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Episode 12
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Someone put HorribleSubs' subs onto a 720p source.
Episode 12
I am looking forward to the next episode. Looks like this guy also has some serious relics.
It seems that ice scythe relic not only freezes your opponents, but also your personality, no matter how bubbly you originally were. That said, it's great that there's some dynamics going on between our pink duo besides the fake-smile/badass modes.
Lucile is hax, which I'm totally cool with.
Commie subs are out but nobody has posted them. I would but my posted links never work. :(
Quality looks awesome from Commie. :D
If only they can pump stuff out a little bit faster and be less prone to delays.
This is arguably my most anticipated show on a weekly basis at the moment.
@Shadowskill: You can either copy the direct torrent link as is, and just label it separately, or attach it to its label as a hyper link.
Anyone else felt that there were some weird father/son dynamics going on in there? Me thinks the old guy was into bishies >_>
Also i found the last 2 episodes pretty boring, i want more of Omega Ryner
When I watched this episode, it seemed to me like Ferris has gone back to her earlier personality of mercilessly torturing Ryner without a second thought. I find that somewhat sad because it didn't anymore look funny at all, after having already entertained myself with the idea of their relationship having developed a bit after the Omega incident. It was like a reset now.
Yes, Archie. I'm happy that old lecher died. It was most certainly weird, even if you take into account they are living in a more old-fashioned world.
Sion seems to have a troublesome final(?) opponent but on the other hand, there might be nothing left of him by the time they meet. It seemed like the sword was powerful also normally but the price to pay for the bigger attack was quite heavy. No wonder the king is looking for other sources of power if the goofy couple indeed was working for him (as I understood it, but then again, I have hard time remembering all the nation names of this series).
I found it quite annoying the scythe wielding girl was able to match Ryner's haste powered movements. But I guess Ferris got pretty close to that as well, back then. In any case Ryner needs more spells. It doesn't look like he can put up much of a fight with his current repertoire.
He is way too lazy, With his sharingan, he'd be broken if he really tried learning all the spells he could in his travels.
Same. I'd like to see a map of everything actually, since the politics are a bit hard to understand (or see the significance of) without knowing where each country is and how Gastark's invasion is going. (So far I've got Roland, Stohl, Estabul, Luna and Gastark)
There's also the fact that Roland is having a civil war, and different parties are co-operating with other parties from various nations which may or may not represent the view/stance of that entire nation.
And it seems every Hero King has golden armour and a sword of astronomical power.
Quick wiki tells me that this series of light novels (and its sequels) have all been wrapped up. That's awesome news for me, since it'd be really nice to have a long run of this series.
edit: Really digging Ferris' red outfit.
So how far is the anime currently in the general timeline of the series?
The new opening is pretty horrible, their budget must be failing them by now
This whole situation is pretty stupid, both kings of Roland and Gastark hate war and strive for peace and yet are each other's enemies? Someone needs to introduce diplomacy to both these kingdoms
Part of me want Kiefer and Ryner to meet up again so she can see how he traded up :P
Well, diplomacy can fail as well. I really can't say what's easier to break out - war or civil war. At least with one of them the parties, resources and armies aren't conveniently lined up for you.
So far Gastark's recruting countries with fear, but I'm not sure exactly what Roland is doing. They've only managed to take in Estabul, and that was originally one of their "underling" countries in the first place.
What they need is a few nukes AKA Hero's Relics evenly divided with each country so peace can be achieved
Humanity is a selfish and greedy cunt, if you want peace fear of reprisal is the only way to do it
The world certainly seems to have too many tiny countries ruled by scumbag nobles with hereditary succession. There's little to do to make the masses feel better without removing such a huge burden. Sion's first priority isn't to remove wars but to allow the people to live happy lives - though removing wars is naturally completely necessary for that goal.
We have yet to see the subtle differences between Sion and Gastark's king's approaches. Fortunately for the believability of the story neither seems naive and thus both employ shady methods and questionable servants to further their goals as fast as possible.
As I suspected, it's of great importance to Ryner that Ferris acknowledges him by continuously bullying him. Although you'd think looking at the brat getting hugged by the rescued girl would make him wish Ferris recognized his worth in a less painful way.
Maybe Ryner has a bit of a M side to him?
Anyone else laughed when the pink brother lost HIS OTHER arm? How's he gonna fight now, will he tire his enemies down by being obnoxious?
