I just want my ACR - i don't care about prestige.
back to grinding :]
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I just want my ACR - i don't care about prestige.
back to grinding :]
I sort of regret prestiging. I was just getting to know my AK-47 and after almost 70 hours of game time, I was ready to quit playing CoD. Now I'm working my way back up so I can get an AK-47 again. Good thing is winter break is here, so I have plenty of free time to waste leveling up.
my biggest problem is balancing watching anime and playing mw2 xD.
I'm playing solo most of the time so I can't make use of being injured to hit them. For the High Explosive mission, I just make use of the fact that they can't jump over windows, and go round and round shooting them with the Thumper till they fall.Quote:
Originally Posted by KrayZ33
There are some missions which I thought were unique and I liked a lot, such as Hidden and Estate Takedown. For Hidden, there are so many different strategies to use. I always like to use system exploits, for example, they can never find me on the tower, so I'd attract the hostiles out into the open from the field, snipe them, booby trap the house with C4 and Claymores, and then go up the tower and use a non-silenced weapon to attract the other hostiles over. Slower, but fun to see them running around looking for me. :D
Man, the fast-paced gameplay and perfectly tight controls make the single player in this game so fucking beast, that the shitty multiplayer's camp fest and killstreak hell makes up for it.
Thank you, Infinity Ward, for completely fucking up and giving me more reasons to love Killzone 2 multiplayer. I can't wait for more Killzone 2 noobs to fall in love with it for the same reasons, so I can continue to pwn them for months -- hopefully years.
Sorry you can't keep up with us on MW2 multiplayer. Once you get the skills to compete, it's a lot of fun. But you have to put in the time to get there, same as anything else you do in life.Quote:
Originally Posted by Stitch
I found that akimbo uzi are great and fun, with right perks, also EBR can be used as a assault riffle similar to FAL, if you use Acog sight.
if someone wants to play just msg me on steam(Xelbair[PL]), but beware - i'm playing only on hardcore(without the damned ui)
the most stupid thing is the skull which appears when ur m8 dies and the enemy "hides" behind it. YOU CAN'T SEE THEM THEN, ITS ANNOYING
today was a good CoD6 day... ACR-Assault Rifle -> 2x 25-0 2x Nuke finish
gosh I love that sound *peep...peep*
however IWnet seems to get fucked up more each day... sometimes it takes like 5 minutes to join a game because I get kicked out of the lobby all the time, or simply because the host can't handle it and the game closes in the middle of the session (he seems to fail @ picking a new host very often)
Still no dedicated server patch?
Yeah I've been noticing problems with IWnet more and more lately. Thought it was just me. Takes a while to connect to games, disconnects me from lobbies frequently, and moves the game from host to host seemingly at random.Quote:
Originally Posted by KrayZ33
I just got ACR on prestige 1. Debating using that or working on pumping up an LMG.
25-0? Do you camp a lot? I run around too much to ever get a 25 kill streak.
the other day I got a 21 kill streak (my current highest v_v).. I know it's not a nuke, but i felt pretty good about it :\. you really tense up when you get that high <.<. each kill just puts more and more pressure on you :x.
and you don't have to camp to get nukes.. i mean, maybe a stationary kill here and there, but i was constantly moving when i got that 21 streak <.<.
also marathon pro + lightweight pro + commando pro + tactical knife = one super fun knife class
oh yeah, i got 500 head shots the other day on the Scar, to completely max it out. but it didn't give me anything except 10k exp v_v. man, 500 head shots, i was expecting some kind of cool title. But you gotta prestige to get the titles for headshots...
Yep IWnet sucks hard.
Which game mode do you mostly play?
Personally I can't stand non-hardcore modes(maybe because I've been only playing cod4 on hc), and hardcore team deatchmatch is my favorite.
I don't get how you can play without ninja pro and cold blood - they are obligatory for me.
