RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
gentle fist isnt for hitting the tenketsu (chakra holes), its for hitting the chakra circulatory system (note that both hinata and neji can use gentle fist, yet only neji could hit the tenketsu)
but just the same, gentle fist wouldnt be very effecient without the byakugan
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
who ever thinks that Gai's method works, please voice out your opinion and throw some insults to the ones that say it doesn't work.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
knohamaru it wont be settled till i see itachi fight someone with similar abilities to gai but more powerfull. then it will be settled, at the moment everything points to yes it does work. not a single piece of hard evidence says it doesnt. not one. you can sit there all day and say how much better itachis sharingan is than kakashis but untell you tell me HOW its better (apart form one technique and stamina) then its a worthless point.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: chambers
knohamaru it wont be settled till i see itachi fight someone with similar abilities to gai but more powerfull. then it will be settled, at the moment everything points to yes it does work. not a single piece of hard evidence says it doesnt. not one. you can sit there all day and say how much better itachis sharingan is than kakashis but untell you tell me HOW its better (apart form one technique and stamina) then its a worthless point.
What points to it working? The fact that Gai said it would, the fact that you need eye contact for 2 of the many things that the sharingan can do? The question was about a trick to counter the Sharingan, not the mangekyou sharingan or it's abillity to mess with your mind(only 2 things, it is still a strong bloodlimit), this is no counter, simply leather armor when you have an arrow comming for your heart.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
what points to it working. ok here goes ive listed them about 50 times before and all ive had back is bull shit comebacks such as "but itachi is stronger than (insert name here)!!!"
1. its shown CLEARLY that if you cant move your body fast enough to block or counter then sharingan is 100% useless (sasuke v rock)
2. Gai being in control (49- 50 is it?) in there match ups clearly shows that this proveds a CHANCE for such a strat to work against itachi
3. Gai stateing that he knows a way to get around both the sharingan AND the mangekyou (sp?)
4. (incredibly dodgy point that cant relistically be argued) lee knows how to open gates, therfore gai should too.
also your leather armour analogy is pure bull. like i sad gais style is to be fast and strong, this style would counter the sharingan (refer to point one). also using your analogy i expect you know the arrow would pierce the leather and therefore you are suggesting a guranteed and inveitable win for itachi, this is not the case, one lucky hit from the gai strat user could render him useless. i actually think that neji's uncle would be more suited to fighting because his style (being similar to neji's) is also very physical, therefore if he can hit the tenketsu(again sp?) he would win
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: chambers
1. its shown CLEARLY that if you cant move your body fast enough to block or counter then sharingan is 100% useless (sasuke v rock)
3. Gai stateing that he knows a way to get around both the sharingan AND the mangekyou (sp?)
like i sad gais style is to be fast and strong, this style would counter the sharingan (refer to point one).
i agree that gai's method counters mangekyou sharingan, but it cannot counter the actual sharingan itself since reading, copying, and defeating jutsus does not require eye contact.
Originally posted by: chambers
ok his *method* doesnt counter it, but his style (speed and strength) certianly does.
no, it doesn't. did it also say that gai is faster and stronger than itachi just like how it said that kakashi knew all jutsus?
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
ok his *method* doesnt counter it, but his style (speed and strength) certianly does.
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Chambers, shut up.
You don't know what you're talking about.
"2. Gai being in control (49- 50 is it?) in there match ups clearly shows that this proveds a CHANCE for such a strat to work against itachi"
Itachi is MUCH stronger than Kakashi, moron. You might as well be saying that anyone who can beat Sasuke
has a chance against Itachi.
"3. Gai stateing that he knows a way to get around both the sharingan AND the mangekyou (sp?)"
Gai only has a way around the Mangekyou, not the sharingan. Stop making things up.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
whos making things up you idiot? listen to me you for fucks sake. KAKSHI CANNOT DO MANGEKYOU, FOR GAI TO KNOW HIS METHOD WORKS IT MUST SOMEHOW COUNTER SHARINGAN ALSO.
also i never said itachi wasnt stronger than kakashi. like i said some fucking idiots can only say "DUUURRRR BU DA ITACHI IS STWONGER DAN DA KAKASHI" are you such a FUCKIN idiot that you seriousley believe gai would stand a chance, as in not last a single second, as in not get a single muscle movement, as in not get a damn heartbeat in when he was fighting itachi? also the fact he has a chance (however incredibly minimal it is) is besides the point what iam saying is that someone who was at the same level as itachi but using gai's style and strat could clearly have a reasonable chance at beating itachi.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: chambers
no no no. it doesn't actually counter reading movements, copying them, or defeating them. all it does is it counters the genjutsu part of the sharingan, more specifically the genjutsus that are performed via eyes. gai's method just negates the worst part of sharingan but after that method sucks, it just puts you at a disadvantage.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
the mere fact that itachi could prolly pull off jutsus faster kakashi could even see it would lead me to believe that he could pull off jutsus faster than gai could move, therefore itachi should be able to kick gai's ass by just standing there
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
yeah but iam not saying a gai vs itachi fight, i have no problme in understanding itachi far surpasses his power.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
It's a fact that if Naruto didn't have Kyubi sealed into him, his chakra would have been depleted because of 64 hands of hakke. Neji learned 64 hands on his own. Naruto didn't learn anything cept "stupid fox give me some chakra" that is the difference. t0 [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif[/img]riginakrn so you can't just say sasuke's sharingan, neji's byakugan. i understand that everyone has their own traits, but if you take out byakugan and kyubi, i don't think naruto would stand a chance. but in this case its because Naruto had to tap into the powers of kyubi ( a power not HIS). the end.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
64 hands of hakke uses byakugan tho so without it they would both probly be pretty weak
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Read my last sentence
Naruto tapped into someone else's power.
