will Kira take it to next level???
Shinn, Athrun or Kira won't die. I would say that those 3 are the only ones that are 100% immune to death in this series.
One thing i'm rather sure about is that Shinn will defect from ZAFT- He can't become the shows hero if he doesn't. Don't try to lie to yourselfs you all know that Shinn, Kira and Asuran will share the final spotlight.
will Kira take it to next level???
yea but from the way episode 38 went down i get the feeling we can expect shinn to defect at the last few(during the final battle) episodes unless like i said before he hears duilandals plan for himself very early like in the next few episodes. imo it just wouldnt look right him aboard the aa talking to kira and asuran about their next move
will Kira take it to next level???
i think shinn is prolly gonna be the hero in the series only if he dies...., i think its gonna turn out like this, shinn is gonna sacrific his life in a very important scene and stop the war because at the end he found out what he done was wrong. then all the haters that hate shinn now gonna be like, he aint that bad and feel very sorry for shinn for hating him....
but i believe shinn is gonna die unless someone talk him out of it...like athrun....he was about to die but cagalli talk him out of it, and there is much ressembalance of athrun and shinn.
Shinn doesn't really have anyone in gsd, FAMILY, GIRLFRIEND(LOVE OF HIS LIFE) DIED...he has nothing to live for really besides the war...(we dont know how close is he to lunamaria)
i wont be suprise if he died for a VERY GREAT Purpose. then we all gonna feel sorry for Shinn.... =( =P
will Kira take it to next level???
Originally posted by: naruto-kira
(we dont know how close is he to lunamaria)
For god sakes he kissed the damn girl and told her he would protect her. What else do you want. A scene of them sleeping together? Which might happen actually.
will Kira take it to next level???
i know but, he killed her sister, how could she let it go so easily...she might be using Shinn
will Kira take it to next level???
Originally posted by: naruto-kira
i know but, he killed her sister, how could she let it go so easily...she might be using Shinn
I doubt it. She's not a pshyco bitch like Flay. But there is always a chance that it might be true. We need to see more eps. to find out.
will Kira take it to next level???
I find her personality switch of the situation to be alil interesting thou. I doubt she truly thinks they went insane. It could be like that she knows what they did to Athrun. If she was smart she'd put things together and worry about her safety. Her sister and the guy she had a thing for both "betrayed" ZAFT. Shes also the only one to really know what was said during that meeting. Solidifying her position with the chairman's biggest pawn is the safest option for her. She also really does care for Shinn atleast as a friend she's constantly been worried about his behavior and what not. She trained with him and Rey specifically. Thats why they worked so well together. I loved that remark "Did you forget. I'm a Red too."
will Kira take it to next level???
hmm... Kira will probably whoop Shinn's ass, while the defecting Lacus 3rd Party attains "true piece" for the cosmos...
at least until Bandai decides they need to sell more Gundam models to stay alive and prods another series from this timeline! (or at least a movie or "special series" of like 4 eps)
Yes, kira does kick ass in space, its his homefield advantage. he learned to kick ass in an MS there, and he will continue to rool fools for rest of SEED Destiny
MY only hope is that Rey Za Burrel wises up and assasinates the guy with some devious scheme (cuz its obvious that the creators have deemed Kira just about immortal in an MS) and Rey doesnt seem to have a SEED himself. Whatever happens, I feel Athrun will come in to mop up and reep all the glory along with a shitty, excessively foul mouthed Yzak, trailed as always by Deaka and Nichol (Casperishly floating there) rocking EAF druggie Version 2.9 (watered down Stings and male Stellar remakes) in battle up in space.
Because once people in zAFT wise up to Dullindal, Kira and Lacus Faction will get tons of support, checkmate biotch.
will Kira take it to next level???
quote- it could be like that she knows what they did to Athrun. If she was smart she'd put things together and worry about her safety. Her sister and the guy she had a thing for both "betrayed" ZAFT. Shes also the only one to really know what was said during that meeting. Solidifying her position with the chairman's biggest pawn is the safest option for her. She also really does care for Shinn atleast as a friend she's constantly been worried about his behavior and what not.
i also think that is what she doing too, she couldn't let gil know what she heard(she might even believe kira too, because of the whole Lacus insodent), at the same time she might want to get close to Shinn to take away Gils best pilot, also if Athrun ask lunamaria to come with him( im pretty sure she will follow athrun, like her sister) she maybe even find a way to kill Shinn to get revenge for her sister, it's very possible, because the whole thing letting go so easily for the dude that killed her sister doesn't make sense...
will Kira take it to next level???
Originally posted by: naruto-kira
i know but, he killed her sister, how could she let it go so easily...she might be using Shinn
Because she's been by Shinn's side for like fucking ever? I'm sure Shinn is as important to her as Meyrin was. The whole concept of Lunamaria just using Shinn in some scheme of grand revenge is inane as NOTHING has suggested such a thing taking place.
Originally posted by: masamuneehs
hmm... Kira will probably whoop Shinn's ass, while the defecting Lacus 3rd Party attains "true piece" for the cosmos...
Yeah, either that or Shinn joins them and gangbangs Rey and Dullindal. Personally, I'd prefer if they just killed Shinn instead of assassinating his character and turning him into a nancy boy like Kira.
The ideal thing for me would however be Rey busting into Lacus base of operations and then planting a bullet between her eyes. Making Kira go bat-shit insane and fight with Shinn to the death, and then die the most gruesome death possible whilst screaming like a girl. Yeah, that would be hot.
will Kira take it to next level???