Also I tend to use reloading one - I've got habit of reloading after i finish shooting.
i played pretty much exclusively HC on cod:waw, but on MW2 i mostly play Mosh Pit. and when i'm not playing that i go between Team Death Match and Sabotage (sabotage = 20 minute score-limit-less TDM. perfect for getting a nuke)Quote:
Originally Posted by Xelbair
that class i posted with lightweight and commando is just a fun knife class me and my friends use, and see who can get the most knife kills and stuff. The real class i use when playing is
Scavenger pro - seriously need the ammo. though I do like Sleight of Hand as well, because i too reload after every kill/shot
Cold-Blooded pro - most people i talk to say Stopping Power is the only way to go, but you don't even need it on the Scar, and it doesn't even really do anything on the FAL.
Ninja pro - dead silence, and takes care of heart-beat sensors (which i find more people using every day O_o)
then for my main gun, I switch between the Scar and FAL. the Scar is just so easy to use, but I really love the FAL.
secondary is a stinger (if i'm trying to love up cold-blooded. which i am.. i'm trying to max it out completely. only need to kill 250 kill streak rewards v_v). and when I'm not doing that I use a the uhh what is it, USB (i think that's right), or the m9 (to keep my class similar to cod:4). I've never been a fan of the magnum and the d'eagle's kick :\
and whats the deal with commando as a perk completely maxing out at 100 knife kills? you get commando pro at 20 knife kills.. i can get that in one game. while then cold-blooded, a perk that is only level-able based on how well your opposing team does (whether or not they're able to call in kill streaks). and then lightweight, run for like.. 250 miles?! marathon maxes out at like 104 or something, while lightweight is over double that!
the perk-leveling is pretty unbalanced <.<
I use scavanger (which is a must with ACR) stopping power and commando pro, because fall dmg sux and imp. knife range is always a good thing (especially against other full knife builds)
I wouldn't call it camping, its not like I'm sitting in a dark corner or something.Quote:
25-0? Do you camp a lot? I run around too much to ever get a 25 kill streak.
if I'm going for a the nuke-killstreak I start to "guard" a whole area more or less.
for example on Terminal.. if you start where the metal-detecors are: I go right - behind the big pillar and guard the Libary store, the mess hall and the long floor which leads to the plane
So actually I can be attacked from 3 sides and I'm standing in the open.
It's easy to know where they'll spawn and come from and once I have 7 or 11 kills, the nuke is basically safe
Harrier + ACU130 = 25 kills in no time... yes both add to the kill-counter
it would be easier with the chopper gunner but the ACU130 is more stylish ^^
Game mode:
I play Team-Deathmatch all the time. There is no need to play Hardcore for me because it is annoying to die from spray-bullets *all the time*.
on CoD4 I played TDM-Hardcore all the time, but in my opinion you die fairly easy with 1-4 hits on normal-mode too, which is fast enough (depends on the weapon)
btw my steam account is KrayZ33..
I just entered the multiplayer fray. Think I've reached level 13 or 14. I think I'm pretty bad though, highest streak was around 7, and on good matches I can only get the second spot. But considering how high level the other players are, I think I can still afford to give myself time to get better...
yeah, that (except the acr. think he uses like the m16) is the same set-up my friend who's gotten a handful of nukes uses.Quote:
Originally Posted by KrayZ33
yeah, i wouldn't call that camping. it's just shrinking the map some and making it more controllable.Quote:
Originally Posted by KrayZ33
besides, it's not really camping, it's just "strategic waiting" xD
I go with attack helicopter and chopper gunner :\. lol, was going with the pavelow but then i found out the hard way that it doesn't count towards killstreak >.<.Quote:
Originally Posted by KrayZ33
that's normal, when I started, I had serious problems to seperate junk from playersQuote:
I just entered the multiplayer fray. Think I've reached level 13 or 14. I think I'm pretty bad though, highest streak was around 7, and on good matches I can only get the second spot. But considering how high level the other players are, I think I can still afford to give myself time to get better...
oh and the chickens...
