Sky Grasper?Quote:
Originally posted by: Curium
TS-MA2mod.00 Moebius ZeroQuote:
Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
Muu La Fraga's unit in Gundam Seed dont remember its name
Maybe someone else know its name?
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Sky Grasper?Quote:
Originally posted by: Curium
TS-MA2mod.00 Moebius ZeroQuote:
Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
Muu La Fraga's unit in Gundam Seed dont remember its name
Maybe someone else know its name?
gunbarrel zeroQuote:
Originally posted by: Psyke
Sky Grasper?Quote:
Originally posted by: Curium
TS-MA2mod.00 Moebius ZeroQuote:
Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
Muu La Fraga's unit in Gundam Seed dont remember its name
Maybe someone else know its name?
Definitely Heine's awesome looking orange Gouf Ignited.
justice from gs
and strike rouge
(those are the only on's i know next to wing)
It's good that you changed your sig, but now you've broken another rule by using an animated sig that is bigger than the 400 x 80 maximum size. Sigs can't be stolen, animated, and/or bigger than 400 x 80 pixels. Please change it as soon as you read this.
GotWoot Moderator
Why the hell do you hate Gundam Wing, it is one the best Gundams eries. And mine, it has to definitely be the Wing Zero.
NO GUNDAMS ALLOWED!!!!!! lol, its so funny how none of them bother to read even the first page.
I did read the first page, so i said, "why the helld o you hate gundam wing" It never said it wasn't allowed....
Gouf Ignited is awesome. I love that whip!
Technically a gundam IS a unit. If he didn't want gundams he should have said favourite unit that ISN'T a gundam.Quote:
Originally posted by: Mite Gai
NO GUNDAMS ALLOWED!!!!!! lol, its so funny how none of them bother to read even the first page.
RX-93 Nu Gundam, and also RX-93-2 Hi Nu Gundam :-P
That is basically what he said on the first page, but if he isn't gonna bother enforcing his own rules then I don't care lol.Quote:
Originally posted by: NomoZ
Technically a gundam IS a unit. If he didn't want gundams he should have said favourite unit that ISN'T a gundam.
He said it the way he did since he didn't want us to just post gundams. Not gundam units. But all units. We have free choice of whatever. Not just gundams... Thats how it works out unless he did the grammar wrong.
I know you don't like anything from wing series but I still have to say that I like Tallgeese III
because wing is the worst series ever....worst than destiny..=.=bQuote:
Originally posted by: lilphatboi88
Why the hell do you hate Gundam Wing, it is one the best Gundams eries. And mine, it has to definitely be the Wing Zero.
-no story line
-units are ugly(gundams are not suppose to have wings, and look at wing zero custom, it's a freaking bio weapon!!!)
-the show itself is completely just a firework display, boring
-most charactors are idiots(especially the main female and heero)
-main character self-destructed so many times....and he never he a clone or something?
-single unit assalt is impossible for ANY units, even RX-78 GP-03 requires backup for refilling
-gundam's armor DOES NOT have that kind of freakening strength to just let you hit and won't get hurt(and don't give me that gundaium bullshit, cuz even first gundam is made out of gundaium)
-units cannot fight alone without any supports, not to mention how much time is needed to fix and refill the amulation, a ship is ALWAYS needed as a backup
Nice set of arguements. I still disagree. I don't care enough to line out arguements, but personally I think the whole UC timeline was much worse. Never cared for any of it. 0083 was the best in my opinion and that was so-so.Quote:
Originally posted by: PTX-003C
because wing is the worst series ever....worst than destiny..=.=bQuote:
Originally posted by: lilphatboi88
Why the hell do you hate Gundam Wing, it is one the best Gundams eries. And mine, it has to definitely be the Wing Zero.
-no story line
-units are ugly(gundams are not suppose to have wings, and look at wing zero custom, it's a freaking bio weapon!!!)
-the show itself is completely just a firework display, boring
-most charactors are idiots(especially the main female and heero)
-main character self-destructed so many times....and he never he a clone or something?
