Originally Posted by David75
She was too tired.
She didn't sleep because she was excited. It was her first "normal" trip with her friends after all. Of course she looked tired.
Originally Posted by David75
She really insisted on how the housekeepers have been overboard in the preparations as opposed to what she had asked. But we've seen no one, those girls were totally left to themselves.
Did it not occur to you that Mugi could have told the servants to leave or get out of the way? It would hardly seem like a "normal" trip if there were maids there (not that I would mind, personally).
Having a "normal" trip is her dream, much like how "normal" haggling etc were. Why in the world would she go out of her way to make it feel unnatural? Putting flower petals on the bed? Preparing special meat? She also looked the most surprised and disappointed (in a weird way) the moment they saw those things, and she was also the first to ask for forgiveness. Why do it in the first place if you will just apologize immediately even when no one else sees it as a negative thing (except Mugi herself)?
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
Maybe I'm just tired, but I read this sentence at least seven times and I'm not clear on what you are trying to say. A little help, Yuki?
Yeah that was quite a rough attempt to make a sentence out of a paragraph (or two) of my thought process....sorry ;( Buff seems to have gotten the gist of it but I'll try to go into more detail.
I knew she'd have to have them for there to be a chance that the band would realistically be a success but I wasn't fully convinced until this ep that the show wasn't going to treat musical success as something to be sought after for the sake of binding the cast together instead of an end result that would eventually be reached or at least meaningfully approached.
Translation via outline
Prior to watching episode 4 I had come up with two different scenarios which I thought highly plausible directions for the show to take. I was lacking evidence to lean towards either as my primary expectation but episode 4 provided some.
Scenario 1: The plot would primarily milk the moe and high school camaraderie angles for the entire run of the show culminating with a finale that highlighted the bond between the band members and glanced over the struggles they'd faced as musicians. this finale would probably end right as they were about to go on stage for their first big live performance. In this scenario the music would represent more an excuse for the club members to interact with each other than an integral part of the stories development. I would liken it to the way the S.O.S Brigade in Haruhi only really did one thing in the pursuit of supernatural phenomena but was otherwise just an excuse for the cast members to interact as a group. I think this scenario could be fun because in interacting with one another we would learn about the cast members and the trials and tribulations they face in life and get to see them overcome through friendship and teamwork.
Possible character issues to be dealt with: Mugi's closeted nature, Mio's fearfulness, Yui's inexperience and shaky attention span, Ritsu's deep dark secret which is responsible for her genki personality (It's a total guess that she has one but it would fit I think).
Scenario 2: Scenario 2 is basically Scenario 1 but with the development of both the band members as musicians and the 'sound' of the band as a whole incorporated as a major part of the story. The finale would probably show either their first live performance or their first successful live performance. The ups and downs of each characters musical development would get a prominent role in the story along with the developments in their interpersonal relationships and back stories. For this scenario I postulated that Yui would need to be a prodigy of some sort otherwise her idiot moe persona would get in the way of her being able to learn and develop as a musician the normal way (determination, hard work, and practice).
Now all that said, when I watched episode 4 and learned that Yui has the Mystic Fingers of Guitar Perception and the band has a mountain to climb (be better than the previous club) I started leaning further towards Scenario 2 as my expectation. Ultimately I don't mind where the show goes as long as the cast members have fun and create humor but I am interested in seeing their musical development and I think it would be cool if my expectation was in line with the path the show will actually take.
What we saw might be abnormally little preparation from the point of view of their underlings. Who knows what the place looks like when Mugi normally goes there with her family. Besides, the maids might be well treated and paid and thus happy employees, and despite Mugi's (no doubt very mellow) commands thought surely the place would need a little something for Mugi and her friends to have a nice training camp. Their perception might be just as skewed as Mugi's in any case, because they are experienced in thinking in Mugi's family's terms.
[CoalGuys] K-ON! - 05 [E278D326].mkv 200.75 MiB torrent from TokyoTosho
Downloaded that one and the first minute showed subtitles that seemed ok
Edit: Some Moe moments and a bit of animation.
Loved the AKG K701 on Mio's head. I own Very Old K280 Parabolic and I still love them. The 701 with it's light grey/white fits perfectly.
Incredible how this show displays such magnificent material (you could argue there's better, but prices aren't for mere mortal beings...)
This was a jolly good episode. Very nicely ensnared teacher.
I'm loving Mio's contradictions more and more.
So, Mugi likes lesbian-love ^^? haha
but man, she really got me whe she said "yes" in english, such a gentle voice :)
and the other girls were awesome again, too
So Mugi is open about her yuri-love. Quite contradictory to her Ojou-sama background. Was kinda random.
Anyways, really good and funny episode. Been a while since I genuinely laughed in any anime series.
