I don't think that's very relevant anymore now that her memory reset days are over. She can stick to ol' Touma as long as Touma can survive the craziness attracted to her...Quote:
Originally Posted by Nadouku
Printable View
I don't think that's very relevant anymore now that her memory reset days are over. She can stick to ol' Touma as long as Touma can survive the craziness attracted to her...Quote:
Originally Posted by Nadouku
Err looks like I really should be grabbing the torrent :)
Indeed. Also, the next arc looks promising, since it features Misaka. :DQuote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
I must say I am very pleased with this episode. It totally saved the 'arc'. The fight was fantastic, very well animated, very well developed.
Although I was afraid for a moment... seeing a repeat of the first arc with the alchemist being a previous partner of Index. Guess he DID crack when it happened, unlike Stiyl and the other chick.
And next episode is what I've been waiting for since episode 1. The return of Mikoto!! (*stares at her Mikoto 1/8 Model*)
LOL Kraco... you are correct about the series name... unlike A Certain Scientific Railgun, which focuses on Mikoto, a Certain Magical Index seems to be more centered on Touma than on Index. Or rather... the story revolves around what Index is and has done, until now, having Touma being the star...
Jolly good fight. Izzard's ability is both awesome and flawed, the way things should be. It seems all forms of "magic" in this show has one weakness or another, while those naturally gived Espers are free to use that power all they want (with a tactical weakness, rather than a fundamental one).
Ms Deep Blood, on the other hand, was somewhat underwhelming. The way she doesn't remember killing anything, and how the bodies were arranged in her flash backs suggested that she had some sort of subconscious predator instinct that activates when a vampire approaches. The way they die on contact, with no awesomeness on her part, just makes her a walking version of this:
Like the rest of you I was all set to hate this arc I cringed when vampires were brought up and then.... This episode came along and ended the arc with a awesome fight and really kept everything moving nicely with the truth of if vampires even exist left until later.
I love episodes like this that exceed my expectations by and am really looking forward to what else this show has in store for me in the future.
I have a question...
How come Stiyl lost his skin and then appeared like nothing happened, while Touma got his arm ripped off and re-attached? I thought he didn't really lose it after seeing Stiyl... THAT confused me.
I'm thinking his thoughts were going out of whack, and he just imagined Stiyl normally grabbing what she longed for most, Index away fine and dandy. I guess those things he uses to pierce his neck clear his thoughts to focus his reality bending to words only?
When that whole thing was going on I kept thinking, "He's gonna reveal that he doesn't bend reality, he just bends illusions!".
That's because Stiyl was directly affected by his Ars Magna. His direct commands were "float in the sky" and "shred to pieces". In other words, Stiyl's damage was caused by none other than Izzard's "thought".Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
Meanwhile, Touma can dispel any direct commands on him by touching himself (connotation not intended). That's why Izzard manifested a weapon instead, then told it to "fire the rotating rifle blade" or something. He aimed the shot at Touma's right arm, without actually commanding it to hit.
So when Izzard come to the conlusion that his Ars Magna has lost it's power, he'll think that everybody currently under the influence of it will be freed.
Or it could be as simple as animus said, he simply thought about Stiyl being back to normal.
Edit: rewatching that part, animus' reasoning makes more sense. The line of events where:
"My Ars Magna has lost its power"
"Wait..don't think that. If you do...(pause and imagines something)"
(Izzard opens his eyes in shock, looks up and sees Stiyl)
"Stop thinking....!!"
The most reasonable explanation was that he thought Stiyl would turn back to normal as he thought through the consequence of having his Ars Magna dispelled.
The pain from his skewers clears his mind of unnecessary thoughts, allowing him to concentrate. Ars Magna brings the alchemist's thoughts into reality. In other words, he must have confidence, thinking he can actually do something for it to work. Secondly, he'll need to have a single train of thought, for it to create exactly what he wants, without creating anything else that might cross his mind.Quote:
Originally Posted by animus
Him putting his thoughts into words just helps him concentrate on that one thought.
What you said Buffalo makes sense...I just could not get all that from the anime episode I guess.
