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Daphne had me going for a minute there. Sookie almost died from Maryann's poison, but with last week's episode Daphne and Sam admitted their metabolism isn't quite normal (regular temperature of 100°F) I almost believed that she had just been innocently attacked. Like their specific non-human metabolism let her burn it out...if just barely.
Then she turned into the pig.
Sarah (the preacher's wife) surprised me though. I had figured her to be the more zealous of the two, but it turns out she is a lot more kind hearted than she initially appeared. Jason could have been the bigger man, and really gone for that (temporary) abstinence, but he really wouldn't be Jason if he had.
Jessica looked prettier than normal in this episode. That little romance side story is kind of sweet. At least for her sake, I hope it stays that way.
Yup, i wonder who is going to save Sam, Tara and the rest of the crew from Maryanne now tho, i got the feeling that whatever happened back at the place in the woods where Eggs had been before is going to happen where they are now..
And i'm still abit curious how the Fellowship of the Sun managed to capture the 2000year old Godric fella...
Lorena is totally raping Bill right now, lol. Lorena's sort of cool, in a 0 morality pitiful, yet evil woman sort of way.
Also about Daphne, I still think that Marianne could be controlling Daph through the scratch on her back. Hopefully that is so. But then again her eyes weren't black so I have no idea. Then again that relationship was too good to be true anyway so Daphne will probably end up kicking the bucket.
I also wonder why the veteran was all awkward around red head at the restaurant? I'm waiting for the Jason-Sookie confrontation, that will be interesting. Maybe The Lukinator will be involved.
PS: I like Sookie much more than I did before, for some reason. Maybe she has matured. Maybe she's growing on me.
Shits starting to get out of control now. This almost starts to feel like it's the end of the season with all the crazy shit going on. But then you look at it and realize it's only episode 6.
I hope they manage to break Godric free and he goes on a slaughterfest through the Fellowship of the Sun camp... but thats just wishful thinking.
Still, that would be a sweet bloody mess ;D
Maryanne could be : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maenad
So if Daphne can shapeshift into different animals, can Sam? It would awesome to see him try and shift into a tiger or something awesome and tear everyone apart.
Now we just need to find out who the traitor is. Cowboy hat vamp? Maybe it is Hugo himself....
Oh gawd. This is the sexiest most awesome show on television right now. fdsjdflsfjdlsjkdf
Shit that was crazy. I guessing only vampires can stand up to Maryanne. Daphne got pwned, haha.
Hah, Andy walkin in to the bar calling everyone zombie devil worshippers and whatnot, hilarious!
Would it be pwned? She seemed happy to get stabbedQuote:
Originally Posted by darkmetal505
Also, vamps might have a hard time even, if she can control slews of normals. Imagine sixty crazy people with silver necklaces and bullets. Could be a threat worse than fellowship of the sun because they have no fear.
Also Andy is a supernatural HWAHAHWHAHWHA!! I loved the scene where he confronted the restaurant. I mean, I have never seen such a wild eyed frenzied man with such sheer, heartbreaking determination.
that was an awesome ep. Sapphire, you beat me to it about Andy being a supernatural ! I wonder what his deal is...
In one of the flashbacks, Bill was reading a book of greek gods, so I'm wondering if he;s maybe got a way to kill maryanne?
Did True Blood pull a swift one on us and change the actor for Godric, or did we see a different Vamp come to the rescue. I kind of liked the little island guy/actor who was in the flash back the new guy looks meh. Killing off daphne....such a waste of nice looking talent. If Andy turns out to be supernatural I hope its something retarded so as not to inflate his strange sense of ego. Lastly I feel really bad for the other telepath who got snatched at the end, hopefully he'll be ok, he was only trying to help out.
Ye i also thought that Godric looked different, if that was him.
I also thought that Godric looked different, but I didn't really mention this because we only saw a close-up of him in the dark, really. The Godric we saw before looked dark, gaunt, and a little disheveled, but I feel like it helped with the sense he was covered in blood and darkness. We can't really tell how young he is and at that point it doesn't matter. He has been aged more than we will ever know with decades of bloodshed and experience.