I emptied a few magazine on them.. I try to shoot them even now, sometimes...
it was really difficult to see players at the beginning, everything is so full of nooks and crannies
Yeah a 7 streak is pretty good considering at your level you get the weakest weapons and few killstreak rewards. I struggle to get more than 7 in a streak because I invariably get shot in the back. I hate sitting in a part of the map where no red dots are nearby.
I've got commando maxed out before lvl 10... and indeed those running perks and cold blood takes too much time to max out.
KrayZ - since when does kills from killstreak rewards add to killstreak? I've used ac-130 few times and did not notice increase in killstreak.
I prefer Sleight of Hand over Scavenger because if i run out of ammo i pick up enemy's weapon, and faster ADS from pro saved my life many times.
Today i also tried, after going from lvl 10 to 62 on hardcore(plus few weekly lanparties with hc tdm/sabotage in cod4), normal TDM... it ened badly for me - I've got habbit of shooting enough bullets to kill in hc, but that approx 1/3 of what i need to put into guy in normal.
And i miss Sabotage hc - i've loved that mode in cod4. Damn IWnet is just step backwards.
weakest weapons at low lvl? try ump, Barret or m4(one of most used weapons) then..
(it does not change the fact i prefer m16a4 and m14 EBR over them)
it's not that i think the perks take too much time to max. it's just i think commando doesn't take enough.Quote:
Originally Posted by Xelbair
and to my knowledge everything but pave-lows count towards your kill streak.
of course, they only count if you get them legitimately. anything you pick up out of a care package won't count towards your kill streak. but like, if you actually get an 11 streak and call in an ac130, then as long as you're alive on the ground, the kills you get from it count towards your streak.
and i completely understand what you mean with only shootign for like 1/3rd of health. i ddi that soo much at the start :\
sentry turret + pave low do not count towards your kill streak
the rest does.
even the harrier *after* the airstrike helps you to reach your next kill-streak, which is why I believe this perk is a must have... 7 kills -> not difficult to reach, once you have it you might get 2 or more kills out of it -> AC130/Chopper gunner -> ~10 kills or more possible -> nuke
I'm not sure if the predator missle will add kills however
well the ACR takes like ~2 seconds to reload and faster ADS doesn't really help with that weapon... and because I don't want to change my weapon which has, with no doubt the best accuracy I'll need scavangerQuote:
I prefer Sleight of Hand over Scavenger because if i run out of ammo i pick up enemy's weapon, and faster ADS from pro saved my life many times.
it allows you to spray into windows etc a lot more too
it's not really rare that I get 7 kills and ~5 from it were through a wall with the help of a UAV.
ACR is a reallybeautiful weapon, once you hit the enemy, it's impossible that ur other bullets will miss and it's impossible for the enemy to hit *you* because of it's high rate of fire. (his crosshair will literally jump to the skies)
picking up stun-grenades and semtex is nice too, especially when playing HQ
oh btw
killstreaks won't count towards your kill-counter if you get them -> die -> respawn and activate them
you have to use them in the same "life" if you wish them to count... however that's not always a good thing to do because it takes a while to activate some of them :P
yeah predator missiles count. my friend who gets nukes uses i think predator -> chopper gunner -> nuke. it's actually pretty common for him to get triple+ predator kills..Quote:
Originally Posted by KrayZ33
i go with attack helicopter -> chopper gunner -> nuke. but I've never gotten a nuke before v_v. sucks when you legitimately get a chopper gunner/ac130 but you get shot down :\
My secondary weapon is almost always a stinger launcher. I shoot down every helicopter and flying object that I can.
I don't have nuke unlocked because I don't think I'll ever achieve a 25 kill streak. My record is 22.
