He can still be hurt my magic and esper abilities, aside from his right hand he's a normal humanQuote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
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He can still be hurt my magic and esper abilities, aside from his right hand he's a normal humanQuote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
True, but if he tried to block Kanzaki's magically empowered swordplay, or block one of Accelerator's projectiles, his arm would be cut/smashed to bits.
Actually he would indeed by killed by Kanzaki's swordplay, but only because the sword itself would be enough to kill himQuote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
As for projectiles... i can't prove you wrong without spoilers
As i've said, the only magic attack to even come close to breaking Imagine Breaker has been a spell that was chosen out of millions as the one who would stand the best chance against it.
If i had to guess i don't think it would be so crazy to predict Touma as the mythical level 6
His right hand is permanently attached to his body, though, meaning he's not entirely normal, ever. If the hand nullifies any magical or scientific effects in an object it touches, it will also do that with his body, at least partially. I'm not saying 100% or anywhere near that as we have seen multiple times.Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
Otherwise only his right hand would be knocking over coffee cups and that would be the whole extent of his unluckiness.
You mean level -6?Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
Well i'll give your theory some credit since Kuroko might have been unable to teleport him for that very reason, or because by trying to do it to his whole body the hand got in the wayQuote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
I think these discussions where we try to make reason of esper powers and magic are half the reason why i love this series :D
I was horribly mistaken. I thought Misaka was one of the few level 7's, and Accelerator was trying to get to level 8. I guess i just got the numbers mixed up.
Regardless, there's still some conflicting material here. In Index, Misaka met Touma for the first time on that bridge the night before he met Index. In Railgun, she met him for the first time in that back alley. It would only make sense for that to be their first meeting in the "Railgun universe," since she wouldn't attack him otherwise.
But Touma knew exactly who she was in the first episode of Index. He notes that he wasn't protecting her, he was protecting the hoodlums from her. So Touma was quite well aware of exactly who she was.
Considering that Saten didn't know her, and Uiharu didn't know her face either, it gave off the impression that they've met before. Nor did Misaka sound all that surprised that he was completely unharmed from her attack.
I'll admit the times don't seem to add up, but it isn't clear whether or not the time on the bridge was their first meeting.
Actually it adds up perfectly
What about Misaka's personality tells you that she would shoot a railgun at a defenseless level 0? At that distance she would kill any normal human being, no question about it after we saw what she did to that car.
She's a tsundere, not a yandere.
I'm pretty sure the meeting on the bridge wasn't their first meeting, as Ryll has explained already.
I'm not sure why you guys say the timeline doesn't match. Here, Touma's run into a bit of trouble with Mikoto, and in Index, you start off with Touma rescuing some guys from her wrath. None of these two cases indicate they had to be the first encounter.
Originally Posted by BoC
As for Esper powers, I think Touma will always be Level 0. Based how they tested subjects in the episode before, it's all about what the esper can do. In Touma's case, nothing.
He can survive, but nullifying other's powers doesn't automatically mean he's absorbing, or doing an equal and opposite reaction.
-Misaka's electricity just doesn't zap him. He's not counter-zapping, or putting up an interferring electromagnetic field to nullify it.
-Kuroko can't teleport him. He's not counter-teleporting or anything.
-Accelerator's the same case, no vector manipulation, just a straight punch.
If I had to describe Touma's powers, it's like he holds an "All attack/defence powers are reduced to zero" card. When measuring the effect of that card...really it's still zero, based on the scientists measuring, what I saw, was the power/control of esper abilities.
Calling it a "good card" is an understatement, but I wouldn't classify it as anything other than Zero. Not -5/6 neither.
Actually it's been mentioned before that the reason why he is considered level 0 is because the methods normally used to gauge abilities aren't compatible with Imagine Breaker
Really? Where and why?Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
Dam that was fast!! O_oQuote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
I believe it was the loli pink teacher in episode... something. Still during the first opening
Edit: Just noticed, 3 posts on the same page starting with "Actually...". Way to sound like a pretentious douche O_o
Cool. I'll dig that out later to revisit that Mikoto-bridge scene too.
There's a lot of evidence indicating that their meeting on the bridge in Index was their first encounter. Just because Touma knew about her doesn't mean they've met before. Misaka was one of the strongest espers in the city, so it shouldn't be out of the question for people to know her.