Another interesting aspect of Mugi has been revealed. An excellent episode, I must say.
The teacher was awesome, teething the guitar haha.
Originally Posted by TheBladeChild
The teacher was awesome, teething the guitar haha.
I thought we'd have Yui reacting over it afterwards, when playing it. Sadly she didn't.
Yuri-Mugi wasn't that expected, I've been suspecting Yui before with the "Mio callous fingers" scene. But since Yui has got such an idiotic behavior, you can't be so sure.
But for Mugi, well I guess we didn't see much of her to analyse anything.
I'd have to rewatch the bath scene.
Edit: nothing really suspicious Mugi-wise, more like Yui/Mio
I guess now I perfectly understand why Asami Sanada (Kanako from Maria+Holic and Vita from Nanoha) was cast as the "delicate" and "refined" Sawako-sensei. Her freakouts and overreactions balanced by her awkward/failing attempts to improve her image were the best part of the episode for me. I don't think anyone else would really be as suited for the role, except maybe Haruka Tomatsu (Nagi from Kannagi). The race up to the music room in a desperate attempt to destroy her past was the icing on the cake.
Her character kinda reminds me of Ohno from Genshiken now that I think about it, only a much more closeted version, and metal rather than otaku. I guess she's a lot like Krauser II.
I don't think it's really worth ranking them anymore. The four main girls are always even now, and even Sawako reached the same level in only one episode.
I fully second the Krauser II vibes streaming off Sawa-chan as well as her all around awesomeness. When she started tooth picking I was fully ready for her to just burst into Sataugai. I really enjoy how the calm collected persona totally clashes with the metal monster persona but you can tell there's a part of her strongly pulling her in each direction.
Mugi's shoujo-ai-ai puts some things in a different perspective. I initially had her pegged as a maternal figure since she always seemed to want to smooth things over between the band members and have harmony, now I'm suspecting she had an alterior motive of wanting to witness more of the delicious shoujo-ai vibes the group occasionally throws off while interacting with one another in a positive manner. Can't say I blame her at all.
I want DMC second season now...
After seeing Krauzer II trademark - tooth-guitar i was excepting satsugai too.
Interesting anime up till now - we shall see what comes next
oh and on the other side - OP is annoying me deeply, and their music sounds like improvised punk rock(G, A, b/H(depends where you live this sound has other letter set to it),C and D powerchords mixed up with palm mutes and dead notes) on guitar
Originally Posted by Xelbair
I want DMC second season now...
After seeing Krauzer II trademark - tooth-guitar i was excepting satsugai too.
oh and on the other side - OP is annoying me deeply
Playing a guitar with your teeth comes from blues musicians, but it was really popularized by Hendrix, along with most of the other crazy play-styles. I thought Krauser II's trademark playing styles involved certain...other body parts.
The OP is indeed a deeply annoying song...but I can't stop listening to it for some reason.
Tooth-guitar epic solo in blues? Hendrix dosen't count - he is too awesome to be compared to anything(except Van Halen in skills) :]
That was hilarious.
And it was good to see Mugi get more face time.
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
The OP is indeed a deeply annoying song...but I can't stop listening to it for some reason.
whats wrong with the OP song?
I like it, not as good as the ED but still ok. The refrain and the part before they sing something about their skirts sound pretty good. The only annoying thing I could think of in this song is the keyboard which makes sounds similiar to my old Amiga or C64 :/
Originally Posted by KrayZ33
whats wrong with the OP song?
The refrain and the part before they sing something about their skirts sound pretty good. The only annoying thing I could think of in this song is the keyboard which makes sounds similiar to my old Amiga or C64 :/
It's one of those annoying candy-rock songs that I've never really liked the style of. Like, it would be Top 40 music back in the late 60s or 1998. Bubblegum pop almost. The intro alone would probably keep it in rock rather than bubblegum pop. The intro, refrain and the "Octavu, tataku!(?)" parts are what makes me keep listening to it.
It's an annoying song because of the lyrics and the way that Aki Toyosaki sings the lead. That doesn't mean I can help myself from listening to it twice a day, especially at work with my good headphones.
Mio's lyrics, by the way are absolutely Bubblegum Pop.
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
Mio's lyrics, by the way are absolutely Bubblegum Pop.
They were exactly the kind of lyrics some girl who has never before written any lyrics would come up with. I "liked" them (not the lyrics themselves but the fact he wrote them), because it's so funny and fitting the most serious and solid looking of the four would write something... bubbly like that.
The next epoch in Mio's life:
Episode 6 - CoalGuys
"All your sweets are belong to me!"
oh lawl...but I wish Yui would've stayed quiet during the song :/
Originally Posted by KrayZ33
I wish Yui would've stayed quiet during the song :/
Yeah. Her croaking ruined the song somewhat. A very good episode, nonetheless. And again centered around Mio, more or less.