Yeah, it was one of the most clever fights I have ever seen in anime. Usually there isn't that much to understand in fights, but this was certainly different.
animus & Buff:
Thanks for the explanation. Now I understand.
BTW... can't wait for Sunday... I need my Mikoto dose...
Neat episode, visually awesome and good planning. Can't wait for next episode.
Quite a refreshing episode, gave out a few laughs. The power difference in "Accelerator" seems too great for the MISAKA clones, but hopefully, Touma can save one of them.
I don't think I was spoiling.
Nadouku... edit that comment before others see it. You are spoiling.
The episode I've been waiting forever has arrived. Any scene involving Mikoto is a win for me...
Loved her weird 'blush' while at the soda dispenser.
LOL at Touma seeing the underwear of Mikoto and sister.
LOL at the Cat and the fleas...
I read it....:(Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryouga
Well, this arc seems slightly confusing, but I'll tag along with it.
Clones now....really? They're just throwing out every phenomenon and idea out there so Touma will get a harem.
Loved the creepy laugh MISAKA-bot gave after naming the cat Inu.
Sorry to dirty your eyes Bill! :(Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Good episode, hope they keep up the good work.
A twin figure of Misaka Mikoto and Misaka Imouto is going to be released in march... likewise a figure of Kuroko. I think I'll get them both (or three?)
There are also figures of Index and sword-girl, but... not interested.
Oh yeah... that scene with the names for the cat was fantastic. Misaka Imouto's laugh was great.
Anyway... seems we FINALLY get to the scientific part of the story. I mean... we began with it, explaining about the Espers and the Academic City, and suddenly we were thrown to two full arcs involving Majutsu...
At the rate this series is going... I think 5 novels (out of 16) will be animated. I hope the series does well enough yto guarantee future seasons, so more of the novels get animated.
I don't mind Misaka (plus clones) appearing but this series is starting to resemble one of those pot foods prepared by a no-cooking-skills anime girl where you have all manner of ingredients floating around and no harmony what-so-ever. I'm sure it's not supposed to be like that, but Everon has a valid point: This is nothing but mindless harem building unless they try to have all the people do something sensible, Index being the prime example.
Take into consideration this is based on a series of Light Novels. And every novel has its own story.
For instance... episodes 1 to 5 where the first novel. 6 to 9 are the second novel. Episode 10 began the 3rd one, which features the second co-heroine mostly.
Despite the series having the name 'Index', the main character is Touma, and the two co-heroines are Index and Mikoto. It just happens that Mikoto didn't have really much to do, sans the 'prologue' (first episode)
Mikoto became so popular she got her own manga in the 'A Certain Scientific Railgun' series, where Kuroko is the co-star. Touma appears as well, but Index doesn't.
I see. I guess it can't be helped then. Thanks for the info.
A translation of the 1st Novel's prologue. The scene where Touma sees Mikoto at the bridge, prior to meeting Index for the first time. Lots of info not seen at the anime though.
Ouch, what a cruel way to kill someone. Good episode, expands on the explanations of the clones. I hope Touma can stop all of this madness. :D
Awesome episode. This arc is looking sharp.
I wonder how the dude's clothes stay on him. He said his skin is autorepelling everything, so his clothes should be slipping off all the time. What a plothole. Actually he shouldn't be able to walk, because he would be reflecting the ground below his feet (though in reality he would repel himself up because you can hardly push the ground anywhere unless you are standing on thin ice or something). In fact, how can he breath, because he should be pushing off the air that approaches his mouth?
And funny wind power plants they have there... If it's not windy, they will apparently suck electricity from the grid. Whoever designed them should be fired and soon.
It was an entertaining enough episode, though, even if the parts with Index & co were really purposelessly slapped on and only so that nobody would forget them.
It was an okay episode to me. This Accelerator guy, seems to be quite the unbeatable foe. I would like to see more background info on him, to see how he obtained such a power. Index didn't get much screen time, which to me is a plus. I prefer Misaka Mikoto, so I'm liking this arc. Also Himegami = win.
The epicness of the episode went down a bit with the idiotic Index scene.
