I think the manga is setting up for a few chapters in the hospital after the arc anyway, i mean one of his key goals after these fights is to update on lee. So it only makes sense that all of them survive get really wounded and all end up in the hospital, except maybe naruto who will visit etc.
hmm yea we need to find out about lee now its kinda boring to see akamaru piss on ppl and kiba doing siucide moves... i hope he does what we wants.. end the kiba fight quickly turn to shika throw in a few pages of naruto then end shika fight in chapter 206 middle and focus on narutos fight and possbile plot development.
Very good chapter even if it only was action.
I like when it focused one fight at the time its better than jumpin to several fights.
I hope Kiba doesn't die cause even hi isnt one of the best ninjas in Naruto he is important in the show and i like him and his dog.
I must say i have a lot more respect for kiba now.
The next chapter i hope they finish this fight and show little of Narutos fight before they focuse on Shika and Tatuya.
I dunno why he is killing off so many characters, we can pretty much assume Choji is dead. 204 seemed rushed, suddenly you see Kiba commiting suicide...hopefully something good happens in 205...like real good.
ps, isn't the Anime going to catch up with the Manga soon?
No not yet, there's still alot of chapters ahead... maybe they have caught up in the summer/autumm
alot of the sound nins wernt put in death positions compared to the genins, kidoumaru had his chakra flow cut off but that eventually regenerates - none of them took suicide like stuff.
we might see them all catch up to Naruto http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif
yea - the relying on "omg, good thing i just learned a new jutsu" sucks.
neji was the only one that didn't have to resort to that in order to beat kidoumaru
not to be mean, but i sincerely hope chouji and kiba die. akamaru can live - he's cool. but i think it has been a trend that these two characters have the ugliest fights. (vs sound, vs naruto)
just kill these two waste of manga space characters off. if these guys weren't around, we'd already be at naruto vs kimimaru already! At minimum - make them goto the hospital like Lee, and never talk about them again. poor Lee =(.
lack of originality is a killer now...
if i wanted to see the kiba fight, i would just watch kenshin beat the mummy face silly
if i wanted to see people eating pills/beans wutever, i would watch dbz (not that I ever would).
"kishimoto's getting lazy"? i was under the impression that the story line for naruto had been completed and the manga was just being released. kishimoto did comment that naruto WAS his favorite work, meaning it was finished? they just haven't published them all yet, and finalized the comics.
And would a mod kindly explain why the topic about chuushin was closed?
I think it's important to elucidate that subject.
hey lets not be too harsh on the guy it has only been i bad chapter and it was this one i like the rest. i think it will get better after this fight just hold on til the kiba fight is over...
EDIT: only one that relied on "new jutsu" is kiba the others iddnt. chouji ate the akamichi pills which are perfectly fine in my opinion that fight was bad ass. and neji met a strategist nad used his old moves but stronger. shikamaru as always depends on his brain. and naruto on anger and raw power... it is not as bad as you guys say.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Jiraiya_777 @ Feb 14 2004, 05:02 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> ps, isn't the Anime going to catch up with the Manga soon? </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
nah, it's nowhere close to being caught up - but it's getting closer.
they're still missing a few major arcs:
akatsuki still has to visits gai and kakashi
jiraiya takes naruto off to find tsunade. (rasengan, orochimaru, frog vs snake vs slug)
after all that - then it starts to get close to where the manga is now... kinda, these battles are gonna draw out the anime a lot too.
Anime just started volume 14 (chapter 118)
Manga in middle of volume 23 (chapter 204)
a while ago (during double neji week):
anime was at chapt 102
manga was at chapt 197
so i guess it is catching up, but it's only a little over 1/2 way to where the manga is now.
won't catch up for a while =). i hope it doesn't. otherwise we'll end up with episodes like the lousy 65+ in kenshin.
blah..making fun of the french is not a crime.Conan O'Brian pissed off Quebec like hell when he was in Canada.Its all good.
I think that everyone will survive, at least one in the genin team survives without beeing major damaged, he will take them to Tsunande, and why not take the radio-link that the sound had to try to contact Tsunande who's the 5th, she's a specialist within healing and recovering..
i'm not a kiba hater, but the manga needs a few less characters, so the first one's to go should be Chouj and Kiba. Chouji extreme power up was half reasonable, since it was a sure death drug, so i can't really hate him for half winning...