Misaka was totally surprised that her attack was nullified. If she encountered his power beforehand, then she'd have no reason to be so surprised by him.
Actually... I just watched that scene in Railgun again, and it seemed like that was not their first meeting, which would make the encounter in Index the first meeting after all. She was chasing him around like she did slightly later on in Index. This would put Railgun's timeline, at the very least, after the vending machine incident in Index.
Originally Posted by Archangel
Actually... shouldn't I be the one here? LOL.
If memory doesn't fail me... Touma mentioned, in his inner monologue, that Mikoto was a Level 5 during the bridge scene. So it does fit, that he knew her from before (Railgun). How and when this took place? Who knows...
It should be the other way around. Index was the first encounter, and the Railgun scene came after that. You don't need to meet people to know about them. Mikoto clearly didn't know him at the time.Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
Please don't ever get in contact with any armor or bulletproof vest designers. You would depress them. It's like saying the shielding level of a bulletproof vest will always be the same, regardless of the fact whether it can only stop a measly .22 pistol bullet or even a 7.62mm rifle bullet. Or because the vest does nothing but stop a bullet, it's not actually doing anything at all!Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
If Touma's power level is set at zero, it's only because the way of measuring sucks. Honestly, those levels were anyway measured at the school backyard... How reliable and scientific is that? They were even doubting the recorded level of the fade girl in this latest episode.
There are definite limits to the usefulness of the ability as well, so it should be possible to measure it if anybody was at all interested in it (or even knew about it).
I think Buff is merely saying that with the current system of measurement, Touma will always be level 0, and I agree.
Yes, that simply means that the system sucks.
If it does get revised, then Touma's power is definitely measurable, assuming they actually find something that he cannot negate. It would be impossible to measure something when a limit hasn't even been reached.
Since the series keeps calling it science, there definitely is a limit. However, we don't actually even know what Touma's hand does. It might not simply negate the power but the intended effect. For example transmutate it into something harmless; a process that potentially would require a lot less power, or power tolerance, than absorbing the whole energy involved. For anybody studying Touma's level, it would thus be of utmost importance to figure out what he actually does because without knowing that it could be futile to try to gauge his exact power level.Quote:
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
I seem to remember someone mentioning a theory in Index that Touma's power had to do with removing the 'quantum uncertainty' that ESPers create/manipulate in order to manifest abilities that should otherwise be impossible for a person?
If this is indeed the case then there may not be an upper limit on his power as the power would just be forcing the the universe around his hand to have its 'natural' uncertain state as opposed to any 'unnatural' uncertain state any ESPer powers (and maybe magic too) induced to produce their effects. The only limitation I can think of in this scenario would be a time delay between an unnatural effect entering the area of influence of Touma's hand and the uncertainty state that makes up the effect being returned to 'normal'. That being said as long as the time delay is less than the distance light would have to travel between the edge of the area of effect and Touma's hand he shouldn't have anything to worry about.
In fact, I think Touma has been trying to keep a low profile on his ability. I'm not too sure that besides loli teacher, anyone know of Imagine Breaker or all of what he was able to do in the index arc. He probably discovered the extent of his own power along the way.
Why am I writing this?
Because Mikoto was surprised he's able to resist her power.
More importantly, Kuroko was surprised she couldn't teleport with him, when she should have some data in the database regarding his power.
There's also the fact that some people in the background know about touma, like the guy in that strange room talking to the esper using magic who works as a spy. Knowing that, they use him for some purposes and ultimate goal we do not know of for the moment.
To summarize:
Yes the measurement system is flawed for Touma, and maybe other students.
Touma uses that flaw to keep low profile
Some group know about Touma and use that.
Now, it doesn't help us knowing much more.
Also, it remains a bit out of subject in the Railgun Arc (at least for the moment)
The only thing is that Touma could also be a key to anihilate both Magic and Esper powers from the Index+Railgun world.
I had forgotten all about the explanation in Index about Touma's power. Damn loli teacher talking too much. Well, that solves that issue. So, in fact Touma doesn't probably need to suffer any damage as long as whatever energy coming still has magical properties.