Wow... just wow. The arc is as great as I expected. I wouldn't mind a harem of Misaka clones.
Kuroko Shirai is a great character... I love her jealousness, and how she glomped Mikoto's bed.
A fact that was left out, when Touma found the notes, was why Accelerator is killing the clones. I will not state what it is, in case it is revealed next episode.
Oh yeah... another scene that was left out was Mikoto hugging the weird bear Touma found. This should have happened last episode.
The science side of things is definitely more tense, will less explanations and more well-paced action.
As for the Accelerator's vector-change plothole, it could work out if he can assign functions to various items. That way, he could tell it to disregard his clothes, shoes etc, but any foreign objects not previously assigned will be "reflected" by default. Kind of like a firewall.
Having that ability would make him immensely, if not overpowered though. Unlike him, Touma doesn't have an off-switch for his arm, and has to think his way through situations to utilise it, or get around its weakness. That's what makes these fights interesting.
-Selfish Miko hogging all the meat made me lol.
As for MISAKA clones....I wonder if they all wear different underpants :p
Hands off. Mikoto and her clones are mine :p
Yeah, that must be how it works, for it to work at all (without a plothole). However, I think it reasonable, if things are indeed like that, that Touma should be able to develop his power sufficiently to create an on/off switch, at least to a degree, and also the other way around: to have the ability also elsewhere than just his right hand. It wouldn't make much sense if Touma's power was 100% fixed while others can control theirs as much as they want. That would be nothing but another plothole.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Not really. Power levels and conditions for its use are not sufficiently elaborated. It may very well be possible for some people to have 100% fixed powers. Touma would be way too overpowered otherwise.
Touma would never be overpowered. He can't do anything against anything but magic and other mystic (or scientific like this series calls them) powers. Take a pipe and hit him in the head, and his powers will be good for nothing, unlike this Accelerator fellow or Railgun's powers. Or if somebody's powers allow them to accelerate a physical object to high speed, Touma can't do anything about it, because it's not anymore magic but simple classical momentum he would be fighting against. Or make a structure collapse on him. You can't really be calling that overpowered. And especially since his own power has zero attack strength, and only grants a surprise factor once against an opponent with half a brain.
Yes, I think the confrontation will be very interresting against that guy.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
In fact they're almost similar, to me that guy has near zero attack power too, but is used to use it.
He can't do anything against something with no vectors... be it energy, momentum etc...
You could say they are both very high in defense, but it should produce nothing if both of them can't produce any attack.
Regarding touma's oponents having no brains, maybe, but since that hand is so good at eliminating any paranormal power, it's hard on a powerful oponent to accept and change drastically their way of attacking in order to crush Touma.
In the last fight we also get the feeling Touma has incredible recovery abilities, it seems it was limited to his arm... but who knows? Maybe there's a key here... eventough he didn't recover from his memory loss...
Why do I stress that point? well after all he didn't burn when he was in innocentis furnace. I understand his hand can absorb that power, but not on all sides, does it?
Last but not least, Touma may be very smart when he's in battle mode, but that can't be helped since he is the main character and needs a way to win or survive at least.
That is indeed very true and also very realistic, and it allows Touma to survive a little longer than he otherwise would. But it's not really a surprise factor anymore, it's just something hard to accept and adapt to to the opponents, but nevertheless the opponents will be much more cautious already even if they still try, in vain, to use purely supernatural attacks.Quote:
Originally Posted by David75
True, but Accelerator can easily create something like momentum and use his "defense" as "offense", such as throwing a rock in mid air and kicking it. Since vectors are composed of both magnitude and direction, "vector change" can effectively cause anything moving to fly with a speed and direction of his choice.Quote:
Originally Posted by David75
Actually, it doesn't even have to be moving. Even objects at rest are under constant acceleration (gravity) downwards, meaning anything he touches can effectively be accelerated towards something else.
This guy is officially overpowered.
That is, unless he has some sort of limit, like if he can only apply one "function" at a time, leaving an opening for Touma to think out an attack with his Imagine Breaker.
One other point that'll need clarifying is how this "vector change" is used. Is it simply applied on contact, and moves without intervention afterwards, or does his skin leave a "constant change" effect for the duration of its flight path?