Neji tapped into his own powers.
besides Neji is more badass. dont you agree?
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
i certainly agree hes more badass, hell konohamaru is more badass than naruto.
but technicaly it was his faters power not his own. i think its unfair to say "well naruto's power is not his own" yet still demand that bloodline limits are thought of as such.
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
No its Neji's power.
If you rip out his eyes, he will go blind/die of blood lost.
Unseal Naruto and he will just become a weak lil boy, but he wont die though.
edit:well actuallly i wonder if kyubi will burst Naruto open like a banana. or would it be Puff there is kyubi.
By the way, have you found the part that says Kakashi knows all jutsus? chambers.
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
A bloodline doesn't guarantee extra help, Kyubi always seems to come out of nowhere and just keep giving Naruto a hand. Hinata is an example of bloodlines that go to waste, but Naruto (starts off a ninja just as shitty as Hinata), is able to use Kyubi and suddenly become amazing.
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
of course the blood line helps all the time. if you use it, it helps its just that so far all the situations naruto has been in extra stamina and physical strength have been what is required.
EDIT: not yet jing, ive gone past where i thought it was, but i havent finished the whole section if you know what i mean.
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: chambers
...it helps its just that so far all the situations naruto has been in extra stamina and physical strength have been what is required.
EDIT: not yet jing, ive gone past where i thought it was, but i havent finished the whole section if you know what i mean.
wow, when is extra stamina and physical strength not required??? and this isn't even actual normal ninja strength, this is fucking kyubi power.
and good luck finding it though. when you do find it, plz tell us.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: chambers
ok his *method* doesnt counter it, but his style (speed and strength) certianly does.
This was the point of my analogy, it doesn't counter it, it protects kind of(btw if the arrow wasn't moving too fast the leather would stop it).
What I'm getting from you is that if the person was stronger than itachi and knew how to fight looking at itachi's feet could win, but if he is just as fast as the person he is fighting(IE on the same level strength wise) and that person has to only look at his feet(no watching for seals) then he is at a serious disadvantage and itachi would still be able to predict movement and if they were the same level of strength he could probably win because he knew what was comming.
So I think I agree with you on a few points, gai can't beat Itachi, someone stronger than Itachi could beat Itachi for going eye contact. This leaves the problem of an equal fight and being forced to only look at his feet to attack.
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: chambers
whos making things up you idiot? listen to me you for fucks sake. KAKSHI CANNOT DO MANGEKYOU, FOR GAI TO KNOW HIS METHOD WORKS IT MUST SOMEHOW COUNTER SHARINGAN ALSO.
Kakashi can still use the Sharingan to fuck with your mind, you retard. Like I said, you don't know what the
hell you are talking about, so you make things up whenever you interpret anything.
also i never said itachi wasnt stronger than kakashi. like i said some fucking idiots can only say "DUUURRRR BU DA ITACHI IS STWONGER DAN DA KAKASHI"
When you say stupid shit like "Gai being in control (49- 50 is it?) in there match ups clearly shows that this
proveds a CHANCE for such a strat to work against itachi", you are using Kakashi as an idicator of Itachi's
are you such a FUCKIN idiot that you seriousley believe gai would stand a chance, as in not last a single
second, as in not get a single muscle movement, as in not get a damn heartbeat in when he was fighting
That's an incredibly self-serving definition of "standing a chance"
To stand a chance means that Gai could possibly win, not that he would need to survive for a second
before he dies.
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
if you cant have a calm discussion, you wont have one at all. got it?
this isnt aimed towards everyone. just the select few who think theyre proving a point with name calling..
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
no sofa king if you use your head and realise just how fast some guys can pull out there techniques or throwing knives then you would know that all they need to win is a heartbeat and catch them off guard. so its reasonable to assume that anyone who can last just a few seconds has a extremley slim chance of winning.
and of course iam using kakshi as an indication of itachis stregnth, he is for all intents and purposes a weaker version of itachi.
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
From what i saw in the anime (dont flame me for this it's just a thought) Gai did seem to have the counter-sharingan pretty much worked out, as he'd used it may times previously with Kakashi. Problem is, would even Gai's eyes be able to match Itachi's speed?
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: Zabuza No Jutsu
From what i saw in the anime (dont flame me for this it's just a thought) Gai did seem to have the counter-sharingan pretty much worked out, as he'd used it may times previously with Kakashi. Problem is, would even Gai's eyes be able to match Itachi's speed?
no. he didn't counter the actual sharingan itself, he countered gejutsus performed by sharingan. don't mix up the two, they are totally different.
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
Originally posted by: Zabuza No Jutsu
From what i saw in the anime (dont flame me for this it's just a thought) Gai did seem to have the counter-sharingan pretty much worked out, as he'd used it may times previously with Kakashi. Problem is, would even Gai's eyes be able to match Itachi's speed?
no. he didn't counter the actual sharingan itself, he countered gejutsus performed by sharingan. don't mix up the two, they are totally different.
lol i was actually gonna type something along those lines but i thought "stupid idea"...ah well..hey anyway, what's the deal with kakashi's sharingan? He can't turn it off (hence the dinky looking forehead protector) would tht be cos he stole it frm an uchiha and ut it in him (hence the scar) ?
