Originally posted by: blightian
shin is just overrated. he is a gd pilot but not that good. so far he has only defeated grunts. athrun and kira were in disadvantage when shin attacked them. kira wasn't serious and athrun was in a freaking GOUF/ZAKU.
u may argue that shin defeated those destroys and one druggies. but think about it. those destroy could be destroyed by kira and athrun EASILY. they could just dodge those shots and slash that cockpit. as for a AUEL. well we must say the new batch of druggies, stellar, sting and auel aren't as strong as the previous. never seen a druggy killed by grunts from ORB (i'm referring to sting). the old druggies in GD SD could actually match up with kira and athrun 3v2. the new batch couldn't even take a hit from kira(if kira is in wants to kill, back then when Heine died)
my ponit. shin is weak.
he beat 4 out of 5 destroy gundams...and the only people u can think that could do the same are kira and athrun...and u call shinn overrated...u just put him in the top 3 in terms of pilot talent...a little contradictory don`t u think???