I wanted to do that. But I returned to Nocturne. After leaving it half-way to play Persona 4, now Im entering the last dungeon.
Dungeon crawling in P4 is way better than in P3, but getting money is a pain.
Printable View
I wanted to do that. But I returned to Nocturne. After leaving it half-way to play Persona 4, now Im entering the last dungeon.
Dungeon crawling in P4 is way better than in P3, but getting money is a pain.
It was ok in P3 in my opinion, for some reason I was more ok with it there than here. It might have something to do with the fact that it's not as easy to sneak up on the shadows in P4. Also money and lvl grinding was easier in P3 not to mention the fact that both Yukiko and Kanji kicked my ass horribly the first time, was severely under leveled when I fought them.
Its not that hard to get money, just make sure to level the fox s.link asap and sp restoration wont cost that much.
I didn't use the fox more than 10 times through all the playthrough. I kept recovering SP myself through abilities on Souji (MC) while the others just used magic the less I could.
I miss those recovering sp badges from P3... I know they are on P4, but I never found one or enough materials for the blacksmith to make it.
Im going through Nocturne right now. I just got my Level 80 Pixie, but left her outside the party. My main party right now is Naoki (MC), Dante (Devil May Cry), Daisoujou and Wu Kong. I wanted to get Black Frost, but I don't have enough luck to find his Burial Chamber yet.
bladechild: True it's not that hard to get money but it is harder than in P3, also I blow most of my money on equipment and summoning personas for different reasons, usually for fusing. And when that happens most of my money just go bye bye. The fox didn't get that much money out of me.
Ryo: Ahh I stopped playing that game after awhile, don't know have a hard time with the system and couldn't really get into it. Thinking about getting it again but don't know...
Couple of things I don't like in the new game plus.
- You don't get to keep any equipment. Ok fine if I don't get to keep weapons and armors but at least let me keep my accessory... I want my sp + 50% ring back...
- Unlike P3 the level doesn't carry over... well actually that's fine but felt weird since it didn't work that way in the last game.
- My own mistake on this really but since you start at level 1 as if you started the game from scratch the idea to summon a high level persona didn't seem possible so didn't try until some time later and that's when I realize... it worked. Also somewhat angry at myself that I didn't register the personas that I used at the end of the game... dammit.
The only thing I regret of not doing a new game plus on P3 and P4 is fighting Elizabeth, Margareth, The Reaper (P4) and getting Izanagi no Okami.
I actually HATE that your social links are carried over. What's the point of that? Getting your personal stats and seeing the links is like 50% of the point of the game.
Screw Margaret and Izanagi no Okami. If I replay did I do it from scratch.
BTW... Im just about several hundred levels before the last boss of Nocturne... yes... several hundred... Im already on floor 440.
When I finish Nocture I'll probably finish Disgaea 3 and debate whether to start SMT: Digital Devil Saga, Devll Summoner or leave SMT for a while and play Valkyria Chronicles... damn back log of games...
Never fought against Elizabeth either, was going to but somehow it just never happened.
What? The only things that carried over was the item you get at the end when you max the social link, if you want to do the social link again that's not a problem since I redid everyone except for the clubs, picked the other club instead.
Played until august or september then I went over and played Valkyrie Chronicles... it's been gathering to much dust so better finish it. Also on another side note banzai for 3 hours sleep the last 48 hours... yay.
3 hours? I hope not from work or school.
But your stats are carried over. Courage, Inteligence etc. Its fun getting them as well (for me at least). The only thing I've would want to see with top stats is Chie's reaction for when you ask her phone. 1st playthrough makes asking her boldly impossible.
On Nocturne news... Lucifer is freaking damn hard!!! He kicked my ass at Level 85. My party is Naoki, Dante, Wu Kong and Daisojou (which can be changed for my Level 80 Pixie). Clotho, Odin and my order Perso... err... demons are useless here (or are under-leveled)
Actually it's just because I couldn't sleep... stupid I know.
Yeah those does carry over but for me it's not such a big deal because I just want to do every social link I didn't do on the first play through so it goes a lot faster this way. Ohh and to see the normal ending as well and get Izanagi no Okami and maybe just maybe try and get 100% completion on the persona compendium.