Kiba's 'victory' is just shit. Kiba is THE avarge genin next to TenTen, he can't win a fight against the strongest of the sound four...
besides, his attack is too much like Kenshin Amakake ryu no (something somthing- i mean his ougie [succession technique]), with the air slashes and stuff, 'monto really messed up with this one.
if Sakon dies, then Ukno dies aswell, since he doesn't have anywhere to live in, but if Ukon dies, Sakon will just be lonely, and pissed off.
about the whole outcome: it's obvious that Naruto won't die, and I can't think about a scenrio where Shikamaru dies. and seeing how Neji managed to walk away and fight after getting that hole fixed up in him, i can't see him dying as well (espically since his fight was the most logical one in this arc). But Kiba and Chouji will die, both said that they will, so they have to, unless 'monto wants to make this manga really stupid...
and beside, chouji had a butterfly to represent his death, Kiba has Akamaru...
i believe that at least one of the sound four will survive to get Sasuke, and then they'll be dismissed by Sasuke (lvl 2, if it has not being shown yet) or Oro (to show us how strong his new body is) since they aren't needed anymore. my guess is that it'll be Sakon, since he won't want to live without Ukon, or Tatuya, in case that Sakon will stay back to help Kiminaro hold down Naruto.
Comon this ain't Berserk, Kenshin or such series, It's Naruto, for kids, no "main" characters will die, not even one in the genin team right now. Tsunande will heal them
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Legendary Nin @ Feb 14 2004, 06:21 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> blah..making fun of the french is not a crime.Conan O'Brian pissed off Quebec like hell when he was in Canada.Its all good. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Too true. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/smile.gif
205 better be as damn good as 204. the suspense is killing me
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (itachi_ @ Feb 14 2004, 06:35 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Comon this ain't Berserk, Kenshin or such series, It's Naruto, for kids, no "main" characters will die, not even one in the genin team right now. Tsunande will heal them </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
If i had kids i wouldn't let them watch Naruto... it's really violent and pretty disturbing at times. Like when Sasuke broke Zaku's arms - that was twisted.
Also, i reckon Kishimoto is, but want to know why he is killing off characters, it's pretty obvious Choji and Neji are dead due to the butterflies and the bird scenes - more so Choji than Neji because Shikamaru looks surprised at the butterfly that flies past him.
Kill Kiba, Chouji and have the rest of the genins survive....
i dont understand why people dont like kiba and chouji i think choujis is cool and at the moment hes got a better chance at survival than neji and kiba he is physically unharmed but hes devoid of chakra so hes better of then neji who's got a whole in his side and kiba who has a kunai in his belly
I think/know that it's because people dosen't considering those as "genius". They are more like Naruto, but without the power (kyubi chakra), well they kiba has learned a very good jutsu, but it was easy to counter, check chapter 204. Chouji ate a pill to become strong, that's not the same as most other jutsus, it's like they aren't special in the way Neji, Sasuke, Itachi are...
so i bet if when hes older he devolops great skill look at his dad hes powerrful and chouji techniques are are uniquee to his clan and same goes for kiba hes unique to his clan
i really dont think that kishimoto will kill off imoortant characters of the anime
So, if Naruto learns the rasengan its ok, Shika learns a new jutsu and its ok too, but kiba cant learn anythiiing he's just a blockhead who is watching tv, dating hinata and taking his puppy for a walk aaaaall the day, meh I hate u all XD
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>so i bet if when hes older he devolops great skill look at his dad hes powerrful and chouji techniques are are uniquee to his clan and same goes for kiba hes unique to his clan
</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
true, true. Akamichi and Inuzuka are two of the strongests clans in konoha, not as powerfull as Hyuuga but still pretty strong
kiba can learn what ever he wants i dont see why he cant didnt kiba learn a new attack his giant bodied double headed dog
shikamaru has a new attack i thought so i bet we get to see that next chapter
but i mean they all have there certain super powerful moves and there death moves choujis kurry pills are unique bto his famikly only they have them
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (itachi_ @ Feb 14 2004, 07:42 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I think/know that it's because people dosen't considering those as "genius". They are more like Naruto, but without the power (kyubi chakra), well they kiba has learned a very good jutsu, but it was easy to counter, check chapter 204. Chouji ate a pill to become strong, that's not the same as most other jutsus, it's like they aren't special in the way Neji, Sasuke, Itachi are... </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
so what you're saying is that Kakashi wouldn't be the genius he is without Sharingan?
wow amazing chapter and to think sakon got that amazing ability..... kiba is really crazy to try to commit suicide.... and it was nice that inane got it out so fast.