Now we see him a bit cleaned up, yet still with the tattoos of ancient times of his body, and we finally realize how "young" he really is.
So that he looks completely different may be somewhat intentional.. or a really clever actor switch.
It was the same actor. The face is the same, but the short crop haircut and baggy clothes make him look completely different from when he's running around viking times wearing a loincloth with mud-caked dreadlocks. The short haircut makes his forehead (and head in general) much larger. The low camera angle doesn't help either.
Here I figured partway through the episode that Andy was immune because he was so incredibly drunk. Terry is affected, so whatever Andy is, it isn't hereditary, and it's more like Sookie or Sam.
Jason, Jason, Jason...moron, but still a good person. Sarah, on the other hand, is nuts. That conversation the two had after sex was just strange.
I have to know what Andy is, but I can't bring myself to read spoilers! I can only hope that it will be revealed this seasonnnnn
anybody know how many episodes this season is supposed to run?
Taken from Wikipedia.
Bummer its only 12 eps?Quote:
The show's second 12-episode season premiered on June 14, 2009. On July 30, 2009, HBO confirmed that a third season of True Blood will be released in the summer of 2010. Alan Ball has said that he plans to start shooting the third season before Christmas 2009.
Also, yay Season 3!
Thought i'd add this
On July 30, 2009, HBO announced that it had renewed True Blood for a third season, set to air Summer 2010.
I'm not sure if Andy is anything special. Seeing as how Godric saved Sookie and looked unharmed makes me think he went to the Fellowship voluntarily, maybe with his own agenda. I also think that Hugo's betrayal was commanded by his vampire because she wanted Godric's position.
Yes it was indeed the same actor. If you look at his photo you see it's the same guy that was in this weeks episode, and he is the one listed as Godric in last weeks episode too.
I don't really know if this counts as a spoiler (don't think it would) or not but i'm gonna give you a warning anyway. WARNING! If you look at IMDB you can see that he will star in the next 3 episodes as Godric as well. So we can expect at least 3 more episode where we get to see him at least.
EDIT: Also Maryann has been called many names though time including Satan? Would that make her the ultimate supernatural being. Would she be able to take on someone like Godric for example and be vastly superior? Or is she just a strong supernatural but not top of the food chain? One that has been called/mistaken/believed to be that just because of her bullmask and shit and is not the source to the legend of Satan?
I believe Darkmetal hit it on the money when he called Maryann a Maenad (spelling?). That little blond girl went on how Maryann used to serve Dionysis (again, spelling?) and how Dionysis was called "the horned god" aka Satan. I believe she went on to further explain how the ancient Greeks believed she was his servant. I'll hafta rewatch the ep tho.
And Godric showed up, looked completely uninjured, and just merely upset that his plan just got ruined because Sookie went and almost got herself raped. I think Godric allowed himself to be captured and was hatching some kind of genius plan, or insane plan.
Oh snaps!
I love the comment, "Eric is going to be so pissed.."
Last nights episode was really good. Goderick proves to be an awesome charactor, and once again another insane cliff hanger!
The vamps are gunna whoop ass on Maryanne when they get back to Bon Temps. That scene with the "heart" souffle was creepy as hell. The ending wasn't that big of a deal for me because it seems like the nearest vampire could grab the lackey and chuck him out the window.
Yeah the scenes where she cut/cooked and when they ate the souffle was fuckin creepy.
And if the bomb did go off at the end, this shit just got real.
Poor Jessica...
Goderick was uber badass in so many ways. Not to mention Jason for that matter, despite his typical role as comedy relief. Luke is and always will be just a pathetic tool of others.
I think the best part for me was when Eric was pretending to be a timid loser.
Eric as the nerdy texan was great especially since i have not seen him act in anything else. Im getting tired of the whole MaryAnn story line I hope Sam or some one kills her off, but not till we learn what her objectives are. If they are just to stir things up then she will turn out to be a pretty lame charachter overall. Godric's character is pretty cool, at the end of the last episode his character looked much bigger but in this episode he looked like I had thought he would. Lastly you gotta love having a stalker exgirlfriend that will never die...ugh, poor Bill.