No comments on nocturn or Lucifer call as it's called here I think, never did finish it. Think I stopped playing around some kind of sewer... or maybe my memories just wrong
Edit: Completely offtopic but, do you manually change your sig everytime or does it just rotate by itself?
I have a randomizer. A-randomimage.net changes it.
On SMT news... I finally defeated Lucifer and got the True Demon Ending. Since I don't plan on replaying Nocturne soon I watched the other endings on YouTube.
And... I began SMT: Digital Devil Saga today. I tried to return to Disgaea 3, but got bored.
Shin Megami Tensei Persona for PSP has been announced for a Fall release on the States
Persona Eater
Persona 3 Daioh
Persona 4 Daioh
Dunno this one
Haha the eva video was awesome
HAHAHA, 1:12-1:15 of the Persona 4 Daioh was halarious. The last one is from another anime called High school girls I believe. Heres the original ending:Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
Newbies to RPGs and especially Persona try an 'Endurance Run' to see just how long they can go before they die. Their narration is simply hilarious. Good thing to see when you have nothing to do at the office (just don't tell my boss...)
Dude these guys are funny hehe.
Got the game 2 days ago. Been playing it a bit.
Got to Yukiko's dungeon, and tried to complete it on the first day I could access it, and I got owned as I tried to fight Shadow Yukiko at level 10. My characters were basically all outta SP, and I was out of items :(
Shadow Yukiko... I couldn't defeat her until I was about Level 17.
But you can beat her at Level 13 if you have the right Persona and the right Skills.
Suggestion: Buy TaP Sodas. At that point of the story, they are the cheapest way to recover SP outside battle.
Where do I buy them?
Been playing on my PS3, and the lack of text in the lower left hand box, can be a bit annoying.
Ah yes... I never noticed that certain 'bug' until I saw the game running on a PS2.
The sodas are besides Shiroku, the item store, on a Soda Dispenser.
I still remember beating Shadow Yukiko... saving... leaving for the day... just to return the next day and find my save gone.
For some reason Persona 4 won't let me save in my virtual PS3 slot 2, only slot 1. I hope I'm not the only one who can't change it.
You can't.
Create a second, third and even fourth PS2 memory card.
Then after saving, press the PS button and go to the assign slot menu. There you will change what virtual card you are using. Save again.
believe me, my first lost save had 9 hours. I even lost one with 90 hours (I had backups thankfully)
The game says right in the manual that Persona 4 only uses Slot 1.
Guess I should be glad I'm playing it on a PS2.
Correct. That is why you must 'trick' the game while changing which virtual memory card is on the virtual slot 1, in order to not have save problems.
I want to replay Persona 4... but I just begun Digital Devil Saga... and still have many other games on the queue... hmmm...
I never read the game manuals, haha.
Anyways... The usual SMT stuff kinda annoys me. MC death is instant game over, is really annoying. I don't think I'll ever like that, especially with random insta-death spells. Lost like an hour and a half of progress today while I was on like the third floor of Kanji's bathhouse dungeon (lol), since I was just grinding on the first two levels for awhile.
Digital Devil Saga interestingly lacks that. If Serph dies the games doesn't end. And Hama and Mudo skills aren't insta-kill.
But yes, they are annoying in Persona 3 and 4. I usually just got a good Persona who has Nul against one and equipo an Item that nullifies the other.
Im on my road to the perfect ending today, I could have gone with the normal one but I wanted to go all the way in the first play through. As expected I wasnt able to max all the social links: Saki, Mom, Ayane, Kanji. Whatever, I still had a great ride along the way. I still plan to play through again, perfecting and getting the ultimate persona. I got about 67% of all the persona.
Hope eventually they come out with a Persona 5 but fat chance it will be on the PS2. Oh well I guess I'll have to get off my ass and finally buy a PS3 T_T
Ayane? Ah... the music girl. I went with Drama.
I also failed to max the Mom and Saki, but I did get Kanji and Yumi (Drama). Also failed to finish Tutored boy and Ditz-girl (Margaret)
Well... I gave in and re-played Persona 4. Finished it yesterday... all social links maxed out this time and 87% of the Persona. I just need to fight the Reaper and Margaret now... but I hate new game plus in this games...
Oh and...
Click to enlarge
September is gonna be a good month for the psp indeed...
