I never considered Senjougahara not wearing panties. Now I have. Araragi is lucky man.Quote:
Originally Posted by Pandadice
(actually, I'd prefer if she wore something. More tasteful.)
Printable View
I never considered Senjougahara not wearing panties. Now I have. Araragi is lucky man.Quote:
Originally Posted by Pandadice
(actually, I'd prefer if she wore something. More tasteful.)
Well maybe this series isn't for you then and you should stop watching...
I'm really enjoying the dynamic conversations and seeing where things go and just sucking up the atmosphere/jokes.
Me too. And I agree that if you don't find the conversation interesting, you should drop the series pandadice.Quote:
Originally Posted by Uberbaka
And Buff I think he's talking about the conversation between Kanbaru and Araragi-kun.
Ah. That's right, that happened too.Quote:
Originally Posted by oyabin
Is it obvious that the first scene's all that's on my mind?
hahhahaha. Arararagi-kun healed quite fast because of that.
Regarding Senjougahara's underdress, well I guess that well misplaced pants could be a good way to have both the naked and pants advantage ;)
I also think Senjougahara is a sadist. Not necessarilly a bad thing, just a part of who she is.
Regarding Kanbaru, Senjougahara probably is smart enough to use her, or at least be at the right place, the right moment.
Senjougahara isn't the type to use people. If she was, she would have taken Kanbaru's offer to help before. The only reason she accepted Araragi's offer was because he was also in a strange situation, being a former vampire. That means that she will not be dragging him into anything he will not be prepared for.
I agree that she is a sadist though.
[gg] Bakemonogatari - 08 [96B4221C].mkv
It's Ghostory time.
I didn't like this episode as much as the ones before. I didn't hate it, either, but somehow it just clicked the wrong way, because it was the first ep where Araragi's personality somewhat bothered me. There better be a very good reason for why he's ready to even die for half-strangers. I don't think he was a real vampire for too long so I doubt he's trying to atone for any deep sins, like killing someone.
Oshino was as cool as ever, though. The lesser demon was quite a mofo despite being lesser. Makes you think meeting a full-blooded demon would be very bad business. Not to mention a higher one.
I never thought that Senjou believed Araragi when he told her he drove his bike to the telephone post. Honestly I was hoping to see Araragi using his vampire powers in action. but I was satisfied on how it ended (Senjou and Kanbaru Yuri scene). Makes you wonder how strong Araragi kun was in the past. We had some info regarding Shinobu with her relationship with Araragi kun which is good.
Haha. As if she could ever believe something like that. She just didn't press the issue. Surely she knew something drastic had happened to Araragi but didn't know what. Now she simply said what she did to lay more guilt and blame on the poor gutted 1/10 of a vampire.Quote:
Originally Posted by oyabin
Hmm it really looked like she didn't know anything at all. Otherwise she would not brought up her agreement with Araragi about don't never hide things regarding oddities. And knowing Senjou she would have confronted him earlier.
I don't see your point. She might have opted not to bring it up earlier because she had no idea what was going on and intended to bring it up after she learnt more. Or maybe a suitable opportunity to ask just didn't happen. However, seeing Araragi getting beaten to death was pissing her off and knowing her personality it would certainly fit her to just hurt Araragi a little more by making a point out of how he broke the promise.Quote:
Originally Posted by oyabin
If nothing had ever happened, she might have ended up ignoring the whole issue and her suspicions.
eh, episode was okay. more enjoyable than previous ones.
i definitely think Oshino (thats his name, right?) is my favorite character... he kinda reminds me House. that is if he gets all the credit Araragi was giving him
Oshino is very perceptive, and really intellectual. He is easily one of my favorites. As for the rest of the episode, it was informative on Kanbaru's little past with the "Monkey Paw" and jealousy over her classmates, but if she truly desires for it to happen, then there's no stopping her and her little paw from achieving it.
is qIIq still doing subs for this show? or should i just stick with gg? i like how qIIq gives you the traslation notes for all the text.
I thought this episode was really awesome.
Me too.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
I especially liked how Senjougahara, showed that she cares for Araragi-kun by jumping in front of Kanbaru's attack to protect him and exclaiming that she'd kill Kanbaru no matter what it takes if Araragi had died.
Oshino was awesome as always and I liked Kanbaru's attire at the end.
I hope Mayoi shows up again soon.