Yeah, but apparently he realised already himself his time is over as he asked his sister to escape alone and leave him behind. But I have to admit the damage was deliciously ironic.
I didn't laugh, but I did now. XD (I had totally forgotten that e lost his other arm before).
Ferris hugged him when he returned from Berserk Mode, however brief it was.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
It'll be interesting to see Ryner's reaction when he learns that Furoade's working for(with?) Sion. His methods were exactly the same as what Edia's doing. In fact, I wouldn't be at all surprised if the Gastark King kept these black ops from being common knowledge even amongst his officials.
Kuu's expressions were a bit inconsistent this episode. I had thought that the ice scythe strictly disallowed any emotions to show on her face.
Sorry, already deleted the episode
Fair enough.
I'd like to add too that I enjoy all of Sion's scenes, as "out of place" as they may seem when we're focusing on Ryner's side of things. Ever since Furoade's introduction I've been eager to see Sion's degradation (or lack thereof) as time goes by, and if he will ever finally crack under the pressure and openly go back on his ideals. It doesn't help that Lucile is on his back.
Talking about Lucile, if the sword family's role is to dispatch crappy kings, you have to wonder why Roland turned into a shithole in the first place.
I think the key part of that relationship is that Ferris doesn't fear him. She bullies him, and is never afraid of him lashing back at her with his power. Even when he does lose it, she still is confident that he will not hurt her. That's what makes Ferris' attention precious to him the same way that Sion and Kiefer's was. He should probably realize that Milk is the same way. She wants to save him from himself, she's just a bit too stupid to understand what is really going on around her. But her heart is in the right place.
I think the difference between the two kings is that Sion uses force as a last option, he's constantly rebuking Froade and using his plans last because they always involve a purge. Gastark's king doesn't hesitate to use force, and merely claims that he tries to minimize the losses on both sides. Sion wants peace, but knows that force will be required and uses it regretfully and when everything else fails. Gastark's king doesn't seem to ponder that a non-hostile option is a choice.
I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary, the episode was overly dark, like 80% of the episodes in this series so far.
I prefer Milk over Kiefer. One is naive and good natured to a fault, the other is a perpetual traitor. Kiefer will latch onto anyone.
With Kiefer coming back i wonder if we can classify this as a harem anime
In that case Index isn't a harem since the only only one consistently on Touma's reach are Index and Misaka
That makes two.
In Touma's case, he's not moving around various countries. The girls can find him relatively easily, and hence their reach is easily extended. And it's not about whether they're in Touma's reach, it's if Touma's within their reach. These girls all live in the same city as Touma. Kiefer's in another country, while Milk's probably days' travel away.
But to put it into perspective, Index is less of a harem series than a lot of others, yes.
Approximately 19:36: Oh hell no. The potential for yaoi in this series has now reached Kyou Kara Maou levels.
Anytime they set up Ferris messing with Milk is great fun. This was no exception.
So Frouade's next plan is to push Ryner away and make Sion more self-reliant. But in order to do that, he needs to thwart Milk's task of keeping tabs on Ryner, which apparently keeps Ryner nearby Roland. I'm not sure if Frouade still wants to see Ryner dead, or if he's trying to force the two of them away to get more relics or serve as a more direct distraction for Gastark.
I wonder if Frouade's plans will soon run afoul of Ferris' brother's plans. For how clever and resourceful Frouade is, he'd have no chance against Ferris' brother.
The word I think (just from memory, so if it's wrong ignore the rest of this sentence) Frouade used, "torinozoku", implies that he will get rid of Ryner permanently. Still, he can just be his usual dark and brooding self and said it in such a manner even if he doesn't really want to kill him.
For some strange reason, I didn't mind the Yaoi in this episode. I usually shudder at it, but it was pretty well done (and drawn) this time, so I'm okay with it. It even led to great comedy, which is always a plus. I really like the relationship between Ryner and Sion. While it borders on Yaoi, I'm not worried since this isn't (or will not become) a Yaoi show.
Ferris is here to make sure Ryner gets no gratification whatsoever, so it's all good.
As for Furoade vs Lucile, does that encounter (either directly or indirectly) ever have to happen? I'm under the impression that Lucile doesn't have any actual "plans" at all, and just watches over a king's safety until they break. He doesn't try to prevent the breaking from happening and just lets it run its course. Rather, one of the previous conversations revealed that he sees Sion as a true king if he can use Furoade's abilities for his own good.