Oh look, another internet rebel
Triple post for the win... someone delete the last 2 please. I'd edit, but in a thread this old no one would notice and i have some questions
- Can you only have sex with 1 girl?
- What does new game+ leave you with?
- Is the 3000 yen meal worth it?
- Can you leave your house at night?
1) Implied? Yes. One at a time? Yes. Multiple girfriends? YesQuote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
2) Your stats and compendium. Boring. Only worth if you want to fight 2 secret bosses
3) YES. It raises several stats at the same time.
4) Soon.
SMT: Devil Survivor is awesome...
So no items or money or personas??? Well that sucks >_>
But we keep our level right? That should at least make the first fights easier
- Is there a calendar somewhere? So we know when the tests begin
- What happened to the double summoning feature from P3? The one you got with Angel and Archangel, Frost and Pyro Jack, etc.
- What's the best way to up diligence?
- So you can "become intimate" with all of them? Then what's with that warning saying you're already in a relationship?
No items, you need to sell them.
You keep your 12 slots of Personas, but you must re-summon them from the Compendium. You will not have level restriction though. Your money does pass though.
Nop. No Calendar... just weather report. Although you can see (but not check) a small P3 Calendar on Souji's (MC) room.
Double summoning is gone.
At first, Diligence is best to train with Sports... you will only really need it for Tower, later in the game, and for fishing. Just work on at night when you have everything else maxed.
Its just there to be annoying. It doesn't really do anything.
Double summoning gone?? What the hell? Why would they remove such a cool feature?
So money passes... well then do you usually have a couple of mil by the end? That way you could buy a couple badasses right in the beginning and sweep the first levels
Idea for P5, if you don't carefully juggle the girls it may come back to bite you in the ass. Then again, that would make the mc an official manwhore...
Actually... getting money is more difficult to get than on P3. You will not find it in chests... and you must sell junk. Lots of junk.
I like to think double summoning is a Minato-only technique (P3 MC) since Persona and P2 take place in an alternate universe.
Yeah the double summoning was unique to Minato because of his relationship with Death if I don't remember wrong. Which is why Seta (Was that his name?) can't use it.
Wouldn't it be better to have just a giant Shin Megami Tensei thread? I always feel like I go offtopic when talking about the other SMT games. Anyway haven't gotten far on Devil Survivor I want to play but time restriction is kinda not helping and don't really feel like playing for ten minutes and putting it away. So haven't gotten past the first day...
Also finally ordered both Digital Devil Saga games so hoping that they arrive soon.
Minato > Seta
This guy needs something more than just the wild card to even begin to compare. Then again, hard competition when your opponent is some sort of demigod >_>
Im currently on the fourth day.Quote:
Originally Posted by fireheart
Haru and Yuzu rule.
And yes... Minato is better than Souji... but I like more the deeper relationship Souji has with his social links.
Minato is the only better character really
Yusuke is like a Junpei upgrade, Yukiko a Mitsuru and Chie a Yukari
Meaning he's not an idiot, she's not too uptight, she's not so moody as is more of a free spirit
Also the whole other dark side view of their personalities makes us more connected to them in my opinion
Also the dungeon system is alot more interesting than Tartarus, both in design and in shadows
I like both idiots... Yosuke and Junpei are fun to be around.
Mitsuru and Yukiko both bore me.
Chie is... Chie... I prefer Yukari, Naoto and Rise. A lot more.
Tartarus was nice, but a bit frustrating. The dungeon system of Tv World is way better though.
But MItsuru is so hot
Only in a dominatrix kind of way, and i'm more for the sweet and innocent typeQuote:
Originally Posted by animus
I don't get it Zell, what's so great about Yukari? And who's Naoto?
Originally Posted by Archangel
She's the most real girl in P3. Ever since the intro of the game I've liked her character anyway.
Naoto shall appear midway through P4
And lol... yes Mitsuru is a dominatrix... as shown by Penthesilea / Artemisa.
Man, Kuma is annoying as hell in the dubbed version >_>
I'm glad i got the undubbed
I kind of want Rise to be real ...
I though Kuma was more annoying in the undub than in the dubbed version truth be told.
Personalitywise I like the tomboyish way Chie is more, more fun to hang around with though that's more of a real life thing than what I like in games/series. Lookwise I'd probably have to go with Rise.