I was wondering, by the time the song ended, that it all went strange well and smoothly, and thus I can't say I'd have been overly surprised when Mio tripped. It's much better this way, of course, that the music part of the performance was fine (except for Yui's croaks), even if the acting onstage otherwise left room for development.
I was hoping for an actual live scene rather than the dusty desert rampage they used. I'd much rather watch the K-on girls actually performing instead of some random scene that kind of rips away the reality of the show.
A lot of people seem to be dissatisfied with the panchira scene (not here, thankfully). They don't seem to remember that it is a Kyo-Ani rule to have no-pantsu (no not that kind) in their anime. I personally think it was more interesting and funny than being shown a pair of panties again (even if they are shimapan) like practically any other anime does.
EDIT: Best scene of the episode - LOLI MIO
I can't be the only one who enjoyed Yui's bit of involvement now can I? First time through, I thought it was hilarious, making me lol all the way through. The second time was equally as funny, but by the third play I could easily think of it as some general Vocal II and listen to the song seriously. It wasn't so bad.
I'm interested in knowing if Mio's VA also did the singing though.
At the rate things are going, this might really end after 13 eps. The way they fast-forwarded to the first live without any real "practicing" kind of suggest things might turn out like Yuki's other theory after all.
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
I can't be the only one who enjoyed Yui's bit of involvement now can I?
You might be, actually. I hated it.
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
I'm interested in knowing if Mio's VA also did the singing though.
She probably did, like when she sang the ED song.
Woo, lots of good thing happened in this episode. Mio being scared in the haunted house, Yui and Ritsu imitating sumo wrestlers, and a nice video that went with the singing cast. I didn't mind Yui's involvement either, but Mio really shined this episode.
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
I can't be the only one who enjoyed Yui's bit of involvement now can I? First time through, I thought it was hilarious, making me lol all the way through. The second time was equally as funny, but by the third play I could easily think of it as some general Vocal II and listen to the song seriously. It wasn't so bad.
Make that two who enjoyed Yui's croaking back-up. (Three with Nado)
The music video aspect ruined it for rather than Yui's croaks. I probably wouldn't have minded the music video if Yui was singing normally, but then it would have made the cut from the reality of the show even harsher. Yui's croaks were in fact the only thing that rooted the viewers to the fact that the girls aren't perfect yet. The music video even switched up the instrument tracks, polishing them as if they were recorded on a proper sound system by considerably more practiced musicians. The song even started with their less impressive playing, on their modestly priced amps. It sounds a little tinny, and the drums sound kind of weak.
Thinking back to the other famous live band in an anime God Knows.../Lost My Music by Aya Hirano as Haruhi, that clip sounded nothing like the recording released on disc. Aya Hirano sounds rougher around the edges, doesn't hit the notes as well, and the music has it's own inconsistencies that make it believable as a live performance (except Yuki, which is intentionally flawless). I noticed this about that Haruhi episode because I watched it earlier this week on a random whim (probably in anticipation for this episode).
Here, Mio's singing is perfect, the band gets improved after they switch to the music video, and only the existence of Yui's croaks keep us settled in continuity. That mismatch made it feel wrong, and I much would have preferred if they were all only...so-so. The perfect version can wait for a character album, soundtrack, or another single.
I did like the haunted house scene (especially funny after the training camp episode where Yui was the one pushing the haunted house, and now Ritsu is the one running one in sharp contrast to her insistence they run a maid cafe).
The flashbacks were great too.
I would have preferred a perfect version now rather than a comedic attempt at a mediocre one. They went all the way to making a music video theme (to my dismay), but then decided to ruin the song by inserting a jarring sound after almost every Mio line. Just when I feel like I can get into the music, I get jolted back by Yui's voice. If she wasn't croaking and sang properly, it would have been awesome, but her performance really did drag everyone down.
Being perfect at this point isn't unbelievable at all, considering they only practised one song. Even amateurs with a lot of practise can manage to do that. That is worlds away from doing a whole set consistently.
About the Haruhi comment, the inconsistencies don't really add any reality to the performance, considering she practised the 2 songs for only a day (or something like that). She still did awesome despite that.
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
About the Haruhi comment, the inconsistencies don't really add any reality to the performance, considering she practised the 2 songs for only a day (or something like that). She still did awesome despite that.
To counter, none of these four girls are what Haruhi is. Even if she is one with just enough self-doubt inside that she wants the performance to be the best it could be and wondering whether or not she could pull it off (Haruhi's feelings expressed to Kyon at the end of that episode). Haruhi was deeply afraid of letting the other girls down. Given her abilities, if she wanted to be damn near perfect in a few hours, she would be. She was worried whether or not she could, so those tiny slivers of reality creeped into her performance. I could write a lot more in detail, but I'm already toeing the spoiler line, albeit of a well-watched and old series. PM me if you want more details.