Another matter is how long he can keep doing it. That in itself would at least be one factor in gauging his theoretical level.
I don't really know why he wants to keep it a secret, though. It seems to me people in that academic city place lots of importance on the power level (making Misaka almost an idol, for example), so why does he want to appear a zero level failure? Because that makes it easier for him to keep telling himself he's oh the unluckiest person in the world (despite his harem).
He seems to be quite unlucky and wants a peacefull life?Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
That reminds me that for him to be that unlucky is quite strange. That could mean good luck is a magical/esper power existing everywhere and the normal state of the world would be bad luck when I would think it would be pretty even. But it's just a digression.
I can't stop grinning like a fool.
I've been waiting for this episode since the start :D
Tsundere :D
I like the metal particles sand sword. To me, it requires a lot more control than what we've seen from Mikoto so far, so it was a nice addition. Now I understand a little more why she was a relevant target for the Accelerator.
I also think Touma is a great sparing partner for her.
He's the only one with who she be at full power. Being able to use her power at will is a big plus towards controling it even further. It might also be good for stamina.
We know little about where the energy comes from for the various powers and if overusing them could cause some kind of depletion.
So, does this give proof that Touma and Mikoto's first meeting really was not on the bridge? Mikoto was not surprised on the bridge one bit. She was completely astonished that Touma blocked her in the flashback at the storefront.
The evidence seems to support the bridge being a subsequent meeting, but well before the start of this series.
The undressing woman and Mikoto's denials of liking Touma were funny, but overall the episode needed more Kuroko (serious or otherwise). I really enjoyed the prank Saten and Uihara played on Kuroko about the curse being contagious.
Her reaction when she grabbed his hand and instantly became powerless was priceless. It really shows that Mikoto (and many other espers most likely) are very reliant and proud of their powers. When they lose them, even temporarily, the psychological damage can do more than physical strikes. They get drunk on the confidence having esper abilities gives them.
It is also interesting seeing Touma from Mikoto's point of view, because we are starting to realize the true depth of Index's memory wipe. We just saw the bridge and a short meeting between Mikoto and Touma in the first series. They've evidently been meeting a number of times before he met Index. Touma lost a great deal more than I had thought.
The scientist woman must be Hosaka's (Minami-ke) relative...
I think this was easily the best Railgun ep so far and precisely because Touma was in it so prominently. Being in his company transforms Mikoto from an ordinary zinc-carbon battery into a real lithium battery. You could really see in this episode how much she enjoys his company even though I doubt she even knows his name. Considering her all-girls school, Touma could be the only guy she knows at all, which would make it no wonder she'd like to spend more time with him. Touma isn't any scumbag after all.
The bathroom tsundere scene was priceless. It's not that many series yet that actually utter that word aloud. Another very nice scene was the moment Touma raise his fist and Mikoto realised she would get hit maybe for the first time since forever. Although it's quite obvious Touma would never actually hit her, at least under such circumstances.
That was a nice treat, i didn't expect us to get this episode so soon
Lol this is one of the things that makes the series great, it's not above making fun f itself from time to time. The tsun moment in the bathroom was priceless, especially because i think it was an anime original ( i might be wrong )
We also got to see why Misaka is the third most powerful level 5, electrical control is more than just firing pew pew lasers all the time
Great episode, though I think I enjoyed the previous ones on a nearly equal level. Still.. Kuroko banging her head repeatedly on the desk got me cracking.
I agree with Ryll about Touma's memory loss. It really wasn't that powerful in Index because it focused on his losing all 3 days of memory of her, but in Mikoto's scenario the gravity is on a completely different level. Thankfully, Touma's bluffing was superb. I don't know if I could bear seeing Mikoto cry for real.
Hitagi (Bakemonogatari) is a self-proclaimed tsundere.Quote:
The tsun moment in the bathroom was priceless, especially because i think it was an anime original ( i might be wrong )
The iron-sand saw was a new trick, but I'm not sure if it beats the railgun in terms of control. I say this because it's creating an oscillating field around her hand, while the railgun required both control and speed of switching the electric field on and off at specific intervals, taking into regard the mass of the coin and its instantaneous velocity to calculate where and when each "pulse" needs to be.Quote:
We also got to see why Misaka is the third most powerful level 5, electrical control is more than just firing pew pew lasers all the time
Oh, and i just had to do this
Isn't Toumas powers pretty weirdly depicted? Well maybe it's just my opinion seeing as he stopped Misakas railgun and ironsand, which should mean if you use your power to move something it won't have an effect on him. But use your power to throw a car at him and he'll jump out of the way. Technically shouldn't he be able to stop it if he can stop a railgun.
