RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
AonE just released both eps couple of days ago [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Just seen the 2nd ep, and i was dissapointed, not about the whole series, just the part where i was expecting some hentai! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Too bad that girl was a bitch and poisoned the samurai dude (dont remember his name)
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
Why do I have a feeling Jin's gay? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Samurai Champloo starts today
Jin isn't gay and there won't be any hentai. You have the feeling that he's gay, because you're an idiot.
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
Originally posted by: One
Why do I have a feeling Jin's gay? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
He's not the one to be gay but the assasin..
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
Well, I'd be willing to bet Jin isn't gay. At most, Watanabe will keep his sexual preference questionable, just like he kept Ed's gender a mystery for much of Cowboy Bebop.
I don't think the assassin is either. I think Jin realized the assassin's true intentions for sure, however, when he made that comment about the fire flies. I just think the assassin was trying the same route to kill Jin as the woman used to try to kill Mugen.
I could be wrong about them both, though. I'll wait and see before passing judgement.
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
i liked the first episode better than this one
i think its kinda repetetive how when the not so bad, retard that everyone hates finally gets someone to like them, then they go and turn on the person they first side with and protect that someone. ive seen too many shows reusing that theme
jin is definitly not gay. when the assasin started acting gay, jin was like about to run away
other than that this one was ok
i was kinda suprised when aone picked this one up as one of their projects though
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
I have to say that I like Samurai Champloo very much!! I got it from here, so I knew that it had to be good!! I'm glad that it didn't involve much in the way of the....mm...how to say it....Like the Inuyasha Series does with that time period with all of the magic stuff. Anyway...I think that Fuu is funny, and that clip that has her running through the streets with those fireworks in her kimono and the placement of them was hilarious....Sorry if I spoiled something for someone, but it was funny.....
Hey, had anyone other than me notice that Mugen sorta resembles Spike Speigle from Cowboy Bebop?? I mean just a bit in his laid back style as well as animation?? Just wondering..
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
yeah, Mugen reminded me of Spike in a number of ways, but if i'm not mistaken isn't Samurai Champloo created by the same creator of Cowboy Bebop?
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
They have a lot of the same cast, so I'm not suprised people keep comparing them. I see some similarity in Spike and Mugen, but not much.
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
is mugen the guy with glasses or the guy that's all reckless?
WHO CARES, i see no similarities between spike and either of them. spike is too much of a cool cat for him to be compared with anyone.
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
heh.. well Mugen is the reckless one
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
The only simularity I see with Mugan and another character is that he sounds like Zoro from One Piece.
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
yeah i think they might be using the same voice actor
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
i'm intrigued to know why AonE feel able to sub this show, which is licensed, but dropped gokusen when that got licensed?
I don't mind, even though gokusen was my favourite show for a while, but I just don't understand the difference...
I am grateful for the subbing of this cool new show btw, I just wish they'd finish off the last 3 eps of Gokusen too... <sniff>
Samurai Champloo starts today
AonE don't really care about doing licensed shows, they probably just thought Gokusen wasn't worth doing. The only slight similarity between Spike and Mugen is the way they look. Spike is a much cooler character than Mugen though.
v I have no idea, and this thread isn't about Gokusen v
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
if they thought gokusen wasn't worth doing, why did they do it for 10 out of 13 of the eps & then stop when it was licensed!?!
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
well I just d/led ep 1 and 2 from aone
This anime is amazing!
Can't wait to see some more.
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
AonE and AF-F is the best one who's releasing imo.
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
yeh what day of the week does it air in japan? is it weekly? monthly? bi-weekly?
Samurai Champloo starts today
Just a little search, logical thinking and babelfish made me come up with this:
Presently, at Fuji Telecasting Co. it is in the midst of favorable comment televising, but the Kansai television, the broadcast with of BS FUJI was decided anew. Details are below.
Kansai television
Every week Tuesday nighttime 26: 25 -
Start of 2004 June 8th broadcast
Every week Sunday nighttime 24: 00 -
Start of 2004 June 20th broadcast
Fuji Telecasting Co.
Every week Wednesday nighttime 26: 28 -
In the midst of favorable comment televising
Source: samuraichamploo.com through Babelfish
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
Omg, this show is so friggin' awesome... I waited too long to watch it! The characters are so cool.... Mugen and Jin are both such bad-asses....
I LOVE the hip-hop/LP scratching music style, it goes so well with the Samurai setting, much better than I expected.
I think the sunflower samurai will turn out to be the one who killed Fuu's parents, seeing as she has "nowhere to go" as was said in the first episode, her parents were probably killed by some renegade samurai and she wants revenge. Just a guess though.
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
Pity there was no fondling this ep..although there was that one chick that tried to poison the dude [img]i/expressions/devil.gif[/img] power to the evil chicks!
Samurai Champloo starts today
did the 2nd episode remind you of inuyasha at all... i think i saw an inuyasha episode where they find a bad ogre that goes good.
but anyway, this series rocks.
best part:
old man: but, they say that males sometimes end up calling each other instead. *smile*
jin: ... i'll be going now.