These girls needed to practice often, and one couldn't even play an instrument a few months ago. She just happens to be extraordinary in her own right to make up the lack of time. I expected them to play mediocre, and other than Yui's croaks, it disappointed greatly in that way.
I have no qualms about you wanting them to play mediocre (other than the fact that they didn't need to, since if they had talent and practised hard, one song is not difficult to do well).
What I find odd is why you think the croaking is a positive thing in that aspect. The only reason I find for it be acceptable is the comedy that can be gleaned from the sheer contrast. Liking it since it adds realism because the music video detached the song from reality too much? It is a bit too much of a complication for me.
Lol Mio was so cute changing her chopsticks to her right hand just because Ritsu was making a big deal about her being lefty when they were little.
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
I can't be the only one who enjoyed Yui's bit of involvement now can I?
I thought it was hilarious. It makes the song sound better and funnier, which is the way it should be.
Episode 7
Wow, if only they could harness the energy from the first 2 minutes of this episode. The shear amount of moe energy would power our planet for years to come.
Cute. Very cute. Perhaps even a bit TOO cute. I still liked this a lot, but the overload of moe leaves me feeling that it'd be better if it was used more sparingly and precisely. It's like they're plastering MOE on every frame.
But it's Christmas, what can you do. Ui is pretty freaking awesome. Yui's hopeless (in a funny way). Really, who makes their sibling peel oranges for them?!
Still, her making a "White Christmas" out of cushion fluff more than redeemed her.
I just hope this was a one-off episode of mucking around, because I don't want to see them just end up at Budokan. I want to see how they actually get there.
Mio in a kimono <3
btw Ui-chan and Sawako-sensei are really cool side-characters..
Sawako going crazy at their Christmas Party was really fun to have around and Ritsu giving Mio that skeleton pop-up was funny as well. As usual, good episode.
It was a good episode with some nice scenes, like those Mio frightening ones, but all in all I think this was less funny than the previous ones. Maybe because this relied on moe alone more, like Bill already said. It can get old ultimately unless they come up with new tricks.
That was moe overload. Still funny, and Ui is just unbelievable when it comes to defending her sister.
I did find it funny that Mugi got upset over the weight gain
Originally Posted by narutosharingan
I did find it funny that Mugi got upset over the weight gain
Yeah, that was pretty funny. It feels like they're not putting enough effort in to make Mugi "special" as they're doing with the other girls. I say this because all of Mugi's "traits", if you will, have been a bit out-of-the-left-field, kind of just thrown in there.
Mio's shyness works well, Yui's a born-airhead, while Ritsu's playfulness and outspoken self feels completely natural. Mugi always feels a bit off.
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Mio's shyness works well, Yui's a born-airhead, while Ritsu's playfulness and outspoken self feels completely natural. Mugi always feels a bit off.
It could be partly intentional as she's from a super rich family and so they likely have tried to build her character so that she doesn't quite fit in, no matter how much she tries, and her attitude can be somewhat off a lot of time, like when switching a trip to Hawaii to a cheap board game.
I agree with Kraco, her lack of fitting in, or struggling so hard to do so is her charm. A trip to Hawaii is nothing to her, so she goes for what she believes is a greater prize, a board game she can play with everyone. It the same reason she brings in all the food for the club and easily offers up her assistance to club members. It's would come off as pathetic if she wasn't so genuine about it. Mugi is trying really hard to fit in, and sometimes so hard that it makes her stick out even more.
The croaky song.
[Nipponsei] K-ON! Insert Song Single - Fuwa Fuwa Time [Various].zip
If I had to guess, I'd think it contains both "clean" and "croaky" versions.
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
No, only the clean one and 5 times an instrumental version (small differences in intros)
Another title and its instrumental version.
Damn. I'll miss the croak, even if it's just for lulz. :o
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Damn. I'll miss the croak, even if it's just for lulz. :o
Yup, even more strange it isn't there considering we get 5 instrumental versions for the same title...
The clean version isn't even near the anime one. It's really, really too clean. I don't know what they had in mind when creating that CD, full of useless versions and lacking one that could appeal to a part of the fanbase.
Even though, I can't complain about this :o
Good cover.
Originally Posted by David
I don't know what they had in mind when creating that CD, full of useless versions
I only just played those other versions, and the Instrumental MINUS ones aren't worth listening to at all. Ideal if you want to play to the music though.
Episode 8
Keep the music coming! I liked this song better than the last, clean or not. I think it's the the overall feel. The covering up for each other, as well as noticing each others' improvement satisfies my "showing how they improve" well enough. Given the length of this series, I'd rather they do this actually. Then we keep getting different good (but still imperfect as for performance) songs.
