read the first paragraph of the site... it gives the login and password
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read the first paragraph of the site... it gives the login and password
Oops.....Thats what I get for not reading the whole page. Thanks for that bit of info.Quote:
Originally posted by: Budweineken
read the first paragraph of the site... it gives the login and password
Can anyone help me find the lyrics to Attack Haus - Zen (the op) in romaji?
Thanks alot to anyone that tries to help, really appreciated.
Episode 11 is finally out by anime-kraze
12 is out also
This by far has been the best two episodes of this series yet... hurry up and watch them
I just watched the last two eps togather, I can't believe they killed Urabe and Tsuna. And I never trusted Monsairaku I bet he just wants to destroy the world cause nobody enjoys his dance or something like that.
OMG!!! OMG!!! these episodes were really good!!!
how will the story go on w/o urabe or tsuna??????????????????????????????
mansairaku...i didn't think he was like that. cuz it was when her bro died, the narrator said the next most important man in her life will appear. so for him to be seimei...*SHOCK*
I think that she will be able to convince Mansairaku to change his ways... from watching the preview i get the feeling that they join together for some common purpose...
And i cant really see how Tsuna died... i just hope he fainted or something... he only took a blade to his shoulder...
If he did die... it was cool how he was still stading up... it reminds me of a character in Grappler Baki where the story goes that some decendant was killed but he never fell because he was hiding his son on his back and if he fell they would have found him out... so he took stabs after stabs but was still standing
i know everyone wants to watch epi 13. IT'S OUT!!!
EDIT: nice!! ur dead but u look alive. nice.
Hell yeah... perfect timing... will discuss impressions in 30 minutes
Spoilers for episode 13:
I think that the ending was great... just what i was looking for... from the previous of episode 14 this series takes a U turn... i hope it doesnt fuck up...
While watching the ending I was like wtf Bud said it was 26eps, I want my other 13eps. Then I watched the preview and let out another wtf. I second the hope they don't mess it up. And Tsuna looked pimp with goltee.
"If he did die... it was cool how he was still stading up... it reminds me of a character in Grappler Baki where the story goes that some decendant was killed but he never fell because he was hiding his son on his back and if he fell they would have found him out... so he took stabs after stabs but was still standing"
people who does heavy exercise, such as sports, or after battle (worked his muscle out) makes his muscle easier to become hard, so i think thats why he stand still after he died.
i finally got a chance to watch epi 13. that's a pretty good ending. i like it. i thought it was 13 episodes but Bud said it was 26. i can't believe that it's now set it present time. wtf. but i kind of like this little twist. i can't wait to see what they do with it.
I just hope that they learned something from their past lives together
Rules to remember in your next life.
Getting killed by a 10 year old is bad form. Getting stabbed in the back is even worse. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
I just hope that Hikaru and Mansairaku don't have a repeat performance like ep 13. That would be very tragic to always meet as the world is coming to an end and kill each other off to save it.
**end of spoiler**
Caught up with the series again... And that was a nice end to the season. I skipped the ending credits, so I'm pretty surprised to hear it continues. Really, if they stopped here it would make a very nice short series. The story is quite complete. I liked the whole "this is our fate" aspect of the thing, and it was a nice twist in the end. The scene with the melting faces reminded me of Chrusaders of the Lost Arc....
Also, thanks To Hikaru004 for the story origin references. Those are always a nice bonus [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif[/img]
Now I ant to buy Otogi 2: Immortal Warriors for XBOX, I saw the name Otogi in a game book which made me think of Otogizoushi and decided to read up on it and its based on Raikoh.
There are some differences though like Seimei being a girl, Kintoki instead of Kintoro, Sadamitsu is a girl also and I'm guessing Suetake is supposed to be Urobe :-/. But the game still looks cool. Oh yea nobody even mentioned that Sadamitsu knew that Raiko was a girl all along. I wonder if Urabe knew before she died.Quote:
Raikoh, the silent and immensely powerful warrior who was the sole playable character in the original Otogi, will not fight alone in this chapter. He is resurrected by the priestess Seimei and her four generals: Tsuna, a feral warrior who's lightning fast; Kintoki, a massive axe fighter who can effortlessly pick up and throw enemies twice his size; Sadamitsu, a scythe-wielding girl with the power to freeze her foes; and Suetake, a sorcerer that resembles a living tree trunk.
Is Otogizoushi on hiatus, or do you think we'll be getting a updated opening and ending that's taking longer to sub?
*EDIT*Ep 14 is finally out, everyone get now so this thread can be revived.
saw it the other day... will hold off opinions till i see more episodes from it... i just hope it has a couple of action scenes since the first half of the show thrived on that part
thx for the link Aeon.'s a little unusual you can say. the character designs *sigh* mansairaku. Definitely not what i imagined him to be.
i wonder where this story will lead.
