We were just joking around. I would never start a newtype-zero system argument.
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We were just joking around. I would never start a newtype-zero system argument.
They could get Akatsuki, and had sillouette packs that could be used on Strike Rouge and Dual, but couldn't get GuAIZ Rs?Quote:
Originally posted by: Vince Flyte
I know that but since the ship is from my fanfic GuAIZ are what the faction could get their hands on.
Maybe you wouldn't, but that doesn't mean someone else with less sense wouldn't.Quote:
Originally posted by: PSJ
We were just joking around. I would never start a newtype-zero system argument.
They already had the plans of Akatsuki since they were involved in build the first Akatsuki. They also obtained sillouette packs plans before Destiny started. Dual and Buster was going to be thrown away so that was a bit easyQuote:
Originally posted by: Curium
They could get Akatsuki, and had sillouette packs that could be used on Strike Rouge and Dual, but couldn't get GuAIZ Rs?Quote:
Originally posted by: Vince Flyte
I know that but since the ship is from my fanfic GuAIZ are what the faction could get their hands on.
Maybe you wouldn't, but that doesn't mean someone else with less sense wouldn't.Quote:
Originally posted by: PSJ
We were just joking around. I would never start a newtype-zero system argument.
As for the GuAIZ, they were stolen during the confusion at the end of Seed. Zaft uped their Security after the three gundams were stolen so the plans for GuAIZ Rs were hard to get.
Except the GuAIZ R was being mass produced before the 3 stolen Gundams were even built. Also Impulse was so top secret that Talia had to get direct permission from Dullindal to launch it in the first episode, and Neo and crew didn't know about it even though they knew about the other 3.Quote:
Originally posted by: Vince Flyte
They already had the plans of Akatsuki since they were involved in build the first Akatsuki. They also obtained sillouette packs plans before Destiny started. Dual and Buster was going to be thrown away so that was a bit easy
As for the GuAIZ, they were stolen during the confusion at the end of Seed. Zaft uped their Security after the three gundams were stolen so the plans for GuAIZ Rs were hard to get.
Oh, and this isn't a serious topic, feel free to ignore me if you like. This "Dream Gundam" thing is just for fun. For no good reason really I enjoy nitpicking.
fine fine, looks like I'll join up on this one too. My fanfic Old Friends Anew: Destiny's True Beginning, is coming out with a new gundam from an independed faction. Here are the stats:
Model Number: FAID-R1
Code Name: Eagle Gundam
Unit type: Prototype multi-mode mobile suit
Manufacturer: FAID
Operator: Unknown
First Deployment: N/A
Accomodation: Pilot Only
Overall Height: 18.69 Meters
Overall Weight: 79.43 Metric Tons
Construction: unknown
Powerplant: ultracompact dual energy battery, power output rating unknown
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; Phase Shift (PS) armor; deuterion beam energy supply system; universal equipment adapters, allowing for usage of any weapon system made; quantum DRAGOON interface;
Fixed armaments: MMI-GAU26C 25mm CIWS, fire-linked, mounted in head; 2 x M71AAK "Folding Razor" anti-armor knife, housed in hips. MGX-2235 "Callidus" multi-phase beam cannon, mounted in chest; ShEZ-MA1 experimental atmospheric DRAGOON Adaptable GunBarrel x 2; ShEZ-MA2 experimental atmospheric DRAGOON Adaptable SaberBarrel x 2; MX-RQB505 beam claws x 2, Mobile Armor form only; MMI-X450 "Pedima Fiocina" foot beam cannon x 4, in both MA and MS forms
Optional Fixed Armaments:
Comet Cone: MA-BAR72/S high-energy beam rifle x 1; OWDD-V2 "Guardian" Expandable Positron Reflector Shield
Meteor Cone: RQM60 "Flash Edge" beam boomerang x 2; ShEZ-ASB1/ASB2 "Gladius" 2 Part Anti-Ship Beam Sword
Asteroid Cone: AGM148 "Dragonfly" guided missiles x 4 (simultaneous); ShEZ-KAB1 "SpitFire" Telescopic Multiphasic Beam Cannon
Pilot: Adam Cancho
Mechanical Designer: Numerous designers, one name of note being Alan Sherridan
I may have made a mistake here. I was under the impression that Impulse wasn't known at all, but I just read Destiny Astray Chapter 8 (the scanlator skipped chapters 5-7) and it had a reporter taking pictures of Impulse combining.Quote:
Originally posted by: Curium
Also Impulse was so top secret that Talia had to get direct permission from Dullindal to launch it in the first episode,
they look weird
Manufacturer: Some Whiny girl whose name I can't remember
User: Atrificial Intelligence
Unit type: Prototype Mega Assault Mobile Weapon Of Gigantic Destruction, And She's Hot Too.