EDIT: umm itachi_ naruto isnt exactly for kids.. Haku jumps infront of zabuza and take a blow right through is heart than zabuza kills gatou with 5 or 6 spears in his back with blood all over the place.. the anime is done ro be mor child friendly but it is not for kids....
I just named a few. Hokage 4th, Orochimaru, all jounins are genius, those are just a few... Kakashi would have been a Genius either way, because a jounin is a genius more or less, "To become a chuunin it's required leadership and resposibility that ain't required as a genin, But to become a Jounin you gotta be a genius" something like that's stated.
Naruto and Kenshin are for teens. (10-15 years old) Berserk is for adults or people like me who don't really give a shit about age. (18+ years old) Berserk and kenshin are not on the same level.
Anyways even though Naruto is for kids like 10 and up I would still show it too someone like 7. Depends on how mature they are. Naruto isn't really that disturbing. If you want disturbing watch ichi the killer. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/wink.gif
Note that the naruto anime is targeted for even younger kids. (hence the lack of blood)
Sry there PSJ just said that
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (VagabondLBD @ Feb 14 2004, 08:32 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Naruto and Kenshin are for teens. (10-15 years old) Berserk is for adults or people like me who don't really give a shit about age. (18+ years old) Berserk and kenshin are not on the same level.
Anyways even though Naruto is for kids like 10 and up I would still show it too someone like 7. Depends on how mature they are. Naruto isn't really that disturbing. If you want disturbing watch ichi the killer. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/wink.gif
Note that the naruto anime is targeted for even younger kids. (hence the lack of blood)
Sry there PSJ just said that </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Or if you read Blade Of The Immortal, that must be 21+ it has a deep story, pretty involved, hard to understand... and it's RAW
i enjoy Blade of the Immortal really much its fun to read. i like the dude in the begining with the girls mom's head on his shoulder.. he was freaky..
but its true that naruto cant compare with berserk and Blade of the immortal.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (itachi_ @ Feb 14 2004, 08:29 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I just named a few. Hokage 4th, Orochimaru, all jounins are genius, those are just a few... Kakashi would have been a Genius either way, because a jounin is a genius more or less, "To become a chuunin it's required leadership and resposibility that ain't required as a genin, But to become a Jounin you gotta be a genius" something like that's stated. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Oh, Because you chose the names with people of Special Eye abilities so I didn't think you meant it that way.
OT: what did conan say about quebec ?
i live in quebec, i have a good sense of humour though.
anyone got a transcript somewhere ?
too bad he chose toronto, that city is SOOO boring (i know what i'm talking about)
the bars close at midnight http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/mad.gif
in fact the town is so boring that even the sars left http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Badmamajama @ Feb 14 2004, 02:53 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I find this arc is getting repetitive and lame.
It was cool when Choji used the pills to fight and it was cool when Neji went off to fight but by the Kiba fight I just lost interest. I mean Neji's and Chohi's fight had emotion to them but Kiba's has nothing. It just seems so artificial and forced.
</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
For some odd reason I think that's because they didn't use any flashbacks for him at all. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/mf_gap.gif
LOL is toronto really that boring? btw this thread is about everything but chapter 204 now....
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (AlbinoFury @ Feb 13 2004, 07:24 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> i have a feeling things will turn out ok, i mean who kills a puppy? akamaru aint done yet. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
That's gotta be pervert sennin jiraiya, he hates(ate?) puppies...
boring and weird, my friends and i went there last year for the lord of the rings exhibit, it was pretty cool, you wouldn't believe the amount of details they put in the armors, if you have the zoom options on your dvd, you should check it out.
so after the exhibit we decide to visit a little, it was at night and we were walking down the street when all of a sudden men dressed in women's clothes started running in the streets ! at a red light i asked them what the hell they were doing and the guy replied: we're a running club with a drinking problem. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/mf_gap.gif
turns out that each time these guys encounter a bar they have to stop and chug a beer (or something like that) and go out and find another bar and do it again http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/blink.gif
just weird really.
i think most of us would agree that Sakon somewhat a 'cooler' character then Kiba, even though hes the bad guy it just doesnt seem right for him to lose to Kiba - maybe to Naruto but still
just the way that Sakon is protrayed as a character sorta puts him up there with Kimimaro
Well it can't be that all of them go through near death experiences. The way I see it, someone's gotta die.
We know about some parts about Shika, Choji and Neji's past. With Kiba we know nothing of his past or ambitions. I think Choji and Kiba are the most likely to die (maybe Akamaru stays alive, because of Kishimoto's twisted humor).