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
worst come to worst, Gai just open the 8th gate and slaughter everyone and then die.
**************keep the flaming and insults going. it's sweet*************
-actually, dont... also, dont make comments like these.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: chambers
no sofa king if you use your head and realise just how fast some guys can pull out there techniques or throwing knives then you would know that all they need to win is a heartbeat and catch them off guard. so its reasonable to assume that anyone who can last just a few seconds has a extremley slim chance of winning.
and of course iam using kakshi as an indication of itachis stregnth, he is for all intents and purposes a weaker version of itachi.
Once again, you are making things up. Do you even WATCH the series or do you just read about it on forums
and pretend that you've seen it?
There have been many fights in Naruto between two characters where one of them did not stand a chance
that have lasted much longer than a heartbeat. Or do you think that Sasuke really stood a chance against
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Chambers, you take figures of speech way to seriously, by having a chance it means a probable chance of winning. Like your example somewhere about you fighting mike tyson, you had a chance(or so you say) because if he tripped and nailed the pole on the corner knocking him self out but then if that was the idea there would have been no point in using the term as there is always a chance that something couild go horribly wrong. The point in using the term is that something wouldn't have to go horribly wrong like them spontaniously combusting in the middle of a fight for them to win but they could...perhaps.
Also, Kaigan that's assuming that it would indeed give him enough power we don't know how strong Itachi really is just yet...
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
c'mon chambers some people just can't accept the fact that there's always something to counter something.
they just want sharingan to be perfect and ignore all the pts we've pointed out..
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
of course sharingan isn't perfect. But Itachi's is...
like itachi said, everyone has a weakness, and looking at your opponent's feet while fighting them just won't work.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
why not? because he's only looking at his fucking feet. you can't tell me that is any type of advantage, especially against someone who's moves were almost too much for kakashi to follow.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
I better start pulling out the bars of soap.
To the Gai counter all I can say is this.
Look at the feet and hope not to be beat.
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
do you guys really think that just because Itachi is the strongest he can kill/defeat everyone?!? kyubii was by far stronger (a demom!!!!!) and still he got defeated...maybe there's more to it than pure strengh or skill....
i heard lot's of times in this forum that Itachi translation about jiraya was wrong, maybe it was correct, not that jiraya is stronger than him but that itachi can get hurt or even sealed or something in the fight
maybe gai trick is Itachi (sharigan weakness) join it with the gai ability to open the chakra gates and maybe itachi will be defeated. The fighting is not linear you cannot say Itachi > gai then he wins, weaker people have a chance even if a small one, that's real life and naruto creator seems to agree
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: jing
of course sharingan isn't perfect. But Itachi's is...
like itachi said, everyone has a weakness, and looking at your opponent's feet while fighting them just won't work.
Well it works if you're faster than your opponent, but Gai isn't faster than Itachi so it doesn't work.
evoL: Yes, the translation is correct.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
and dont forget that what we saw when he fought Kakashi wasnt even the tip of the ice berg, so Gai wouldnt stand a chance
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: kyuubi_
c'mon chambers some people just can't accept the fact that there's always something to counter something.
they just want sharingan to be perfect and ignore all the pts we've pointed out..
You are an idiot, there is not always a counter to everything and we said that it does take away 2 things from the sharingan but that simply won't be enough.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: kyuubi_
c'mon chambers some people just can't accept the fact that there's always something to counter something.
they just want sharingan to be perfect and ignore all the pts we've pointed out..
there is actually a counter to sharingan that works 100%... you have to be a full uchiha and have mastered the sharingan just like what itachi said. gai's method only counters the mangekyou sharingan and that's about it, which really doesn't do that much.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Yeah Itachi ownz thats obvious by now stupid fanboys [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
gai's method only counters the mangekyou sharingan and that's about it, which really doesn't do that much.
Erm Gai doesnt have any experience fighting Mange Sharingan, so thats a stupid statement [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Not to get caught by the Sharingan is simply not to look in their eyes wether its Kakashi's or Itachi's eyes, period..
That still brings you in a uber disadvantage, since the Sharingan user can still copy your jutsu's, but he won't be able to predict them [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Sharingan even Itachi "the sharingan successor" is not 100% unbeatable or uncounterable.
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: Uchiha-Itachi
Yeah Itachi ownz thats obvious by now stupid fanboys [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
gai's method only counters the mangekyou sharingan and that's about it, which really doesn't do that much.
Erm Gai doesnt have any experience fighting Mange Sharingan, so thats a stupid statement [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Not to get caught by the Sharingan is simply not to look in their eyes wether its Kakashi's or Itachi's eyes, period..
That still brings you in a uber disadvantage, since the Sharingan user can still copy your jutsu's, but he won't be able to predict them [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Sharingan even Itachi "the sharingan successor" is not 100% unbeatable or uncounterable.
i've already said all those things, you tard. read them before you call my stuff stupid.
Originally posted by: chambers
as well of course not looking into the eyes counters it.
the only thing that does is counter genjutsus (that require eye contact) performed by the sharingan via the eyes. that is what the only thing gai's method counters, nothing else. there is only one method of countering the sharingan and it is to be an uchiha with the same level of sharingan or greater.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
as well of course not looking into the eyes counters it.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
this argument seems to be moving in circles.......
i dunno, maybe its just me
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
The trick to countering sharingan is to become "Daredevil" or that heart of sword guy from kenshin.... Lose ur eyesight and u have super sonic hearing. BOOYA there ya go instant counter sharingan =D
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
If you look at the feet, he will kick your ass even harder.
