Season 2 Ep1
nice. I still love seeing Yor and Anya and how silly they are.
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Season 2 Ep1
nice. I still love seeing Yor and Anya and how silly they are.
I love the "ONEONE ST" direction in the background when they go out to get a dog with Anya in "wan wan" mode :D
Seriously silly anime of the season :D
Bonus points to the official subbers for putting "Borf." in for the dog.
Yor's imagination going to space and back when she starts to panic gets me every time.
Also the cute little details like Anya reading the minds of the dogs in the Agency Pet Shop to re-establish that her powers extend to animals before it becomes relevant to the main plot.
The agency dogs flexing broke me.
Wonder what went on in fluffy dog's head.
*Future sight*.. if I run around this block, a lady will come out and kick this guy in the face really hard.
.. guess I'll run around this block.
I mean, there's also the possibility that he panicked and didn't know what to do. They showed he's a little cowardly at times.
Anya is not nearly as smart as she comes off publicly either, she's just reading peoples thoughts.
Clairvoyance or no, in the end we need to recognize that he's still just a dog.
Eps 14
Some serious Black Lagoon vibes this week.
Sylvia The spymaster from the West has certainly seen or done a lot of what she laid out to those students. War fucking sucks, and anyone who wishes for one or wants to prolong one has obviously never seen the effects it has on people firsthand. Slyvia has, and so has Twilight. And kicking out a guy's tooth with the spike of her heel? Slyvia is certainly not just a desk bureaucrat or a manager.
But I get the sense that from her, "Have you ever been killed before?" line that on the surface is absurd, but given the other things she describes, she probably has had a point where she didn't consider herself alive either.
Also the causal drive up and attempt to assassinate Keith by the other WISE agents, and Yor channeling Roberta to scare off the dogs.
But it is the Anya details that sell this series so hard. She might be an esper, and the dog might be a precog, but it doesn't change the fact that she's maybe 5 years old at this point, and he's a dog. Anya can't read analog clocks, has a poor sense for time, bombs aren't wired up like in the cartoons, and she cries when she panics.
For all the other dumb things Anya does, she's exceptionally wary of being found out as an esper. She must have had some very tough times as a toddler.
On a fun note, the dog is voiced by the narrator of the series.
So mean! I don't want wan-chan to be shot :(.
Anya riding on Borf-chan is exceptionally cute btw.... especially when he just picks her up and carries her around with his mouth.
The Adventures of Anya and Borf is definitely a welcome addition to this show.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kray
It wasn't even trivial either. She prevented a war.
I also love how she ruffles his cheeks in the ED.
Borf might be the cutest doggo I've ever seen in anime.
Surprised that they didn't conclude this arc this ep, but the setup and pacing haven't faltered yet, so who am I to complain?
S2 EP3
Hnnggg... what the fuck, my heart hurts.
The bow tie was cute.
Slyvia has a weakness towards children, for obvious reasons. It's nice seeing her opposite softie side, compared to her Balalaika side with kicking teeth out.
It's funny that Anya keeps blatantly ignoring Becky, her only real friend. Becky's family is almost as important as Damian's.
I didn't really like the way they handled Yor kicking the car. It's very obscured here, but in the manga, she blatantly kicks the entire mass of the car to veer into the pole, emphasizing Yor's obscene power level. Keith intended to run her over to escape.
That's what Yor does though. Breaks trees with dodgeballs and kicks 60 kph cars into poles.
Jumps 10m or more to grip roof structures, jumps from road bridges. She's what a human sized grasshoper would be with cheetah speeds and swallow manoeuvrability.
Which are still more believable with her superhuman abilities, versus kicking aside a car without anchoring herself anywhere. If she had anchored herself on a wall and then kicked the car aside, I'd be totally okay with it.
I know she does crazy things like destroying trees with things she throws, but those weren't really plot related and seemed like exaggerations for comedic effect. This scene effectively allowed her to stop the escaping baddie.
I agree with Shinta here.
It's not necessarly about being realistic, it's about how absurd you wanna be.
The way it was done right now was absurd already and in-theme with what we've seen of her, her swiping the car away with her kick would be bonkers-deluxe to the point where you think she could easily level a house if she wanted to.
It's just about how crazy you want to get and where and when you use that crazyness.
It doesn't matter that a villain gets smashed by her and bounces his head on 5 walls like a gummyball, a knockout punch or kick would have the same effect.
Stopping a car with her bare hands like a sumo-ringer for example, compared to making someone crash a car with a good kick that was already on the verge of losing control of his vehicle due to a sudden turn is still absolutely insane, but less so... and it has a different effect on the story/situation.
The way it was done here could've been "waved off" as him losing control of the car by himself.
Her kicking it into a wall or something would be weird if there are bystanders watching it, considering she wants to remain "undercover".
You'd like some kind of proportionnal coherence in her abilities I guess.
Devil's advocate here, I'd need to rewatch the scene, but coud it be said that she did not move the 1000 Kg car but rather surprise/stun the driver into steering the car ?
I'm okay if that were the case, but Ryll did say in the source she just kicked the car aside, and that proves her superhuman abilities.