Kiba, well it wouldn't be much of a loss would it? He might kill him off because he wants to send a message that it was a dangerous mission, or maybe not because it wouldn't be as much a tragic death because we don't know much.
Choji, because we know that Shikamaru will lose his best friend and have to deal with the fact that someone who "I don't even think they're dead" really are. Sure Shika can say it now that his friends will never leave a man behind, but without Choji he might start to second guess himself -- lose that confidence.
Then again, we haven't had a serious loss like that since Haku...
Haku was a bad guy though, we havent seen the loss of someone 'good' since the 3rd hokage...
alot of the time people have been seen as dead but come back (Raido's died like 3 times?)
so that just goes to show that any of the genins can come back
Didn't really want to read through all 8 pages so this is my prediction for the next fight. The Kiba who is killing himself is actually Akamaru while Kiba was disguised as Akamaru. Akamaru ends up killing himself and Ukon while Kiba then reveals himself and destroys the blinded Sakon.
i really dont think that Akamarus piss is lethal
that'd be the stupidest idea EVER
why not maybe its not actual pee maybe its a very strong venom similar to that of a spitting cobra which has been documented as to eat through skin and muscle maybe akamaru has a second glan inside his bladder that allows a corosive liquid to extrude through his well um and its very acidic
hell sakon said it was burning like acid
intersting theory, but i don't think Akamaru can talk... so we have to dismiss it.
Naruto is aimed for 12-16 (mainly 14) at japan,no way around it, the anime is for kids, the manga is for whoever wants it.
have you ever had any liquid in your eyes? if you dont expect it it always stings unless you're used to it like water
piss actually does have some mild acid in it but i doubt there could ever be so much as to kill or burn through someones eyes, it'd kill akamaru just by being inside him.
'i forgot to mention, my dogs piss kills people'
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>it'd kill akamaru just by being inside him.</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
not if its natural to his body
amd urine can be leathal kinda
boy aint this a fun conversation
ok i'll bet you 100 bucks that Sakon doesnt die to Akamarus piss alone http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif
i never said he had to die just that id think it funny if he had his eyes or a hole burned into his head that disabled sakon
Actually, the anime is aimed lower than that, I'm sure. Most anime is aimed at a younger than teen age in Japan. So it could look pretty weird for a 16 year old to be watching anime in Japan. Hehe.
Manga's more wide-spread over the ages, whereas the anime adaptions aren't usually watched by teenagers.
At any rate .. I'm not too interested in Kiba. So I just hope that this fight hurries up, so we can see what Shikamaru's plan is. It's always interesting, seeing what he'll come up with.
ok ^^
fact1: narutochuushin modify all inane chapter into jpg wich modify inane original work just by recompressing the chapter
fact2: narutochuushin remove inane tag,
take a look at inane chapter203 http://ojisama.free.fr/Naruto_v23_ch203%5bInane%5d.zip
they remove page too : inane chapter on narutochuushin http://ojisama.free.fr/chapter203.zip
u can see that the page1 with inane credit just was removed, it s not the first time it happens.
fact3: they change filename from "Naruto_vxx_chxxx[Inane]" to "chapterxxx"
fact4:they disrespect inane
Just see their news for naruto chapter203
"After what I thought to be a rather annoyingly long wait, Inane has finally decided to put out chapter 203. They've been sitting on a completed version for at least a full day, god knows why they didn't put this thing out when it was finished like any logic would say to do. Regardless, they've finally gotten around to releasing it, and as always, we've got it up here on Chuushin for you"
So for them inane is annoying because we released chapter203 sunday althought the raw was out only since friday, and we released when it was ready. They just assume thing about inane althought they dont know anything.
And if your read inane website at the same time we were talking about droping naruto because of ppl like that who think that inane is obliged to release the chapter is less than a day ...
<@Gogeta619> I don't care about Inane because you're pointless
<@Gogeta619> the world would not mourn your loss
<@Gogeta619> all would still receive the same weekly scanslated manga
<Lvl9> god, my head hurts from trying to read u re lame typ in
<@Gogeta619> I modify your crap because it sucks cock the way it is
<@Gogeta619> and sorry if I don't host homosexually challenged multimedia
gogeta is an admin of narutochuushin btw...
fact5: now they modify our current page at their own will
inane page1 version http://ojisama.free.fr/naruto_ch204_p01.png
inane said "plz do not support or donate to narutochuushin"
inane altered page on narutochuushin http://ojisama.free.fr/chapter204_01.jpg
they changed it to "plz do not support or donate to inane thx"
u can also read their new : "Well, after what I find to be a rather humorous turn of events, Inane has decided to tag this week's Naruto release with a little bit of extra information. You'll see what I mean when you download it. To think they'd knowingly tell all you Naruto fans not to support or donate to Inane, well, it's simply astounding. But I suppose we should all take their words to heart, as, after all, they are the untouchable gods of scanslation, are they not?"
fact6: they just know to say for their defense that i m a stupid french. Ok o_O;;
so you see narutochuushin just dont like/respect inane at all but on other other hand they use inane chapter to get more popular.