AND if you fight a person just by looking at their feet, YOU are at a disadvantage.
it just means that if they aren't force to do it, they won't do it, because its a hard task to do, and fer christ sake, Gai is fighting Itachi, just that is a MAJOR disadvantage already.
the only person that can beat itachi is Gaara, because Gaara will throw sand in his eyes and make him go blind. OR Ramen shop owner will beat itachi because he will poison the Ramen with rat poison.
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Pop Quiz.
Fighter A watches Fighter B's eyes.
Fighter B watches Fighter A's feet and body.
Who do you think would have the advantage in a fight?
I would say Fighter B because looking at an opponants eyes in a fight is pretty fooking stupid regaurdless of your opponant having lightning bolts that shoot out of their eyes and fireballs that shoot out of their ass.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: chambers
as well of course not looking into the eyes counters it.
Ok, you need to understand what counter means before you use it.
v. coun·tered, coun·ter·ing, coun·ters
v. tr.
To meet or return (a blow) by another blow.
To move or act in opposition to; oppose.
To offer in response: countered that she was too busy to be thorough.
How in the world is it countering the Sharingan? It only defends against some of the power of the Sharingan.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
You counter it by watching to his feets, *DAH*
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
i think some of you guys still think that gai's method effectively nullifies the actual entire abilities of sharingan when in fact, the method only defends against tsukuyomi. stop getting the two mixed up.
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
the only thing that does is counter genjutsus (that require eye contact) performed by the sharingan via the eyes. that is what the only thing gai's method counters, nothing else. there is only one method of countering the sharingan and it is to be an uchiha with the same level of sharingan or greater.
You cant counter anything that doesnt do anything, tard [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] (just lowering myself to your lvl, cuz of the swearing whoohoo its pretty cold down here)
Anyways the main thing of the Sharingan is to predict the moves and jutsu's your opponent is gonna do, then counter attack with the same jutsu (You copied) or another. Well and if you mastered Mange Sharingan you rock ass. period .
So if you don't watch in the Sharingan eyes (of any Sharingan user), thus he can't predict you thus he can't counter your attacks/jutsu's (he can still copy them though.. so in fact you are countering his Sharingan [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
The only thing you have to manage is to try watch in his eyes, since that isnt that hard cuz the opponent had a mayor disadvantage cuz he can only see you feet..
oh besides Itachi isnt afraid for Jiraiya, but he damn well knowz he doesn't stand a chance against him!
So you quickly changed your sig Mutata? itachi is the strongest bla bla (not)
fanboy alert [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: Uchiha-Itachi
You counter it by watching to his feets, *DAH*
uhh, read the definition again please.
And the Sharingan can predict movements with out eye contact.
you can't counter the Sharingan by not looking into the eyes, that only defends against the part of the sharingan that screws with your mind not the ability to predict movements(Read: Not making you do movements to act like your doing them at the same time but predicting movement)
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: Jessper
Originally posted by: Uchiha-Itachi
You counter it by watching to his feets, *DAH*
uhh, read the definition again please.
And the Sharingan can predict movements with out eye contact.
you can't counter the Sharingan by not looking into the eyes, that only defends against the part of the sharingan that screws with your mind not the ability to predict movements(Read: Not making you do movements to act like your doing them at the same time but predicting movement)
Well i guess you missed the zabuza saga then where kakashi explained it..
You need eye contact to sort off hypnotize him, so you can predict the jutsu's and counter against it..
Go watch it again you'll see..
And dont give me the crap Itachi has better Sharingan then Kakashi (well he does) but you still need the damn eye contact to hypnotize your opponent! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
I don't think you get it. Ok, so what IF you don't get hypnotized. YOU STILL LOSE AND GET KILLED by looking at his feet.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
No, I saw the Zabuza saga, it was explained in what would seem to me that with the eye contact kakshi got into his mind and made him choose a move that he knew so he could do it along with him, that has nothing to do with the sharingan predicting where someone's foot is going to land.
However I will go watch it again tonight just in case =)
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
uchiha-itachi, you are a complete dumbass. you are possibly even stupider than itachi_ was when he was new here.
1. i got rid of my original sig cuz i now i have an entire site for it, tard. and it's been a long time since i've changed it.
2. you obviously don't understand what the sharingan does. it should be pretty obvious that to read, copy, and counter an opponents jutsu/movement with the shaingan, eye contact between the two fighters is not needed.
3. you are completely confused about what zabuza explained. when zabuza was explaining the sharingan and how sharingan user use genjutsu to 'see the future' he wasn't talking about using the sharingan to copy and counter movements. zabuza was explaining ONLY about the 'seeing the future.' you first use genjutsu to confuse the opponent and then say some bs to confuse the opponent even more while they are still hypnotized. kakashi didn't know what zabuza was gonna say (no one can see the future, duh) all he did was imply that, that was what zabuza was gonna say and used genjutsu make him believe that. and zabuza fell for it because he was hit by the genjutsu earlier.
4. let me explain this AGAIN. gai's method (looking at the sharingan user's feet) only prevents you from being hit by tsukuyomi or any other genjutsu that requires eye contact. that's all it does. it does not stop the sharingan from seeing, copying, and countering jutsus because the sharingan user still can see everything you're doing. you're thinking as if looking at the sharingan user's feet nullifies the actual eye sight of the sharingan user.
EDIT: even though i've proved your wrong like 10 times and clearly explained what you are wrong about in like the 30 posts i've posted on this thread, you still probably won't understand. but it's ok, i'm not expecting much.