First Deployment: Episode 1
Head height: ???
Weight: She'll Hit You If You Ask
Special equipment: She Can Make Weapons Appear Outta Nowhere
Armament: Cannons A'Plenty
Add-On Armament: Garter
Yeah, beat that one.
Those machineguns are HOT!
I don't think that you can beat that. KOS-MOS is THE scariest woman that I have ever seen(With the exception of her performance on Episode 2). Shion built her with some unholy evil weapons. Even though she is my favorite character of Xenosaga lets try to get something that is within gundams timeframe because if you get KOS-MOS then I get a gun that can generate multiple copies of Albedo.Quote:
Originally posted by: Kovash
Manufacturer: Some Whiny girl whose name I can't remember
User: Atrificial Intelligence
Unit type: Prototype Mega Assault Mobile Weapon Of Gigantic Destruction, And She's Hot Too.
First Deployment: Episode 1
Head height: ???
Weight: She'll Hit You If You Ask
Special equipment: She Can Make Weapons Appear Outta Nowhere
Armament: Cannons A'Plenty
Add-On Armament: Garter
Yeah, beat that one.
WOW, pretty ns the MS, but the seraphim ship just sucked. DReam mobile suit, actually Strike Freedom or Infinite Justice, i liked them very much, especially Infinite Justice is so cool.
Never played those PS2 games (don't even have the thing) but series sucked IMO, very weak.Quote:
Originally posted by: FelixZeroAlastor
I don't think that you can beat that. KOS-MOS is THE scariest woman that I have ever seen(With the exception of her performance on Episode 2). Shion built her with some unholy evil weapons. Even though she is my favorite character of Xenosaga lets try to get something that is within gundams timeframe because if you get KOS-MOS then I get a gun that can generate multiple copies of Albedo.Quote:
Originally posted by: Kovash
Manufacturer: Some Whiny girl whose name I can't remember
User: Atrificial Intelligence
Unit type: Prototype Mega Assault Mobile Weapon Of Gigantic Destruction, And She's Hot Too.
First Deployment: Episode 1
Head height: ???
Weight: She'll Hit You If You Ask
Special equipment: She Can Make Weapons Appear Outta Nowhere
Armament: Cannons A'Plenty
Add-On Armament: Garter
Yeah, beat that one.
I have only rented Episode 1 of the Xenosaga series but really thought it was a half-finished POS rip off. Give me Xenogears anyday, even if that game really was half-finished. Making 4 different games out of one story is a load of shit as far as I'm concerned...Quote:
Originally posted by: Marcis
Never played those PS2 games (don't even have the thing) but series sucked IMO, very weak.Quote:
Originally posted by: FelixZeroAlastor
I don't think that you can beat that. KOS-MOS is THE scariest woman that I have ever seen(With the exception of her performance on Episode 2). Shion built her with some unholy evil weapons. Even though she is my favorite character of Xenosaga lets try to get something that is within gundams timeframe because if you get KOS-MOS then I get a gun that can generate multiple copies of Albedo.Quote:
Originally posted by: Kovash
Manufacturer: Some Whiny girl whose name I can't remember
User: Atrificial Intelligence
Unit type: Prototype Mega Assault Mobile Weapon Of Gigantic Destruction, And She's Hot Too.
First Deployment: Episode 1
Head height: ???