And i m not even talking about that naruto is licensed in usa wich make http site like narutochuushin totaly unlegit...
Oh god not one of those character comes back from the dead scenarios. Inuyasha and Dragonball Z did those things...well...to death.
The reason I mentioned Haku, and not Hokage was because I don't think anyone really developed a liking of the old man. Haku on the other hand was a child and had lost everything because of his cursed "advanced bloodline"
shikamaru has the biggest potential of dying in my opinion. Since he is a good friend of Naruto, and he is the leader, and must protect his team.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Everon @ Feb 15 2004, 04:45 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> The reason I mentioned Haku, and not Hokage was because I don't think anyone really developed a liking of the old man. Haku on the other hand was a child and had lost everything because of his cursed "advanced bloodline" </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
speak for yourself, mate. long live ole man the third, thats what i say
crazy theory here, when my roomate saw the kiba stabbing himself pic he said it appeared as if kiba was stabbing himself where his bladder was. maybe his piss is toxic too and only his own body can handle it, so itll kill off ukon. maybe. just thought id throw that out there. Itd be weird as fuck but hell it could go there.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Oh god not one of those character comes back from the dead scenarios. Inuyasha and Dragonball Z did those things...well...to death.</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Sasuke has 'died' several times already, so has Naruto - so has Raido and Gemma.
how could you not notice the fact that they keep coming back?
Raido is the prime example, he was supposed to have died while protecting the hokage, then hes alive again and fights the sound 4, and 'dies' again - then hes talking again.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (XpLo @ Feb 14 2004, 01:48 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Jakob
"1) Oooh, changing the file format is stealing!? Since when?"
where did i mention stealing ? oO
"3) Who cares what the FILE NAME is, if Inane is mentioned in the image itself? Maybe it'd make you happy if we put "Inane scanslated this for all of us Naruto fans!" on every single page?"
Inane cares. And exactly like in chapter 203 narutochuushin REMOVED THE INANE TAG IN the chapter(page1). Read again my post....
"4) I've seen at least one time where Inane has had the chapter done, yet someone decides to hold it off for some reason. Obviously since I don't work for Inane, I don't know the whole story, but i'm sure UltimateDBZ isn't making this shit up just because he doesn't like you. "
ohhh really what chapter ?? u cant know when a chapter is done unless you re in inane wich i doubt .....
"5) So, its okay for Inane to say "don't support Chuushin" but if we turn that around and say "don't support Inane," we're the ones that are wrong?"
Yes it s wrong it s our edited chapter, not yours, u just modified inane chapter,if u dont like what we put in our chapter then DONT distro it .... This page can be considered like stealing </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
You mentioned that the tag for Inane was removed? hmm but only in Chapter 203?
Well I realize the feud is supposedly over, which is good- is chuushin still going to use Inane scanslations then? I though OT went under?
that bladder stabbing theory is indeed crazy
if that does happen Kiba will be know as the piss jutsu genin.
Mannen your sig is way too fucking big for this forum. theirs an overall size limit of like 500x150. ur s is like 5 billionx6billion
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Everon @ Feb 15 2004, 09:45 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
The reason I mentioned Haku, and not Hokage was because I don't think anyone really developed a liking of the old man. Haku on the other hand was a child and had lost everything because of his cursed "advanced bloodline" </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
i didnt feel anything for haku. haku was just stupid to follow zabuza around he would be better off on his own. 3rd on the other hand was a great man. i like 3rd more than haku.
that bladder stabbing theory is indeed crazy. to me it looked like he stabbed himself in his liver(sp?) hope you get what i mean.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya @ Feb 16 2004, 03:12 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Everon @ Feb 15 2004, 09:45 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
The reason I mentioned Haku, and not Hokage was because I don't think anyone really developed a liking of the old man.* Haku on the other hand was a child and had lost everything because of his cursed "advanced bloodline" </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
i didnt feel anything for haku. haku was just stupid to follow zabuza around he would be better off on his own. 3rd on the other hand was a great man. i like 3rd more than haku.
