Saviour is my fav., but too bad the bright red colour didnt suit me well.
Aegis was good, but the Mobile Armour mode looked a bit too square when you look from behind...
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Saviour is my fav., but too bad the bright red colour didnt suit me well.
Aegis was good, but the Mobile Armour mode looked a bit too square when you look from behind...
Id say Saviour for me but when he starts to use the ij i will think its the best for him and i hope that he will be on seed mode with it. he hasent been on seed mode just as much as kira and shinn thats means his seed mode is a little more special [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
There isn't an opinion about this. Infinite Justice is the correct answer as that suit is several times more powerful than Justice which was as powerful as Freedom.
Now if you would ask "Which is your favourite unit Athrun uses" it would be a diffrent story.