Zell: Around lunch time now on the second day. I like how you get the make a bunch of choices in the conversation instead of just listening and not talking compared to P3/4. It involves you a lot more even if there usually aren't that many choices and sometimes only one. Also like how you can't do everything in one go, there's a bunch of things I'm wondering over like all the places I didn't go to what happened there etc.
I actually found Kuma / Teddie to be a fantastic and fun character. And Im glad they kept off the 'Kuma' out of every sentence in the dub. I prefer lame bear jokes now and then, instead of hundred's of 'kuma'
Ah yes. Decisions, decisions. I like that from Devil Survivor. I keep looking for Haru and Gin though. I didn't get to play yesterday (was trying to kill Beelzebub at Devil Summoner), but I'll probably use the DS today for a bit.
I don't know Kuma/Teddie is fine but his bishouenen character in the real world was kinda annoying. If anything I liked him more as a bear than a human also all the kumas at the end wasn't so annoying but overall still liked the English one better for him.
Another reason why I like Chie might be because it's the same person that voiced Minorin in Toradora and seeing as I'm one of the few that actually liked Minorin it helps. If Eri Kitamura was in the game as well it would have been complete.
I haven't really decided which people I'm going to prioritize in the game or who I look for the most... though it'll probably come later on if nothing else.
Human Teddie was a dork. But it was fun to see him doing idiotic things. Like the Cross Dressing contest.
I also liked Minorin at Toradora. Didn't know she also voiced Chie. I haven't really followed the japanese voices of either Persona 3 or 4.
I hate Midori. And sadly... she's in my party...
Haha i knew it!! The way she said "yay" always reminded me of Minorin too :)
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey teased!!
I wonder if this is the rumored SMT4 for PS3...
Just began Shin Megami Tensei Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs the Abaddon King.
The game is fantastic. Its completely different from the first Raidou game.
And Im about to finish the 5th day on SMT: Devil Survivor...
I'm kind of surprised no one posted the news. Anyway apparently there's been news about Persona 5 and that it's being made for PS3, though since I don't read japanese I don't really know.
Here's the link anyway
Because it ain't an official Atlus source.
It was the release of a new Pachinko machine based on Persona. They said that they hoped this machine, alongside an exclusive PS3 Persona 5 would increase the SMT franchise popularity.
Given that this was said by Taiyo Elec representatives, and not Atlus, we should take it with a grain of salt. We should probably wait to see the Tokyo Game Show to see if this is real or not.
But... I have my doubts.
Why? Because of the Announcement site for Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey.
Why would Atlus develop two SMT (spinoff or not) at the same time?
And I still want Persona 2 Innocent Sin and Persona 2 Eternal Punishment in my PSP before a Persona 5 is announced...
Ohh that explains it though I hope it's true, it'd be nice if they made one for the PS3. Though even with the announcement for SMT: Strange Journey it's not like it'd be the first time they develop several SMT games at the same time so it could be possible. Well only time will tell.
Well... it seems Persona 5 for PS3 is more likely now since Strange Journey is a DS game.
I can't wait to get my hands on it.
Where do you get the cash for all those games and collectibles Zell? You must have one hell of a steady job O_o ( jealous... )
I mostly save money... lol.
Actually... I just entered my 4th year at the job. Ive passed through several areas though. I've been External Consultant, Junior Tester, Senior Tester and Process Implementator.
Trailer for Strange Journey and some gameplay.
Anyway on day 3 now on devil survivor and I seriously regret giving Midori the comp...
I thought this comic was pretty funny:
Saw it in the morning.
It fails.
This .Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
With Strange Journey being an NDS game... I see a lot of chances of P5 being announced for PS3 this GamesCom... but I'll keep hoping for P2 EP and P2 IS for PSP
I recently saw this video, in order to see the Japanes voices of the characters (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBfAn...ature=related)... and most of them suck.
Yosuke's voice suck.
Chie's voice is horrible.
Yukiko's voice is crap.
Teddie's voice makes my ears bleed.
Kanji's voice is acceptable.
Naoto's is kinda... off... but good.
Nanako's is great.
Dojima's is awesome.
Rise's is excellent (Rie Kugimiya...)
Don't watch the video if you haven't beaten the game though. Its the 'normal' ending sequence.