-single unit assalt is impossible for ANY units, even RX-78 GP-03 requires backup for refilling
-gundam's armor DOES NOT have that kind of freakening strength to just let you hit and won't get hurt(and don't give me that gundaium bullshit, cuz even first gundam is made out of gundaium)
-units cannot fight alone without any supports, not to mention how much time is needed to fix and refill the amulation, a ship is ALWAYS needed as a backup
UC timeline makes more sense in many waysQuote:
Originally posted by: Curium
Nice set of arguements. I still disagree. I don't care enough to line out arguements, but personally I think the whole UC timeline was much worse. Never cared for any of it. 0083 was the best in my opinion and that was so-so.Quote:
Originally posted by: PTX-003C
because wing is the worst series ever....worst than destiny..=.=bQuote:
Originally posted by: lilphatboi88
Why the hell do you hate Gundam Wing, it is one the best Gundams eries. And mine, it has to definitely be the Wing Zero.
-no story line
-units are ugly(gundams are not suppose to have wings, and look at wing zero custom, it's a freaking bio weapon!!!)
-the show itself is completely just a firework display, boring
-most charactors are idiots(especially the main female and heero)
-main character self-destructed so many times....and he never he a clone or something?
-single unit assalt is impossible for ANY units, even RX-78 GP-03 requires backup for refilling
-gundam's armor DOES NOT have that kind of freakening strength to just let you hit and won't get hurt(and don't give me that gundaium bullshit, cuz even first gundam is made out of gundaium)
-units cannot fight alone without any supports, not to mention how much time is needed to fix and refill the amulation, a ship is ALWAYS needed as a backup
and team 08 is the best of all....good graphics and good story line
not a super main charactor......
I'll admit I haven't seen 08th MS Team yet. I will look into getting it. What I've seen is 0079, 0080, 0083, most of Zeta, and Char's Counterattack. None of them particularly impressed me. The comment you made abou makeing more sense might be where we differ. When I watch anime I'm not concerned about scientific principals at all. I'm looking for something with a story that interests me, a criteria that Wing fulfilled more then any UC series I've watched, and it isn't just plain ugly (Super Deformed and the like).Quote:
Originally posted by: PTX-003C
UC timeline makes more sense in many ways
and team 08 is the best of all....good graphics and good story line
not a super main charactor......
My favorite unit has to be Tallgeese III. I don't think it is a gundam. Is it?
How could you not be impressed by the main UC story line, especially Zeta and Char's CA. It felt much more epic than any other series, except the original SEED...that's a close 2nd. The battles seemed more realistic too.
As for other UC series, i've seen 08th(awesome), 0083(pretty good until the ending eps), and F91(series turned into a movie...bad). I still have to see 0080 and Victory.
As for Wing, I agree with some of what PTX-003C said...mainly about realism, but I did enjoy the series and ova(I own them both)
This is hard to explain. The first thing that comes to mind, is that overall the characters in 0079 were by far the most annoying (I'm not saying there aren't annoying characters in others, its just almost every single character in 0079). With Zeta the main character, Kamille Bidan, was by far the most annoying character I've seen in any Gundam (with the exception of the children in 0079). I've been haveing to force myself to sit through Zeta.Quote:
Originally posted by: NomoZ
How could you not be impressed by the main UC story line, especially Zeta and Char's CA. It felt much more epic than any other series, except the original SEED...that's a close 2nd. The battles seemed more realistic too.
As for other UC series, i've seen 08th(awesome), 0083(pretty good until the ending eps), and F91(series turned into a movie...bad). I still have to see 0080 and Victory.
As for Wing, I agree with some of what PTX-003C said...mainly about realism, but I did enjoy the series and ova(I own them both)
I don't think this is a primary reason, but it could contribute. 0079 was the first UC series I saw, but it was the 5th Gundam series. I saw G Gundam, Wing, SEED, and X before I saw any UC.
Also the whole Colony Drop idea just seems rediculous. I'd seen it before and it seemed to get carried out repeatedly in UC. I did appreciate that at least in Char's CA they dropped a meteor rather then a colony. I mean Colonies require a great deal of supplies to build, and they are where the people in space live.
Another thing, I don't care the slightest bit about realism in Sci-Fi. I go into it looking for the most outrageous, unrealistic technology there is. If you think about it Submarine's, Space Travel, and even flight were once considered to be the idea's of mad men. You never know when a scientist will be inspired by something that isn't "realistic" to make it real.