Reason I say this is because it's critical to whether Touma can counter it with his Imagine Breaker. If Accelerator's esper powers are only applied once, then he can do nothing but dodge. However, if Accelerator's effect is lasting (ie, the "vector change" can only be applied once, but then has to actively maintain the changed vector), then a touch with Touma's hand will return the object to its original vector.
e.g: If a rock that hit Touma's hand was thrown at Mach 3 using Vector Change, if case 2 applied, then upon hitting Touma's hand, it would slow down to the point as of it was thrown normally (physically) by Accelerator.
Keep the clones. Just leave me the pants :pQuote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
Well he was conscise enough while talking about the vector change.
To me it was clear he only acts as a miror, he can change some parameters.
Maybe I was wrong before, to me he only changes directions, but not intensity, energy, velocity.
He can choose any direction, and he set that to reflection as default. He's some kind of universal miror.
I wonder what Imagine Breaker can do with it. What would be an inversion of the Imagine Breaker if we suppose the Imagine Breaker doesn't just anihilate the Vector power. Then what will happen of the power if Touma can actually touch him too... I suppose that would deactivate the power.
I think he can only change direction, not speed. If Touma manages to get a hold of him, Touma will just beat the shit out of him like he did everyone else he fought.
Being able to neutralize every mystical attack on all sides at will is not overpowered? Teach him how to use a gun (a real one) and he will be.
Touma's esper power is classified as Level 0 not because he is useless, mostly because his power cannot be detected. Remember he nullified Mikoto's attack on episode 1, and she is supposed to be the 3rd strongest Level 5 esper.
And its a power that works on its won, nullifying anything. See Kuroko trying to teleport him, with no ill intent, and it didn't work.
Accelerator is the strongest Level 5, so he must be able to control his power, so he doesn't die by repelling oxygen.
No way. Keep Index, Kaori and the loli-sensei.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Mikoto, her clones and everything about them is mine.
PS: later I'll post a picture in my room, but I bought this last month:
Nice, dude! How much did that cost ya? Oh, by the way, Himegami > all.
Sphinx is probably my favorite character so far.
He's considered level 0 also because his attack power is 0, 0 being the attack power of your average human being.Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
That let's me think that the accelerator must have something else up his sleeves than just his Vector direction modification... or he'd be level 0 too.
Other questions:
Why having young teens with powers and the ability to kill/attack?
What is the society they live in?
What is the source of their power, which parts of sciences did develop to give them these powers and why?
For the magic world we know, and somehow we get the idea that science and magic are equal in power allowing for some kind of balance or coldwar beetween them.
That's all we know I guess.
Back to Touma, he had trouble with the cutting strings and swords girl, because her attack was mainly physical. Touma escaped thanks to his wits.
His hand proved some limits with the spell that was threatning Index, his finger got injured by magic only, which never happened before, and didn't after. So some level/types of magic can actually work on it. It's not necessarily a threat now, but could be in the future.
Regarding his powers, wits and recklessness, Touma ressembles Kuzumi Taiga from Mx0 a lot. Everything else is quite different.
6600 YensQuote:
Originally Posted by Marik
My Mikoto at my room
PS: post 2500, w00t!
No I'm sure Level 0 was not finding Touma's ability, because I'm sure the Teleporting Girl isn't classified as a Level 0.Quote:
Originally Posted by David75
True. It is absurd to rate powers solely on their attack power anyway.
I was going to explain somethings... but then I deleted it... it was further explained at A Certain Scientific Railgun, but would be a spoiler... as its the series precuel...
Kuroko's level, Accelerator's power, etc.
I guess I was taking "vector change" a bit too literally. I guess we shall see, but I think you guys are right.
They live in a city based entirely on science. The whole city is an academy for all these young people with supernatural powers, known as espers. They're born with their powers, but given (as far as we know). If we think of it as something genetic, then these powers have a scientific root to them. They're gathered there to put their powers to use, as well as learning to use their powers (safely?).Quote:
Originally Posted by David75
Normal, powerless people can obtain these supernatural powers artificially by means of magic. These are people who obtained power, while espers are those born with power. Scientific or magical, both can be regarded as "supernatural" powers.