(To add more fuel to the fire) The shot proceeding her kick, it looked like Kieth was handling the wheel as if to swerve out of her way. If he did,the vehicle was already turning before the kick added X lateral momentum to it.
Granted you would have to buy into him swerving, which he might not due to his 'burn it all down' character and situation, but he may have done so out of reflex?
For better or worse, it's pretty unambiguous.
The series is a comedy-adventure first and foremost. I wouldn't take this as serious as Black Lagoon, which itself has cartoony physics because it is playing after being a John Woo film. SPY x FAMILY is very much in line with Jump's usual fare of super-acrobatics treated as if they're normal.
We don't see Twilight sinking in an ice bath after a fight like this is Atomic Blonde.
It's probably most in line with something like of Gunsmith Cats, which in case anyone hasn't seen it or read it, includes scenes of throwing a child through a car to avoid hitting them, grenades that somehow don't kill, and a character deliberately catching bullets in the forehead because he wears a steel-backed bandana. Realistic? No. Entertaining? Yes.
Spy x Family is described as a "cheerful spy action series." It shares a lot of tonal similarities with the Black Cat manga. People die very conclusively in this series when it serves the plot. Yor kills people with extreme efficiency much the same ways the Chronos members did.
Yor is absurdly strong, and it is generally played for comedy. The whole series is intentionally such.
I'm not really sure what else people are expecting. Did people want Keith to escape so that Sylvia can shoot him in the face?
I expected that if Yor had to kick the car, that she braced herself on a pillar or a wall to do it. Just seems less absurd than what we got. For me, it's not an issue about her power but her weight.
Well, I expected what we got to see in the show.
Not what is shown in the manga which in my opinion is the inferior version.
To me, the one from the show is more "in-universe" than the one in the manga because even if Yor is insanely strong, they are still undercover and no one is supposed to know she is insanely strong.
My suspension of disbelief isn't overburdended when I can say "Okay, the driver already turned the car away from her and the car was just short of losing control and Yor just knocked it out of control".
Bystanders could've seen this and say that the woman was careless, jumped on the street, the car tried to dodge and lost control.
She should have sidestepped the car, kicked the driver in the head through the window, knocking him out and causing him to crash.
*nods sagely*
Half-filler, half side chapter. Still good.
I like that Yor's mean sempai got a chance to be redeemed as a super tsun. The 'cooking nuclear waste' joke is wearing thin, but the setup (Yor fearing losing her family) and side jokes like Yuri's self destructive love of it (and Tsun's surprising knowledge of regional seasoning) still made this feel more special than it was.
Lloyd also got to be tender this episode with scruffy who, predictably, got shot down as romance just isn't in the cards for his character design (I hope I'm proved wrong later). Drinks with buddies and feel good/better all around.
You could tell from a mile away that Yor was secretly having cooking classes.
What caught me by surprise was that her foreseen crying was a happy cry. That was good.
Eps 17
I'm not sure what the best gag is this episode:
- Every other teacher is always absent or ill when the children are in a different class, so we always see Henry Henderson filling in.
- The off-key recorder version of the main theme when Anya is messing up her own internal operations.
- Anya narration of her own imagination and all the characters within it.
- Becky Blackwell getting the hots for Loid.
- Sylvia getting worthless updates from Twilight.
- Confirmation that Yor really did make her brother invulnerable.
Also, not quite a gag, but Damian having a really shitty family life, yet slowly building up to a crush on Anya, and having legitimately the best bros in his two lackeys being quite heartwarming.
It really shows how much the filler in this show undermines it. When you see how careful they are about their spycraft, and then the fillers are all "We had our entire spy network act out spy games in an amusement park!"
The castle chapter is canon, it's just so early the author didn't know exactly which tone to land the setting on.
The anime made it worse though, true. The good news is that unless the anime injects original content, it that level of tonal disconnect doesn't happen again, and at the pace they're going they shouldn't need to. Dumb shit will still happen because it is a comedy (like Franky's date), but never at that scale.
The short filler chapters are for fun, like the Anya school chapters.
Episode 18
Bond showing Anya dinner.. loved it.
Eps 19
Not really a fan of the first 2/3rds. It's a Youthful Slice of Life episode where the best part is how disgusted Anya is with the entire sappy farewell, and then the only person still nice to him when he returns in utter shame.
I don't remember if the 2nd part was anime original or not, but a nice bit of character development and letting the animators show off.
It's unfortunate they they feel compelled to adapt all of the manga chapters. About 85% of it is banger, but the Gloom kid... just skip that one. The joke wore thin about 1/2 way in and the remainder of the build up was boring.
Yor sidestory is always cute, but this episode dropped the baseline quality of the series a bit. Not a big deal, but when looking at this as something to share with other normies in my life, this episode sticks out like a sore thumb among the much better offerings.
Yes, the character building was interesting.
Yes, having Bond/Penguin jealousy to reflect both the "wives" and East/West was cool.
But really, the preview was the most exciting - Tennis tournament!
And you know who fucking kills at physical activity.
