You could've asked in the other IRC thread, but that's more of what's been said in the channel now, but questions were still answered.
Also, I don't think anyone has mentioned download triggers, etc. They aren't hard though.
Printable View
You could've asked in the other IRC thread, but that's more of what's been said in the channel now, but questions were still answered.
Also, I don't think anyone has mentioned download triggers, etc. They aren't hard though.
I'm expert at irc i can download anything now.
But if there was a thread like this before i could have asked how to download stuff.
I asked in gotwoot irc thread,they just talk shit there not help ya.
The IRC thread isn't for helping people out, smartass.Quote:
Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
I'm expert at irc i can download anything now.
But if there was a thread like this before i could have asked how to download stuff.
I asked in gotwoot irc thread,they just talk shit there not help ya.
Still you can help people who need help anyway smartass.....
I sure havent missed you lame posts...
Unban request.
Fine, you're unbanned.
Wwhen I try to connect to Rizon, I got this notice 6667 Please use this Server/Port instead
[10:19] Closing Link: (You are not authorised to use this server)
what does this mean? It was fine for me yesterday then when I restart my comp and wants to try connect to Rizon, it gave me that msg >_<
Edit: nvm I can get connected to Rizon now, I guess it was the Rizon itself =D
Connect to gotwoot also
/server -m
So, I've been trying to connect to the irc and i keep getting these error messages
"Closing Link: anphorus[] (User has been banned from Gotwoot (Open proxy found on your host, please visit"
" *** You are banned from Gotwoot (Open proxy found on your host, please visit"
I deleted the numbers because they look kind of similar to an Ip adress, and I don't think I should be giving it out.
So I clicked the link and looked around a bit and I don't know what do do to fix this. Can anybody help?
Stop using a proxy?
My suggestion to all of you is to never join the GotWoot IRC channel because there are a bunch of faggots in there like Mut@chi with fake authority who ban you for calling them a "dumb chode" and telling them to "shut the fuck up". What a fucking pansy.
Originally posted by: milfhunter
My suggestion to all of you is to never join the GotWoot IRC channel because there are a bunch of faggots in there like Mut@chi with fake authority who ban you for calling them a "dumb chode" and telling them to "shut the fuck up". What a fucking pansy.
We're sorry did we offend you in one way or another? IRC is more for grown ups, perhaps you would feel better back in an AOL chatroom where you belong?
Originally posted by: milfhunter
My suggestion to all of you is to never join the GotWoot IRC channel because there are a bunch of faggots in there like Mut@chi with fake authority who ban you for calling them a "dumb chode" and telling them to "shut the fuck up". What a fucking pansy.
milfhunter: Can i get my panties unbunched?
DragonOutlaw: Not likely. Try some WD-40
Originally posted by: milfhunter
My suggestion to all of you is to never join the GotWoot IRC channel because there are a bunch of faggots in there like Mut@chi with fake authority who ban you for calling them a "dumb chode" and telling them to "shut the fuck up". What a fucking pansy.
yo i know man wtf! samehting happened to me2. stupid mut@chi is soo gay and him and Y are like butt buddies. every1 in there has fake authority and the mods should really do something about it. the irc channel should be fun for every1 and this is just giving gw a bad reputatoin!!
And DragonOutlaw, you should try to not be such a prick all the time. be nice for once and maybe u'll make some real friends!
If you don't like the IRC channel join a group that cares here are two of them
The Mut Hater's fanclub
The IRC-admin hater's fanclub
You don't like this place? Then you won't mind going on vacation for awhile. Don't let the door hit you on your way out.
User has been banned.
GotWoot Moderator
I wonder when the joke of berating people for having no real life at net forums gets old, if ever. It's like a dude who goes to a bar, drinks a couple of beers and then starts to tell the other customers they really shouldn't come to a bar to drink beer.
Whilst people like Mut@chi seem to have their own concept of good manners, it seems to me he has been on that channel forever, so who am I to say if it's good or bad? When you enter a house, you just need to follow the rules of that house or leave, even if you were invited. It's no use to whine.
Edit: Well, wasn't that nice... I wrote a polite response to a post, and then a mod comes and removes that post... Oh, well. You can't succeed every time.
Yeah another stupid fuck is gone from gotwoot. We can finally say the mods did something right. Btw you can use this vacation time to get the sand out of your vagina milfhunter. =)
EEEEEeeeeeeew...............I wonder what milfunter said.Quote:
Originally posted by: DragonOutlaw
Yeah another stupid fuck is gone from gotwoot. We can finally say the mods did something right. Btw you can use this vacation time to get the sand out of your vagina milfhunter. =)
i saw milf's post. It was pretty nasty and not really worth quoting. Let's just say that I really wouldn't be surprised if he's gone for a good long time, if not forever. I for one won't miss him. He was a pretty mean spirited person.Quote:
Originally posted by: God#2
EEEEEeeeeeeew...............I wonder what milfunter said.Quote:
Originally posted by: DragonOutlaw
Yeah another stupid fuck is gone from gotwoot. We can finally say the mods did something right. Btw you can use this vacation time to get the sand out of your vagina milfhunter. =)
Anyhow, I just discovered something sorta funny (in a totally nerdy, cheesy way) about IRC. If you log on using the mIRC client and then log in from the Gotwoot website, you can talk to yourself!
* WebUser0845 has joined #gotwoot
<WebUser0845> wow, masamuneehs those are some awesome pictures in your gallery
<Masamuneehs> why thank you anonymous webuser!
<DragonOutlaw> lol
<WebUser0845> you should be made king of Gotwoot! I will fight loyally by your side to the death!
<Masamuneehs>, i don't think that's neccessary, but thanks
* WebUser0845 swoons
<DragonOutlaw> this is almost believeable
Gets old fast, but I got a chuckle out of it at first.