I was thinking.... There could be a side story about these Gundams. If not they should make one. Something like...a boy in PLANT finds Duel in a warehouse and upgrades it and so on. Not a bad start huh?
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I was thinking.... There could be a side story about these Gundams. If not they should make one. Something like...a boy in PLANT finds Duel in a warehouse and upgrades it and so on. Not a bad start huh?
Sorry about the double post... I feel like a noob
And yet you post a third time...
GotWoot Moderator
These suits are dead not because they were designed poorly or because ZAFT doesn't want to reproduce EAF models or can't repair them or anything like that.
I am beginning to think that Gundam pilots and Gundams are all about selling model kits and coming up with newer/ better designs by the artists and designers. I honestly feel that some characters are killed off or lose their suit at predetermined times in the series so that Bandai can whip out new models and toys and all that stuff.
In the immortal words of Mel Brooks' Yogurt, "Merchandising, merchandising! Where the real $ from the movie is made!" ..in this case anime...
In my opinion, they took off Duel and Buster, because it was the new series and they didn't want to make their new characters look too crappy. In other words, they were afraid that we would like Duel and Buster way better than Impulse and the new crappy suits. No offense, but Impulse, Gaia, and Chaos are really not what I expected. Seriously, they show us Duel and Buster with suits like that, people will be happy for Duel and Buster and not for whatever. Anyways, probably just took them off, so we can watch the new characters develop in their suits or whatever.
They took them off because simply put they were not the most popular gundams of Gundam SEED while the ones that stayed on were. Though I am hoping they will just make a new version of each of them like with the new Freedom and Justice. They could call them Assualt Gundam (Duel) and Burst Gundam (Buster).
P.S. Yes I know the names suck, but I was so tempted that I had to try.
I think they should rename Duel "Yzak Gundam". No better name can ever exist.
Should have expected that name, while they are at maybe they could even make the head part in the shape of Yzak's hair lol.
rofl that would be great. I like the way you think!
You also forget the fact, ever since the series started you rarely see Yzak or Dearka in action, so even if you gave them their suits back, it wouldn't really matter, because you wouldn't see them using it much. Since they've become somewhat forgotten.(of course, i would never forget them, hell, still on top 5 list.)
At least Yzak showed that he's still the king back in ep 6. Hopefully however he has a significant role to play towards the end (though a somewhat negative part of me tells me that he'll end up getting shot down by either Shinn or Kira for some obscure reason). *sigh* too bad there aren't any druggies left for him to kill this time [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] Still, though, some new cannon fodder might be introduced (I mean we have one season to go and hardly any badguys left).
Kira will definately not take care of the job, since he lacks the intent to kill. Shinn will definately fall to him in some way, because I still consider Shinn a noob!(compared to my top 5 list, at least.) If possible, it'd be cool if Dearka got back with Milly and AA, then he'd have no choice but to join them and Yzak will follow, joining forces with Kira to take down those bastards.(Crazy thought?)
It might be crazy but I like it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Also the Kira thing just came to mind because the Archangel are enemies of ZAFT, which Yzak still serves under, and it'd be like:
Yeah you know, like the old Seed days.
That wouldn't really be helping much, now would it? 5 minutes on the ship together and things will really be a war left and right in that ship.x.x
Kira:Hi there..I'm Kira, pilot of Freedom!
Yzak:Yo..say that again?!
Well I wouldn't mind a 5-episode punching fest between Yzak & Kira, I'm sure that if they actually fought hand to hand Yzak would beat that guy apart... damn Kira and his superior gundam mischief [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
I'm sure Yzak will own Kira in combat capabilities, and if the guards come, I'm sure Yzak's hair can deflect bullets. And also, it wouldn't take him 5 episodes, and I'm sure Kira will be dead 5 minutes into the episode.
Jesus, that's such a funny thought, I'd draw that if I.. ehh.. could draw. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Anyway, things look pretty fucked for Yzak if he keeps riding around in his zaku during the upcoming season. Most likely all the crucial chars will end up with gundams, and even though Yzak is the almighty overlord of all things he can't possibly keep up with that in his zaku... or can he? I don't really know how powerful zakus are considered in Destiny, in other gundam series the zakus can't even scratch gundams but here some of them seem perfectly capable of even hurting them.
He will jump into Rey's gundam, kicking him out, flat on his ass, Yzak will then step on him on his way out and go out fighting whoever, you see, problem solved. Then again, I like the previous idea better, The new and improved Duel with new and improved weapons!
Rey will be like zomgwtf! and then join the Yzak fanclub, making me like Rey even more!
You also gotta remember that if Yzak doesn't get his Yzak Gundam, that I am sure the mecha creators already stole as soon as I made that post about the hair helmet, Yzak can always go into SEED mode and at least obliterate Impulse (though hopefully not my fav. gundam girl Lunamaria) and if Dearka helps him I bet them both in SEED mode would destroy Destiny and then Yzak gets to live since Kira is still "the 0 kill pilot" and Athrun isn't gonna kill an old comrade and Rey will probably be protectin Dullindal back at PLANT.
EDIT: lol, same minute now thats just creepy.
lol! Yeah, very creepy, but aside from that..
Yzak in SEED mode? they all better be begging for mercy. Wow, expect to see alot of red when that happens.