I thought most voices were ok other except for Teddie which I've mentioned before, think it also depends on what people are used to. I couldn't really stand the Japanese voices for the Tales of Abyss anime because I was so used to the English voices. And since I played the Japanese version of P4 before I played the English one I'd say I'm more fond of the Japanese voices.
Anyway News about P3 comming to the PSP
Oh heck no!
I wanted P2...
I'll end up buying it anyway but... ugh...
Nevermind what I said. I want this NOW.
Two routes.
Minato with Orpheus
New Female lead with Female Orpheus (Eurydice?)
New scenes for Minato's Route
Option of setting all teammates to manual a la P4
Guess I'll download the English Patch of P2 afterall...
and time to buy P2 EP for PSOne from ebay...
Milking the franchise for all it's worth i see
A bit. Lol.
What I Like about Atlus is that they announce games when they are about to release. Not 6 years prior like SquareEnix.
Sounds like crappy marketing to me
Anticipation is half the sale
Most people that really want them finds out about them pretty quick either way so for those that doesn't like waiting 3 years or so for the game it's good news. For me personally I tend to forget games that I thought were interesting when there's a long wait. So from a fans perspective less wait is better IMO also compared to other PS2 ports at least they add a bunch of stuff unlike Mana Khemia... though Disgaea did add stuff as well if I don't remember wrong meh whatever.
Also to be honest don't think Persona really hit that good here in Europe or at least not where I live. The game shops got in one ex of P3 and 2 of P4, which makes me kinda sad since they're good games.
So guess it's time to start dating some guys in P3... she looks alot more positive or happy compared to Minato. And thank god for the manual thing maybe now I can actually go back and finish Aegis Episode if it's the FES version, had a hard time playing it after P4. Wonder if it'll still be Aegis or if she'll be replaced with a male version as well.
P3P will only include 'The Journey'
'The Answer' will not be in P3P. Not a big lose. Though I hope all FES extras for the journey are retained.
Only fanboys and girls will want to buy this
And i doubt the girl is gonna be as awesome as Minato. She's not even that hot, she's more the cute type while Minato has that cool silent emo thing going on for him ( which would completely fail in real life but works surprisingly well in the game world )
Also, the mp3 in her neck looks to have a different purpose from Minato's...
arch: Isn't that just in terms of looks? I mean I know Minato does have the whole cool, silent emo thing going on as you say but seeing as we're the ones that suppose to form their personality besides their "official" personality there's no real difference.
Also to be honest if they made her a carbon copy of Minato but only as a girl it'd be somewhat boring, I prefer it if they're different so that it more than just picking between male and female.
Anyway hope they upgrade the animation since it looked kinda outdated or lowbudget more so when you look at the character portraits or rather hope the animation is closer to the portraits this time around.
Its been stated already that the Female MC path will have different events and social links. The main story will also have changes to reflect the swap in gender.For instance... the scenes at the Hotel, Beach and School trip need to change.
Heck... it wouldn't surprise me if there are NEW social links, since several of them wouldn't work with a female. For instance Chihiro's or Maya (Toriumi)
New scans. Click to enlarge
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v2...l/th_page1.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v2...ll/th_New4.jpg
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v2...ll/th_New3.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v2...0718854741.jpg
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v2...0718712963.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v2...l/th_page2.jpg
Moving around is done with Menu system. No need to running around anymore.
People who can talk with are shown on screen, and choose with Menu.
Now you can direct command your party members.
Wow they gutted the game. Running around everywhere was half the point of RPGs, but now the menu system is just similiar to the one in like Phantasy Star Portable. They're milking the franchise hard core. I understand they have to do that for size constraints, but damn. If it's gonna be like that, just don't bother porting it.
I don't mind losing the running around town while they keep or enhance the slinks. Im interested in playing with the Female MC as well.
But thats just me.
Is that a new persona i see on the last scan?
And why didn't you say it was for the psp? I might get it if that's the case
Uhh... Archie... P3P... Persona 3 Portable? Yep. Its for PSP.
Several Personas are getting a makeover. For instance, that one you see happens to be Loki. Its how it looked on Persona 4.
Some people think Atlus also added Persona 2 Card System, because they see some bonuses on the status screen of the Personas. Can't confirm this though.