If Sion proves to be someone unfit of his protection, Lucile will kill him. He said so himself, and Sion affirmed it in a scene a few episodes ago when he was faced with a choice (which I can't remember).
A somewhat empty episode in my opinion. I'm getting worried this series doesn't really have the kind of drive that would distinguish it from the myriad bulk shows out there. It even knows where it wants to go but somehow we still get episodes like this that are only filled with nonsensical dialogue that we have already heard many times over - and nothing else, more or less. I wouldn't mind if these jokes were running on the side of actual story development but they can't really support an episode of their own.
Trying to get something out of this ep, it seems to me like Ferris might have got corrupted by Ryner. Corrupted in the sense she has forgotten her fear of her brother. Lucile would have killed them both if they hadn't embarked on their journey after Sion instructed them to do so and would be happy to slay anybody threatening Sion. Yet now they are back without any real reason and were joyously talking about killing the king. Though Lucile's absence in this episode could easily be explained by foreseeing how meeting Ryner could recharge Sion's depleted batteries.
Funny, having finished Berserk recently only now can i see the parallels between it and LLH
Also is it just me or were the yaoi levels off the charts on this one? Again, more Berserk parallels...
What's a lynchpin anyway? And what did Froade meant with Milk being Ryner's lynchpin?
Isn't a lynchpin kinda like the pin in a fan holding/supporting things?
I don't understand how Milk can be indispensable for Ryner's stability. I would understand Ferris... or even Kiefer. But Milk?
Yeah, it's indeed pretty hard to see why it would be like that. Because Milk was a person Ryner managed to save? There are others, though. Because she's not afraid of Ryner and even likes him? That could be, though there are others.
However, we also need to remember Froade only knows what he knows. He could be interpreting the situation incorrectly just as well.
Well, thats indeed plausible... guilt plus the information Froade has.
At this moment Froade looks more like the final boss than Gastark.
Well final boss in the sense of the anime maybe, but overall Gastark seems to be the Big Bad of this tale
Indeed. But the dude (whatever his name is) already lost both arms, so I don't expect much battle from him in the future.
He never lost both of them though
Edit to below: Oh right, i forgot all about that. Zabuza would have been a better example though.
The sudden importance of Milk might be an anime effect?
Maybe in the novels it was clearer from the start how important she is.
I like "Froide" (Cold, feminine genre, in French), not so much for his gay vibes, but for his overall stature, way of dealing with things and his life.
One excellent quality of Froade was revealed a few eps back when he was about to die after the Gastarkian assassin with the light ring and the gem of blue flames spoiled his bloody party. Unlike many stock villains that act all tough as long as everything's going according to their plans but turn into miserable losers the moment something irregular happens, Froade clearly accepted the fact that all who draw the sword will die by the sword. I like this manner of villains the most.
A most useless episode:
Episode 15.5 - Derp
A recap with narration by Iris (in her most exceedingly insufferable voice). A few minutes of new material at most and that new material was completely inconsequential.
If this episode actually succeeded in anything, it's to verify Ryner being hard M. Nothing else would explain why he still sticks to the present company and puts up with all the inhumane treatment he's subjected to.
He's voiced by FukuJun. Of course he is hard M.
Doesn't Sion have a country to run?
What is he doing listening to a child's report?
The take-away point of this episode was that Ferris was actually on a diet during her trip. I no longer have to worry about her destroying herself. :D
Hot Kuuderes cannot overeat or gain weight. Remember C.C. and A Certain Opportunistic Pizza Chain?
If she's a Kuudere where the fuck are my Dere Dere moments? So far it's been 100% bitch :/
@Buff - off topic - I chalked that up as her ass being simply too bootylicious.
@Arch - You're right, but I'm hopeful. I do consider the scene where Ferris brings Ryner back from god mode slightly dere, because Ferris would never embrace or say such things to anyone except Ryner IMO.
Wow. I'm very tempted to look up spoilers at the moment after such a content-filled episode.
-Incestuous siblings tried to perform more incest on their daughter? That's one screwed up mind of theirs - why couldn't the mother pop another one out? She was rather fit.
More than anything at the moment, I just don't want Milk to die. :(
She's the only pure person in a show full of hidden agendas and secrets.