I originally described it as "fucking brilliant", but thought I should reserve the phrase for something undeniably excellent.Quote:
Originally Posted by Marik
I actually didn't like it so much. Her attire and cheeky smile at the end reminded me too much of Mayoi, as if Kanbaru was a sporty rip-off because the author ran out of ideas.Quote:
I liked Kanbaru's attire at the end.
Senjougahara in a hoodie, on the other hand....~<3
Very reminiscent of Fujibaiyashi Kyou's look in her After Story Special. l
I didn't like that, because she was wearing some type of leggings with it. I prefer her in a skirt <3.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
The episode was really brutal, intestine anyone?
Yup, felt it too..., his intestine are incredibly strong though, there's no way that stunt is possible in real-life, since intestine are very fragile.Quote:
Originally Posted by oyabin
Yeah. If you think about it, vampires should have even weaker intestines since they do nothing but drink.Quote:
Originally Posted by David75
I wonder if their instestine even work for digesting blood.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
I'd say they just become dry and take very little room.
But I've never had the luck to dissect a vampire in my biology classes :D
Also, the guy hasn't been a vampire long enough, and except for his incredible recovery abilities, he remains your everyday teenager.
Thinking about his recovery abilities, will he ever age or die?
That's a very important question Senjougahara might someday ask.
I think he will. Normally, he's got faster healing and 10x zoom lense, but nothing else. His current state is a temporary powerup he got by letting the cute vampire suck his blood for a while.Quote:
Originally Posted by David75
As for the digestive system, liquids are absorbed in your large intestines, proteins are broken down a bit in your stomach into amino acids, while your small intestines do pretty much everything else.
Again, the powerup is what gave his intestines super-tensile strength. Normally they'd break, and normally he'd eat normal foods like a not-so-normal teenager.
edit: ran into the translated lyrics and MV for the ED song:Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari
I love the ED. Isn't it amazing that it is sung by software?
Sung by software? As in the voice is computer generated?
It is a song by Supercell featuring Hatsune Miku. I'm sure you know her by now.
That was just for an album. Gazelle aka "Nagi" is the one singing on the Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari single.Quote:
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
It doesn't even sound anything like Hatsune Miku... You can't help but notice if the singer is a vocaloid. They aren't quite that developed yet.
It's a nice ED. Much better this way of course, with a real singer.
I do now.Quote:
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
Oh, I haven't heard any of the other Miku songs yet, my mistake. I am going to download some Miku songs now to compare them.
I am both relieved yet disappointed. There is a part of me that does not wish for AI to usurp human talents, yet I must admit I am excited as to how far we can take technology.
Saw the first episode, seemed interesting, I might pick this up. Anyone recommend which group I should go with?
I say go with gg.
Its the best decision you made this season.:)Quote:
Originally Posted by TheBladeChild
[gg] Bakemonogatari - 09 [5E8B7A48].mkv
It's Ghostory time once again.
I was somewhat disquieted by the lack of Senjougahara and especially with Araragi being so close to Kanbaru but then the new arc plot shifted to a higher gear and I forgot all about it. But in retrospect I wonder if they actually aren't purposefully saving Senjougahara's screentime so that people will miss her and not get bored of her. Not to mention the last scenes with Kanbaru and Sengoku were definitely funnier with alesbiancharacter like Kanbaru in.
Looking for the porn mags as the first thing in a boy's room... Certainly a direct and straight-forward person. Naturally made even better by Araragi confessing he had been buying them. The dude always seemed kind of passive (other than in helping people with their myriad troubles) but apparently there's still hope left for him. Too bad we didn't learn what he'd like to do with Senjougahara...
The episode also displayed quite interesting animation in the shrine area. Suits a mystery series like this well with its phobic or paranoid qualities.
A snake's curse? I see why she dismembered all of those snake bodies. Still, I kind of forgot that Araragi had a last name. :p
I'm sure you meant a first name. It's Araragi Koyomi, after all. It makes me wonder at what stage the couple will start calling each other Hitagi/Koyomi instead of Senjougahara/Araragi. I like the latter though, since it sounds more obsure.Quote:
Originally Posted by Nadouku
When Kanbaru gave that little smirk, or whatever that reaction is called, when Araragi asked about her arm, I thought either it had already healed, or that it will never heal. She might be happy that he's caring about her, but I have my confidence in her lesbian nature.
I'm liking this Nadeko arc. She's the most disturbed out of the troubled people we've seen so far, giving this a much more mysterious and serious atmosphere.