I think the deal with MaryAnn is that she must feed, apparently on the hearts of "super-natural" humans in order to sustain her longevity. That's why I think she was after Sam and why she killed off blondie. I seem to recall after the night she almost got Sam, she returned to the house and her legs looked severely damaged and she looked injured.
That would be very interesting if it was true, would also add a spin to the murder of the voodoo witch even though she was apparently a fake!
But maybe it's just some sick fetish. Didn't she feed the hearts to Tara and Eggs and then happily watch them freak out?
I think she "feeds" on other peoples emotions, or something similar.
Thats why she gets everyone into a sex-crazed frenzy all the time but she herself never actually participates, she just dances around like some weirdo and does her "vibration" thing.
What do you think she does with the hearts?
Maybe eating a supernaturals heart gives you +ten erotica to leech off of? LOL
One thing I can't wrap my head around...
...Why do you think the old fat guy said to Godric, "Godric, it's me" before he got killed? As if they were friends or something?
Yeah i noticed that aswell and i have no idea why he said that, it's pretty confusing.
I hope that will explain itself in some way along the series.
I think its because Godric made some deal with the Fellowship when he went in and probably met the higher ups. Newlan also said something like "Oh, I don't care about Godric, any vamprie will do," which made me think they had sat down and talked before.
That sounds very likely, but why would Godric agree to be held in captivity? And what would the fellowship tell him to keep him there?!
Godric said to Eric that he could have easily killed all of them in two minutes, but he has since decided that he wants to show humans that vampires can be more than the soulless killers that humans generally percieve them to be.
By playing nice and negotiating, Godric was showing them that vampires are civil. They mostly treated him nicely in response.
No one seemed that traumatized after the bombing.. in fact, it was slightly humorous lol!!
Also I'm a bit confused!! Half the time sucking blood (even a drop) gets you high as hell and half of the time it doesn't??? Need logical explanation please..
Naked Eric is HOT!! Yum fan serviceee
Sad that Godric burned, I had kind of wanted to see him fight Maryann. Although I don't know why, he probably wouldn't have gone to Bon Temps for any reason anyway.
But now that the hunt for Sam is on, and Lafayette has pissed Maryann off, I really don't know how they can get past this part without a vampire to help.
I think all they've showed is Sookie healing as a result of drinking blood. They haven't shown her getting high like Jason.
This was an awesome episode! I liked how Eric tricked Sookie.... he's sneaky ^^
Yeah and Lafayette gets high, Jason's ex got high, those vampire traders got high and anyone else who deals in vamp blood gets high...Quote:
Originally Posted by itadakimasu
Also we saw no particular sexual attraction to Lafayette to Eric lol... that's understandable though I guess since he's just a side char. Here's a question. Are vamps sexually attracted to their makers?
I wish the story around Maryanne would hurry up and end. I felt like this episode would've made a much better finale.
Eric crying really showed the bond between maker and vampire. Almost parent-like.
I think Maryanne is probably the last Maenad and just longs for Dionysus.
Seriously, Maryann can't be killed fast enough.
I don't even care who does it.
She's a really good actress though. Her desperation and longing when she was talking about the monks really came through. You could feel how obsessive she is about feeling that, how much bliss it gives her channeling through her puppets. She doesn't feed off the chaos and lust out of sustinence, she worships it.
I hope Andy gets to do it. For whatever reason he isn't really affected, and he could use a chance to show off after getting humiliated for one and a half seasons.
Godric's death made me sad, but the love scene with Eric made me laugh.
Eric is turning into a big softy seriously. From giddily cuddling to openly sobbing in public in like two episodes. Ugh. He was much more sexy when he was cold and ruthless... yay for nakedness though LOL
I feel sorry for Bill but then again he's always seemed like sort of a pushover. I liked it when he punched Eric though.