I have to admit this more than made up for last week's miserable excuse for an episode. Ferris's childhood was indeed miserable just like I expected. Though that's of course a no-brainer considering her current twisted personality.
Lucile's grand weakness to balance his great power was naturally much needed even though I hadn't foreseen it. No wonder he's worried about Ferris since he couldn't follow her even if he really wanted to. I was left wondering if he was "happy" with Ryner escorting her because he deemed him harmless or because he saw potential in him, even if he considered Ryner's current state contemptible.
Milk dying would be sad, I admit. It would kind of waste her whole company as well.
I doubt Milk will die. She is still necessary for some comic relief, and her death would make the story too tragic since she is a well developed character.
It's funny how her she's the one happily abusing people now.
I did feel that having the incident "unlock" Ferris's potential lacking in reason however. Either that or I just didn't quite understand it.
I feel that Lucile is happy because Ferris is happy. However, at the same time he doesn't wish for Ferris to get romantically close to anybody.Quote:
Lucile's grand weakness to balance his great power was naturally much needed even though I hadn't foreseen it. No wonder he's worried about Ferris since he couldn't follow her even if he really wanted to. I was left wondering if he was "happy" with Ryner escorting her because he deemed him harmless or because he saw potential in him, even if he considered Ryner's current state contemptible.
Siscon again. It takes a really sick individual to prioritize his/her sister's chastity (be it emotional or physical) over her overall safety. Letting Ferris hang around a time bomb (which almost killed Ferris before) out of "concern" isn't very logical.
What is it with this season and incest? Did it become the new moe and nobody told me?
You're old fashioned.
As long as it's consensual and safe (in terms of pregnancy, since risk of abnormality is high with incest) I'm fine with it.
Any form of rape deserves a horribly painful and slow death to me.
There's a reason they call it wincest.
I skipped the re-cap episode 15.5 but I heard it had a new scene thrown in there... is it worth downloading?
Sure, it had a bunch of new scenes but they were more annoying than usefull and certainly didn't contribute anything to the story.
This episode was awesome from start to finish.
After that decree, I was starting to doubt whether Sion really saw Ryner as as much of a friend as he appears to. It seems that's the case, and ordering to have Ryner executed if he goes berserk was for the good of everyone should it happen, including Ryner himself. Needless to say Ferris being angry that Ryner broke his promise was sweet.
I'm not too fond of the Iino Dwoe guy, but I'll live with it for now. I seriously thought Claugh would die in that encounter after he lost his arm, and am sure as hell glad he's alive. I don't want to imagine now Noa would act if he died..
And Luke.. holy shit. I thought he may be Lucile for a sec. But then I remembered that Luke is a Milk-con and not a Ferris one.
This show ending at episode 25 just feels too short.
Yeah. There's so much to see... and so many powerful characters... 8 episodes don't seem enough.
This new special eye dude sure earned the right to be called a monster. I wonder how Sion is going to solve the issue. Based on this episode, nothing short of Lucille or berserk Ryner would have a chance against him. Unless Sion manages to trick and trap him somehow.
Ferris getting so angry was a good sign because obviously it indicates she cares.
Ferris can kill him. He is only as strong as the part/magic he absorbs, so if he can't absorb anything, he can be killed. Ferris only uses her sword, so it should work.
Ferris is heading towards the Dere.
Umm... Did you miss the scenes where he absorbed humans? As long as he's not totally depleted when facing Ferris, he could, based on this episode, keep up with Ferris's speed and jumps. Then it would be merely a matter of touching her to suck her essence in. After that he would be even tougher for a while.
And I don't see him ever being empty since he seemingly wanders from settlement to settlement consuming people like some plague or natural disaster.
Let there be fail. Gotta love how what's his face handed Froade's ass to him o a silver platter
The whole episode was full of win, new cursed eyes, new omega mode and borderline dere from Ferris
And yes 25 episodes is too short, if you check the wiki you'll see that the amount of material is ridiculous.
@Kraco - I was hypothesizing an ideal situation where the sucker was low on gas. With fuel, even Ferris will be easily beaten, but without fuel and without a source during the battle, Ferris should be able to defeat him. This scenario can be accomplished by baiting him to use his current supply (similar to how he was forced to dodge the arm guy's attacks this episode until he was able to absorb more magic) by maybe getting fodder troops to attack and get killed by him. It's not the best situation, but it is a solution.