</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Same here, the 3rd was a total badass.
*bows to the Sandaime Hokage*
Kiba stab himself slightly to the upper right. Isn't that where the kidney is located? Kiba wouldn't die ... yet. Seriously how are they going to explain the blood lost (Neji, Kiba) unless someone pick them up? Personally I want Chouji and Kiba out of the picture simply to allow more room for other character development (like xtort said the Neji arc/growth). Btw, the "door" is just a heavyly fortified gate, end of summon.
204 is below par ... I'm sort of disappointed.
If his kidney was hurt, then he'll pee blood for about a week http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Destroyor @ Feb 16 2004, 05:32 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Kiba stab himself slightly to the upper right. Isn't that where the kidney is located? Kiba wouldn't die </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
for kiba to hit his kidneys he would have to stab all the way through his body, kidneys are more towards the back than the front. More likely he hit something like the liver or the pancreas, they are towards the upper right around the bottom most ribs, but like you said that is not lethal. However, someone else made the point that where kiba hit looks like ritualistic japanese suicide.
Thanks primalspas, I wasn't sure it was the kidney cause I remember there's something in front of it. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't ritualistic japanese suicide stab oneself's belly open right in the middle and pull?
Seppuku (ritual suicide) if i remember correctly you use the wazakashi if ones avaliable you stab blade horizontally (sharp end facing left to make it easier to cut) into your right side and drag the blade to you left making sure that it is impossible for you to survive. Surviving seppuku makes things worse off then they were. For those of you who don't know its a method to remove some of the shame of your life and action thusly ending it before things get worse, alot of samurai when they lost their masters either commited seppuku or went Ronin and wandered all their lives. Theres my contribution
wow lots of info. i have said it before and i will say it again. these forums are a great source for information. i htink ill ask here when im doin school work http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif
i dont want kiba and chouji to die, they can simply be put outside the centre of stuff just like rock lee. and for neji it would be weird for him to survive he is worst off of all of them( to many of's there?)
<rant> Be warned.
It's kinda funny... all this talk about people stealing each others' work. Well, let's think about all of it for a moment.
Naruto is a copyrighted publication of a company and author in Japan. International copyright laws protect it, even though I'm in America, because we are signitors on some of the same copyright treaties that Japan is on. So, legally, despite the fact that the companies in Japan LOVE the fact that someone is translating it free of charge (hell, it gets them a fanbase in America, so that if they put out a product here, they're guaranteed an audience), it's... illegal.
So, what's theft of something stolen? (As Chuusin has purportedly done in the past. I've heard it said that Inane has stolen stuff too, so who's to know?)
I've always been keen on scanslation groups making massive mention in the manga about who originally made and produced it. As much effort as they put into it (in the 2-3 days that they pour over it, edit the scans, translate the text, and fontset the images), the original team that produced it put waay more effort into it. It's not Kishimoto's Naruto, it's Inane's Naruto that you're downloading, and that, in my opinion, is a bit fucked up.
Groups like Inane/OT/HNGO and others put a tremendous amount of effort in a short time to get these things out to all of us, with little thanks, and tons of bitching. While that is true, let's not forget that everything here is legally dubious, even if it's enjoyed by all (even the people whom, ostensibly, we're hurting by scanlating/enjoying the manga). The groups put it out free of charge; the readers don't have to pay for it. If you don't like the agreement, don't be part of it. But on the other hand, don't waste our collective time and/or bandwidth listening to you bitching and moaning because a group that isn't getting paid in the first place doesn't do it fast enough for you.
Inane and Chuusin fixed their problem. That's enough, no? So let's have fun talking about Naruto instead of peoples' insecurities at what the hell we're all about here.
PS Ukon is gonna die. Mark. My. Words.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Insomniac @ Feb 16 2004, 01:24 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Oh god not one of those character comes back from the dead scenarios. Inuyasha and Dragonball Z did those things...well...to death.</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Sasuke has 'died' several times already, so has Naruto - so has Raido and Gemma.
how could you not notice the fact that they keep coming back?
Raido is the prime example, he was supposed to have died while protecting the hokage, then hes alive again and fights the sound 4, and 'dies' again - then hes talking again. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
It's definetly freaked out, the prime example for this one is when sasuke <u>SHOULD</u> have died during the fight with Haku, look at all the huge needles that he had nailed in him. He totally should have damaged some vital parts of his body, don't you think?