Episode 12 is out by Eclipse
Toaru Majutsu no Index 12 h264 by Eclipse
That was a strange emo episode. Would have made somewhat more sense if Touma had suggested he will help Railgun to stop Accelelator. A kind of a strange approach to simply try to make her dream crumble without any option offered instead. Although not necessarily a bad one as such. Basically he was forcing Mikoto to rethink the decision and her own values. Not a very effective solution and quite a painful one no doubt (for both of them) but perhaps it will open a road to a more lasting change of thinking.
While it was indeed a bit emotional like Kraco said, I think it was a fantastic episode with a different pace as of yet.
Chibi-Mikoto was adorable.
And Touma receiving so many electric shocks must have been painful. I guess his power really isn't protecting all of him as one would thought when he cancelled Kuroko's teleportation even thought she wasn't touching his right arm.
Don't miss the scene after the ending and before the preview. It was kinda weird they did it like that since no other episode of this series has.
And Mikoto cried at the end...
Depressing episode, but still good. Mikoto is lovable.
I think Touma and Mikoto should hook it up. They would make a great couple, bickering over each other and having battles as they go along the way. :D
As for the episode, nice feeling to it. I like how Touma just takes all of her attacks just to hear her say "Help me" (if he's even thinking of that). He's really a tough son of a bitch. :p
Touma got his Badass stat increased by over 9000.
Awesome ep, bit emo true, but it gives possibility for so much plot lines(fighting, running, love, random mages encounters, or some kind of plot twist). Look how he changed from well, failure to such badass - taking hits from Mikoto, Fighting Aureolus Izzard(only i think that it sounds like Wizzard?) etc.
Woot - 200 post! rank-up!
I certainly didn't find the dialogue dragging, but perhaps only because I like to see the chemistry between these two. It seems kind of out of place that they showed scientists wanting to learn about Mikoto's electricity control for medical purposes, only to have the following airtime dedicated to her being cannon fodder for Accelerator. Judging from that, I'm inclined to think somehow Touma can convince them that the previous experiment is the more worthwhile or something.
Other than that, looking forward to an action episode next week (hopefully).
I still think his power works for his whole body, only that its weaker there, so the protection is not as good as when his hand shields him.
Also, in time, his power may grow and he is able to have a sphere around him that anihilates anything paranormal. I don't know if they'll take that route as in the end he could well extend his ability to say a whole city...
Regarding his fighting style, it remains the same:
Have the other guy to attack him full force, anihilate every attack to destabilize them. They're so shocked they do not think of simple ways to strike him.
In that case, she could take any metal bit, have it heated up to a point of fusion and accelerate it to near light speed: increadible cannon. The fusion bullet would go through Touma without any deceleration...
But right now, she's too preocupied by the fact her powerful attacks can't get to him
The reason why Touma could not be teleported is because his right hand is part of his body. Anything supernatural is negated by the hand, thus the teleportation that involves the hand cannot work.
The flames and the like that he negated before despite the fact that they should have engulfed him can be explained by how he stopped the beam Index fired. The size of the beam should have passed through his relatively miniscule right hand, but it was stopped completely. This means that energy attacks can be absorbed by his right hand as long as it makes contact, which means that the flames and the like were completely negated the moment his hand touches any part of the energy aimed at him, much like a vacuum.
If he was attacked by 2 beams from different directions and his right hand can only touch one of them, he should get hit by the other.
Accelerator should be Touma's worst enemy, since all accelerator's power does is to redirect objects (I am assuming he cannot alter the speed, since nothing has been shown to prove otherwise). The object itself should contain no supernatural properties, so even a stone hurled at the right speed should be able to take Touma out. But then again, if Accelerator cannot control the speed of the object, and Touma does not have any active attacks aside from punching, it seems like it will end in a stupid stalemate, unless Accelerator is smart enough to bring a gun with him.
Actually... I think they just told her that so she would accept having her DNA copied. That is... they never intended to user her cells to help people.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
One little fact from the episode no one seems to have catched on.