Webpage open.
No info in it yet though.
2 Videos Up at Famitsu
Social Links with Junpei and Ken confirmed.
Getting it on with Junpei??? Ewwww ...
Wtf will happen to Chodori then?
Just on the Female side you dork.
New music hears great. Can't wait to get hold of its OST.
Did you check the videos?
It's still gross...
You have the OSTs of P3 and P4? Can't you like upload them on mediafire or something?
Yeah i saw them, and as always the sundtrack sounds amazing.
I do hope they'll add some twists and quirks to the story, an rpg is only as good as its script after all
I do have the full one of P3.
And the Reencarnation Remix which is fantastic.
Of P4 I only have the disc that came with the game.
I'll see what I can do, about the uploading. Wait for the weekend though.
Oh yeah... my internet got upgraded. Now I have 2Mb download and 384 kbps upload.
The new song for the Female (Minako) is great.
I'll definitely play her side first, and then see Minato's journey for like the 6th time.
I have 24 Megas but my shitty telephone connection allows me to take 5 Megas out of it at most...
That's ok, i think i'll look for some torrents on it
Do remember Im in Mexico... and thats the fastest provided now without paying an eye for it.
I'll upload them Archie, don't worry.
Well since Zell only had P3 and I don't have it, I figured I might as well upload P4, it's just disc 1 & 2.
Megaupload of P3 OSTs
Sorry for the Double Post.
New Intro on Famitsu
It seems 'The Butterfly Effect' will be an important theme this time around. What changes when you have a Female MC?
The video has some interesting hints on Ken and Shinjiro...
Didn't watch it that carefully since it was quite late when I watched it, but think it's a shame that they kept the same style of animation like I said before had hoped that the animation would be on par with the portraits.
You expected a graphic update from the ps2 to the psp?Quote:
Originally Posted by fireheart
I didn't expect a graphic update, sorry for not being clear about this. I hoped that the intro and anime cutscenes in the game would be updated so it'd be more like those in P4. I never liked how the anime cutscenes were compared to the portraits of the characters since the pictures were more detailed.Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
Oh... yeah that would be niceQuote:
Originally Posted by fireheart
At the very least make the characters look more like the portraits. Yukari's portrait and her anime version looked distinguishably different
New info and scans!
-Combat assistance from allies are in like P4 (follow-ups and taking lethal hits)
-Shows off some new Persona, like Neko Shogun from Soul Hackers and P4.
-Equipment is handled like P4, so you don't have to talk to party members to swap their gear.
-More info about Elizabeth and "Theodore"
-When each Persona reaches a certain fixed level, you obtain a Skill Card. Using that Skill Card will allow you to pass the skill to another Persona.
-When playing as a female character, when you first enter the Velvet Room you get to select a male or female assistant for the Velvet Room
Any lesbian possibilities? That's all i wanna know.
Summer and Winter outfits for Minako
New info and new scans.
New Social Link girls.
Rio Iwazaki, for sports (Tennis or Volleyball) and Saori Hasegawa
Akihiko and Ken SLinks confirmed for Minako
Info posted by Yaweee at NeoGafQuote:
This week's Famitsu scans show more about the S. Links.
- A completely new female S. Link (Rio Iwasaki) associated with the sports teams, Tennis or Volleyball.
- Another new female character S. Link, Saori Hasegawa (perhaps replacing the Kenji "Best Friend Schoolmate" type?)
- Ken S. Link with female MC
- Akihiko S. Link with female MC
- A screen from the female perspective shows the School Council president on the rooftop. If he's an S. Link, this is the first screen that's showed an arcana conflict for a specific MC, so something is likely to change.
- Another screen shows the female MC on one of the Koro walk scenes, meeting the helmet teacher (who has artwork now). Didn't you only meet party members or S. Links during the walks? He could be the replacement for the Hermit S. Link for the male MC, as that one was kind of gender specific.
- Dating scenes with Theodor.
- Generic character blurbs for Ahihiko, Ken, and Fuuka
Scans found on Gamefaqs
Sue me for the triple post :p
New trailer up
Persona 4 Cameos on it
Nice though didn't see any P4 cameos or hear them say anything about it. I'm a bit sad they didn't make a anime cut-scene of when Minaka first summon her persona.