it. This goes for a Gouf as well which has been shown as blantant cannon fodder following Heines death while when used by Heine himself they made it seem much more badass.
Please note I do think IJ has promise and I will like it a lot more after seeing it in action but so far its been shown as very plain as Athrun used next to none of its weapons in episode 43. I understand it has tons of beam weapons but until they are really shown in action its very hard to gauge the value of them.
as for PSJ why don't you stop bitching and state your own opinion as you obviously have no idea about mine at the very least. You don't have to be a fanboy to think a certain suit visually looks better then another one. Simply put some gundams look horrible .