Mikoto said that the central machine... that is... the satellite... was destroyed and no one knows how. My guess its that it was Index's spell from the 1st arc.
I noticed it, but didn't mention it as for now it didn't seem to be of much importance, eventhough it affected Mikoto's choices and strategy, by actually helping a little bitQuote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
How is that a stalemate? Touma walks to Accelerator and punches lights out. End of story. Accelerator would never have a chance since he would be expecting Touma's punch to be reflected, but instead it would hit him full force. Unless the dude is not only powerful but also very intelligent and cautious and never takes anything for granted, suspecting foul play all the time. But honestly it didn't look like that when he fought the clone.Quote:
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
The assumption of that statement was a direct match with full disclosure, meaning both are aware of each other's powers. I did not account for underestimation or outside help (like Mikoto assisting Touma) since I was merely comparing their powers.
Just cast a spell, intense heat on spot where he is, if he reverses it it will be extreme cold and he will freeze, if not he will burn, then let Touma finish him off.
as far as we know, his power changes a direction in a vector. I guess your idea doesn't fit with what we know now.Quote:
Originally Posted by Xelbair
He said something about changing any property while fighting one of Sisters.
That doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Heat doesn't have an opposite (reverse value) in cold. The starting point is absolute zero with no thermal energy. Anything up is heat, and anything down doesn't exist, because if it did, the absolute zero would be moved there by definition. So, you can't take some arbitrary temperature perceived as hot by humans and then take another random point of considerably less heat energy and name it the opposite.Quote:
Originally Posted by Xelbair
depends on what point is zero, in kelvins - true, but meybe there is temperature lower than absolute zero - but we haven't found it(something similar to anti-matter). if you use Celsius scale(or Fahrenheit) it will have effect that i mentioned above.
Wow, you completely missed Kraco's point.
Absolute zero means zero energy. Even in Celsius or Farenheit there is an absolute zero point, where it cannot go any lower. Only the label changes.
It would work normally if you think about it like this:Quote:
Originally Posted by Xelbair
Example: Projectiles
1) Projectile hits skin with "x" vector
2) Skin absorbs the vector, projectile has zero momentum
3) Skin redirects vector back, projectile fires with "x" vector, but in a different direction (-x vector)
Example: Directed Heat
1) Heat hits skin with "x" vector
2)Skin absorbs vector, heat has zero direction
3) Skin redirects vector back, heat moves in the opposite direction.
Accelerator won't freeze because while he's removing heat from his skin, he has the heat there already, just with zero direction (hence harmless as it doesn't penetrate the skin). Hence, if the air temperature on the surface of his skin is 24 degrees C, The introduction of heat would elevated it to 24+ "x". His skin will remain at body temperature, since he absorbs the vector, hence stopping the heat from moving inside of him. Then he reverses the heat, and 24+ "x" - "x" becomes 24 again.
You all seem to miss the part of my post. Possibility of discovering similar to anti-matter anti-energy, which would allow this to happen.
Disregarding the fact this anti-energy of yours doesn't sound anything similar to anti-matter (which produces our regular energy in annihilation), I don't think it's really relevant to this series to scrap our current view of the universe just so that Accelerator could turn heat into cold... Why, he just reflected bullets as they were and didn't turn them into anti-matter bullets like your theory would assume. He didn't even produce positrons out of electricity.Quote:
Originally Posted by Xelbair
Alas, science is trying to be very precise. Eventhough we are in animeworld, the shift in rules tend to remain true to the first set given.Quote:
Originally Posted by Xelbair
Unless they state differently, for the moment they never mentionned anti-energy.
And that thing doesn't exist in reality, when anti-matter does.
I'm guessing that's why Accelerator's hair is white? His ability seems to also block melanin, which would explain his ghostly appearance.
Ok you made your point, but if he reverses vector and there is no value lower than 0 then its like lest say heat of 10000C gets reversed x -1 = therefore we get -10000c but there is no such heat(absolute zero is -273 or -272 celsius degrees? will take -272) so we get 9728 degrees lower than absolute zero. but there is no heat lower than absolute zero therefore we get to take this value (-9728K) and make it like |-9728K|, so we take absolute value, which gives us 9728K, but accelerator would still be changing its heat "vector", it will continue until it reaches absolute zero. therefore he will freeze.