What's up with Tsubasa? She seems to have something supernatural going around her too. Headaches aside, I noticed earlier she managed to spot Mayoi, even when Senjougahara couldn't.
Araragi concluded that Tsubasa must have seen Mayoi because she didn't feel like going home neither. She too was wandering around on Mother's Day.Quote:
Originally Posted by Everon
One word.. Bloomers. The room scene in the last part of the episode was awesome. Great shots(LOL), comedy between Kanbaru and Araragi's Mags And the bloomers. Awesome.
It has been a while since I've heard anything other than "Araragi" so my mind is troubled. ;)Quote:
Originally Posted by Bill
This series needs more Shinobu-chan. Kanbaru was right, she's almost too cute.
This arc isn't grabbing me the way the others did, I may have to wait for the custom theme song before I get interested.
so the music that kicked in at 7:15 (when he loses sight of Kanbaru) was awesome. so awesome, that when that one background theme that they use a lot kicked in when Hanekawa was bringing up his closeness with Kanbaru, it seemed really annoying. at the beginning of the series i just kinda ignored the track, but after hearing that one in this ep prior, i guess it got me paying more attention to the background music :\.
the scene where they see the dead snakes, and then when they stop her from killing the snake. those scenes were cool, and interesting. and the ending, weeding through the fanservice, was interesting as well. but all the rest of the stuff (what like, 85% of the episode?) wasn't really interesting :\.
so far i like this snake arc... but i mean, this like 15% snake story, 85% other random stuff.. not expecting much from it.
I am surprised you have kept up with this show considering you are only always around 15-20% interested in it. I would have dropped any show that didn't keep my interest at least 60-70% of the time. It would be a waste of my time to do otherwise.
The gaijin 4koma meme was brilliantly used in this episode, mainly because Kanbaru's facial expression.
Is it really so surprising that someone isn't like you in a particular way? And even if it is, what point is there in mentioning it here? Is it that big of a secret that different people have different motivations and different standards of tolerance?
Anyway, I rather liked the lack of Senjogahara in this ep, I wonder if that's a surprise for anyone too... While I often enjoy Senjogahara for her crazy, emotionally confusing antics I think she can be sort of smothering for Koyomi. He tends to be very weak and I daresay useless around her and since I identify Koyomi as the main character it annoys me to see him upstaged too much. Coming off his rather useless performance in the conclusion of the last arc I feel like Koyomi needs to flex some main character muscles for an episode or two to keep things in balance. I imagine Senjogahara will be along soon enough to berate him for something or other but I'm hoping he'll be able to resolve this snake issue without too much help from her.
I actually fully agree on this even though Senjougahara doesn't disturb me otherwise at all nor do I mind the fact Araragi is completely under her control whenever they are together. But it certainly would be nice to see Araragi manage to play a bigger role in solving a case. I don't believe Senjougahara personally is even interested in solving strangers' problems like Araragi.Quote:
Originally Posted by Yukimura
wait, what exactly has senjogahara solved in the past? araragi's first reaction to any oddity is to show it to Oshino. who then fixes it.
Okay, "fix" wasn't exactly the right word there if you put it like that. It's more like "play an important part", perhaps even more important than Araragi.Quote:
Originally Posted by Pandadice
Mayoi Snail:
She pointed out to Oshino that Araragi was talking to something she can't see. That was critical in identifying the problem, which Araragi himself didn't see. Oshino will have figured it out of he brought Mayoi to his place, but that would make it a different scenario. She also played some part in directing them to her lost home. Araragi, who wasn't from the area, may have thought it was his own fault for not finding the place, rather than considering the place actually cannot be found.
Suruga Monkey:
She came and saved Araragi's life. Saving protagonist's life = "play an important part". Araragi thought he could prove to the devil that it can't kill him by defeating it (and proving he was stronger). Oshino told him the chance was slim, and it indeed failed. Even with his regenerative abilities, he would have died. Senjougahara was the one who could turn that situation around.
Oshino called her, but we really don't know how much instructions he gave her, and how much of her actions were on-the-spot after assessing the situation.
The point is, if all one does is complain about the show without properly elaborating on why they dislike it, why watch it then post about it in the first place? It almost feels like trolling, though I am sure that is not his intent, which is why I tried to phrase my last post in a relatively suggestive and least offensive (that I can manage) manner.Quote:
Originally Posted by Yukimura
EDIT: While I love Hitagi, I hope Araragi solves this case with Kanbaru. I don't think Hitagi will have interesting interactions with Snake girl, at least in comparison to Kanbaru who is a loli-loving lesbian.