Ohh as for the whole whether Touma and Misaka knew each other at the beginning of Index, the manga chapters are named after days with the first chapter being July 16th while the Index manga states the day he ran away from the thugs that hit on Misaka as July 19th. If that clears anything up other than the scene in the last ep.
The sand was actively held together by Misaka's electric field. It makes sense that he can turn it back to normal sand.Quote:
Originally Posted by fireheart
I remember nothing about him nullifying her railgun. The coin's already accelerated, and is not under her influence after it's left the "cannon", so to speak. If memory serves correctly, he dodged them on the bridge, which was the only scene I remember him being shot at by railguns
Well even if they're held together she's making them vibrate and moving them which means they should have a bit of momentum even after he nullify the sand.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Well had to check again after you mentioned him not stopping the railgun and yeah seems he never tried to stop it. Sorry my bad
Ohh and it seems the index manga depicts their meeting on the bridge as their first ever so yeah.
Index's manga should never be taken as a serious source. Specially since they skip arcs (like Himegami... or whatever her name was... even the shorts make fun of her). The good source is the novel.Quote:
Originally Posted by fireheart
Whereas Railgun's source is indeed the manga. The story was written by the novel author, an is hinted even on the first novel (there, now I can say it), but it was made a manga instead. Why? I dunno.
I need to watch this episode four more times...
best sceneQuote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
not only because of it's cuteness, but also because of touma's reaction and acting.
oh well, it's really impossible to hit a girl like that, he had no chance to win this from the very beginning :(
on a side note, the fight-animation is really good and Touma is actually fairly skilled.. and so is Mikoto, she's actually using tactics and does not rely solely on her Railgun
I believe he did think he would have a chance. To be precise, he thought Mikoto would give up at some point and that would be his victory (I doubt Touma really is that keen on beating somebody for no concrete reason). But of course she wouldn't. She has worked too hard to become level 5 and a tsundere can't give up like that in front of her love interest.Quote:
Originally Posted by KrayZ33
It would have actually been nice to see an alternative scene in which Touma had just patted her head telling everything's alright...
It would result in something like thisQuote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
One thing I disliked about the episode was that the purpose of the last scene was changed because of Kuroko. The original scene didn't had her crying over a cursed Mikoto, but rather Kuroko cringed upon seeing Mikoto sleeping happily, while hugging her pillow, implying that whatever may have happened to her had her in a great mood.
It was more subtle but you could still make a valid point that the whole fight was what made her smile too :)Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
I loved the stripping researcher chick, I hope she comes back and continues to be herself. Her detached attitude seems right up my alley. Kuroko's reactions were also quite entertaining especially that last scene with her trying to shove panties on Misaka's head. Also I can't really explain it but I just like looking at Saten's character design do random things, I guess I think she's cute or something idk.
And just to light a different colored candle for the hell of it Mikoto's cowering and tsundere behavior didn't really do anything for me, at least anything positive. Her reason for fighting Touma seemed so silly and childish. She didn't seem to know him beyond his legend and his penchant for trying to insert himself into her business and from what I recall he never actually attacked her in any way. That said, Touma was the one who chose to engage with her (thanks plot) and he clearly didn't mind her behavior enough to knock her on her prissy Level 5 ass for it. I know my reservations are pointless as the rabu rabu sub plot is inevitable and probably a big part of why this show is being aired at all but I'm not going to pretend I don't get bored at best, annoyed at worst, with the elements of the story that boil down to Misaka being incapable of expressing herself around Touma. I wish she'd 'man up' for lack of a better phrase, but then she probably wouldn't be as popular would she...