Let's just wait till next week...
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (itachi_ @ Feb 16 2004, 09:28 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Insomniac @ Feb 16 2004, 01:24 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Oh god not one of those character comes back from the dead scenarios. Inuyasha and Dragonball Z did those things...well...to death.</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Sasuke has 'died' several times already, so has Naruto - so has Raido and Gemma.
how could you not notice the fact that they keep coming back?
Raido is the prime example, he was supposed to have died while protecting the hokage, then hes alive again and fights the sound 4, and 'dies' again - then hes talking again. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
It's definetly freaked out, the prime example for this one is when sasuke <u>SHOULD</u> have died during the fight with Haku, look at all the huge needles that he had nailed in him. He totally should have damaged some vital parts of his body, don't you think? </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
well..no because Haku didnt want to kill him, so he just put him in that death like state. Just like Haku did to Zabuza. I'm trying to remember the other guy you're talking about though..can you give some chapters?
Neither manga nor anime is REAL!
Therefore it doesn't matter what happens to the main characters, they will still survive.
Raidou is the guy with the wrinkled face that "protected" the hokage during the 3rd exam, and he's one of the guys the sound four defetead b4.
And haku said that he WAS trying to hit him in critical areas but Sasuke blocked those... but then again, Haku said that he wasn't trying to kill him, so we can't be sure.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Rock Lee @ Feb 16 2004, 07:09 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Seppuku (ritual suicide) if i remember correctly you use the wazakashi if ones avaliable you stab blade horizontally (sharp end facing left to make it easier to cut) into your right side and drag the blade to you left making sure that it is impossible for you to survive. Surviving seppuku makes things worse off then they were. For those of you who don't know its a method to remove some of the shame of your life and action thusly ending it before things get worse, alot of samurai when they lost their masters either commited seppuku or went Ronin and wandered all their lives. Theres my contribution </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Well, cool Lee, always good with som history-learning http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/wink.gif
Do you know how a real seppuku went off? where do you stab? Did you do seppuku because you wanted to save your family's name and honor? know anything more about it, it's really interesting.
Itachi your guide to seppuku. Actually tells you the best way to do it. lol http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif
Like it says in traditional seppuku also had a "second" who is usually a Kaishakunin. They basically make sure you are dead and make it so you endure a lot less pain. If you've read Lone wolf and cub you know what im talking about.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (itachi_ @ Feb 17 2004, 01:17 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Rock Lee @ Feb 16 2004, 07:09 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Seppuku (ritual suicide) if i remember correctly you use the wazakashi if ones avaliable you stab blade horizontally (sharp end facing left to make it easier to cut) into your right side and drag the blade to you left making sure that it is impossible for you to survive. Surviving seppuku makes things worse off then they were. For those of you who don't know its a method to remove some of the shame of your life and action thusly ending it before things get worse, alot of samurai when they lost their masters either commited seppuku or went Ronin and wandered all their lives. Theres my contribution </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Well, cool Lee, always good with som history-learning http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/wink.gif
Do you know how a real seppuku went off? where do you stab? Did you do seppuku because you wanted to save your family's name and honor? know anything more about it, it's really interesting. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Are you thinking of commiting Seppuku? I can recomend some special blades for you http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/laugh.gif , btw if you are wealthy enough buy two swords and then with one you cut your belly like Rock Lee explained and with the other you stab yourself constantly in the face. That way you will die for sure. Good luck with your Seppuku http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif
Kiba does something and everyone wants to copy him http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/laugh.gif
next you'll be flying through the air spinning and pissing http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/blink.gif
hmm sounds intresting where can i grab some blades for seppuku
im think of it
I hope Kiba doesn't go through with it...
I keep hoping for his good looking sister to show up and save him though.
only way kiba is gonna live is if sakon and ukon leave for whatever reason.
i have 204 long ago, when 205 out?
This week. This isn't a new topic its just had a lot of replies thus bumping it to the top.
Question, who is kiba's sister? Did we ever see her? (can't remember)
nope we havent seen hs sis if he got one. but we have seen his mom and dad fighting to protect the village. they got the same marks as kiba on their cheeks. i watched Mononoke Hime(Princess Mononoke) the other day and noticed that she(Mononoke Hime) had the same marks as kiba and his family.... weird.. does those marks mean soemthing?
Probably has something to do with wolves. Or maybe Kishimoto is giving a nod to Miyazaki. Good observation. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/laugh.gif
hehe not really that hard to miss http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif but i also thought it had some japanese symbolic to wolves or something...