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Episode 82 (Shin Otaku translation):
Gai said first: "the only way to move against him is to focus on his feet",
but after that he also said: "Well, there is another way to move, but now's not the time."
So I suggest to just wait and see. Although, I doubt Gai will have to confront him again.
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Gai also says "I've contacted Anbu already" (means "im scared shitless and i need Anbu to use as a human shield")
its like hockey, if you don't lift your head up your bound to get a concusion.
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
here A REALLY SIMPLE WAY TO COUNTER IT its called sunglasses if they onyl had sunglass itachi couldnt do shit [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
uchiha-itachi, you are a complete dumbass. you are possibly even stupider than itachi_ was when he was new here.
1. i got rid of my original sig cuz i now i have an entire site for it, tard. and it's been a long time since i've changed it.
2. you obviously don't understand what the sharingan does. it should be pretty obvious that to read, copy, and counter an opponents jutsu/movement with the shaingan, eye contact between the two fighters is not needed.
3. you are completely confused about what zabuza explained. when zabuza was explaining the sharingan and how sharingan user use genjutsu to 'see the future' he wasn't talking about using the sharingan to copy and counter movements. zabuza was explaining ONLY about the 'seeing the future.' you first use genjutsu to confuse the opponent and then say some bs to confuse the opponent even more while they are still hypnotized. kakashi didn't know what zabuza was gonna say (no one can see the future, duh) all he did was imply that, that was what zabuza was gonna say and used genjutsu make him believe that. and zabuza fell for it because he was hit by the genjutsu earlier.
4. let me explain this AGAIN. gai's method (looking at the sharingan user's feet) only prevents you from being hit by tsukuyomi or any other genjutsu that requires eye contact. that's all it does. it does not stop the sharingan from seeing, copying, and countering jutsus because the sharingan user still can see everything you're doing. you're thinking as if looking at the sharingan user's feet nullifies the actual eye sight of the sharingan user.
EDIT: even though i've proved your wrong like 10 times and clearly explained what you are wrong about in like the 30 posts i've posted on this thread, you still probably won't understand. but it's ok, i'm not expecting much.
Well explain me then why Gai defeats kakashi 50-49 or 49-50 with that tactic? The only difference from Kakashi and Itachi is that Itachi can use Mange Sharingan..
And for the fact you have to swear all the time proofs how low selve steem you have... got bullied all your live on school etc.. and now you need to release the frustration on the internet? lol get a life!
Thats with all the pussies big mouth behind their monitor, but IRL they shit their pants..
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Dude, it hasn't even been explained what 50-49 or 49-50 were for, how can you say they were battles. they never said it was battles.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
no a match of who won the most jerk off battles..
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
well its a fact that they wernt ALL fights, because in the stadium they use the kill counts to see who wins, and thats no a battle between them.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Uchiha-Itachi is wrong, mut@t@ is right. gai's tactic only nullifies the genjutsu techniques a sharingan user exercise. a sharingan user does not need to make eye contact to predict movements and jutsu. and theres a big difference between itachi and kakashi's sharingan, the biggest of which is the manga sharingan or whatever, but what about the black flames he used in 85? plus itachi has an uchiha's body, so he can use the sharingan longer and more precise than kakashi.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: Uchiha-Itachi
no a match of who won the most jerk off battles..
oh so im the idiot eh? WE SHALL SEE. haha loser you have no idea.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
s-k iam inclined to believe that the black flames were not a sharingan related attack but rather a technique he copied off of somone else.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
no use discussing with the fanboys.. if itachi says grass is purple tomorrow all the fanboys believe its purple tomorrow or when itachi says jump in a river they jump in a river..
i rest my case.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: Uchiha-Itachi
no use discussing with the fanboys.. if itachi says grass is purple tomorrow all the fanboys believe its purple tomorrow or when itachi says jump in a river they jump in a river..
i rest my case.
that's hilarious. more so because of the source.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
lol whyd you name yourself itachi if your not an itachi fanboy yourself haha. and im not an itachi fanboy, my favorite character is Kakashi, hence my name.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Ok, to recap...
- Looking at an sharingan user's feet will prevent you from being "hypnotized" or being caught in Mangekyou Sharingan. However, the sharingan can still be used to copy/counter your moves.
- Gai would have lost to Itachi, but if there were a taijutsu user at the same level of Itachi, it is possible for him to win if he uses the watch the feet method.
- Most of you in here could never properly debate because you like to attack the other person who has an opinion different from your own.
Alright, that's pretty much it
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: chambers
s-k iam inclined to believe that the black flames were not a sharingan related attack but rather a technique he copied off of somone else.
I don't think so, if you watch just before it happens off screen it shows Itachi closing then opening his eyes much akain to mange Sharingan(forgive the spelling if it's wrong...) so it seems to me it is another bloodlimit of the shringan but we didn't watch it all happen so....
Also Uchiha-Itachi, you have been proved wrong on at least your last few points, as such your last comment is pretty ironic.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
lol whyd you name yourself itachi if your not an itachi fanboy yourself haha. and im not an itachi fanboy, my favorite character is Kakashi, hence my name.
Itachi is my favorite character, but im not sucking up his ass and stay realistic...
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: Jessper
Originally posted by: chambers
s-k iam inclined to believe that the black flames were not a sharingan related attack but rather a technique he copied off of somone else.
I don't think so, if you watch just before it happens off screen it shows Itachi closing then opening his eyes much akain to mange Sharingan(forgive the spelling if it's wrong...) so it seems to me it is another bloodlimit of the shringan but we didn't watch it all happen so....