Originally posted by: naruto-kira
i know but, he killed her sister, how could she let it go so easily...she might be using Shinn
quote-Because she's been by Shinn's side for like fucking ever? I'm sure Shinn is as important to her as Meyrin was. The whole concept of Lunamaria just using Shinn in some scheme of grand revenge is inane as NOTHING has suggested such a thing taking place.
you are a very very confused.........a dude like a regular friend not even a boy friend.....( and lunamaria likes athrun too) that makes her even more mad...kill her sister and the dude she likes...think about it.....??? she didn't even liked shinn in the begining because of his immaturity....now all the sudden her sister and athrun-(the guy she liked all that time got killed by Shinn), she would hook up with Shinn????........man look at what happen to Shinn after Stella and his Family died...He start pointing fingers everywhere.....and u gonna say...Shinn been her side all along....WUT SIDE???..
will Kira take it to next level???
Originally posted by: naruto-kira
you are a very very confused.........a dude like a regular friend not even a boy friend.....( a girl that like athrun ) that makes her even more mad...kill her sister and the dude she likes...think about it.....??? she didn't even liked shinn in the begining because of his immaturity....now all the sudden her sister and athrun-(the guy he liked all that time), she would hook up with Shinn........
You seem to be the confused one here. Yes, she didn't like that Shinn was immature at times. She never disliked or hated him however. I dislike a lot of things about my friends, but I don't dislike or hate them. Everyone has flaws.
They've been friends since the Academy, and as far as I know they've maintained that friendship. If the scene in Episode 37 didn't convince you of the closeness they had as friends.. then I don't know what would convince you. Shinn as a soldier of ZAFT did his duty and took two people branded as traitors down. Lunamaria was able to understand this and not hate him because of it.
She's a mature and intelligent girl. Not Frey.
Originally posted by: naruto-kira
man look at what happen to Shinn after Stella and his Family died...he start point fingers everywhere.....
I must have missed this excessive finger-pointing. He blames ORB for the death of his family. He blames Kira for the death of Stellar. He blames the EAF for committing atrocities such as the Extended. And he blames Asuran for being a traitor.
Is he incorrect?
ORB was unable to protect his family. Kira did contribute to the death of Stellar. The EAF has commited tons of atrocities. And Asuran did indeed betray ZAFT and Dullindal.
will Kira take it to next level???
u oviously dont have any siblings.........comparing friend to family.......as much a friend can be close, there is no comparing to family.....and u call lunamaria intelligant...i say that is pretty cold hearted and blind to me.....as best friend kira and athrun were, athrun tried to kill kira because he kill nicol...and nicol is not family too, u must be insane...to not forgive and be mad is one thing, but to hook up with him....everytime u look at him, he's the person that killed her sister....and shinn is not even a person he liked...now all of the sudden she like him after he killed her sister and athrun which she liked.....u out of your mind
will Kira take it to next level???
Originally posted by: naruto-kira
u oviously dont have any siblings.........comparing friend to family.......as much a friend can be close, there is no comparing to family.....and u call lunamaria intelligant...i say that is pretty cold hearted and blind to me....
Stop posting. Nai is right.
will Kira take it to next level???
terra's right Nai is right naruto-kira, as for shinn pointing fingers given the fact that his character give's off the impression of being an asshole it perfect that he blames orb for the death of his family but look at the series now orb stays neutral the eaf destroys them now orb join's the eaf and zaft will want to destroy them who know after this battle he'll have some sort of revelation and relize just what the hell is going on
will Kira take it to next level???
its quite obvious that ZAFT is now going to move on to taking out ORB so i bet it will be there where we will see the battle between SF, IJ & Destiny, Legend and its set up that something like a battle where kira and asuran will make shinn and rey retreat because its still to early in the ep for either of them do die or lose their unit.
i dont like shinn that much atm but i think he will not die in fact that he will turn and join with kira+asuran.
oh and wasnt it asuran who killed shinn's family with a miss shot?? i think some of you should go back and have a look.
will Kira take it to next level???
maybe you should go back and watch the episode since it isnt clear who did kill shinn's family and asuran at that time was still deciding if he should join the battle. the whole issue about shinn's parents killer or whatever is unclear all we know is a battle was taking place between calamity and freedom then shinn's parents are blown into oblivion why people keep saying so and so killed them when the episode clearly doesnt show who did kill them, which is why i think shinn blames the atha family for the death of his parents
will Kira take it to next level???
calamity killed shinn's family
either way, it was collateral damage
not a good way to die
will Kira take it to next level???
Originally posted by: john_doe_107
calamity killed shinn's family
either way, it was collateral damage
not a good way to die
Yeah, way to blame the EAF druggie whose already dead.
Did you see that particular shot from Calamity hit them? When? Point it out to me.
Of course Shinn wil be pissed that Kira fought there, and hopefully that'll be enough to keep him from joining LAcus Faction and giving them uber-extravagent power (which they'll get anyway, since Athrun and Kira can't be killed, and will undoubtedly get some incredible Gundam to use from LAcus or or something like that)
Who fired the shot that killed Shinn's parents? Does it even matter? Unless they pulled an Yzak and were like, "Oh, some helpless civilians fleeing battle. I think I'll kill them." BAM! how can you say anyone is to blame more than others? Perhaps it is ORBS fault for not issuing an evacuation order earlier or failing to sortie with the enemy over the ocean where less collateral damage would occur. RAther, ORB would be more proper to blame than any particular soldier out there.
will Kira take it to next level???
I can't see Shinn joining the Clynn faction I can see Lunimaria defecting when she learns her sister is alive however and Shinn in turn breaking down when he's ordered to kill her as a traitor.