Don't kill me for it - i just stopped playing GH4 drums... and drumsticks eat our minds.
Okay, let's do this:
1)Accelerator's skin: 0 degree C
2)-Accelerator's skin: 0 degree C ..............<<<--------------9000000 degree heat (vectored towards him)
3)Accelerator's skin: 0 degree C (9000000 degree)(heat has no direction, simply adsorbed at skin)
....[insert vector change -9000000]
4)Accelerator's skin: 0 degree C ..............9000000-------------->>>(opposite direction)
I think where you're getting confused, Xelbair, is the difference between vector "change", and "opposite vector materialization".
Accelerator changes an existing vector, therefore the magnitude already exists. Something goes to him. He stops it. He sends it back.
Your idea would mean he makes whatever comes to him disappear, as if nothing happened. Then he recreates an opposite vector from existing material, then fires it.
Heat works the same way as if you threw a rock at him.
Rock flies at him
Rock stops at his skin
Rock flies back.
He doesn't make the rock disappear, then recreate a rock from his skin to reflect, leaving him with (body mass minus rock), just like your freezing concept of (body temp minus heatblast).
Instead of trying to explain it so accurately...isn't it easier to just say that he pretty much reflects anything? XD
well i mean not throwing fireball at him, but summoning fire where he is, therefore it have no movement vector, and i didn't remove body temperature - i just changed from celsius degrees to kelvins.
Heat will always have a movement vector if it's touching something. The transfer of heat from one medium to another itself is already the vector. The summoner mightn't have created such a vector, and intended the heat to simply be there, but by touching another medium (eg skin), heat is conducted away, hence a flow of energy, therefore, a vector.
And since it's a vector, Accelerator can resist this flow of heat, transferring any heat from the surface of his skin to whereever it came from, be it the ground he's standing on or the air around him.
I talked about the "removing body temperature" thing because you mentioned freezing
I think change in vector just means change in direction....
Like Medusa's vector arrows from Soul Eater. It just shoots things back where they came from (or maybe a chosen path).
None of this thermo stuff though.
But magnitude is in fact included in the definition of vector, meaning it might include speed and energy.
What shinta said. Accelerator said himself he can control anything that has a vector, eg, energy, electricity etc.
Episode 13 of Toaru Kagaku no Railgun... no wait... ToAru Majutsu no Index
I want to be on Touma's place at the beginning of the episode...
Mikoto and MISAKA... are mine!!
Oh yeah... another stupid scene with Index. Guess they want to show her because her name is on the title.
Accelerator is seriously OP however he's cocky as all hell which is of course why he'll lose. His horrible aim may play a role as well. I have to give Touma props though for being able to run around like that after getting zapped multiple times then running across the city (but of course this is anime so it's not really all that special.
The hope of getting a pantyshot of Misaka again gives any shounen infinite energy.
Guess he can control magnitude after all. That guy's power is overkill. How can you put him on the same level as Mikoto?
btw...what's with the similarities. Creating their own realities...Esper=Gigalomaniac?
It's a good thing both aired in the same season. Otherwise, the succeeding one would suffer from comparison, much like Rahxephon being compared to Evangelion.
We really haven't seen how they really classify the levels.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Maybe his abilities are overkill, because of the vector usage, but maybe powerwise he has just a bit more than Mikoto. Anyways... there are only 7 level 5 espers... wonder who are the other five...
It is total overkill, only possible way to kill him would be using touma's arm to hit him as hard as possible, but damn he's to smart to let someone near him.
I laughed when Accelerator was confused as to why his vector was dispelled for a second.
Great episode, going to love seeing the climax of the battle pretty soon. It looks like To Aru Majutsu no Index isn't going to air until January 10th, 2009.