ACR is my favorite weapon. It's very accurate but only useful with stopping power as it kills in 2 or 3 shots. I tried using it without stopping power and couldn't score a single kill.
hey, 22 is better than mine at least ^^Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
lol, i shoot down everything i can too, and lately i've been trying to shoot down care package helicopters.
i've shot down a few, and yes they do count towards leveling cold-blooded, but they don't give you points. I think one of the ones i got i actually shot down before it dropped the crate <.<. but it's super hard to take them out...
i think if i went with a predator in stead of a nuke i'd get a chopper gunner every match i played <.<. but i really don't want to get up to that 25 killstreak at a time i don't have the nuke equipped :\. because i really wanna call one in >.<
i did the loner challenge (un-equip all your kill streaks, then get a 10 streak.), and at the time i actually got a 12 streak. i think if i had had my attack helicopter, and my chopper gunner on, i definitely could've gotten the nuke.. but that's just hopeful wishing of would could've been, really :\
I agree ACR has great accuracy but m16, also accurate but without auto-fire, with fmj hits hard through walls and 1 click is required to kill someone(from what i saw add stopping power with fmj and it works at normal modes too). Plus you can get acr from 80% of dead people so scavenger is useless imo.
ADS can save life if enemy have got any modded sight(Acog, holographic etc) and you have none - before even he starts to put his sight down he will be dead.
I never get used to the 3 round burst from the M16. I'm a pretty bad shot, so I spray a lot. If my weapon isn't auto-fire, I stop shooting and my prey kills me.
I'm liking hardcore TDM because you don't need stopping power in order to kill people. You can basically kill people with one or two shots because of the increased weapon damage in hardcore mode. Unfortunately since there is no radar, killing people through walls is almost impossible.
not really, there arn't that many people using ACR, there are so many different weapons... I rarely encounter people with the same weapon.Quote:
Plus you can get acr from 80% of dead people so scavenger is useless imo.
another problem is that (if you don't have scavanger) they have to use the same attachment as you do, if you wish to loot ammo.
and the really good thing about the scavanger-perk is that it provides extra magz
got my first nuke today ^^
also went to first prestige. like level 17 or something now :\. sucks losing all my junk, but i think it's worth it O_o
From what i saw about 50-60% people use ACR.
you went prestige? why? just for a mark near nickname? I'll stick to lvl 70(that is when i get those last 8 lvls)
well, though i don't really need the class slots, it's more for the titles i guess. you gotta prestige to get like over half of the titles in the game :\. and so i thought that was worth it.
New class slot? whoa - so now I have reason for prestige - I'm in desperate need for 1 or 2 class slots.
I've tried today UMP on hardcore and normal - in hardcore it is one of best weapons, but it is not so good in normal mode.
ACR is a good weapon for me I really don't care what other ppl think, remember.....no russian.
ACR is too weak, it has one of the weakest damage powers of the assault rifles. Without stopping power and FMJ it takes a lot of shots to kill, unless you play hardcore and one or two shots can kill.
I've tried using chopper gunner to get nuke - I've got 25 killstreak with chopper gunner and no nuke - must be some kind of bug(yes it was in the same life i got chopper gunner, and no it was not from care package).
I've found another fun build for normal mode:
Run as fast as you can and stab people to death - I've used this build to get the 25 killstreak.Quote:
Vector for mobility and accuracy
Magnum with tactical knife for faster stabs
Marathon pro
Lightweight pro
Commando pro
throwing knife/claymore
oh and intervention with stoping power and fmj works great too on normal.
true, it's a pretty weak weapon without those, but it's probably the best *with* those.. it doesn't matter how far away they are, you can just click your left mouse button and u'll hit with every single bullet, no recoil ftwQuote:
ACR is too weak, it has one of the weakest damage powers of the assault rifles. Without stopping power and FMJ it takes a lot of shots to kill, unless you play hardcore and one or two shots can kill.
and once you start hitting him, he has no way to fight back anyway
because it shoots faster than most other weapons (faster than SCAR for example)
it'll make you think you die with 1-2 hits from it. (latency)
I thought this was pretty funny.
Haha that was pretty good. Took a while to unfold though.
If you'll notice, while this kid was goofing around with the messages his team was losing badly. I hate campers and snipers and I really hate camping snipers, but I've found in some modes you don't really have a choice. Particularly in hardcore, running around gets you killed too often.
nope it does not - you just have to think where to move(usually chrouching), ninja pro and cold blooded are your best friends there. Plus it is good to have heartbeat sensor there - but don't trust it in 100%.
