Yes im liking this anime
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Yes im liking this anime
Second Episode I felt was a bit slower... but maybe its just I haven't slept in three days... so the fact that it kept me awake is a feat!
Ep3 was fun... with the three old men and their Power Ranger-style armor... that was funny! makes you wonder what the hell are armors on this planet... and the bad guy's armor somehow looked like an EVA unit... and what is that blue glow coming from Dann and stuff?
dude can you also say where you get those epi´s from??
lol ya i only seen eps 1 and try to search for others but cant find themQuote:
Originally posted by: turkish-shikamaru
dude can you also say where you get those epi´s from??
you can get them right here
I always get them from Baka-Updates
for any anime I watch... I'll try posting the link to the torrent next time
EDIT: Episode III
ok thanks [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
i was a bit skeptical about this series before, based on the first ep, id didnt really pop or anything, but the third ep totally sold me on this show, im a big fan of sentai, and shit, that was just cool. also the robot looked a whole hell of alot like gaogaigar, who im also a big fan of, and we didnt see Van or Dann in action much at all, so that was also cool.
anyway yeah, the next ep looks to be a little disturbing, what with Van possibly making drunken advances on his young travel companion. fucking japs, cant leave the young girls alone
I havent seen the 3rd eps but dling now and on sentai did u mean hentai?
No, he didn't.Quote:
Originally posted by: dark maginn
I havent seen the 3rd eps but dling now and on sentai did u mean hentai?
Just started watching this series. Looks OK.
Cool episode even though I not into this type of anime this one is pretty good so far
im liking this series so far, might even get better [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
So far, this series is just some kind of melting pot.
First episode was some kind of Mad Max episode...
Second episode was the average shounen episode, where they travel and help people on their way.
Third episode was a super mecha episode... I wonder if sunrise helped on that one, since the mecha really looked like Gao Gai Gar.
Fourth episode is the cliche episode where a character falls ill and that the other has to search for a doctor that doesn't live that near...
and from what we can see from the opening... it's feels like it's gonna go on with the "one episode = 1 vilain"
yea shinsen is up to 3..there subbing at a good speed..cause episode 5 just came out..
funny how people bag on this series yet everyone seems to LOOOOVE trinity blood. so far, the latter has been 12 out of 12 subbed episodes of FILLER!!! >__<
something tells me this series might hav more promise than most mecha/western shows. but like stekkos said, nothing new.
I dunno about this one either. the main character seems a bit off to me. Or maybe I just don't like his VA, sounds like he's mumbling :p And I find the stuff with the little girl, like her shower scene, a bit, well, unsavory. I've got to admit the animation looks nice though, so I'll have to see.
Ya the animation is nice and vans sword is kick ass
Episode 3 just made this series infinitely gayer. I'm dropping this series if episode 4 doesn't redeem itself.