Oh, Awesome Awesome AWESOME! Will someone please get that hit on GIF for me? Let's see, a quick recap, ORB vs. ZAFT, Destiny Vs. Akatsuki, Destiny vs. Freedom, Lacus in a pink flight suit *drool*, Lacus in her "ninja" outfit *double drool*, DOM Lightstream Attack, and Cagalli vs. Yuuna. I won't say any more because it will spoil it all. Now for the kill count of the episode:
Freedom: 16
Akatsuki: 2
Destiny: 7
ZAFT Grunts: 7, 1 Ship
ORB Grunts: 4
DOM Troopers: 15
Pretty good haul for the day I'd say. Also, does anyone know what that third mobile suit in the Eternal's Hangar was? It doesn't look like Strike. From left to right the order was, Unknown, SF, and IJ, so what could that first one be?