Wonder what the new girl will play though. There's not much left in a traditional band, is there?
Finally, the mystery girl on shinta|hikari's signature has been revealed: Azusa! I wonder what she'll contribute to the club. ;)
Great episode, with a catchy song to listen to. Mio being lonely was funny to look at because her expression was so blank. Oh, and the maid uniform.
'My Love is a Stapler'? How do they come up with these song titles... Anyway, the Mioism reached new lofty heights of deliciousness this week. As much as I enjoy watching her I feel like she crowds out the others quirks to some extent which is kind of sad. Ritsu and Mugi only seemed to stand out with their unique charms in a couple of instances such as Mugi trying to 'fit in' by trying ot demonstrate she was inconvenienced by the uniforms and Ritsu getting scolded for forgetting to fill out paperwork again. Fortunately for Yui's much of her charm is tied up in her utter retardation and domestic clumsiness so it's easier for it to come out just by having her in any scene. I suppose I could make the say the same about Mio's Mioism since that seems to express itself somehow no matter what stimulus is applied to her.
All in all this ep felt great, last weeks just didn't do as much for me, it felt more serious than the previous eps and thus less silly/fun. I felt like this ep was back around the serioes/fun mixture of eps 5-6ish and all that jazz.
P.S. Meido Uniform Band = Win. Logistical issues be damned.
Originally Posted by Yukimura
As much as I enjoy watching her I feel like she crowds out the others quirks to some extent which is kind of sad. Ritsu and Mugi only seemed to stand out with their unique charms in a couple of instances such as Mugi trying to 'fit in' by trying ot demonstrate she was inconvenienced by the uniforms and Ritsu getting scolded for forgetting to fill out paperwork again.
I'm glad I wasn't the only one to notice Mugi's failure of an attempt to fit in with the others. It touched on the issue we brought up from last episode, where Mugi feels so out of place compared to the others, despite her privileged upbringing.
Ritsu may be the president of the club, and certainly the most motivated (procedures be damned!) but Mio is very much the 'leader' in terms of fandom and screentime. It's not bad...but Mugi and Ritsu need more development, especially now that there is a new character who will steal screentime.
Fortunately for Yui's much of her charm is tied up in her utter retardation and domestic clumsiness so it's easier for it to come out just by having her in any scene.
Yui is still my undisputed favorite. Rolling around on the floor moaning about ice cream in flashback, and then muttering in the present about it when Ui wouldn't give it to her was probably my favorite part, along with the funny noises of worry and then joy she was making when Ui was accepted into the school.
Speaking of her, I was also kind of glad that Ui doesn't look like she really wants to join the Light Music Club. She is definitely more of a student council type of personality, and I hope that's where she ends up.
Lastly, Azusa is so much like Mana from White Album it is a little disturbing. She knows a lot about music by the looks of things, is critical of other's style (calling the jazz club not really "jazz"), and is a dead-ringer in appearance. Even some of her cowering demeanor and embarrassed curiosity mirrors Mana.
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Wonder what the new girl will play though. There's not much left in a traditional band, is there?
My guess? Rhythm guitar. Yui is obviously enough of a idiot-savant that she can handle playing a more difficult Lead Guitar track with relative ease. She plays by ear anyway.
While I love Mio to death, I have also noticed that she is getting way too much screen time. Mugi is my least favorite character, yet I have begun to want to see more of her just because I feel she and Ritsu have become the underdogs of the show. This is probably a case of having too much of a good thing. Carefully planning out the dosage of moe is critical, much like how C.C. was an awesome hit despite her relatively minuscule screen time.
Still, Mio owns Yui when it comes to singing. Yui didn't need to sing in the last song, but I guess we had to hear her sing at least once in the show by now.
I wonder what extreme distinct character trait Azusa has.
For some reason I was thinking Azusa was going to be revealed as Nodoka's sister. I guess not.
I definitely agree that Mugi and Ritsu need more time. As said, Mio/Yui are awesome, and they should keep that coming, but Mugi and Ritsu are sort of afterthoughts. Hopefully they have more lines later
But otherwise, great episode as usual
Azusa could be an interesting character. I expect a good performance from her, even though she has yet to do anything remarkable. But I like her looks and even just the name.
Anyway, like Ryll, I hope Ui doesn't join the club (like it seems). If she did, Yui would likely rely on her more than she relies on the "strangers" now in the club. And Yui is a person, who would benefit from some independence training.
Let's see what Azusa is capable of (other than being as cute as everybody in this series):
Episode 9 - CoalGuys
This episode is win.
Yui's "good girl" hug.
The evil tea time temptation.
Azusa is almost like a Mio 2.0.
Originally Posted by Dark Dragon
This episode is win.