I think Touma never intended to beat Mikoto this time. He asked her before the fight what it would take for her to stop chasing him around. She answered that she would only stop if she won. That is probably the reason why Touma accepted this fight in the first place. He planned to lose on purpose the whole time. His acting in the end ruined the plan though.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
There were a couple of times during the fight it looked like Touma was actually interested in ending up as the winner. But you are probably right about his initial thoughts, yes.
I think Touma just wanted the matter to be resolved, no matter who won
My take on it is that he didn't really want to fight, but after seeing Mikoto's determination, he concluded that having a proper match was the only way to settle the matter.
When he lifted his arm for the punch, he realised he could never hit her, so opted to lose instead.
That is the smart choice. Had he hit her, his arm would not have protected him against Zell's wrath.
-edit: and Archie..
Cough cough cough... i feel somewhat ignored here :pQuote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
And you have laugh at how unlucky Misaka is, grabbing the one part of him where the current wouldn't pass
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Originally Posted by Archangel
You can be my second in comand :p I was the very first Mikoto-tard here after all. And supporter of the Mikoto x Touma too...
And Touma says he's the unlucky one. Lol.Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
Another Shana sightening this episode btw. She was on the cover of one of the magazines Mikoto was browsing at the store.
So you're official now? Fine, you're added to the list.Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
-Any analytical fighter would have noticed Touma's characteristic pose of putting his hands out in front, as well as observing exactly how Touma nullifed her iron sand.
Guess analysing enemy weaknesses isn't second nature for the 3rd strongest lvl 5 whose "fry or blow shit up" until recently has been anything but one-shot, one-kill.
It doesn't really mean anything concrete. Misaka herself points her hand at any individual she wants to electrocute or railgun and I assume great many people with similarly offensive powers would as well. When she sees Touma raising his hand to nullify the attack, it must seem analogous to her. That's more probable than thinking it must be only Touma's right hand that has any power, because she is doing it just for the sake of convenience and control herself. So, when she attacked, she grabbed any part of Touma readily available for grabbing.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Lol... :pQuote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
I agree with what you say , it's not as obvious as it was accelerator where every combo was made using solely the right hand but she has fought him a couple of times before and by seeing him use that pose time and time again i wouldn't be surprised if she deducted it eventually. By the time of the second fight in the bridge she seems to already know about it at least
Kuroko should be able to teleport the rest of Touma's body except his right hand :PQuote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
From what I have observed, it seems that his right hand is the source of the nullifying ability, extending throughout his body. So while attached, his whole body should be immune to abilities so I do not see why he only can use his right hand in fights.
Touma's power does not work that way. He can be affected by magic or abilities, excluding his right hand which nullifies them. What is the point of him extending his hand in front of him in the first place if his whole body is invulnerable?
If his nullification did indeed extend throughout his entire body, they would not intentionally make Mikoto grasp the right hand when she could have just as easily (or more easily for that matter) grabbed his shoulder.
I think the reason why Kuroko cannot teleport Touma is because she was trying to teleport him entirely, including his right hand. Since the power does not work on his right hand, the entire calculation and execution of the teleportation will be off, and as we saw, simply did not activate. Either that, or the mere fact that the right hand is included as a subject of teleportation allows the hand to absorb all the energy/power/whatever directed towards it, causing the execution of the teleportation to never reach completion.
If somebody cut off Touma's right arm and replaced his own with it, would the magic nullifying power be transferred to that person? According to the theory only his right hand has any power, it should, shouldn't it? If it didn't work, it would indicate Touma is like any esper but has lousy control over his own power and with little practice he would eventually be able to extend the nullifying power all over his body.
Although I doubt he would willingly accept such an experiment...
Hmm..I wonder.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
What I do remember is when Touma's arm was chopped off by the Alchemist in Index, the doctor reattached it form him with do dramas.
If the arm's powers are transferable, strongly suggesting the arm itself contains esper-nullifying properties, then any esper techniques involved in the reattachment would have also been ineffective.
You could argue that science had advanced enough for doctors to attach nerves, muscle, bone and all perfectly. With the renowned alias of "Heaven's Canceler" though, his methods should be all but normal.
When the Alchemist chopped his hand/arm off, there was a dragon in it's place...
I don't believe the nullifying powers are transferrable.