[gg] Bakemonogatari - 10 [E40C2606].mkv
Hmm... I still would like to know why Araragi is so hellbent on saving everybody. The ritual this time was rather interesting, in any case, as was the detail Araragi could just grab the constrictor and fight it physically. I imagine it would have been over in a mere moment if he wasn't only 1/10 of a vampire. Still might have been if he hadn't fought with bare hands.
Yuki's wish was fully granted seeing how Senjougahara never appeared or had even a single line in the whole episode. Plus Araragi ended up playing a big part in solving the case. I do hope, though, that Senjougahara appears in the next episode. She's supposed to be Araragi's girlfriend, after all. One might say Kanbaru has paid back her debt after this case and could thus withdraw. Unless Araragi turned her into a bi...
Animation this episode was terrible. Most of the action parts were cut out, and there are scenes when Araragi is talking but his mouth stays still.
Despite all that, I still liked this episode, especially the Araragi development. It is great that he recognizes the inherent absurdity in his "kindness".
At the moment he was fighting the snake, Araragi was not even 1/10 of a vampire. He needed to power up using Shinobu just to reach that level when he fought (got pawned) by Kanbaru. It is interesting that it is in fact Araragi's decision to keep himself in the middle of humanity and the other side, just to keep Shinobu alive or something of the sort.
Senjougahara will have her hands full with such a self-sacrificing boyfriend, especially because those are the really popular types in anime.
The arc felt a bit short and less conclusive than the others might be because the scene with the sisters at the end was missing. Also there wasn't really that much background info on Sengoku and interaction compared to the others. But I did like how it ended.
Anyway don't really know how the novels are but it too bad that we don't really get to see how Araragis oddity started with the vampire and Oshino.
It makes the ending less conclusive, as you say, as well as more gloomy. I can't say it's not appropriate, since this arc discussed some of the less-than-cheerful aspects of Araragi's actions and consequences. The bloody arm was a good scene to end on, IMO, as it sums up the situation: it's not always win-win.Quote:
Originally Posted by fireheart
The reminiscence scenes were really well done though. I liked how they used slides for Araragi's lines instead of his voice so it was still Sengoku's monologue, so as to not split the focus.
As for the butchered fight and non-moving mouthflaps, I don't think SHAFT has much of an excuse.
edit: Actually, I take that back. Rewatching that, I'm appreciating more of the effect of SHAFT's animation choice. The lack of animation combined with tense music conveyed the essence of the fight very well:
wtf is going on?
It's exactly what Araragi's going through as he fought his invisible adversary. The red/white stills were great. As he was struggling with that oddity, the only thing he knows for sure is if he's fine, or whether he just got attacked.
It's just like the pulsating, flashing red screens in first-person-shooters. You know you just got attacked, but you can't see shit.
Bright blue/pink/yellow SHAFTY colours would be just plain inappropriate. If it was animated normally, well, it wouldn't be SHAFT.
I still don't get the mouthflaps. It looks more like a sync stuff-up rather than lazy animation, as it makes sense when you use [Voice-Line] instead of Araragi's shot.
I'm betting it was not intentional, and they had some animation problems. For now, there is no way to tell for certain, so I will wait for the DVD release and check for the differences.
It would certainly be quite funny if they indeed are so sorely lacking in animators that they simply couldn't get the animation finished before the airing date.
I read about that rumor as well, and it would make sense for it to be the primary reason for such an animation, as well as for the DVDs to have more complete animation given the general public response.
Given their circumstances, I thought the idea and effect in this episode was really smart.
started watching this some days ago...
this show really has it's moments
couldn't stop laughing
... and the whole show is so strange, which makes it even better...
I really enjoy this.
whoooa!! this episode was amazing! this is easily my favorite episode. man, it just disappoints me when i think that the entire show could've been as cool as this episode..
the coloring and atmosphere, and the fact that it was from start to finish, entirely focused on the snake curse without even really mentioning anything else, this is exactly what i wanted.
i know right?! i loved that OP!! it was seriously like my favorite OP of this season ¦DQuote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
also.. i don't get why everyone's complaing about the animation.. it didn't seem any different than the animation of any of the other episodes.... if anything it was cooler
I found I really liked this ep, as Kraco mentioned I have been wanting to see what the show could do without any Senjougahara antics to grab and hold people's interest. I actually liked Kanbaru much more as the sidekick for Araragi in this arc. Her cheerfulness and genki spirit appeal well to my preferences for sidekick/morality compass characters. Hopefully Araragi managed to learn a lesson from this ordeal through Kanbaru's wake up punch and one liner instead of having to have Senjogahara rub his face in it with her special style of passive aggressive shaming but I'm somewhat doubtful.