Yui's "good girl" hug.
The evil tea time temptation.
Azusa is almost like a Mio 2.0.
Yes all of those are win, and she is certainly turning out to be a mini-me Mio.
You forgot to put Mio's jealousy, which was EPIC win. Oh the contradictions :)
Oh man I had a few moe overloads in the last 2 eps but their cake-eating and care free attitude is really annoying.
They should really stop that.
I'm fully on Azusa's side.
I like that Yui has absolutely no problems with learning new stuff
We've seen that during the trip to the beach already but it's still cool ^^
Azusa was too cute with the nekomimi. I'm very pleased with her personality as well. She's certainly mini-Mio, but somehow she was even more serious - no doubt because she hasn't had Ritsu constantly dulling the edges. It's kind of sad how the club is so unfocused and so if you want to actually play and learn new stuff in music, it's largely wasted time. But at least it's good wasted time like Mio had to concede.
It was nice to finally get an ep where Mio didn't steal all the attention.
But damn they really should play more and fool around less. I hope Azusa will accept achieving that as her holy mission, despite being a junior.
Azu-nyan > Mio > Yui > Ritsu > Yuri eyebrows.
Yes, I am a lolicon, but that is not the point.
Azu-nyan is such an awesome cute character even if she is the most normal out of the bunch. She balances them out.
Azu-nyan: "Even though these bands are better than the K-ON band... why?"
Answer: It's because unlike those other bands, K-ON is made up of moe characters, which you will augment soon enough.
Mio: "She has managed to play like this for a year."
Translation: "She has only been playing for a year."
Mio: "She is the type that plays games without reading the manuals."
Translation: "She does this through instinct, not theory and practice"
Translation: Yui is a fucking genius.
Oh my God, I had an incredibly enoyable experience with that episode.
I won't even try to explain, loved it.
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
Azu-nyan > Mio > Yui > Ritsu > Yuri eyebrows.
Yui >Azu-nyan > Mio > Ritsu > club's advisor>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yuri eyebrows
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
Yes, I am a lolicon, but that is not the point.
This is a shocker :eek: As if...
Originally Posted by
Mio: "She has managed to play like this for a year."
Translation: [I
"She has only been playing for a year."[/I]
Mio: "She is the type that plays games without reading the manuals."
Translation: "She does this through instinct, not theory and practice"
Translation: Yui is a fucking genius.
Her wierd atitude balance out this awesome trait. nobody's perfect eh?
Man, I felt sad now that someone's stolen Mio's focus. :(, even if she's Mio 2.0
I was hoping they'd break out with a different song this time, so I was slightly disappointed when it was still the Stapler song. Interestingly, she noticed Mio is skilled, something which wasn't really elaborated on in earlier episodes, while the fact that Mugi's an excellent pianist has been largely ignored.
Finally, if Ritsu's drumming's rushed, it makes her the weakest link, according to Azusa's evaluation. Only reason she's club leader is because she thought of the idea first.
It was funny how one character's addition can completely trod on all the others. If she kept to herself, she'd take Lead Guitarist from Yui at least for a while, unless Yui takes sessons. She's already the primary costume model, and trashing tea time would just make Mugi feel rejected. Perhaps I like the original four too much, so this had a slight negative effect on me. If negative is too strong a word, then I at least cannot fully appreciate Azusa's awesomeness. Maybe I'm just sharing Mio's jealousy.
Still, a very enjoyable ep like all the others. I can't say I really want to see another beach camp. I'd really rather they move on to something more constructive, assuming this series really will end at episode 13.
PS: I noticed before that the girls in shinta's sig are ordered by height. I notice now that the girls in shinta's sig are similarly ordered by cup size.
It was never about height.
Azu-nyan, while I freaking love her, will only be able to take lead for 1 performance, since Yui and her magic ears and mystical fingers will steal her skillz once she hears it.
Funny episode this was with loads of cuteness around the corner, especially when Sawako brought along a whole barrage of cosplaying clothes with cat and bunny ears.
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
Azu-nyan > Mio > Yui > Ritsu > Yuri eyebrows.
Mio: "She has managed to play like this for a year."
Translation: "She has only been playing for a year."
Mio: "She is the type that plays games without reading the manuals."
Translation: "She does this through instinct, not theory and practice"
Translation: Yui is a fucking genius.
Couldn't have put the latter part better myself. I like how Azusa and Yui seemed to really hit it off the first half of the episode, and even by the end, while Azusa likes Mio's serious attitude, Yui still seems to be making to most headway weaning Azu-nyan onto their evil ways.
As such:
Yui > Azu-nyan > Mio > Mugi > Ritsu > Sawa-chan (costumes are good, but she needs a new gimmick)
K-ON! Original Soundtrack
Episode 10
[CoalGuys] K-ON! - 10 [A159E969]
250mb because they batched something with it.
