read page 3 of this thread. kooshi said he's 18.
yeah kooshi, i think you look older in this pic..and you look a little out of it.
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read page 3 of this thread. kooshi said he's 18.
yeah kooshi, i think you look older in this pic..and you look a little out of it.
Yup, Eurasian is right on the money there. Also, that was because I was extremely tired that day, haha. My IB group was on a retreat and it was so hard to get to sleep when everybody in your cabin chattered away. Not only did I go to sleep at like 4 or 5, but the teachers got everyone to wake up at like 9 or 10.
well here's my second attempt to post my pic............................................... ..........
EDIT: i took my pic down.
EDIT again: my 3rd attempt to post my pic...............................
Here's my pic from like a year ago (I'm the guy on the left and the guy next to me is my brother):
wow. stos' bro is toby maguire/peter parker/spiderman. now we know two superheros; spiderman and iceman.
lol, i was thinking the same thing....soon as i saw that pic, i was like, "wtf, he took a picture with toby maguire?"
Eurasian, u look like a whore.
Yeah, I was kinda surprised to see Tobey Maguire for a second there, haha.
you know, i still have seen Eurasian's pic. she managed to post it while im gone and take it down before i come back. in both pic threads. it cant be that bad, can it?
apparently it canQuote:
Originally posted by: KaneInferno
it cant be that bad, can it?
now that isnt bad. Why do girls always freak out about showing there pics? every single board ive visited, there like " eh im ugly whaaa..." stop crying and just done ranting now...
oh damn whats spidey doing there?
Assassin, we're over.
KaneInferno, i never said i was ugly..other ppl said that.
well, like i said, i just started to rant. and btw, for those who do this, its rude to call others ugly, even if your joking. please, dont do it, wether they are or not.
Everything looks like Peter Parker except the chin.
board of command..what is "the shin????????"
Oops, it meant chin.
lol, nice work Eurasian, but i saw the comment [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
lol....wonder if it was gs again, or mut
it was GS
next person to go off topic will die.
Curses on you people, now I'm trying to find a picture where I look like my age, but I can't find any.
Meh, don't worry about that too much. The picture I posted was months old.
And to KaneInferno I don't see how we look alike
And for any one who doesn't know I'm the one on the right (BOC)
I GOT A HAIRCUT, now if only i had a digital camera :/
I don't recall saying anything about you Shi_No??...
Well you thought Shanpoo was a girl just making sure you don't think he same of me.
your other pic looked more similar. your right, that doesnt look the same
yallo called your girlfriend fat
I knew you're a guy, but it's ok to doubt yourself sometimes [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
jing, stop posting your pictures. we all know what you look like now. thanks.
you live in a space ship dont you...
okok ill stop lol .Quote:
Originally posted by: Samanosuke
you live in a space ship dont you...
ermmm... nice sig.
youd understand if you saw yallo's sig.
hahaha samanosuke why are you still using it???
and jing are you actually a jap? coz your spikey hair looks jap-like...
and yes I posted specially for the compare-and-contrast effect
edit: samanosuke, who's that guy in your avatar? Takeshi Kaneshiro aka Jin Cheng Wu?
jing you might wanna turn up the heat a little in your house
yallo i'll help you out...Quote:
Originally posted by: smilealwiz
hahaha samanosuke why are you still using it???
and jing are you actually a jap? coz your spikey hair looks jap-like...
and yes I posted specially for the compare-and-contrast effect
edit: samanosuke, who's that guy in your avatar? Takeshi Kaneshiro aka Jin Cheng Wu?
jing is not japanese
and the guy in sammy's ava IS kaneshiro takeshi..but from onimusha.
onimusha addict [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] nah jkin onimusha rocks
well as i dont have any pics of myself and even if i did i dont have my comp right now so i couldnt post em.... just picture a anorexicly skinny white guy with short blond hair.... like guy mary-kate skinny but without the insanely good looks
Do I know you? There's a guy in my school that fits that description exactly...
nah i live in florida.... unfortunatly dirty dirty state.... theres nothing to do if you dont live in orlando or miami and if you do live there the traffics a bitch.... sucks no matter what.... and its hot as hell for most of the godamn year
And that's why I've never been to Disneyland [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
you mean disney world
I grew up in Miami. I guess I didn't notice the traffic because I didn't come from a rich family -- meaning my parents didn't spoil me and buy me a car.
