RE: Episode 27 Discussion "Spoilers"
Great episode!
I liked how Miriallia just walked in the room and went, "Thats an ecrpyted message," and took over the controls.
Originally posted by: Aeon
Rey seems untrustworthy, I can see him trying to take over the ship in the future.
I've been thinking the same thing. All we see him do is work on his computer (and fight occasionally.)
Episode 27 Discussion "Spoilers"
The problem with the Athrun and Sting fights is that Athrun isn't going for the kill or going seed mode on him so it just ends up a show of them both shooting at each other and getting nowhere. And Rey is probably gonna assume command of the ship at some point later in the series though it makes me wonder whats going to happen to Talia.
RE: Episode 27 Discussion "Spoilers"
what makes you ppl think rey will assume command over the ship, true he acts weird but assuming command over the ship is a bit harsh.
Episode 27 Discussion "Spoilers"
Rey won't do take over the ship or do something to the minerva because he doesn't do anything in the first place.
RE: Episode 27 Discussion "Spoilers"
Oh rey will be doing plenty of stuff in the episodes ahead. I suspect his path leads to a dark and fitting ending. To be allied with the chairman who is turning out to be just as evil.
RE: Episode 27 Discussion "Spoilers"
Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
what to say? well as ive said before dulinandal doesnt seem to be a good guy, with blueprints of destroy and all. i wonder what his connection to neo and djibril is.
impulse in blaster mode or whatever its called was quite cool actually, hovering on the water and all. i wonder why orb didnt use those cluster things before, they seemed quite effective a few more rounds and the minerva is down. and asuran and sting in one of those pointless battles again its clear that no one will win unless onw of the falls asleep or something.
btw the new ending sucks.
Well, at least the sub version I saw (I've forgotten whether I watched AniRupt or CellPhone already) Yuna ordered for them to ALL (the Clusters) be fired at once. They may be out of them now.
Episode 27 Discussion "Spoilers"
Yea, they are out cause stupid ol' Yuna was too busy sleepin and cuddlin his pillow to have them pack extra ammo lol. And Dullindal definitely = EVIL now.
Episode 27 Discussion "Spoilers"
Yeah, it appears Dullindal is evil now.
Either that or Mia Campbell is leaking stuff...
RE: Episode 27 Discussion "Spoilers"
You'll classify Gil as evil just because he had those blueprints? Wow. I'd call him fishy, but evil?
RE: Episode 27 Discussion "Spoilers"
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
You'll classify Gil as evil just because he had those blueprints? Wow. I'd call him fishy, but evil?
I've been calling "Gil" Evil since the Preview came out before the series started. Just the expression on his face gave me that impression.
RE: Episode 27 Discussion "Spoilers"
thats what im talking about he seemed fishy from the begining, and people just went out nah he's super good, he just made a lacus copy to boost the morale of the good guys, yea right...... and as for those cluster missiles, how hard is it to pack som extra clusters instead of some normal missiles?
RE: Episode 27 Discussion "Spoilers"
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
You'll classify Gil as evil just because he had those blueprints? Wow. I'd call him fishy, but evil?
The chairmans the guy the put the Mia into place as Lacus. Its his personnel that are her bodyguards/manager. They know its not the real Lacus from ep 26. The whiny guy yells at them to shoot her down fully aware of who it was. Yea I'd go along with the idea the chairman is evil now. Being seen with Rau at the lab and his acquiring of the Destroy plans. The evidence certainly isn't in his favor.
Episode 27 Discussion "Spoilers"
how can you be certain the guy in that lab is rau? he got the same haircut as neo, the haircolor resembled neos way more than raus but i guess you already were fully aware of that.
Episode 27 Discussion "Spoilers"
Of course I have my doubts about Gil being good. But if there's something Gundam has shown me, things are never what you expect them to be.
I think there's more to him having the blueprints than him being evil along with Djibril & Neo. I mean why the fuck do they even wage war if they are all allied...?
Episode 27 Discussion "Spoilers"
Sub: Haro^2_Tori^2
Are you thick? Do not edit moderator-edited posts. You just broke the rules twice. Don't do it again.
GotWoot Moderator
RE: Episode 27 Discussion "Spoilers"
yea i dont read spoilers so what? and i dont think as highly of your speculations as you seem to do even if you read spoilers, its still only speculations.
Episode 27 Discussion "Spoilers"
Well the spoilers I was referring to were from translations. I don't see how a translation can be a speculation. As for the waging war. I think Rau's past actions may be an example. Also take into consideration what the chairman mentioned at that dinner with the minerva crew where the gouf ignited was introduced.
Are you thick? Do not edit moderator-edited posts. You just broke the rules twice. Don't do it again.
As to the mod who wants to be nameless. I edited my own post. Whats wrong with editing one's own post? I thought that was a freedom here. Do I need to ask permission from someone whos name is hidden? I liked the old policy better where I knew who was doing what. Its like the mods are slacking now with their administrating. Please further explain what the second rule is for this ignorant person. Unless you wanna refer me to a mod who will actually talk.
Edit: I've been looking around, but for the life of me can't find where these rules I broke partially mentioned above are listed so that I can read them so I know what not to do next time. But for the life of me can't find them. Anyone wanna help me here.
RE: Episode 27 Discussion "Spoilers"
you did it again you spoiled. edit your new post to if you dont want a mod on your ass again. besides you called it yourself speculation in the post that got edited so dont go denying that.
Episode 27 Discussion "Spoilers"
My edited previous post doesn't even exist. And what spoilers are in my prior post. They are all events that have occured before ep 27. Damn what are you smoking?
Oh i remember the speculations bit. I said that cause I think thats the name of my thread i created or it was the description. You can post theories, ideas, spoilers or speculations there.
You edited your post after it was edited, the problem was that you referred to a spoiler thread for further speculation (i.e. things that can be revered as spoilers). There is a possability that you, while editing the post, did not notice the first edit. If so, please excuse that misunderstanding. The rule you broke was, again, referring to a spoiling thread to fuel your evidence in the argument with PSJ. If you do not understand what's wrong in such posts, you need to think again. Good day.
GotWoot Moderator
Episode 27 Discussion "Spoilers"
i can't get the harotori link to work
is that just my internet browser acting up or do more people have issues with it?
thanks in advance