OK THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE OUT OF ALL: PLEASE TAKE 10 MINUTES OF YOUR TIME AND WATCH THE NEW SERIES WE’RE PRODUCING. IT WILL BE BATCHED WITH K-ON FROM NOW ON. The name is 黒人の王 (Kokujin no Ou). It’s highly entertaining and fun to watch! If you enjoy K-ON, you’ll enjoy that too! We put a lot of effort into producing this video, so please watch it with your utter most sincerity. Thanks!
Don't bother with the vid that comes with it, unless you want to hear some dude ramble on and on. I'm hoping that they don't batch that in every week..
So Yui has perfect pitch.
Genius indeed.
No amount of practice can get you what she already has. She just needs some common sense (like practicing with a slow tempo until you get the hang of it) and someone patient to teach her (thank god for Azu-nyan who also plays the G). She will most likely surpass Azu-nyan's skills before the year ends, mainly because she can leech off of Azu-nyan now.
The rest of the episode felt like the OP, recycled with Azu-nyan added in. I love Azu-nyan though. Not only is she loli (+9000 points for me!), but she also lacks the cowardly side that Mio has, something which I never liked. Azu-nyan with her hair down and in swimsuit was great.
All of a sudden, I feel Mio is overshadowed by Azu-nyan, at least for me. I kinda got tired of her really fast, even faster than how I usually change my current favorite character.
The batched in video was certainly worthless. I kept waiting and waiting for something interesting to actually happen, clicking the slider to jump forward, but it was indeed nothing more than just some whoever dude blathering endlessly.
Azusa has for sure overshadowed Mio these past couple of episodes. Maybe that's a good thing and I certainly have nothing to complain about with Azusa. She could be Mio's little sister but still she's significantly different. It's also funny how she keeps thinking the seniors must be amazing musicians yet at the same time is disgusted with their lack of enthusiasm for practicing.
Lastly I have to approve Mugi's family's choice of a travel destination...
Well the whole training camp idea certainly isn't new, but I don't feel it was recycled. Rather, it was a good to see how everyone's getting along after 1 year. Certainly, things haven't changed a lot, with Yui and Ritsu strangely in tune again and all, but we did learn little bits and pieces.
Mugi skyrocketted for me this episode. From her reaction, she most certainly did not place those items there last time after all (her reaction towards her servants was great, much different from her usual well-mannered self).
Classy black onepiece was hot, but the white was cute too :o
Besides Mugi, Yui was the other person who got significant character development here. I have to say, I never imagined her to be the one practicing. It would have been Mio, if anything. Gifted, but still practicing like she's not (to a limited capacity) just makes her all the more likable.
Azu-nyan is certain shadowing Mio. The two seem to alternate in the spotlight I think. In particular, she's taken over Mio's position as the "one who has the most fun" at camp.
I didn't expect Ui to be a bit of a sis-con herself either.
As for why we never see any practice, I think we've come to an answer. They're saving all the songs for actual performances, to my slight disappointment.
Originally Posted by Kraco
Lastly I have to approve Mugi's family's choice of a travel destination...
I had an image with Kraco waiting at the airport shouting
"Mugi-chan! Mugi-chan! Mugi-chan!" :D
Somehow that ep was a rehash done too soon.
Ok Mugi has that one, bigger than last year's, and not even the one she wanted... stressing even more the fact they'll have to cope with it.
The Boat scene was to be...
the "I was the one who enjoeyd herself the most" with Ui was cute.
It wasn't as entertaining as it has been up to now.
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Besides Mugi, Yui was the other person who got significant character development here. I have to say, I never imagined her to be the one practicing. It would have been Mio, if anything. Gifted, but still practicing like she's not (to a limited capacity) just makes her all the more likable.
Actually I think it made sense. Not only does it suit Yui's personality to go to practice at odd hours but also when she has got nobody else around distracting her. It's just like her to be unable to practice when they should be practicing and then suddenly want to practice when people normally sleep after a full day.
Originally Posted by David75
I had an image with Kraco waiting at the airport shouting
"Mugi-chan! Mugi-chan! Mugi-chan!"
You bet! It would be a small price for a piece of cake.
Originally Posted by Kraco
You bet! It would be a small price for a piece of cake.
Unfortunately, I see Mugi coming on a private plane to be picked up by a limousine straight to a newly purchased resort :(
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Unfortunately, I see Mugi coming on a private plane to be picked up by a limousine straight to a newly purchased resort :(
Tss Tss Tss, an uber trained fanboy would be on the Tarmac at the right time to be seen and heard when she goes down the stairs and before she enters the limousine ;)
Ui not recognizing tanned Azusa got a grin from me.
Yay for tanned Azusa. Yes to Yui! Great episode and a relaxing one to boot.