This was the most unexpected plot twist I've ever seen in an anime. I liked it though. But I think the thing with the trains is s little weird.
Episodes 15 and 16 are out as well.
I saw it a yesterday. It seems that the series have developed another style.
I watched both 14 and 15, couldn't bring myself to watch 16 yet. This time jump has ruined my favorite anime at the moment. And the new opening doesnt hold a candle to the old one.
episode 17 is out... leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeccccccccchhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!
Just watched 14. Seems the anime is pretty much using a urban legend story and adapting it to the anime, so it doesnt really have very much in common with the first series.
Anything interesting happen in 17? If not I'll just wait till 18 and watch both.
lol... I havent watched 17 either... im waiting for more releases to watch them in a row...
Edit: 18 was just released
Meh I watched 17 and 18, nothing interesting just more picture hunting.
episode 19 is out
i havent seen 17 and 18 yet... will wait until 20 is out and watch all of them on a row.... unless you guys say 19 turns out to be good
meh 19 was nothing special but it did give some suddle information bout the dancing guy(forgot his name). Oh and the talking wolf was cool.
Bah, I really wish they had ended it all at 13. I've barely been able to see the episodes of the new arc without vomiting, and it sadly isn't looking like it'll get any better. The combat in 19 with Mansairaku and the Wolf ( the guy looked a lot like Shoutendoji, didn't he? ) was horrible. And the dialogue is just a complete mess.
OK attention fans of the old op song, Attack Haus - Zen.
Seings as I was unable to find any lyrics for this song on the internet, I have taken it upon myself to write out the lyrics in romaji.
My friend Chihiro helped me with the 2nd verse and 2nd chorus which I was having trouble with [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
You can dl the lyrics here:
Oh and if you still dont have the mp3, you can get that from here:
Enjoy [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
I also think that this is a little frustrating, but for different reasons. My beef is that the Hikaru-Mansairaku relationship isn't progressing fast enough. This is a 26 episode series right?
Also, don't those events on that map that we keep seeing look like that magatama board? We've seen Magatama of metal, water and fire so far right? If so are we seeing Affinity or Enmity being played out?( I think Enmity. What do you guys think?)
Also don't those train lines in the beginning look like ying-yang symbols?
Or is it just me getting too much into this series?
anywhere else besides animekraze i can get otogizoushi
anime kraze only gives it in a bach and it will take to long to dl
tough luck
fuck you
sure... after im done with your mom
Episode 23 is out. I don't really like the anime anymore after episode 13, (which should've been the last episode,) but I'm still going to finish it because I'm curious how the anime will end.
i agree with just got kind of weird...
Yea I'm still watching, I just downloaded 24 but the way 23 ended it looks like history is about to repeat itself.
I really wish this anime would have ended at 13, however, I'm sadly stuck watching hoping that the lost glory of this show will return later on. Needless to say, I won't mourn nor even remember the Tokyo Arc.
I agree with you on that 100% x100. I still enjoy the Tokyo arc, but I'll always know Otogizoushi for the first 13 episodes (maybe the last 2, since Tokyo ended at 24)Quote:
Originally posted by: Nai
I really wish this anime would have ended at 13, however, I'm sadly stuck watching hoping that the lost glory of this show will return later on. Needless to say, I won't mourn nor even remember the Tokyo Arc.
can someone explain the circle thing of the elements? i understand some of them but a few of the combinations seem weird to me
Good cirlce (I forgot it's name): fire - earth - metal - water - wood - fire.
how's the fire good for the earth? and what's metal got to do with water?
circle of enimty (I remember this name): fire - metal - wood - earth - water - fire.
I get the water - fire thing, but i'm in lose for the rest...
help is welcomed...
Affinity: Water helps wood grow, wood helps fire burn, fire actually makes the earth more fertile. Many countries to this day still burn their fields. (example: Armenia and a few other near-Balkan countries) It adds many phosphorus's back into the soil helping the next crop grow. As for metal, your guess is as good as mine. EDIT: (Though caves DO have a lot of condensation, so that COULD be it, but that's kinda weak too)
Emnity: Water douses fire, fire melts metal (like a forge), metal cuts wood (ax to a tree), wood constrains earth (Plants and roots of trees prevent landslides) and earth absorbs water (water gets soaked up by soil).
I hope that helped.
Well the last episode, 26, was released. They probably should have ended it on episode 24.
I can't tell you how disappointing I thought the ending was. Episode 26 was nothing but 20 minutes of philosophy class.