It was from Sweden. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Not like I -want- to remember that...
Pretty cool how a swede was an important character though.
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It was from Sweden. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Not like I -want- to remember that...
Pretty cool how a swede was an important character though.
hmmm its great right when a female pilot goes in to get ready to pilot a gundam,, she gets covered in that skin-tight suit *__*
hmmm *hurries to d/l*
Hmm so the Swede gets to be important? Cool. I detest that swedish gundam tho, what the hell is swedish about Sailor Moon?
At least it's not Maxter. *shudder*Quote:
Originally posted by: PSJ
I detest that swedish gundam tho, what the hell is swedish about Sailor Moon?
They should have just souped up the Statue of Liberty and used that instead.
Maxter isn't to bad, the only thing that is stupid about that unit is those "gloves" that sits on it's shoulders and then that the breast plate pops off when his is going into battle. Great idea to remove your armor when you are going to fight.
Could be worse, how about Viking Gundam...or, the WINDMILL GUNDAM!? Thats about as funny as Crocket being the Queen of Diamonds....
Queen of spades, but yes it is funny as hell that a man got the title of queen. I love it when he says in an entirely serious voice "I don't have much interest in the title of Queen of Spades." How about "Queer of Spades"? You think he will like that title more?
Honestly i would rather have the Viking Gundam than the Schoolgirl Gundam. Vikings are cool and as scandinavian as you can get.
I get goosebumps everytime burning gundam does his burning finger. Its....just.....too.....awesome!! O_o
Was there ever a caribbean or P.R gundam?? I don't think there was. It was for the best. It would have owned everyone anyway.
Master Asia's death was the BEST death in all of Gundam. Hands. Fucking. Down.
I never fail to cry when he & Domon say their thing one last time. I'm for real getting stuffy just thinking about it.
God I LOVE G Gundam. It's my favorite gundam series ever. I've heard that a lot of people hate this series simply because it's goofy. IMO, it's just a different take on war....the Gundam Fight is a BRILLIANT idea in general. The characters are good too. Master Asia owns everyone.....EVERYONE.....
g gundam rocks alright
but i hate the scene where domon struggles wearing his spandex..and at the end of the scene they show how fit his ass is.
that's just gross.
I didn't like the dubbed version, and have never seen the subbed version- SO I'm downloading said 11gig file now, but so help you all if I don't like it after waiting 2-3 days for the download..... I'll poke you with sticks! yes, that's right, STICKS!
G gundam is awsome. Sai is the best. I just love his Dragon gundam. Domon yelled a bit to much for me though. Those finger attacks are just awsome.
I think that Sai got cheated during his final fight with Domon. That second buring finger was just cheap. Rain is also the best out of all of the G pilots as she subdued one of the four kings without even killing the pilot, and it was her first time in the gundam and her first fight too. Shows how everyone else is inferior to her. Allenbe is also cool.
1.Sai Saichi
2.Master Asia
3.Allenbe Beardsly
5.Domon Kashu
Thats my top 5 list.
My fave would have to be God Gundam. Shining Gundam comes next. Loved the scene where Domon takes over God Gundam and where Shining Gundam passes his battle info to his successor. The John Bull Gundam looks good as well.
I've got a Gundam Weapons G Gundam Special book. Lotsa good model pics inside. Will scan and post up soon if you guys are interested.
I'm interested, i would love to see them.
Just finished ep 30, the ep where Domon fights Allenby. Allenby is great but her crew is fucking insane. Fun that Sweden got an army that trains kids seeing as how we got virtually no army right now.
am i the only one that didnt like G gundam? i thought it was just so.... so.... just weird. i mean blow wind gundam? and that episode where domon dislocated his shoulder to escape the snake. wtf i never knew that worked! to me it was just too much like..... dbz. regardless i still watched the entire series. and i i must admit master asia was awsome. i mean he has the sash of DEATH and the name master asia... i mean u got the asian part and the master part!
True, it isn't like any other Gundam show at first it is just mindless action but later in it gets alot of good character development and by ep 25 or so it gets really emotional. DBZ never had any of those. But i guess you could call it a DBZ with Gundams and a hell of alot better story and better characters.
Some things indeed are questionable like dislocating the gundams shoulder and when the Nobel gundam is breathing heavily but every show got something questionable and most of the time you just don't care. This is one of those shows where you don't care about things like that.
Originally posted by: FelixZeroAlastor
G gundam is awsome. Sai is the best. I just love his Dragon gundam. Domon yelled a bit to much for me though. Those finger attacks are just awsome.
I think that Sai got cheated during his final fight with Domon. That second buring finger was just cheap..
I &#^$% KNOW! That fight kicked so much ass. And then, just when it looks like Domon might legitimately lose, that fucking God Finger came out of NOWHERE! That just screamed "I'm the main character...I can't lose."
Still, Sai was the only one who gave Domon a shitload of trouble...not even Master Asia had him on the ropes like that.
At least our gundam is called Nobel gundam, after Alfred Nobel. That's badass.
sai was awsome and his ultiment technique was like that kamakazie butterfly thing where he spun around super fast. i cant remember the fight well, except for the end wehre burning finger countered his kamakazie attack? can someone fill me in on the fight? also i am dissapointed that gsd stole burning finger! destiny gundam has that sorta burning finger thing(yes its a palm cannon but still). its SOOO RIPPED OFF version of god finger...