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
So Yui has perfect pitch.
Genius indeed.
No amount of practice can get you what she already has. She just needs some common sense (like practicing with a slow tempo until you get the hang of it) and someone patient to teach her (thank god for Azu-nyan who also plays the G). She will most likely surpass Azu-nyan's skills before the year ends, mainly because she can leech off of Azu-nyan now.
I was starting to suspect Yui had it (it would have explained her ability to play anything back when she hears it), but there wasn't any definitive evidence until now. This outright confirmed it.
I liked the stranded skit between Ritsu and Yui better this time around.
I guess the parts with Mugi tearfully calling her parents (or butler) to take all of the boats and loungechairs away was one of my favorite parts. I also note she once again mentioned her love for jello in her sleep.
But the prize goes to Yui's cartoon-version of the infamous KyoAni Tears(tm) when she was cutting the onion. I couldn't help but immediately think of Ushio, Nagisa, Mai, and Misuzu with those blubbery tears spilling out of their eyes. Given the situation though, I laughed thoroughly this time. They even fall off of her hamster cheeks in the exact same spots they do in the various drama series.
Moe Moe Moe Moe Moe Moe Moe Moe Moe Moe Moe Moe Moe Moe Moe Moe Moe Moe Moe Moe Moe Moe Moe Moe Moe Moe Moe Moe Moe Moe Moe Moe Moe Moe Moe Moe
I like this :D
Azu-nyan's Mio 2 factor came to a climax in the bathtub scene. Looked like a before and after comercial.
Btw what's with all the Anti-Muginess on this thread? She's adorable!
This episode was perfect except for the lack of some more boobs ( or lack of ) jokes, especially since Mio's giant rack is filled with infinite possibilities for more of those
the moe-factor is really great in this series
I can't help it, but I always have to smile when I watch K-on.. I want to pet them all like Mio did with Azu-nyan!
all the characters are so adorable.. I really can't decide which character I like the most anymore, it was Mio at first but when Azu-nyan came in it became a little difficult but by now its simply impossible for me to decide!
It has always been a battle between Mio and Mugi for me. It still is. Azu-nyan's appearance didn't have much impact.
Originally Posted by Kraco
Lastly I have to approve Mugi's family's choice of a travel destination...
I have to approve of Mugi's hairstyle on the beach.
Mugi's hairstyle was excellent.
Two things I caught rewatching the episode:
- It might have been in there previous episode, but the OP added a second (and more skilled) guitar part that we assume Azusa plays.
- In the scene where Ui and Azusa are in the burger joint, Ritsu asks about herself (before she attacks Azusa for insulting her) in a surprisingly good imitation of Ui's tone of voice. I'm usually pretty good about catching these, but I had thought it was Ui. Should've been paying more attention.
summer camp.....
Originally Posted by Archangel
Nothing strange about it.
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
Nothing strange about it.
What about now?
It doesn't bother me personally, but I'm not anybody's boss at work.
Originally Posted by Archangel
Still can't find what you are referring to. Looks even better to me. ;)
Lol, photobucket deleted it. Reposting it
Rule #5 Archie. Put it behind a link.
I'm starting to wonder if things like this are why Websense blocks Gotwoot at work.
Lol cmon dude that isn't hentai, it's just hilarious
It's harmless especially since i posted the original above
I'm not denying that it's funny. It's in the rules so that gotwoot can be mostly SFW.
Your boss or a sectretary pops in to ask you to do something and sees that. Guess how fast you are going to HR (or right out the door)?
I'll PM a mod about it to see if it's cool or not
Things like Websense blocking Gotwoot might be more due to the fact words like "hentai" and "torrent" appear here than individual pictures, but nevertheless let's keep in mind that while great many pics are totally okay for us, they aren't that necessarily for some 55 years old boss, whose only concern is how productively and properly their underlings use their working time. So, if Ryll has to fear for his job while taking a breather by having a glance at Gotwoot, I'd say the pic is not okay.
Episode 11
I guess we learned that Mugi is really loyal.
Originally Posted by animus
I guess we learned that Mugi is really loyal.
Most certainly. In the beginning we're told Mugi's a top class pianist, and they wondered why she would join such a club. To Mugi, K-ON Bu "After School Tea Time" isn't made up of musicians. It's made up of her friends, completely irreplaceable.
The Ritsu/Mio jealousy didn't turn out to be quite as bad. That guitar scene from the last preview, however, was completely misleading. It didn't even take a day.
What I really liked was the way Mio's hair was messed up on Ritsu's bed in an uncaring manner. It really brought out that these two are right at home together, and completely open. A very nice touch.
Knowing next ep is last makes me sad :(
GITAH! GITAH! I'm also sad that the next episode is the last one. :(