No I'm pretty sure it's Disneyland...*googles*...damnQuote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
you mean disney world
disney world is in florida, disney land is in california [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
all the way across the continent, and it STILL managed to maintain its consistent amount of gay. congatu-frickin-lations walt disney, for allowing ur homosexual racist pedofile legacy to define america. *hails hitler* :-P
errr wtf
That's right, I knew that all alongQuote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
disney world is in florida, disney land is in california [img][/img]
All-new photo taken just now.
And yes, that's make-up.
wtf....... ur long hair.................
Are you wearing lip gloss?...
terra's a guy?
Long hair went to hell cuz of military duty. But I changed my mind, growing it back.
I use a pink lipstick.
wow...i would never use lipstick
Sweden has a military?
Unfortunately yes.
That sucks man. How many weeks out o the year do you have to serve or is it X amount of years service.
Around 10 months. "300 days". But I do get a few vacations, and I get to go home each weekend, so in the end about 200 days of military duty I guess. Much like a school year.
Do you have hazing in the Sweden MilitaryQuote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Around 10 months. "300 days". But I do get a few vacations, and I get to go home each weekend, so in the end about 200 days of military duty I guess. Much like a school year.
well i'd say they could force the new recruits to walk around with makeup on, but i guess that wouldnt be "hazing" in sweden
Only in the Americain south would thta count as hazing.
Terra sends his new year greetings!
Is that your hair or a wig, Terra? You know how I think you look, so I wont say anymore.
I'll post a pic once I have my computer back -.-
Must be a wig since he just cut his hair.
2 wigs to be exact. They are hell to put on... and even more hellish it is to make them look good.
And yes, I miss my long hair. ;D My haircut will be something like that once it actually grows back, though.
This is my evil form [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
ahhaha lookout its an evil hentai spiderman
whoa some one has a little too much time on their hands, but it still looks cool.
Yeah, a lil too much time. Whatever, his time, not mine. Great job anyways.
Hey I don't have too much time! It took less time then creating a sig and now I have a kickass custom wallpaper. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
haha, elite come the side of the building looks like pavement? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
This is why [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
nices shoes
They were nice, now they're just old, really old.
Hey....this is me...and im 16 years old......k bye now
you look too hard. wouldn't wanna mess with you, tough guy.
pimp juice wooo woo [img]i/expressions/musicnote.gif[/img] j/k [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Deblas where's your pic?
soon, very soonQuote:
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
Deblas where's your pic?
Define "soon", haha.
I think he means never
nah ill do it this week. I know your all just dying to see me. For now you could just imagine how sexy i am [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Lol, it better not be like your avatar. That damn Sephiroth in AC looks like he has freaking lipstick on! What the freak is with that? Hahaha.
are you talking about terra with the lipstick, heh
Terra wores lipstick? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
i borrow them all the timeQuote:
Originally posted by: Deblas
Terra wores lipstick? [img][/img]
Hmm I just noticed that. It's basically terra with long white hair. Check it out, it's uncanny!!
Well, I don't really see the lipstick on Terra, so that really doesn't count. As for Sephiroth, you can PLAINLY see it. Well, at least in my point of view, haha.
Look at his lower lip, it's too pink to be natural. If you look better you can also see some at his upper lip.
some classic terra for your viewing pleasure
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
Hmm I just noticed that. It's basically terra with long white hair. Check it out, it's uncanny!!
whoa. he does wore lipstick
Yeah, but it's not very noticable, well, at least for me. If it's quite noticable, no, ain't working for me, hehe.
terra looks sexy in that pic with the purple hair stuff and for that classic terra pic thats awesome, always gives you a good laugh. i guess i should post a pic of myself soon i think the only one that has ssen a pic of me is eurasian but i can be wrong.
I just wanted to say I've already seen your pic, but then I realized that wasn't you but some guy called "Pervert Senin".[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
That's what you get wen names are almost identical. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
Wow, what a shitload of dialogue about me. To show my gratitude towards you all for thinking so highly of me, I am going to show you some brand new pics taken 2 days ago. I present to you, Terra, with his new white powder and black lipstick. In other words, more fucking goth than ever!!!!!111
You can't see much in this one but I love the artistic view the brightness creates...
take off the kimimaro sig. you don't deserve it, you dirt.
That's entirely different from what you said when we shared that beautiful sauna moment last week...
rofl, terra ur a legend.
fished out some pics of me:
me at chrimbo
cant even remember getting this photo taken
and this 1 is of me very late for work and very pissed off at my dad for finding it funny and taking photos
Dude where do you live, it looks like you live in Europe