Koyomi still seems to think he has the weight of the whole world on his shoulders and it's his duty in life to save every stray person whose got some sort of problem. At the same time Koyomi doesn't seem to show much appreciation or interest in the feelings of anyone once he's been a catalyst in 'saving' them. Instead of building up his relationships with the people he's already saved he seems to start treating them as potentially useful tools for helping him find and save the next damsel in distress. Whether this will come up in the end as something he has to confront in himself remains to be seen but I hope that the story addresses this somehow as I find it a rather interesting personality quirk to think about.
I kind of knew there were gonna be two snakes for Sengoku, but I was a little surprised that Araragi didn't catch that until later on. Aside from that, I was little annoyed by the "cut" parts.
I think Bill's edit said it better than I could, the animation served its purpose of conveying Araragi's sensation of barely knowing what was going on. He couldn't see it, and he was only occasionally catching glimpses of it and hearing it every once in a while. Our view of it was equally disjointed.Quote:
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
Also, SHAFT does this crap all the time, and has for years. It's their thing, and their style. They did it so much in one arc of Tsukuyomi MoonPhase that I nearly dropped the series (my first "shafty" SHAFT series). The scenes were intentionally very disjointed and confusing. It was revealed at the end of the arc why, and everything returned to normal. They did it in ef - a tale of memories as well, to notable effect in episode 7. Panic was portrayed in most of the most visual representations of it I have ever seen. Lastly, Pani Poni Dash and Maria+Holic both exploited stills or panning stills to their maximum effect.
As for Araragi and Shinobu, I think this episode did a pretty admirable job of explaining their current relationship. To my understanding, Shinobu's adult and awesome form cursed him into becoming a vampire, and he was narrowly saved. She was consequently destroyed, and became the adorably cute little girl with a permanent blush she is today. Much like the snake that he wanted to kill here, Araragi is trying to save the "bad person" with Shinobu. He tried to save Sengoku's curse bringer before Kanbaru stopped him, and he already has been doing the same with Shinobu. She cursed him, he freed himself of it, and even now he wishes to save her from the backlash.
wait a minute, you're saying that all those 'cut' animation are actually 'filler' that will be redrawn in the dvd release?
that's really half assed. I assumed it was an artistic choice of saying "screw this part, we don't feel like drawing, and it's not important".
and this episode had a lot of those.
on the other hand, the new OP is really cute, and they addressed Aragari's 'sis-com' that was mentioned in the beginning.
In all of their series I have seen, shaft has never needed to redo their animation for the DVDs aside from censoring, which they usually avoid the need for completely through creative means. It is as they intended.
I'm not sure, but were the parts where Araragi was talking but his mouth was not moving supposed to be that way? I initially thought it was an encoding issue or something, but if every release looks like that, then it must be because of the animation itself.
In that case, I really don't get why they didn't animate him talking, and simply chose to keep a frozen frame while the VA continues speaking. It shouldn't be that much more time consuming or difficult.
Still, with Shaft's usual style, they can get away with things like this. They get to save up on money, and people will forgive them for it, as I did.
[gg] Bakemonogatari - 11 [E3AAF21C].mkv
Ghostory time.
next ep is last tv episode?
what the hell, why?
hanakewa as a cat girl was totally hot.
Episodes13-15 will be streamed online, so it won't be too bad.
She indeed was. I wonder how Araragi is going to solve her case, though. If he has to fix her troubles family situation (assuming that was the truth), it might not be so clean as the cases so far. After all, he can't just remove her evil stepparents. Getting rid of the catgirl was only treating the symptoms not the cause and I can't see one vampire bite would be too permanent a solution.Quote:
Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
Although I'm not too sure I'd even like to see some ugly family drama...