So who thinks Sookie will actually hook up with Eric eventually?
Finally a 720p hd release! w0000!
Vamp royalty? Hope he/she tears Maryanne a new one. LOL at Sam. "SMITE ME!"
I feel like nothing happened in this ep except buildup haha
Can't agree more. As for who the Queen is, is it Nan Flanagan? or (for an odd plot twist) is it Bill's maker?Quote:
Originally Posted by Sapphire
Just from the way the other vampires treated Bill's maker there is no way she can be the Vampire Queen.
Yeah, this ep was mostly buildup ;P
Oh motherfuckin snap, they can go BATFORM!
The Queen was pretty awesome, and Eric being...Eric is funny as always, but I'm starting to get fed up with this Maryann shit. They should have ended all this episodes ago, but they've dragged it all the way out to the end of the season. It's kind of become unbalanced with how slow the Maryann story has been going while they finished a number of other stories. I complained about it last time, and it's just gotten more annoying that she's still around and winning so easily.
She has just been around too damn long.
...and Jessica got the short end of the stick again, even though Hoyt's mom deserved it.
Ahh, forgot to add, Maryann laid a fucking egg?
There was a lot of random facts introduced. Sookie has a cousin what? Another buildup ep.
I miss the OHHHHH SHIIIIIIITTT, SHITS GOIN' DOWNNNN episodes. Hopefully next ep bings back satisfation.
Shit is about to go down with Jason and Andy going all Army of Two!
Holy crap, I forgot that Tara went bug eyed during her demon removal. Some gems of the episode:
1) Tara saying the bug eyes don't work on her anymore. Maryanne proceeds to punch her right in the face.
2) Eric flying?
3) Andy and Jason's alpha-male talk and going all gung-ho.
I kind of feel scared for Arlene's kids now.
I do have to give credit to Maryann for that one. Tara was stupid, and totally deserved that one.Quote:
Originally Posted by darkmetal505
I assumed Eric just jumped, but far enough that he landed out of sight of the kids. I wouldn't be too worried about the kids. Eric likes kids in a similarly detached way that Pam hates them. He finds them curiously amusing, Pam finds them mysteriously revolting. But who knows, maybe the mighty viking even had kids of his own first?
I think Eric flew, i also think Bill flew because when he "landed" infront of Sam i got the impression he came from above, and i'm also quite sure i heard bat-noises at that moment.
Or it might just be my mind playing tricks on me :P
I don't know about Bill, but it was said somewhere that Eric can indeed fly.
Tara does have a point though. It's sort of retarded that Sookie can go running into danger any time she wants, but she forces Tara to stay chained.
The difference is that Sookie at least has her telepathic powers and Bill (and other Vampires) behind her to help and support her. What Tara is doing was going against an opponnent that even Vampires have trouble with, and she had ZERO means of protecting herself. Not really the same thing, particularly when there was already a plan in motion to safe the people. They just had to wait a bit.Quote:
Originally Posted by Sapphire
Just caught up to episode 11, season finale tomorrow. Can't wait. Do we have one more orgy in on us?
Yeah, but there are times when Sookie's telepathic powers do nothing but thrust her into danger (when she first met Bill, when she volunteered to go into Church of the Sun). I don't know if the Vampires even care about Maenads, Maenad seemed to pose no threat to them and there was no acknowledgment that the vamps even cared about Maenad-lady/knew she existed until like one episode ago lol. If they keep their fangs out of Marianne then they would be fine, but of course that could cause competition for a food source..
Of course Tara was stupid for running into danger, but at the same time Sookie has no right to chain her IMO.. It was even weirder when Sookie threw her the keys. As if Tara's mom would really shoot her if she didn't? My hatred for Sookie has gone up again!
The last two episodes seem to be build up episodes, with nothing wtf-epic really happening. I hope that the finale goes back to the wtf-epic mode that was previously in!