EDIT: What is the name of the Dango shop Ferris frequents? I watch the raws, and I hear it as Winit, but maybe there is an actual translation or correct spelling that I should know about.
Can he absorb from a distance or does he need to grab the body part to absorb it? If it is the latter, Ferris can manage I think.
@Buff - Text in the sig image says "Can I eat them!?" Text beneath the image says "...Of course you can't."
The battle went as I expected it to go. This guy was no n00b, after all, so it's unlikely to catch him unprepared. And when he's prepared, even archers won't do because they can't flee from him fast enough to avoid getting consumed. They should have brought siege weapons to deal so much damage the dude simply would have been destroyed beyond any self-healing.
Quite a sad episode otherwise. It underlined like never before the pressure and reality Sion faces as a king as opposed to any idealism. While the people cheer him for liberating them from the oppression by petty nobles, they still look up to him for protection from anybody different they consider a monster. And Sion can't do anything about it. I'm sure we didn't get the whole story behind the letter but I doubt Sion was completely without fault there, as demonstrared by how he himself erred to call the enemy a monster.
Ferris's gross personality is naturally partly nothing but fan service for those enjoying violent bitches in anime but ironically enough it makes it also very natural, nonetheless, that she would fail at convincing Ryner to stay. It's hard to genuinely convince anybody over the tip of a sword. I hope she can change during her journey to find Ryner. Someone living in a constant fear of being singled out as a monster needs something else than daily beatings and insults. If Ferris is too stupid or immature to understand that, she has no business to be anywhere near Ryner.
His teleport/wind-run was never explained, and it better not be left like that. Those eyes consume life and magic - that's pretty hax already. I only take the term "not human" as a figure of speech, and not actually referencing to the guy's species. It shouldn't give him superpowers. He doesn't look like he's using a spell neither.
I can't deny that Sion sees Ryner as a friend, but he became interested in Ryner because he sees him as a monster in the first place. There's nothing that he can work out in this situation. The only thing is for Ryner to accept that and embrace it for what it is.Quote:
Originally Posted by kraco
It was probably the wrong reaction the writers were going for, but Fukuyama Jun's seamless transition into crazy laughter when he woke up cracked me up pretty good.
That makes sense and all...Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
.. But I still love Ferris all the same.
When that girl brought Ferris the message of Ryner's whereabouts, I interpreted her laugh at punishing Ryner as being happy at the thought that she'd finally find him.The scene at the dango shop however, suggests she's more a hard S[see edit1] (not that it matters in the slightest).
And I'm greatly anticipating the new costume. :3
edit1: It could still be interpreted as being happy at the thought of finding Ryner, since she has to do it again now.
Lucille already gave us a pretty big (if obvious) hint that Ferris (and likely the whole family) is emotionally stunted. You can hardly call Iris normal either. Looking at them now, Ferris might even be the one closest to regaining a normal human spectrum of emotions. She seemed to realise she misses Ryner's presence. But with no pressure, like was the situation when she entered the inn, her old bad habits overpowered any feeble new feelings she might have developed and she took steps backwards.
However, now that she's going to be alone looking for Ryner, I hope she will use the time to ponder things and listen to those new feelings she's having hard time understanding.
Ferris now on the way to full Dere = awesome.
I think going out on a journey to find a guy indicates that she has grown a lot already. Even Lucille admits that Ryner has given her new emotions, which I believe to be attraction and concern. She doesn't just miss Ryner. It really seemed as if she now needs him by her side. She is just way too Kuu to display it on her face.
I love how Ryner ran away with the other monster. This development alone sets the story apart from the usual mediocre stories with this kind of theme. The main character is clearly weak, and for valid reasons.
The problem now becomes the indirect responsibility Ryner will bear in all the deaths the monster (I call him this for his actions and character, not his power) will cause. I think that Sion could have killed him at that point, and that he really needed Ryner's help to escape. His "excuse" of saying he did not want Ryner to go berserk was actually a brilliant plan to bring attention to Ryner and make the soldier's shun him, and distract them all at the same time. Now, because Ryner helped him, he has technically willingly helped a mass murderer that eats people, and will surely eat people from now on. Ryner may have killed thousands already, but he did so unwillingly. This may prove to be a very big mistake if he is really trying to avoid causing deaths in general.