What I do want to see before the end is Senjougahara!
oh, so no more snake story? moving on from the snake arc? series going back to how it's been all along? oh.. can they just endless eight-loop episode 10 as the rest of the series? i'd watch it...
so more mono-tone continuous conversation about nothing :\. and when we finally got to the introduction of the oddity, it's the most ridiculous one yet... seriously, the chick morphs into a neko-mimi and jumps around sucking up energy, and it's all caused from stress-induced multiple personality disorder? .. i mean, yeah they were able to finally make Hanekawa look attractive, but still, it seems like such a joke oddity :\
Maybe Tsubasa Cat is stressed because the guy she likes got stolen by a crab.
Sengoku Nadeko FTW!!
I'm guessing that too, since it's supposed to be different.Quote:
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
Heh, cat-girl and stress... what a combination.
Come to think of it, there should be quite a few academically stressed females in my cohort right about now. I certainly won't mind if they all turn up as cat-girls tomorrow and sucked me dr- ... never mind.Quote:
Originally Posted by Nadouku
This was my first guess as well. They were talking about Senjougahara right before she got the headache, and a large portion of their conversation in the bookstore was about his relationship with Senjougahara as well.Quote:
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
While it isn't really a huge problem for the other girls so far, a ghost who follows him around, a self-described lesbian just hanging out with him, and a girl who still has plenty of excuses being his sister's friend, Koyomi is spending a great deal more time with Senjougahara than with Hanekawa, whom he used to rely on exclusively before he met Senjougahara on the spiral stairs.
Bakemonogatari 12 by DD
Because of this episode, Hitagi is now my favorite character in all anime, and Bakemonogatari in my all-time favorites list.
EDIT: These subs are pretty good. There is no need to wait for gg, so watch this.
Now I understand what you said shinta about not wanting to watch any other anime after you watched Bakemonogatari..
@gg: Hitagi > Aion. Sub it.
Since I love the ED and read the lyrics to it, the star-gazing scene was even better.
Yes!!! @ the ending comment.
Did they choose that ED song because the story ending had that (fantastic, awesome, orgasmic) part? Or did they put it in the anime because of the (fantastic, awesome, orgasmic) ED song? I mean, they even mentioned the Summer Triangle in the show, which is a central theme in the song.
That episode made me laugh and cry in the span of a few minutes. The words that came from Hitagi hold so much more weight because of her character. She is tsundere-chan after all, with tons of actual pride to boot, so her lines pertaining to giving her everything to Araragi was just so powerful.
Her harsh nature has finally been rounded out with the character development in this episode. She plans to give Araragi everything, even exposing her weakness and lack of confidence as she enumerated all that she can possibly provide, an incredible feat for someone like her.
I fear that trying to analyze the awesomeness of this episode (for me) is simply futile, so I will end it with I love Hitagi-san.
EDIT: I also loved how cute Hitagi-san was with her plan of using her father to force Araragi to call her using her first name. I have come to dislike or get bored of tsunderes as of late, but this was just cold and fantastic.
I'd expect the song to follow the anime/light novel, but I'm not sure.Quote:
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
And not returning the gesture was just as lovably evil.Quote:
EDIT: I also loved how cute Hitagi-san was with her plan of using her father to force Araragi to call her using her first name. I have come to dislike or get bored of tsunderes as of late, but this was just cold and fantastic.
Her dad was a very good device as it covered the mushy stuff about how much Araragi meant to Hitagi without her saying it, leaving her to finish with short&sharp punchlines.
If I had anything to complain about this episode, it's that they didn't animate Dad's jaw movement when it should be seen. Again, it's excusable as he's been portrayed as a very rigid character who probably isn't the best at communicating.
I didn't notice that at all. Good catch. I probably attributed the lack of movement to the dad being all mysterious, with the shadows and lack of facial exposure.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
If I had to complain about anything, it would be about Hitagi-san's hairstyle at the start of the episode. It wasn't bad per se, but it just didn't suit her much.
"Father, Araragi is talking to you."
A very Senjougahara-centered episode (I still prefer to call her by that since I'm used to it), although the title of the episode kind of threw me off (Tsubasa Cat, Part Two). Anyway, I like how Senjougahara phrased her "date" line in many different ways and forced Araragi to call her by her first name.
Well that came out of left field for me, I was hoping for more of Tsubasa Cat and Hanekawa. I'll just have to hope the DVD eps finish Hanekawa's story. I've never been much of a fan of Senjogahara as a human being (as opposed to an embodiment of tsundere character traits) but she came close to making me feel for her like an actual person when she mentioned the rape thing again. Still, I suspect I'm in that 99% group Araragi mentioned that would have just left her and her issues alone. I must admit I'm strangely happy for her and Araragi though, he seems like a good match for her.