Meh, I think you're just looking at things to hate irrationally, but it's fine. The situations really don't compare with each other, and if the roles where reversed, Sookie would've been chained herself. Also, it wasn't solely Sookie who decided to chain her. And, the mother is fully capable of shooting Sookie. It doesn't have to be a killing shot, plus she's completely nuts.
As for the vamps not caring about Maenands, it doesn't negate the fact that vampires would have a lot of trouble fighting her; there's a reason why they aren't going after her without preparation and needed help from the Queen to figure out how to deal with her. She's immortal, can't be harmed, and she can control just about the complete town. Tara herself was just possessed by her, she had no means to rescue the dude.
I don't think that Sookie would have been chained. There is no evidence that Sookie would ever be restrained by anyone if she were to decide she wanted to plunge into danger. Sure, Bill might try to convince her, but he would never physically prevent her from doing what she wanted to do. If he did she would never forgive him, and I think he cares more about her approval than her safety at times.. As evident by all the times he either tried to go behind her back to prevent her from danger or meekly convince her not to go.
Laff and Tara's mom were of course a part of Tara's jailing, but I don't see them as hypocrites because they don't go mindlessly running into danger themselves. Especially Laffayette, who does everything in his own self interest and sure as hell will try to make sure he's protected somehow before he sticks his neck out.
I think there's a difference between caring about the Maenads and being able to defeat them. It's apparently a lot harder to kill your average Maenad than a vampire, but both would be equally futile to attempt to kill if you didn't have the knowledge about their weak points. The only direct confrontation/trouble we've seen between vamps and Maenads is Bill's stupidly ignorant attempt to drain her blood. Even before the audience found out it was no good I thought this was a stupid thing to do. Either way that probably wouldn't stop Sookie from plunging herself into danger to protect a loved one (she did it for Godric, who she didn't even know too).
The problem is not about putting yourself in danger. The problem is that in all those cases you mention, Sookie was either the only one capable of helping or the most capable to succeed. Tara, in this situation, was neither of those. In fact, it was quite the opposite... she going would make things worse.
As for Laff, well he and her mom went and took Tara initially from Maryanne, so they're quite capable of putting themselves in danger to save someone. Isn't that what he's doing with Sookie right now? So, he's no hypocrite?
Again, it's not about putting yourself in danger for someone you care about or not. It's if under the circumstances, does it make sense to do so. In Sookie's cases, for the most part, the circumstances made it so that she's the one that it made sense in some fashion to put herself in harms way. There's no way to rationalize Tara putting herself in danger this time around.
And I said, Sookie has had either Bill's or some other vamp's protection... which in some regard lessens the risk. Tara really has no one to protect her. The situations are really not the same.
Here is something interesting to think about: the way Maryanne protected herself from the bullet. I originally thought her immortality was more along the lines of super healing and never aging like the vampires. Rather, she deflected the bullet showing she can physically alter her surroundings. Would this power be an extension of the "I think it, therefore it exists" paradigm the Queen explained or the physical power of a Maenad? It seems to be a very convenient/potent power if one can just believe something and it manifests itself. Then again, the Queen did say Maryanne is extremely obsessed and ignorant to a degree that she doesn't conceive the laws of physics as other creatures.
The Queen also alluded that they were ultimately harmless because after all the havoc they cause, Maenads just kill themselves off in the end, once they are convinced that "He who comes," indeed comes and eats them or whatever. To vampires (along with other supernaturals) they really don't mean a whole lot in the grand scheme of things.Quote:
Originally Posted by darkmetal505
To supernaturals who capture a Maenad's attention, and to the human friends of the supernaturals, they are a bigger deal.
Their power is all about delusion, and their downfall, according to the Queen, is as well.
I think that Laff didn't know what he was getting into, since he called Maryanne a cold ass bitch. XDQuote:
Originally Posted by Munsu
Also I don't see how telepathy gives you protection against supernatural creatures at all, especially since apparently Sookie can't read the minds of half the vampires in the show.. I also don't understand how it made more sense for her to thrust herself into dangerous situations anymore than Tara.