(Tennis tournament aside, I liked Nightfall's introduction. She's a friendly sabotage, quite similar to Yuri, and her flashbacks serve to give Twilight backstory. Her talking about his/her emotions was well done as well. Her trying so hard to be a perfect machine only serves to highlight how the best spies are but imperfect humans.
I thought this was going to be a tennis match featuring Yor's superhuman feats, and I'm glad I was wrong. This turned out way more entertaining than I imagined. Nightfall benefits from being a fresh character, having arguably more entertaining monologues/motives, and she actually manages to work with Twilight thanks to their spy background.
And all this just to be a pretend husband/wife pair in an underground tennis tournament.
With a sniper?!
Except Nightfall will always have Anya actively working against her.
Nightfall's goal is to finish Operation Strix as quickly as possible, not to save East-West relations, but so she can then focus on seducing Twilight.
Direct opposition to Anya, who wants to keep her first actual family.
It's fun to have an antagonist who is actually on the same side.
I can't tell from your paragraph whether you're counting Nightfall as someone on the same side or not. It sounds like .. not?Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryll
Exceptional, ridiculous tennis. Delicious.
While I suspected there to be a showdown between Nightfall and Yor at some stage, I didn't expect them to frame it in such a way to say that Yor actually levelled up Twilight. I thought that was cool and balances out the "Yor is kind of useless re: the mission" angle.
slightly disheveled Yor = Hot Yor.
I wasn't expecting there to be such a huge gap between Yor and Nightfall. I thought they'd be more evenly matched.
It just makes it all the more ridiculous that Loyd isn't suspicious of Yor yet. "Self-defense classes" does not fly as a cover story for her abilities at this point.
Quite the endearing episode. Loid was ballsy for bringing Yor into a bar.
Very fitting that Anya didn't end up buying any clothes but charmed Damian anyway
Damian has been showing signs from almost the beggining.
Loid is probably the only living thing on that planet who can survive as Yor's husband, haha.
Some humor mixed with hubris and Loid getting some character development.
That is true, he's liked her since the beginning. What I mean is that she got "that look" again from him again without doing anything extra. Just being herself makes things sweeter.
That was some impressive shit, taking that kick in the chin and still standing. Hilarious how he goes "Oh she's jealous. I got this"Quote:
Loid is probably the only living thing on that planet who can survive as Yor's husband, haha.
"No, no I don't got this."
This episode does show that Anya's found family is as much of one, if not moreso, than the other characters her age.
Damian's issues with his family have come up in earlier episodes, where his father doesn't care about him and his brother is the star of the family while he's the forgotten 2nd son.
Becky is spoiled rotten and tries to act more mature than she is, but the inference that her maid Martha is more of a parental figure to her than anyone else was pretty obvious. Anya is also probably her first true friend who has never wanted anything from her but companionship.
That and Twilight is fully aware of how awful Nightfall would be to Anya if she were in Yor's place.
Yay it's back!
Anya's performance right at the end was great use of her telepathy. This episode was funny from start to finish.
But where did she get that outfit?!
At last, the "Yor Gets Shot in the Ass" segment. I was waiting all of last season for this one.
Episode 30
Technology-wise, I would have thought the listenning devices that small without external battery would have been too advanced for this setting.
The last two episodes were really fun, especially when Anya plays an active "mission" herself in episode 31. The story plays off Anya's reaction towards everything her parents do as being exciting, but when given serious thought - a child being okay with killing is disturbing.
I'm curious to see what life outlook Yor comes to at the end of the arc.
I definitely noticed that they made Yor's boobs smaller for this episode's action sequences (or larger/prominent in episode 32 - I can't tell which is baseline).
While it's sweet to see that Yor truly considers Loid and Anya to be family, her job is biased towards Ostania's interests - so that'll make it even harder on her when/if they find out the truth about each other.
Some rough cuts during the killing montage that could have been streamlined out that were kind of sad to see, but not as tonally weird as the killing festival itself. Raining blood, backing lyrics, and some cuts to Lloyd/Anya remind me how dime-turn violent this became for this arc specifically. Maybe it was the emphasis on action that the levity was all but drowned out to give Yor a peril/big scene? Not entirely unwelcome, but still strange by Spy x Family standards.u
Violence was there from the start. Anya adventures at school had you forget that.
It was, but there was more violence/killing/death/blood this episode alone than the series up till now combined, including Yor's previous 'working' scenes. The contrast stood out to me.
Episode 34:
That whole battle was really lame. When one side has to adhere to the law of physics, but the other side is comic relief character, then ... how is that exciting? Yor won, because she is invincible and has super human strength and speed for no reason other than the writing demanding it.
Also I have to say it again, because that's my biggest gripe with this anime: Killing is not funny. Fuck Yor. She's a psycho murderer and I don't care about her "cute" moments when she's actually a cold-blooded mass murderer.
Really hope the show goes back to the school stuff, that's the only parts I really enjoy.
The episode of misunderstandings.
Probably the funniest episode all season. Yor is very sweet indeed. And Bond just outright gets ignored by Becky.
Anya instantly selling out her mom for food. Brat!
I was rooting forthe chefsBecky.