Also Uchiha-Itachi, you have been proved wrong on at least your last few points, as such your last comment is pretty ironic.
Tell me wich points..
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: ScottW
Episode 82 (Shin Otaku translation):
Gai said first: "the only way to move against him is to focus on his feet",
but after that he also said: "Well, there is another way to move, but now's not the time."
So I suggest to just wait and see. Although, I doubt Gai will have to confront him again.
you're new.....so i woudnt expect you to know this..
but Shin Otaku has no merit here......they've proven many times that their translations are nothing to rely on
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
im sure that there was a different way. something like not look directly into their eyes and use water or your forehead protector as a mirror sorta like medusa
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
So if you don't watch in the Sharingan eyes (of any Sharingan user), thus he can't predict you thus he can't counter your attacks/jutsu's (he can still copy them though.. so in fact you are countering his Sharingan
Originally posted by: Uchiha-Itachi
no a match of who won the most jerk off battles..
Both these points for instance Uchiha-Itachi, they can still predict movement with out looking into the eyes, and the 49-51 battle record of kakshi and gai is shown to be not only battles between the two but competitions of enemys defeated ect.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
The competitions between Kakashi and Gai are a joke. Kakashi isn't even attention to the rivalry, Gai is just an idiot.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: Jessper
So if you don't watch in the Sharingan eyes (of any Sharingan user), thus he can't predict you thus he can't counter your attacks/jutsu's (he can still copy them though.. so in fact you are countering his Sharingan
Originally posted by: Uchiha-Itachi
no a match of who won the most jerk off battles..
Both these points for instance Uchiha-Itachi, they can still predict movement with out looking into the eyes, and the 49-51 battle record of kakshi and gai is shown to be not only battles between the two but competitions of enemys defeated ect.
Unlike Uchiha-Itachi, Jessper here actually watches the anime and understands it quite well.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Ive read through the first few pages and couldnt be bothered to read through the rest, but heres my 2 cents worth:
Gai has developed techniques to counter the Sharingan. Kakashi has a sharingan which he cant use perfectly. Gai has for all intents and purposes, a 50% win ratio against Kakashi. (If you discount comments by Kisimoto that those 50/99 wins included rock scissors and paper duels).
That essentially means, he has an equal chance of winning/losing against Kakashi.
Next point I want to establish is that Itachi is not a one trick dog.
Orochimaru doesnt have a sharingan. Therefore, he must be at about jounin level - you know, about the level of Asuma and Kurenai.
Sound familiar? Its something similar to whats been said in this thread, namely (and I paraphrase):
If Itachi's sharingan is negated, he's really very weak.
Really, the sharingan is a vaunted bloodline ability but its not some cheat for instant invincibility. Sure its strong, but if the Sharingan alone counted for so much, all Konoha would have to do is to train up the Uchia clan to the average jounin level, and then send them out in say, groups of 5 to each major nation and take over the world. Sorry, not going to happen. The fact is, the Sharingan is an important asset to those who posses it, but its far from some magical ability that alone grants its user powers that Orichimaru fears.
The reality? From what has been revealed in the anime, Itachi is incredibly strong wether he uses his sharingan or not. Thats only a logical deduction - I find it hard to believe he could have become an ANBU commander at 13 if he was essentially a one trick dog. His fight against Kurenai, and then Kakashi should have told you that.
Final reminder: Itachi floored Kurenai, followed by Kakashi.
So, what do you get when you put the 3 points together? Lets summarise the facts:
1)Gai has a 50/50 chance of winning or losing against Kakashi.
2)Itachi is still significantly above the jounin level - yes, that means above Gai and Kakashi asl well - when he doesnt use his Sharingan.
3) Itachi has absolutely no problems dealing with Kakashi.
Conclusion: According to some, Gai can beat Itachi!
Lets get real - against someone of Kakashi's level, with specialised techniques to defeat his sharingan, Gai has a 50/50 chance. Its foolish to think that Itachi is a Kakashi with a better sharingan. Everything we've been given so far points to the fact that Itachi is far surpasses Kakashi in ALL areas. Hence, we must conclude that if gai has a 50/50 chance against someone of Kakashi's level (remember Kakashi had the sharingan! He didnt automatically lose to Gai becuase he had the sharingan and Gai tried to act against it!) and Itachi far surpasses Kakashi, Itachi would destroy Gai.
Forget about the sharingan - many of you appear to think that once the sharingan is nullified, their users are useless. Reality check! Most of the strongest characters dont HAVE a sharingan, and theyre NOT useless! Unless you have a sudden urge to say that Gai is capable of beating Orochimaru (in which case I wont bother replying) because obviously if Orochimaru had a sharingan, Gai has techniques that would nullify it making Orichimaru an average jounin, then you have one unplesant logical fallacy on your hands.
The whole point? Gai's techniques aren't some magical cheat to kill sharingan users. He avoids getting drawn into its effects by looking away, and compensates for looking away by predicting the movements of the enemy. Overall, it means that the only thing he's *gained* is the ability to fight without being drawn into the sharingans negative effects. This completely ignores the fact that its likely the sharingan user would still be able to enjoy the benifits of enhanced insight into the enemy. The bit about Gai being able to predict movement based of feet - traditionally, youre supposed to be able to predict movement based on small actions you take before doing something (And I realise im extrapolating to a great degree here) - hence we can assume that normally, experienced fighters can predict movement as well - Just not on the basis of feet alone.