I also maintain that vampires have done almost nothing to protect her unless you count the time someone killed the spy she was interrogating, she smack talked to Bill's ex, and she was attacked in the forest - all circumstances in which she was expecting no protection from anyone whatsoever (she's that egotistical) At all accounts she almost got brutally murdered. In this case Maryanne didn't seem to want to harm Tara - LOL!!
Actually there was one time Sookie whined to Bill about not coming to save her (Bill was God knows far away - nevermind, vampires can suddenly fly - or is that only Eric?), but that's her own fault for going into enemy grounds with no protection whatsoever.. (la de da de da they'll NEVER know who I am!)
Sookie is one thing, valuable. The overwhelming majority of supernaturals have no idea that telepaths even exist. We don't really know how many of the highest level of vampires know they exist, and for the most part, we only knew that Bill and Eric did, and both of them want Sookie's ability for themselves (Bill to keep her out of harm's way, and Eric for his own purposes).Quote:
Originally Posted by Sapphire
That's the kind of protection she is granted. Except for vampires, she has been able to read the mind of anything. In the case of Maryann, she couldn't understand it, but she heard it. Even Maryann doesn't want to hurt Sookie directly thus far because again, Sookie is a curiosity of the highest order.
I see Sookie as more of a valuable chess piece that vamps can put at risk by proxy than something more than that, from the way Eric puts her in risky situations (his protection is variable). Of course that might change if Eric actually starts up a relationship with Sookie.
Also where is the evidence that the majority of supernaturals don't know telepaths exist? If that was mentioned in an ep I don't remember it.. It is my understanding that supernatural people (especially immortal ones) would know about mindreading especially if they can glamour people. The difficulty is coming across a telepath since they just appear like normal humans and can blend into society. The difficulty is they are so rare of course if you happened to suck ones blood you wouldn't know what it tasted like. The vamps probably couldn't tell a shapeshifter by sight, unless they had a distinct taste and the vamps knew it. Eric probably didn't appear surprised because he has no use for a shapeshifter. And if he knew all along that Sam was a shapeshifter then I call bad writing because I have never seen Eric and Sam in a scene together. :/
Let's assume Maryanne knows Sookie is supernatural because she bothered scratching her in the first place. I would say that is directly hurting her since she nearly died. I think the only reason Maryanne didn't attain her last ep is because Sookie pushed her away. Even then Maryanne wouldn't care because she thinks she's immortal. Pain, defeat, and "ravagement" are awesome to Maryanne, even if it's directed at herself.
I have NO idea what Maryanne's priorities are and who she decides not to kill and why, but so far she only kills once their use is used up/she want their heart. Her curiosity has been sparked by Sam but she wants to kill him lol. I don't remember if she stated that she was curious in Sookie, and why that would mean she wouldn't want to hurt her.
From the way Maryanne acts she would probably sacrifice/enslave Sookie at the first chance she got. The only reason she let them go away is because of her ego, and immortal patience. She could easily take a whole town under her control and over time she prolly thinks she would have Sookie under her control too. And Maryanne seems to be the type who would revel in the long drawn out chase (she invested quite a lot of time in Tara for example). The fact that Maryanne didn't bother kidnapping Sookie but instead just let her lie in the forest for an X amount of time also shows Maryanne's ability to be patient.
"But when he got there, he saw the black eyes and stayed (similar to the first encounter of Sookie with Bill). Laff is going after her once again."
^^Very true, I forgot about that!
I'll make Munsu happy by foregoing my myriad of complaints about Sookie, and take a break from critisizing her character until next season.
All together this was a well rounded and entertaining finale, satisfying me as an audience member while at the same time throwing me some interesting tidbits to get me to look forward to next season. Well done to TB!
Great stuff, lookin' forward to season 3!
Originally Posted by Sapphire
I thought it was a great ep. They spent as much time setting up next season as they did wrapping up this season. I'm curious what Sam is going to find next season... and my wife thinks that Eric was the one who took Bill
I think that Eric may have taken Bill too, but I also feel like True Blood is just making us think that to prove us wrong later.
