Final Fantasy: VII
Mario: Mario 64
Street Fighter: SF2 Turbo
Sonic: Sonic The Hedgehog (1) on the megadrive (genesis)
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Final Fantasy: VII
Mario: Mario 64
Street Fighter: SF2 Turbo
Sonic: Sonic The Hedgehog (1) on the megadrive (genesis)
diablo ii was a good game too.
Final Fantasy: FF7
Mario: Mario sunshine
Sonic the hedgehog: Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
Smash Brothers: Smash Brothers Melee
Warcraft: World of Warcraft
Zelda: Ocarina of time (but I have a feeling I might change it to the upcoming one)
Metroid: Metroid Prime
For the Final Fantasy, I'd go with 6 (or 3 in US).
I dunno if Smash Brothers can qualify as a franchise. I mean, yeah, there are two games, but isn't that too small? Well, even so, I agree with Smash Bros Melee being the better.
Warcraft, well, I didn't really like WoW, so WCIII for me.
Zelda.... LttP (SNES)
Zelda: Link to the Past (havent played and Cube ones ....)
Mario: Super Mario All Stars! --- but Super Mario RPG a close 2nd....
Final Fantasy- 7.... ohh but 6 and Tactics were super sweet too
Sonic- Sonic 3 + Sonic & Knuckles
Bond- Goldeneye, just for the sheer number of hours I played it.
Xeno- Xenogears, accept no cheap prequel knockoffs!
Tekken- TAG! Double the characters, double the strategy
Ogre- Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber
hey was link to past for N64 or GCUBE?
Link to the Past was SNES you newbie.
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening
Soul Calibur 2
Sonic: Sonic The Hedgehog
Street Fighter 2
Resident Evil 2
Pro Evolution 4
sonic adventure 2 was good. (i forgot that 1)
Mut, don't spam.
Hmm... Mut sends a oneliner in response...
Then Krbadass sends another oneline in response to Mut's oneliner saying don't spam.
Well then, let me say to both of you "Don't spam".
Hah, my post is now 4 lines long.
So is this also spam?
Oh, and I never played MSG 3 but was so dissapointed w/ MSG 2: Sons of Liberty that I have to go with the original MSG for PS1 as my fave of that series
MGS 3 is soo much better than MGS 2 so if you are MGS fan its a must.