I'm liking this prequel story, even though there's less Touma. :)
The dragon was a manifestation of the Alchemist's own fear, not a feature of Touma's right arm.Quote:
Originally Posted by Shadow Skill
The dragon was a manifestation of Alchemist's imagination, literally his worst nightmare. His powers were the creation of twisted self-delusion, and when Touma nullified those with his powers, Alchemist started to freak out, just like any esper or magician both series have ever shown. Once he was able to use a physical blade to sever Touma's arm, Alchemist imagined the blood spewing from Touma's arm to be a dragon.
Touma really didn't do a whole lot other than nullify a few objects that Alchemist created. The difference is that Alchemist kept imagining Touma being more and more powerful.
So.. how'd he nullify stuff without his Right hand then?
After rewatching episode 9 of the Index story, none of them had an explanation as to why there was a dragon in his arm. :/ You could be right though, sounds a little odd though for an explanation considering the circumstances. I'm just being picky though, forgive me. :)
Back on topic. Judging from the story, this takes place before Index, but leads up to the point of Touma meeting Index or is this Story Arc centered on Misaka only?
Ryllharu didn't just pull that explanation out of his ass, it makes perfect sense if you just calmly analyze the situation.
All of this is centered about, you guessed it, Railgun but being a spinoff in the same time span as the original you'll find certain repetitions of already seen events although under the perspective of other characters. That said, the story itself also has many exclusive arcs itself that any Misaka fan is sure to enjoy
At this point, I don't think this quote from the 1st novel's prologue would be considered a spoiler. I'll 'white it' just in case. But this pretty much explains what everybody has already concluded here.
Removed before Im reported for suppossed 'spoiling' despite the fact that the scene takes places in the prologue of the novel of the first episode of index... over 20+ episodes ago. Yes, it happens only her on gotwoot.
I can already picture Ryllharu... sharpening his blade :p
Regardless of whatever it was Zell actually posted (I've been asleep since I posted in the bitching thread), I'm not even that clever. They say it directly.Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
Episode 9 of Index, Steyr explains to Touma about the dragon at the 18:36 mark of Eclipse's subs. Steyr speculates that was the form of the despair that Aurelous must have felt at that final moment. Combine that with the thorough explanation of his powers that Touma kept saying while he approached him and what they had determined during the battle, and you get exactly what I wrote.
Yeah after his arm got cut off Touma kept going and freaked out the Alchemist. That made him think for a second that Touma could not be beaten, thus the blade for his head missed. Then he thought that when he Guillotines dropped that they would be canceled out. So basically they were canceled out by the Alchemists own power. Anyway....this is Railgun not Index. Argue in the Index thread if you want to.
Talk about your "in fuego", only 4 episodes and already 165 comments
That's why I nominated it for the section, but the mods didn't want it. Im still waiting for the subforum to be deleted as well. Oh well.
What I had posted was about the Bridge scene at the beginning of Index. Not about Styll nor the alchemist.
I love the diligent side of Kuroko. While she ends up being comedy relief most of the time with her obsession with Mikoto, Kuroko's strong conviction of doing the right thing makes her such a great character. It was also nice to see that backfire on her some of the time, stressing on why a strong sense of justice isn't all that useful unless you have enough common sense and proper judgment to go along with it.
Young Kuroko got overconfident, just like her sempai told her not to, and it nearly got them all killed. A powerful lesson for someone like her.
What I found more intriguing was that Kuroko learned to teleport other objects and people long before she could teleport herself. I found that the most interesting. It would seem like teleporting people wouldn't be any different that teleporting yourself, but there must be some mental grounding that Kuroko has to do in order to know where she fits into the world before she teleports herself. We normally see her flit around all over the place, so hearing her saying she can't teleport herself was startling.
I wonder if this has to do with her comment to the Oujo type rival she has at the school, where Kuroko said she teleports through 10 dimensions rather than just 3.
I like how you worded this ;)Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
What I found (best described as) annoying was that she repeated the same mistake again that could have cost her comrade's life. You'd think such an emotionally stimulating event would have a greater impact on her, but she still jumped the gun. It's almost like she's forgotten her lesson.Quote:
Young Kuroko got overconfident, just like her sempai told her not to, and it nearly got them all killed. A powerful lesson for someone like her.