There is also something off about using silver to capture him. Eric himself seems to be someone with too much pride to use such underhanded methods against his own kind. Of course, he tricked Sookie into sucking his blood, but that was more of an intellectual/clever trick than something so crude. I could be entirely wrong though.
The assailant was wearing gloves. While that wouldn't normally be an indicator, a vampire would especially need to wear protection when subduing another vampire. While Eric is more powerful by several centuries, Bill has defied him before, so he must be at least somewhat confident in his own abilities. I don't think Eric has that kind of pride. He's more than willing to use a method which would appear like someone else did it. In any case, there isn't even any evidence that silver was used (since it and Bill went with the assailant).
Then again, it could be whatsherface. She was exiled from Godric's territory, but that doesn't mean she still won't try to win Bill back. She seemed too obsessed with him and sad to give up without another fight.
I'm more worried about Jessica backsliding. Particularly after she and Bill seemed to be understanding each other. Hoyt definitely screwed up by abandoning her after she gave his mother exactly what she deserved.
Hmm I see the whole attack a different way.
Of course in vampire world it's probably different but I think sinking your teeth into the mother of your boyfriend (and draining her blood) for shit talking to you (while posessed) is going way overboard lol. Hoyt had every right to be angry about his mother getting attacked; it's his mother - no matter how exasperating - after all. Jessica was going even more overboard by just making out with some guy and "blood-raping" him. I wouldn't forgive her for that if I was Hoyt. She'll probably blame it on "new vampire hormones" when she's inevitably found out.
Well, are we ready for more True Blood? Show returns on Sunday next week, the 13th.
May I say it looks mighty fine?
I think I need to re-watch season 2 to refresh my memory.
I realized that I have no idea how much I'd just been spoiled after about halfway through the video, but I just couldn't stop. Time to get ready for some ultimate decadence.
From what i've read in interviews and whatnot, the "true" werewolfs in true blood are pretty much just wolves when they are not in human form, which i fucking hate. /sadface
I have always and will always think of the giant bipedal killingmachine of awesomeness when i hear "Werewolf", not a regular wolf or a slightly bigger wolf.
I'm okay with the werewolf = bigger wolf thing, in some respects I prefer it since it seems like a more "natural" thing. It fits in with the way that Sam transforms. He doesn't turn into a half-dog or a half-fly, he goes the whole way.
More Pam is a good thing, she's a character that always felt a big forgotten and neglected the last season and a half.
Awesome! I finally got around to watching all of season two just last weekend and lo and behold season 3 is right around the corner.
I am looking forward to just about everything in the coming season except for Sookie. I have little doubt they'll find new and improved ways to inspire my distaste for her in the coming season but hopefully other characters like Pam or Jessica will get a more involved role in the main events of the season.
Michael Ausiello has done a Q&A with the cast from True Blood.
(its 44 minutes long :D, and really impressive video quality)
Ultimate Fan Experience Q&A
Man, that was awesome, i wish all my favorite shows could have interviews like that!
OH snap, the first episode of season 3 is out, downloading at this very moment!
Edit: Fuck yeah that was awesome, i had almost forgotten how great this show is!
And thank god this show started now that the majority of the shows i watch goes on summer hiatus!
Cool way to start the season. Eric is still as pimp as ever despite the shitstorm the queen dragged him into. While I don't like the way the queen treats Eric I find her outwardly cheerful, secretly insane absolute ruler mannerisms somewhat endearing.
Bills kidnappers didn't amount to much and now that he's free I find myself wondering what the impetus will be to keep him apart from Sookie. I guess my money would be riding on him being caught and imprisoned by the werewolves soon.
edit: lol completely wrong post in the wrong forum part, hah :P
Did i missed something? how did Bill escaped being tied with silver again?
One of the guys in the backseat with him was wearing leather gloves that had gotten soaked in blood. He took them off around the same time that Bill said he would die if he gets drained anymore unless he feeds. Somehow, Bill had the strength to get the gloves on himself (shown on him as he crawled out of the crashed car) and pull the silver chains off.