More Touma x Mikoto/MISAKA! :p
yup. He suffered the same symptoms as others. He goes berserk after he finds out his power isn't flawless against Touma...Quote:
Originally Posted by Nadouku
The problem is that his power can give large amounts of cinetical energy to large quantities of matter. I think Touma's hand can't do anything against moving matter, because the esper cause for it to move is already gone.
Also Accelerator seems to be on the high IQ side, probably meaning why he's the strongest level 5, so it's hard to predict how Touma will get himself out of the troubles he got in willingfully.
Because Accelerator can kill him with just a small stone...
From the intro with MISAKA, I think Accelerator will play around a lot till he loses by being to full of himself. That's a very common scenario in anime.
I guess that what will save Touma is that he's maybe smarter that Accelerator.
That black cat is normal is it?
Regarding the explanation for the espers... ok with drugs reality becomes distorted... but only to those using them, and only in their heads, how come drugs enable them to change matter/energy?
Unless they are in a collective dream/alternate reality (Matrix?) I do not see how they explain those facts...
Also, level 0 isn't a single level in itself... it also comprises people for which they don't know why the procedure didn't work, and Touma is a special case.
So in Level 0 you get powerless guys/girls and some you can't classify.
Which leaves doors wide open for Touma and his speacial power.
Well whatever, we shall know a little more next ep.
It seems to me that the battle will be all about Touma trying to grab him. Once he has a hold of the guy with his right hand, he's free to beat the crap out of him.
you know what? fun part is grabbing him - have fun while doing that suicidal action.
Definitely better than watching Index.Quote:
Originally Posted by Nadouku
I hope a second season is announced... so we can see novel 12 animated... seeing at the pace this series is going... I think we'll see only up to novel 5 animated.
I hope someone licenses the novel and translates it to english... I found all volumes scanned... the 12 + the 2 SS, but I can't read japanese =P
Very better, at this point.Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
I do hope so too, although I haven't read any of the light novels yet. :p
Indeed, it's troublesome. A moving object doesn't have any energy as such anymore, because energy is only spend in acceleration (or released in deceleration). Of course ESP energy was used to give the speed to the object, and I do think it's somewhat fuzzy why Touma can't negate that movement as simply as he can negate Mikoto's electricity. Electricity is nothing but moving charged particles (electrons), after all, or creating the charge difference then naturally decharged. It kind of stinks of a story serving plothole.Quote:
Originally Posted by David75
Looks like he needs to fool the guy and get a firm grab or use poison gas, because obviously the dude needs to breath and he can't repel something he doesn't notice before it's too late (I estimate the chances for the latter option 0.1%, despite ozone).
Your last point has me thinking that while using the dust explosion, he deplates oxygen in a large volume.
He can protect himself from the explosion, but how about the lack of oxygen he just created?
After all, they even took the time to let him explain 10032's strategy around the same idea.
He doesn't seem dumb as to burn oxygen all around him, but this may be the result of his last action.
Regarding how Touma dispells Mikoto's electricity, there's the contact idea.
I guess that since his hand is in contact with the current, his anihilator remains in contact through the stream with the esper source and can anihilate the part needed to protect itself.
In the case of the accelerator things are a lot different, since the cause for the moving objects doesn't exist anymore when the object arrives near Touma... He had the same problem with Izzard when he was throwing bullets. Eventhough we may argue these weren't real bullets and Touma could dispell them too.
Maybe after thinking about all of this, Touma will learn a way of stoping moving objects with his hand, it's mandatory for him to survive the moment the accelerator will be fed up and will trully aim at him with rails or whatever too quick/heavy for Touma
Touma wasted a perfectly good chance to defeat Accelerator when he slapped his hand away. If he just grabbed him right then, the battle would be over. Did he not even have a plan before coming to fight a level 5 monster? Even an elementary school kid should realize that the best tactic is to surprise the enemy, either by sneaking up to them or allowing yourself to be underestimated. But when Accelerator comes in range, he slaps him away, revealing his power in the process?
The Touma that destroyed the seals of the fire user, talked his way out of being killed by sword girl, discovered the Index's memory seal and figured out the trick behind the alchemist's power should not be that stupid.
He's not the same Touma, remember?Quote:
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
He forgot all that thanks to Index's malfuntioned spell.