Weight: She'll Hit You If You Ask
Special equipment: She Can Make Weapons Appear Outta Nowhere
Armament: Cannons A'Plenty
Add-On Armament: Garter
Yeah, beat that one.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!"
mmmm. and what about whole gundam that is deep blue but it's shining like akatsuki? blue shining Saivor would be nice. or maybe red one [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
_._(Unit Number)AFW-012 (Absolute Fortress-defense Weapon 012)
(Unit Name)Sagittarius
-(Head Height)31.17m
_(Unit Weight)46.3t
_.o(Unit Background)
Sagittarius is a costumed version of AFW-000, after Virgo arrive the Deserted City. Crystal and Dr. Wineberg worked together to improve AFW-000.
(Unit Description)
A very rare kind of design, the designer chooses to use one eye instead of the normal two eyes design. Its color is dark blue. It gives the feeling of death and danger. On both side of the skirt, there are energy clips for the beam/positron sniper canon on its back. On its left arm has an inbuilt Anti-Beam Field. It also has a Beam Launcher inbuilt in its right arm.
՛(Power Source)
The power source of Sagittarius is from P.E. (Positron Engine). This power source is completing the energy cycle infinitely. No recharge is needed (energy recharges itself even the unit is off).
Y^(Cockpit Description)
360-degree screen cockpit, A.S. (Air Screen) is used to perform most conversations screens.
Beam/Positron sniper cannon x1(carry on back, it directly uses units positron energy. There are three fuses on the cannon to prevent the over releasing of positron energy. Each fuse can withstand one shot of the positron cannon. New fuses can only be renewed in the workshop.)
Beam ammo clip x3(one each on sniper cannon and right arms Beam Launcher, two on both sides of the skirt, each clip have 15 shot and takes around 30mins to recharge)
Beam Launcher x1(inbuilt in right arm)
Anti-Beam Field x1(inbuilt in left arm, able to refract beam energy when its switched on)
Shield x1(contain three signal missiles and high energy beam saber)
High energy beam saber x1(mounted in shield)
Bazooka x1(optional, when bazooka is mounted, it is impossible to mount Beam/Positron sniper cannon)
Signal missiles x3 (mounted inside the shield)
V.S. ground machine guns x2 (mounted on head.)
4D shield x1(built in energy shield, this shield can create an energy shield surrounding the unit. In this energy shield, normal physics does not applied. With this shield activated, this unit is able to travel at 0.9% of light speed. However, after this shield is activated, it will block and reflect all kinds of beam or physical attack from inside or outside. This shield spends a lot of energy. Without external energy, this shield can only stay active for 3 minutes in normal earth reference frame.)
OS (Operating System)
This unit contains an OS before it was sealed S.S.(Skyline System) which is also the main OS for AFW-000.
zg A.I. (Artificial Intelligence)
Sagittarius didnt contain an A.I. originally when it is still AFW-000. Kazami Kira continued to use his self-programmed A.I. Athena. Athena is an A.I. Kira designed according to his own image of an ideal female.
my dream unit(not gundam...but unit)
appears in the novel - The Legend of Sagittarius
To bad this topic says "Dream Gundam" then.
I've tried slaping together a unit with almost everything I liked in it.
Ended up with a monster. ^_^; I'd tell you what it has, but I'd want to finish drawing it before I start describing it. I,ve already drawn a prototype, but it's proportions are off so I have to re-draw it.
Fun thing about it is that it's a modular desing a bit like the Strike, but has plenty of resources at hand to be a formidable opponent without it's moduals and the moduals themselves aren't as limited as the strike's in their functions.
Thing is though, some might cringe at it uppon first sight as it might seem a little too packed. ^_^;
It's only flaw that I can think of is that it's incapable of atmosphearic flight without one of it's packs, but I'm hoping to be able to give it increased agility to manuver a bit like an AS in Full Metal Panic when it's got nothing on it's back. Although the more I think about it, the less it seems possible.
found this on the net lol
Originally posted by: jing
found this on the net lol
now that`s a Gundam.
dude thatz a transformer lol or powerranger