This kind of jars with season 1 when he didn't have enough strength to even get up until Sookie took them off of him, but...I'm willing to leave it up to sheer desperation.
Well "never" came fairly soon this episode.
That last scene was pretty freaky lol
And man, the shit is really going to hit the fan once Tara learns that it was actually Jason who shot Eggs...
I got some complains towards this season however.
Werewolves: for me a gigantic dissapointment, they don`t feel threatening at ALL, a properly trained shifter will destroy any werewolves since essentially, they`re nerfed shifters.
Tara: Went from a badass bitch to a whiny bitch, can we have old Tara back please? thanks
Yeah i knew the "Werewolfs" we're going to be a huge disappointment from the get-go, they might be stronger/faster than an average human when they are in human form but still, they seem pretty weaksauce..
What's stopping a decent shifter from turning into something like kodiak bear or a bigass tiger and tear their shit up -.-
Also, Eric said that Werewolfs on V could be a challenge, even for him.... so uh.. Bill took out a whole damn pack of them BY HIMSELF without taking any apparent damage, and they were all "organized, well funded, highly trained, and powered by V".... sup with that?
I just got caught up with the series after first watching it last week. The continuity with this show sucks! Just noticeable things that are different from one scene to the next bother me. But it is a great show none the less.
Personally my biggest complaint is that I don't think that a vampire should be able to 'glam' someone into letting them into their homes. I know that this is useful device, but come on, that is why they look like us. They are meant to deceive.
So what exactly went down between Lorena and Bill....
Crazy neck-breaking anger-sex? :P
Yeah, that vampire dude using the "glam" skill to make Tara let him in was kinda lame, it pretty much nullifies the whole "we can't enter unless you invite us" deal completely if all they have to do is MAKE them invite them in.
Maybe it doesn't work on people with exeptionally strong minds or whatever(not sure if that was said sometime in the show), but it's still kinda lame :P
There was a point in last nights episode where I realized that they has basically an overlapping plot w\ the 2nd twilight movie.
human girl who is in love with vampire is searching for him, but he doesn't want her to find him... She's got a werewolf w\ him and you have the feeling their about to get down...
The main difference I thought though is that "kristin stewart?" or whatever her name is didn't have it in her to show any emotion about being left by her vampire love.
Yeah I had the same concerns, but what really irks me is that the book this season is based off of (Club Dead) was published and popular two years before the first Twilight novel even came out. I have little doubt people will claim True Blood ripped off Twilight when it's far more likely that Meyer ripped off Charlene Harris along with all the other Urban fantasy writers who had already established (and started wearing out) the Vampire Guy/Lycanthrope Guy/Other Supernatural Type Girl love triangle plot years before. The earliest I can think of would be Laurell K Hamilton who was doing this back in 1995 with pretty much the same progression but the vampire and werewolf roles flipped.
Anyway onto the episode, I don't feel like we got much in the way of explanation about why Bill had sex with Lorena instead of just beating on her and that kind of irks me. I could understand why he'd beat her up out of frustration for his situation but it's still nebulous why he went ahead and pulled down his pants and went to town on her while he was roughing her up. The thin thread I'm trying to hold onto now is that he planned to push Sookie away from the beginning and rather than lie to her he went ahead and did Lorena so when he told Sookie he'd be telling the truth and she'd hopefully be so angry that she'd stay away from him. This theory seems ridiculous and overly complicated but it's all I've got that doesn't require Bill to have heavily suppressed MPD or something.
Last nights episode was a good one. Tara's storyline is finally starting to get good. We finally got to see the scene with Eric's father and he have finally found the leader of the werewolf's he has been hunting. Looks like that can get real interesting down the line. And wonder if the King is gonna go after the Magister. Almost sounded like that might be what he is after.
All in all i think in the end the King will be left to take the blame for the vampireblood. After all, he is going after the Queen, surrounds himself with werewolf's, kidnapped Bill, might go after the Magister and probably killed Eric's father (which will make him more then happy to see him dead).