Anyways, Ive written FAR too much. Good day.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Wow, I actually read all that. Good stuff, nicely said.
Might I add that Itachi is also known for his godly shuriken techniques.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: jing
Originally posted by: Jessper
So if you don't watch in the Sharingan eyes (of any Sharingan user), thus he can't predict you thus he can't counter your attacks/jutsu's (he can still copy them though.. so in fact you are countering his Sharingan
Originally posted by: Uchiha-Itachi
no a match of who won the most jerk off battles..
Both these points for instance Uchiha-Itachi, they can still predict movement with out looking into the eyes, and the 49-51 battle record of kakshi and gai is shown to be not only battles between the two but competitions of enemys defeated ect.
Unlike Uchiha-Itachi, Jessper here actually watches the anime and understands it quite well.
/me waves @ the fanboy [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
It is so obvious that your argument got owned and you're in denial.. stop trying, your disgracing yourself. you call people fan boys when they prove you wrong, when they are JUST anime/manga watchers. It doesn't even require a fanboy to prove you wrong.
stop wasting time on this forum and actually go watch Naruto.
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: jing
It is so obvious that your argument got owned and you're in denial.. stop trying, your disgracing yourself. you call people fan boys when they prove you wrong, when they are JUST anime/manga watchers. It doesn't even require a fanboy to prove you wrong.
stop wasting time on this forum and actually go watch Naruto.
Been there done that now you should try watching it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Uchiha-Itachi, i havent been in this particular thread much lately.....but im confused about what side you are actually on in this debate......
do you actually believe gai would win, or are you just an itachi-fan bounty hunter? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
i dotn think anyone is under the illusion that gai would win, and ive certainly never said he could.
this topic is just like 90% flames now, theres no point to such a topic.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
or are you just an itachi-fan bounty hunter? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
LOL, I like it! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Btw Uchiha-Itachi I like how you skipped my post and went to flame jing best you could =P
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: Jessper
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
or are you just an itachi-fan bounty hunter? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
LOL, I like it! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Btw Uchiha-Itachi I like how you skipped my post and went to flame jing best you could =P
I also like how this thread is just a pointless fight with Uchiha-Itachi now.
Gai can't beat Itachi, and his trick to counter the sharingan is just stupid.
v heh, that's true v
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: KonohamaruCorps
Originally posted by: Jessper
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
or are you just an itachi-fan bounty hunter? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
LOL, I like it! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Btw Uchiha-Itachi I like how you skipped my post and went to flame jing best you could =P
I also like how this thread is just a pointless fight with Uchiha-Itachi now.
Gai can't beat Itachi, and his trick to counter the sharingan is just stupid.
Only difference with most threads is it is a pointless fight with chambers instead.
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
im just saying Itachi isnt invincible and no Gai can't beat Itachi, but Jiraiya can... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
And its also funny to see those frustrated kids defending Itachi with their lives [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif[/img]
Its just stupid to see ppl making up things to protect their precious so called invincible Itachi..
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
wow okay, when did i say he was invincible. when you prove your point, at least tell the truth.
please guys don't ignore this, he took effort in writing it.
and Don't ignore jessper's post uchiha-itachi.
Ive read through the first few pages and couldnt be bothered to read through the rest, but heres my 2 cents worth:
Gai has developed techniques to counter the Sharingan. Kakashi has a sharingan which he cant use perfectly. Gai has for all intents and purposes, a 50% win ratio against Kakashi. (If you discount comments by Kisimoto that those 50/99 wins included rock scissors and paper duels).
That essentially means, he has an equal chance of winning/losing against Kakashi.
Next point I want to establish is that Itachi is not a one trick dog.
Orochimaru doesnt have a sharingan. Therefore, he must be at about jounin level - you know, about the level of Asuma and Kurenai.
Sound familiar? Its something similar to whats been said in this thread, namely (and I paraphrase):
If Itachi's sharingan is negated, he's really very weak.
Really, the sharingan is a vaunted bloodline ability but its not some cheat for instant invincibility. Sure its strong, but if the Sharingan alone counted for so much, all Konoha would have to do is to train up the Uchia clan to the average jounin level, and then send them out in say, groups of 5 to each major nation and take over the world. Sorry, not going to happen. The fact is, the Sharingan is an important asset to those who posses it, but its far from some magical ability that alone grants its user powers that Orichimaru fears.
The reality? From what has been revealed in the anime, Itachi is incredibly strong wether he uses his sharingan or not. Thats only a logical deduction - I find it hard to believe he could have become an ANBU commander at 13 if he was essentially a one trick dog. His fight against Kurenai, and then Kakashi should have told you that.
Final reminder: Itachi floored Kurenai, followed by Kakashi.
So, what do you get when you put the 3 points together? Lets summarise the facts:
1)Gai has a 50/50 chance of winning or losing against Kakashi.
2)Itachi is still significantly above the jounin level - yes, that means above Gai and Kakashi asl well - when he doesnt use his Sharingan.
3) Itachi has absolutely no problems dealing with Kakashi.
Conclusion: According to some, Gai can beat Itachi!
Lets get real - against someone of Kakashi's level, with specialised techniques to defeat his sharingan, Gai has a 50/50 chance. Its foolish to think that Itachi is a Kakashi with a better sharingan. Everything we've been given so far points to the fact that Itachi is far surpasses Kakashi in ALL areas. Hence, we must conclude that if gai has a 50/50 chance against someone of Kakashi's level (remember Kakashi had the sharingan! He didnt automatically lose to Gai becuase he had the sharingan and Gai tried to act against it!) and Itachi far surpasses Kakashi, Itachi would destroy Gai.