I'm sure and store that sells Japanese swords in China Town.
Power PMV, please be quiet.. it's annoying.
I dunno about Ibiki but i'm probably about 75% sure that the kid with the goggles is Obito.
yea that kid might be obito. some ppl thinks it's asuma since he got a thing in his mouth...
actually, Kakashi's female team mate (not the boy) also had those markings, but she wasn't the one from the ANBU team that talked with Kakashi be4 the 3rd's funeral...
and yes, we can't see Shika getting hit cuz we know he won't stand up later, and i doubt anyone believes that Shika will die in this mission...
Does anyone think that Kiba will be on his deathbed, while either Choji or Neji hobble from god knows where to finish what Kiba started. More likely that Choji might help, since Neji does have a pretty big gaping hole. Choji seemed more to be just extremely worn out.
The way I see it, Kiba's dead. He might putter around for a bit more, but he's basically dead. Not that I dislike him, but he has the most potential to set off Shikamaru. Shikamaru's isn't necessarily fighting to win, he's fighting with a logical purpose to give Naruto as much time as possible to escape (since Shika doesn't know that Naruto has been cornered). If Kiba were to die and die so loudly as for his death cry to be heard by Shika (Possibly little doggie wailing?), then Shika might then very well put it into overdrive. That would be some fight, for Shika to place actual emotion into a fight.
As for Naruto, it seems like he gonna go berserk. It'll be even cooler if Kimimaro has some sort of ability to show Naruto all his dying comrades. I'll like to see how Kimimaro is changed by Naruto (since all of Naruto mortal enemies have been changed by him somehow)
What I would hate to see is if anyone aside from the original team of 4 comes to the rescue. That and if no one dies at all.
I know this is an addition to a discussion started almost a week ago, but hey! I'm a college kid a week away from finals.
Hey you bring up some good points, Welcome to the forum. Always post what you like as long as its on topic http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif
i think the ones that has the greatest chance of dying are neji and kiba. both tied for the worst chance of survivial.
1. i think neji HAS to die. yeah, i know it's an anime, he had this whole thing with main and branch family, and said "i cannot die yet" and some stuff like that but come on. he has TWO HUGE holes in his body. one through his shoulder (which is not fatal immediately) and one through right above his right hip. i'm no doctor, but i know that once one of your kidneys and whatever organ(s) infront of it go byebye, you will probably die from shock and more importantly, blood loss. the way kishimoto drew neji's hole in his shoulder makes it look like he's arm is only held by his skin and the shoulder joint is gone. he has to die, i can't think of any way he can be saved. even if he was rescued by the shizune, the medic ninja can't reconstruct neji's body and organs.
2. kiba. so i guess suicide is the only way to kill ukon if he has attached himself to a person. again, the stab kiba caused on to himself looks like it's above the right hip. so let's say the kunai penetrates all the way, existing out the lower back. so ok, this live kiba with little time to some how escape from ukon (assuming ukon leaves kiba's body) and sakon (assuming he is busy washing out his eyes). but, sakon and ukon aren't gonna let him off that easy obviously so kiba will have to face them both. even though all three of them are injured in one way or another, kiba will be at a disadvantage. i think he will only live if sakon and ukon retreat and that's highly unlikely.
EDIT: i know you can survive without one kidney, but the blood loss would be too detrimental to neji. and it's been a while since his fight ended.
Those marks represent wolf/dog fangs, also Jio from 666satan has them, and a guy from mr.fullswing 2
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>actually, Kakashi's female team mate (not the boy) also had those markings, but she wasn't the one from the ANBU team that talked with Kakashi be4 the 3rd's funeral...</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
I dont know, her marks looks diferent from the Inuzuka's fangs, and she has not dark hair as the Inuzuka family so...
i was thinking about the picture in chapter 122 page 16, they aren't dark but they look like Kiba's family markings...
Maybe the medic team should come rescue Neji and then Rip out Spider Man's kidneys and transplant it on Neji.
Better yet, Hinata's father feels sorry for Neji, so he decides to donate his own kidney.
About blood loss, that can't be helped, so high possibily that he will die from that.
remember they are ninjas and normal damage models dont apply, i mean after all iruka took a huge ass shuriken to his spine and hes fine and dandy now, and he is about the same lvl as the rest of the genin because they are all pretty clearly at the chuunin lvl combat wise.
hm so jiraiya taught 3 people not just yondaime.