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
Yeah this series is awesome! The breakdancing samurai reminds me of...spike is it? from cowboy bebop, and the other one reminds me of vash from trigun, but someone else even more. I can't place my finger on it though. I like the dark overtone they wasted no time to get at. Awesome.
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
i dont really watch inuyasha but i remember seeing that ep on CN
it was this ugly ogre, that the villagers wanted to kill
it had a grandma or mom, in the end it saved the villagers from this monster
but that was a little different than samurai champloo because the ogre actually wanted to kill people
the one in inuyasha didnt want to hurt anybody and it didnt die at the end
i like this series, i was wondering if they took out that dj scatch thing where they suddenly switch scenes
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
So far I think this series is pretty good, and I'm intersted in finding out who and why she is looking for the samurai who smells like sunflowers
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
Let's not forget about the assassin. He was pretty strong too. I wonder if he truly knows anything about the sunflower samurai.
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
Jin the cross-dresser. OMG
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
hahaha that's what i was saying he made a cute girl this episode was great a little short on the fighting but still great and the animation is back to the first episode's standard
Samurai Champloo starts today
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
did the 2nd episode remind you of inuyasha at all... i think i saw an inuyasha episode where they find a bad ogre that goes good.
but anyway, this series rocks.
best part:
old man: but, they say that males sometimes end up calling each other instead. *smile*
jin: ... i'll be going now.
I agree, that moment pwned.
Samurai Champloo starts today
if this anime is truly licensed and anime.mircx is removing all of the licensed anime does that mean there is no more samurai champloo on bittorrent?
what other bt sites might have the series?
nvm http://suprnova.org/ has samurai champloo
ep three out by mundo anime <anyone know if they sub good (or is it even in english)
Jin the cross-dresser. OMG
hahaha that's what i was saying he made a cute girl this episode was great a little short on the fighting but still great and the animation is back to the first episode's standard
are you guys talking about ep 3 or i might have missed something on ep 2?
Samurai Champloo starts today
Ep. 3 by mundo? Dont see it? link?
Samurai Champloo starts today
sorry dude, i guess my eyes were killing me then, it was just ep 2 by mundo
the raw is out and it looked like someone subbed it but it was just another group that released the raw
the other sites might not have samurai champloo to dl, so suprnova might be the only place to get it though
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
If anyone hears something about the OST release, could they please PM me?
I'm a sucker for good OST's....
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
Well, don't just PM it, spread the news around, we'd all like it I'm sure.
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
just watched ep 1 & 2, really cool stuff, definetaly reminded me of cowboy bebop, nice to see that it's the same people working on it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
can't wait for more, anybody know how often tehy are realeased?
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
I'll stick with it... strange animation, but really cool.
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
Will episode 3 ever be translated or not?
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
Samurai Champloo starts today
does anybody know why no one is subbing episode 3 and if someone does find a subbed version could they please post the link. Ive been looking for the 3 ep for s long time
Samurai Champloo starts today
I would even like a link to a raw of 3?
Samurai Champloo starts today
yes I would please give but anime.mircx dosn't seem to work right now atleast not for me but if you know somewere else to get it or if you think anime.mircx is working now please post
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
Just to let you people know if you havent realized yet, Samurai Champloo has it's own section now. And yea if you happen to know a link to the raw post it up.
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
Here is the Raw of ep3, I didn't know rather to put it here or in the SC forum.
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
Samurai Champloo starts today
Originally posted by: Aeon
Here is the Raw of ep3, I didn't know rather to put it here or in the SC forum.
do both people might over look this thread now since SC has it's own forum. And thanks for the raw.
Samurai Champloo starts today
Subbed version of episode 3 is out ! check suprnova.org!
Samurai Champloo starts today
I just discovered that they released two OST's for Samurai Champloo on the 11th I think.
If you check the official site (news section) and understand Japanese you'll probably be happier than I am. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Samurai Champloo starts today
I've watched the first 3 eps from POPGO fan-sub. I like this anime a lot, especially the one of the voice actors is the same guy for Zoro in OPhttp://www.l33t-raws.com/bt/gettorre...b9949d.torrent
Samurai Champloo starts today
I'm tired of having episodes ending the way it did. Come on, the best part is right there, and we have to wait until next week to get it.
Samurai Champloo starts today
true, oceen, it kind of gets you when episodes end like that, but then again, that's the whole point of cliff-hangers, to get you to want to watch it next week.
Samurai Champloo starts today
hey_ ep 3 is out subbed_ i tried dl'ing a version by af-f from suprnova.com but it wouldn't play on my windows media for some reason. currently finding out if just that file was corrupt on the site, or if i have to register as a member for dls to work...oh well, persistence
Samurai Champloo starts today
er i meant suprnova.org _ my mistake
Samurai Champloo starts today
use the edit button and don't multi post next time, thanks.
99% of the time if your file doesn't play, then you don't have the right codecs. i don't have the links right now but if you go to the anime support forum i'm sure you can find the links.'
but if you do have the right codecs, the file might be corrupt because it did not finish properly.
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
Ok, locking this, everyone post in the new forum.