Forget about the sharingan - many of you appear to think that once the sharingan is nullified, their users are useless. Reality check! Most of the strongest characters dont HAVE a sharingan, and theyre NOT useless! Unless you have a sudden urge to say that Gai is capable of beating Orochimaru (in which case I wont bother replying) because obviously if Orochimaru had a sharingan, Gai has techniques that would nullify it making Orichimaru an average jounin, then you have one unplesant logical fallacy on your hands.
The whole point? Gai's techniques aren't some magical cheat to kill sharingan users. He avoids getting drawn into its effects by looking away, and compensates for looking away by predicting the movements of the enemy. Overall, it means that the only thing he's *gained* is the ability to fight without being drawn into the sharingans negative effects. This completely ignores the fact that its likely the sharingan user would still be able to enjoy the benifits of enhanced insight into the enemy. The bit about Gai being able to predict movement based of feet - traditionally, youre supposed to be able to predict movement based on small actions you take before doing something (And I realise im extrapolating to a great degree here) - hence we can assume that normally, experienced fighters can predict movement as well - Just not on the basis of feet alone.
Anyways, Ive written FAR too much. Good day.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
no i actually think a lot of that is bullshit. if someone thinks oro is around jounin level because he doesnt have sharingan then hes a fuckin retard. its like saying a football team that cant defend cant win the title.
look at it this way, you dont get to be the BEST at anything by giveing yourself a wide array of training, sure you may be good at everything, but you wont be the best. itachi will OBVIOUSLY focus on his sharingan the same way gai found it easy to concentrate on taijitsu. the same way naruto finds it easyier to base his atacks on high chakra based techniques rather than more precise means.the same way neji based his atacks on his bloodline abilitys.
now i know this is where all those little people start moaning "but itachi wouldnt have been such an amazing ninja by focusing only on one techinque" answer me this: why not? clearly if there were any other uchiha's at his age in school then he was FAR suprior to them, as he was far suprior to all the other in the clan by the age of 16(ish?). so then lest say you have a technique that not ONE SINGLE opponent you will ever face at that age or in any training in the academy or in any kind of exam you will ever take can counter. effectivley you are the most powerfull ninja at that age. now itachi could be autistic and he STILL would have owned every memeber of ANBU just by looking at there eyes. if thats not the case then he can at the very least fight MOST people to a draw situation. so based on that we can see that with the mangekyou sharingan itachi could have done almost anything he wanted. the only people to stand in his way were likley the hokage and the sannin.
now then iam not saying itachi would be useless if you took his sharingan away as it says above. this guy moans claiming that loads of characters dont have sharingan and are class. so then by that reasoning taking guys techniques away wouls have the same effect as it did on oro, in tother words to completley mame him. this is not tha case. if you took the strongest part of ANY character away form them they would be a HELL of a lot weaker. if you take naruto' samazing amount of chakra from him then he would be useless sure he can still do the same things but on a much more limited scale.
now then given that i have PROVED that if you took away itachis biggest weapon he is at a HUGE disadvantage (hes likley been using it his entireadult life). now with out that abiility he has to rely on a more kakashi style of fighting, mimicing movements, ect. now then gai's style has kept him at least level throughout his fights with kakashi, so is it so hard to belive that a fighter using that style to gai and at a similar level to itachi could beat him? logic dictates no, this not only could happen but likley would happen.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
seeing as that the sharingan is more of a tool for developing more jutsus and seeing through other peoples' jutsus....i dont know how one could focus primarily on the sharingan itself
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
seeing as that the sharingan is more of a tool for developing more jutsus and seeing through other peoples' jutsus....i dont know how one could focus primarily on the sharingan itself
I agree with assertn here, the Sharingan for everyone but Itachi has been more of a support tool rather than offensive(it was only used that way on zabuza in one fight for non-Itachi sharingans). It is true that Itachi uses it's one(maybe more...) offensive tool often from what we have seen so far but before he knew how to use it he must have done other things(it was implyed that he was good with shruikens) and I don't think he would have simply forgot about those skills and only focused on the Sharingan, but alas we must wait and see =).
Also using the example of oro's techniques being taken away in comparision to disabling the Sharingan is kind of unfair because it took away his arms not just the techniques. Also as you said not looking into the eyes only gave gai about 50% win rate so then if the gai style person was on the same level as itachi he would only have a 50% win rate if we are comparing the two so it's still not that great.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
yes, and there's no point in focusing primarily on something that exhausts your chakra supply after being used on 2 people anyway
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Gai has for all intents and purposes, a 50% win ratio against Kakashi. (If you discount comments by Kisimoto that those 50/99 wins included rock scissors and paper duels).
If you ignore comments from the creator, I agree, your theory is sound.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
He didnt need Mangekyou to beat Kurenai since she is a rookie jounin anyways [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
And Mangekyou drains to much stamina/chakra and its Itachi's best offence, so he saves it for strong opponents, cuz how often can he use it? 2/3 times a day or something...
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
so its his best offence now eh............. were are you getting these things..
so he saves it for strong opponents like sasuke ..........
just because it drains the most chakra doesn't mean that it's the strongest jutsu. he is also very skilled in shuriken techniques.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
yes jing, and kurenai obviousley had littel to no experince with sharinggan as the first thing she does, is exactley what itachi wanted her to do. she also isnt a taijitsu specialist.