Kudos to Uiharu for yelling at her. Not telling anyone about it would have just mean Kuroko will repeat the same mistake without thought. If she didn't talk back, it would have been the second annoying thing for me.
I was very surprised to hear this myself. I'm not expecting them to explain it to us, but I believe you're correct about how self-teleportation requires more effort in the form of self-awareness. When she teleported other people and objects, she could use herself as a reference point, an ability that should be rather instinctive. Teleporting yourself would mean using other places/things as a reference point for yourself instead, increasing its difficulty.Quote:
What I found more intriguing was that Kuroko learned to teleport other objects and people long before she could teleport herself. I found that the most interesting. It would seem like teleporting people wouldn't be any different that teleporting yourself, but there must be some mental grounding that Kuroko has to do in order to know where she fits into the world before she teleports herself. We normally see her flit around all over the place, so hearing her saying she can't teleport herself was startling.
Only thing I see that's wrong with that is it should only impact on its accuracy, rather than an all-or-nothing effect. That is, unless she's not allowed to break objects while teleporting them.
eg. teleporting a cup, but relocating the cup's handle 3cm further than the body would result in a malformed cup upon materialization, and so an "unsuccessful" attempt would reverse the previous steps back to the original cup.
That may also explain why she can't teleport Touma if his arm won't allow it despite not touching his actual arm.
You make it sound like it wasn't absolutely intentional.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
I think the reason that Kuroko forgot about their promise and did it again anyway (and as we saw late in Index, did it yet again), is because of her strong convictions about maintaining order in Academy City. Kuroko takes great pride that she is an Esper, and seems to want to maintain a happy and safe environment for everyone like her to learn in. She was just as fervent when she didn't even have any power back when she was in elementary school. She mostly relied on her jujitsu, not her teleportation as she does now. It's not that she wants to play hero, she just wants to restore order as quickly and as efficiently as possible.Quote:
What I found (best described as) annoying was that she repeated the same mistake again that could have cost her comrade's life. You'd think such an emotionally stimulating event would have a greater impact on her, but she still jumped the gun. It's almost like she's forgotten her lesson.
Kudos to Uiharu for yelling at her. Not telling anyone about it would have just mean Kuroko will repeat the same mistake without thought. If she didn't talk back, it would have been the second annoying thing for me.
That reference point mechanic makes a lot of sense. Aside from rare mental/medical disorders, knowing where you are, where your body parts are, in relation to the world is very innate. We can move things with our limbs, Kuroko decides to misplace things elsewhere with her mind. It would almost be a total disconnect from the world to deny your own location, and declare it somewhere else. When it is described that way, it makes more sense that teleporting oneself would be so hard.Quote:
I was very surprised to hear this myself. I'm not expecting them to explain it to us, but I believe you're correct about how self-teleportation requires more effort in the form of self-awareness. When she teleported other people and objects, she could use herself as a reference point, an ability that should be rather instinctive. Teleporting yourself would mean using other places/things as a reference point for yourself instead, increasing its difficulty.
I liked that Kuroko had the exact same attitude that Saten-san had about Mikoto before they knew her.
If moving oneself to particular reference points is how self-teleportation is accomplished, no wonder Kuroko has such ease at finding Mikoto wherever she goes, Mikoto must be Kuroko's most important reference point in the world.
Wow. I truly never expected to see this episode animated so soon. Specially since I saw its manga counterpart just last weekend.
Chibi Kuroko is just so cute... I liked they showed us how the relationship between her and Uiharu began. She was a bit tomboyish as well, which makes me lol since she wants Mikoto to be more lady-like.
Kuroko did a 100% regarding Mikoto as well. And I wonder if she ever learnt that it was Mikoto who saved her.
The flashback showed very little of Mikoto, and never besides neither Kuroko or Uiharu. But she somehow seemed to be the same height as she is currently. Whereas Uiharu and Kuroko looked very small, for being in their last year or elementary. Which grade are they in the present anyway? 7th? Or 8th? I just know Mikoto is a year older... but they seemed too young here.
I hope Mazui releases a V2. There were some awful grammar mistakes on their version. And I refuse to get Ayako's.
Arch, whenever you get yer ass here. Are you as surprised as me to see this animated after we found the chapters just days ago?