I think Hanekawa has her own novel (Nekomonogatari or something), so that might come in the future seasons (hopefully). I'm betting Hanekawa and Shinobu will get a lot of screen time then.
Given the popularity, I'm pretty confident there'll be a second season to Bakemonogatari. There's content about Koyomi's own transformation as well as Karen Bee Arc amongst other ready-to-go material.
It really was a marvelous last episode, finalising the series in a masterful way. After episode 11 I was hoping for some Senjougahara before the end, and then we got this (and I'm not talking to the dad). One of the best last episodes, no doubt. I didn't think that much of the ED when the series launched but I grew to gradually like it a lot, and now it ties together with such a powerful scene as the stargazing was. Exquisite integration.
Those two were really created for each other, right from the start: Senjougahara needed help and Araragi somebody to help. She sucks at relationships (at communications at least, certainly not in general like this ep showed) but he doesn't mind. I also have a feeling there will be the same manner of effect as between Rin and Shirou: Araragi needs someone with enough selfishness to keep him from sacrificing himself.
It was also nice to finally see for good that Araragi loves Senjougahara. You could feel it during the stargazing scene. During the earlier eps I didn't really get that kind of impression, more like Araragi just playing along not wanting to hurt her. I wasn't even sure he could love anybody in the man-woman kind of way.
w.. why? why did the episode end there?? it should've kept going! i want more D:.
for the first time in the series i was not disappointed with the lack of focus on oddities. maybe i didn't miss Hanekawa's cat story because i seriously was in no way interested in that, or maybe i didn't miss it because i really do like senjogahara as a character, and she hasn't been in an episode lately..
I'd say they paused the cat story, and went with this one because it's the last broadcasted episode.. so they wanted it to be the closing one, ending with their relationship. 13'll probably pick it back up. but i doubt 15 will be able to top this as an ending :\
yeah, senjogahara is such a great character. man, "i'm going to shatter your norms and standards". ahah, that was awesome!
and then she's like, "all i can give you are these stars". ahh this episode rocked!
The official stream date and time for episode 13 is not determined yet. It will be streamed at the website, so I fear for the quality we might be getting for the subbed versions. I hope that it streams soon though, like next weekend.
Well most people already said most things about the episode so I'm just going to say that I really do like that piano piece. So if anyone knows the name of it and where to get it, I'd be most thankful.
That's just OP1 modified. I'd expect it to be called "Staple Stable ~Piano Ver." or something. Currently none of the Bakemonogatari OPs are out yet. Look out for singles and the OST, they'll likely be there.Quote:
Originally Posted by fireheart
Meanwhile, you can entertain yourself with this if you have a keyboard:Quote:
Originally Posted by AnimeSuki
One of the best series ever. Shaft has done it again.
let me get this straight...
there are three more episodes planned to be webcast?
and then a DVD release? or something else.
beautiful episode.
loved it, so much.
Yes, 3 more episodes to be webcast. I am checking the official website everyday for the schedule of the next episode release. I will post it here as soon as I find out.
Which subs are better to archive? DD or gg?
I just downloaded gg so I had an excuse to rewatch that episode, and there were quite a few differences.
gg good points: subbed frames/songs. Kanbaru = Junior.
bad points: Cropped video means subs overlap with picture. Calm/Phrasing?
DD good points: Sentences are phrased better, Subs don't block picture most of the time
bad points: Spelling mistakes, Kanbaru = Senior, ambiguous phrasing as to what Hitagi is "doing something" about (answer = her fear of sex). panels & songs aren't translated.
Perhaps the biggest difference is Araragi's comment after Hitagi still ends up phrasing her requests in a demanding manner.
DD: In the end, that's how you phrase it.
gg: In the end, you're still so calm.
DD is the correct version of that line, I think. I have to rewatch to be certain. The fear of sex part is supposed to ambiguous, at least it seems that way in Japanese.
well that'd make sense. it's always like that when they talk about it in anime.Quote:
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
it's always "this and that" type of wording.. at least, the subs always say that stuff.
I've reached the decision to check outAniKat andKoharubi when they're done. This episode (and series) is definitely too good for subs to ruin it.
(edit: AniKat can't QC their site)
No offense to our speedsub groups. We can't ask for everything.