Orochimaru and any young male in the series.
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Orochimaru and any young male in the series.
Yeah hes ecspecialy interested in sauske right now.Quote:
Originally posted by: mage
Orochimaru and any young male in the series.
But one thing no one metioned is Tenten/Lee. I dont know but it seemed to me tenten liked lee, however it may have been just a friend/brother like.
I think TenTen is into Neji. She's his #1 fan any time you see her.
In Lee's flashbacks, and when Neji's fighting Gaara, I think there's a little summthin summthin going on (at least in her mind - I think Neji would be oblivious to any sort of crush)
I think if Lee ended up with anyone it'd be Sakura, but that prolly won't happen.
And DarthEnder: I'm a believer that Chouji is alive [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
I have a feeling Lee's gunna get the shaft.
The best guys always get the shaft...
No kiddin.Quote:
Originally posted by: nge484
I have a feeling Lee's gunna get the shaft.
The best guys always get the shaft...
Shikamaru + Temari
Naruto + Hinata
The only relationships in the show that actually have grounds to back 'em up. So far.
Naruto isn't much of a romantic show in the end though. Kishimoto seems entirely incapable of putting that into storyline except for the generic anime romanticliche scenes.
I was gonna mention that once I stopped spouting out names. Honestly, I don't even think Hinata's gonna wind up w/naruto. Because there is 0 romance, there will be no story behind any relationships whatsoever.Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Shikamaru + Temari
Naruto + Hinata
The only relationships in the show that actually have grounds to back 'em up. So far.
Naruto isn't much of a romantic show in the end though. Kishimoto seems entirely incapable of putting that into storyline except for the generic anime romanticliche scenes.
I do, however, think that in about 20 episodes time or so, Shikamaru and Temari are gonna be like: "suprise! We're together!" and that'll be it. I think that'd be pretty heavy concerning Shika's character (how he doens't really get women - until now that is). No other character would be worth putting time into developing a relationship for I think.
i hafta agree....
especially with the shika part... its just gonna sorta happen
Shika is going to be whipped just like his father.
And that would make so much sene too, concerning the talks he's had w/his dad about women. I think it'd make great character developement for him. But then again, there's only a small chance of even that happening.Quote:
Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
Shika is going to be whipped just like his father.
I think terra put it very well.
Naruto+Hinata+Sakura [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
NaruHina for sure, I don't want to believe anything else really. Sakura's future depends on how long she pines for Sasuke if Naruto doesn't drag him back. Ino seems like a real wildcard... Shikamaru and Temari are a pretty cool couple, and I really do think that Neji and Tenten would be a good pairing.
You know what would be interesting... Shizune and Iruka. they're both cool supporting characters.
Girl/girl/guy threesomes rule.Quote:
Tsunade + any other female.
Well I can only guess, but I have a few ideas as to what might happen.
Shikamaru and Temari sounds realistic. I mean, you could see the tension between the two of them in thier most recent meeting. I also think that Shika's discussion with his father about women right before big mission is not much of a coincidence (he's also talking to Choji about Ino's comments also.) I'm sure that is building up.
Naruto has probably given up on Sakura, cause he knows how much she is in love with Sasuke. While I always found Sakura's crush on Sasuke turn full bloom love to be rather annoying, it's also a crush Naruto has on Sakura. Oh course I rooted for Naruto, he's a pretty cool dude and deserves to land a betty like Sakura, but I think he even knows that's probably not going to happen. And let's face it, Naruto doesn't seem to be a very romantic guy either, though I think he would know how to date if he ever did get a girl. (Hey he knows how to treat em, take for example taking sakura to the noodle shop and paying for it)
Hinata of course is an unknown factor. She hasn't really been in the series much since the Chuunin Exam, but i'm sure she still has feelings about Naruto. Of course she has never said. If she did confess, Naruto would treat her with respect. (Course he's prolly want to turn around and take her out). It would be kind of interesting if she caught wind of Naruto's crush to Sakura and decided she wanted to fight the pink haired girl, for reasons like " I'm jealous of you" or " You should look at what you have, but since your so blind i'm going to beat you up". That would be kind of interesting.
There's also the Rock Lee factor. He's interested in Sakura and I kinda think Sakura is interested in him a little bit also. She likes Sasuke more, but I think Rock Lee sorta impressed her a little. She brings him flowers just as she does with Sasuke.
I think the real reason Sakura's crush on Sasuke is so annoying, is that she's too blind and is closed off to anything else. She can't see Sasuke's faults, which in the end has lead her to a whole world of hurt.
rock lee could get any chick he wanted.