Pizza hut supports Railgun
If someone finds the 2nd wallpaper I'll be thankful
Haha, Zell had just linked me the manga counterpart of this episode the day before it aired. Good thing it was too late and i decided to read them another time :)
Anyway chibi chibis are always cute and the hearing Kuroko bash on Misaka was really funny to watch so overall good ep
Zell: I didn't find the wallpaper, but i found this
Isn't it uber cute? Enjoy it
There's really something in that pic that clashes with Mikoto. Dunno what is though.
The chibiness of it perhaps? Her face is too round but that's what makes it cute
I don't think its the chibiness. We've already seen chibiness with Last Order (MISAKA 20001). The picture could represent Last Order more than Mikoto, if she ever grew up.
I meant the cherry expression.
I can't picture Mikoto doing so, neither 10032... but maybe Last Order could smile cherryly like that.
Awesome, i wanted that single for my mp3
Haha, so it was actually:
This blitz loop this planet to search way
Only my Railgun can shoot...
Honestly can't blame fansubs for getting this "wrong". :o
Music Video
Lol, that video is SO bad haha
Moral of the story:Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
-Don't make a live action Railgun
am i the only one who hates op and ed of this series?
I daresay, yes.Quote:
Originally Posted by Xelbair
I second thisQuote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
I can't say I'm a fan of them...
That got creepy near the end with the magician guy.Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
The fact that the lead singer has a face made for radio didn't help either
Lol, i thought about posting that too :P
You're also getting rss updates off one manga?
I just tend to check it every lunch break.
I find funny that the To Aru Majutsu no Index manga has skipped directly from the Mikoto - Sisters - Accelerator arc directly to the Mikoto - Mitsuki arc. LOL. The author loves Mikoto. Fine by me.
Can we scale it back on the image posting? At least put them into thumbnails.
This is starting to look like a car forum.
A somewhat slow episode that ended with a bang (don't forget to see after the credits)
A nice buildup of what is to come though.
And I LOLed at Kuroko trying to preach Mikoto, when she is really rash as well.
The littering dude totally deserved the shocking.
I wonder how much those Judgement people get paid. It surely would be too much work and responsibility to perform as something equal to club action. School clubs are, after all and obviously, only meant to develop the members themselves (being school related) and this Judgement is more about serving the public. I guess it could be viewed as acknowledged experience when applying to antiskill or other law enforcement forces but still it's going well beyond a mere hobby.
My question was more about robots that did the job in previous eps, and were even scolding people littering.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
My take on this is that they need to train those power geniuses to common life, so that they have a strong and responsible character.
I thought they said in Index that most of the Anti-Skills don't even have Esper powers. They're just like normal SWAT or Riot Police specially trained to counter Espers. I know they said something about it one way or the other in the final arc of the series, but I can't seem to find it.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
Well i don't remember reading it either but it wouldn't be much of a stretch to assume it was so. In the one part we did see them act back on Index they all had similar equipment and we saw none of them use any sort of powersQuote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
@RZ: I am assuming this RZ post at RandomC is also you. I thought it was interesting enough to discuss here, since it didn't look like it was getting any attention there.
It was Konori yelling for Mikoto to save the bag from falling in the fountain.Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell at 12:12 am on November 7th, 2009
Konori, knowing it was just a lost bag, didn't want it to get ruined in the water. Given it looked like an inexpensive leather bag, anyone who has gotten leather shoes soaked inside and out during in a rainstorm knows the potential outcome, a terrible smell. It might even have to get thrown away. Given her speech on why any gift from a parent would be especially important, Konori didn't want to see such a memento from home get irreparably damaged.
That's me indeed. I've been cloned a few times, but most of what you can find on the net with that nickname is me. Don't search though.
Regarding the bag... the explanation you give is indeed very reasonable if we take the anime's explanation into consideration. The manga didn't cover most of this though, but it always felt like a very incomplete chapter anyway. Im even considering taking the anime version, on this episode, as the better version.
I think that Mikoto, at some point, must have thought the 'bomb' would be set off because of getting it wet though. Specially since it was a special kind of bomb created via esper powers. Im no expert... but I would assume a bomb would get damaged if it gets underwater, not set off. A normal one though.