Try moving from cover to cover and waiting few seconds to see if someone is coming to you, and of course headphones are must for hc.
Yes it does because most of your opponents are camping. After you die in hardcore, you have to spectate. You will see 4 out of 5 of your teammates are camping and guarding one approach. You can count on most of the other team doing the same. Doesn't matter how slow you move or how often you look behind you. UAV's are rare so cold-blooded only helps against heart-beat sensors, which I've found most people don't use.
cold blood does not guard against heartbeat, and its there to counter sentries, predators etc.
It also depends on map - underpass is camp-fest but, derial, yep its weird, is not - most people run from place to place with sniper rifle there, at least on pc.
and waiting does matter - after camping for some time campers in hc tend to move to another area - you can catch them then.
Sad thing that i wont be playing cod mw2 for 2 weeks - my graphic card is broken and it will be back approx in 2 weeks...
what are your opinions on IWnet? at first i liked it - swift joining, easy to use etc. but now i hate it for lags, problems when joining with party(5 minutes to find one damn match because for some weird reason party splits up? no thanks), cheaters(i've saw few of them - but still its annoying) and matchmaking sucks. The lack of response from IW about game hanging up fo 5 minutes at startup is also annoying. They wont get high sales for next CoD game unless the fix IWnet i think, and hope..
Right, it's ninja that protects against heartbeat sensor, my error. I use cold-blooded but it's still pretty useless in hardcore. Very few UAVs, fewer sentry guns, and higher level killstreak rewards are a lot less frequent so not many predator missiles or helicopters to worry about. This is both because people camp so they get killed less, but they also kill less.
IWNet was having problems around Christmas time, maybe with all the kids out of school they flooded the servers, who knows. But it's been working well lately for me.
I wonder, since you're in Europe and someone like Psyke is in Singapore and I'm in the US, will IWNet ever match us up together in a game, or will network speed limitations prevent this?
I'm on PSN :pQuote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
However, I heard people speaking American English on one game, and then Cantonese the next.
Well we can form a party, or invite each other, also there is another problem called time - when i'm playing you are propably sleeping, or at work. I could play with people form US only when i have break from school - so i can play at night.
predators, care packages and harriers are pretty common in hc - at least they was in the games i was playing. sometimes there is deadly AC-130 butit is not so common.
Psyke - i head that there aiming on consoles is assisted and this assistance works badly - is it true?
p.s. sorry for any gramar mistakes - i don't have dictionaries on this laptop.
You probably play on the servers with lots of campers, so fewer kills mean fewer killstreak rewards. Some of the games I've played are like that where a few campers hide in excellent spots and rack up the kills and still get rewards, but it's less common. A lot of the games I've been on are really competitive, with even the top guys only having the same number of kills and deaths.
There is assisted aiming only in the single campaign, not in the multiplayer modes. It's quite useful and automatically snaps onto targets, making it almost too easy at times.Quote:
Originally Posted by Xelbair
Well campaign on veteran on pc was too easy at some parts..but extremely hard sometimes too(the one in which you had to direct fire of assault vechicle via laser for example)
Lack of lean-out makes the single-player campaign almost unplayable for me. I got tired of dying repeatedly to dead-shot bots that shoot you as soon as you round a corner. I completed the first two missions and then haven't stopped playing multi-player since.
wait, there's definitely some assisted lock-on aiming in multiplayer. it's not much, but it is enough to move the crosshairs.. I've lost kills and been killed because of it. :\Quote:
Originally Posted by Psyke
like shooting at someone across the map, when some other guy runs through my line of fire and so it focuses me on him and i don't kill my original target.. stuff like that happens.
Veteran on campaign does that. Once you pop a head out, you're shot. It's the increased proficiency of the AI, and what makes it more "realistic". You'd spend most of the time in Vet mode behind cover, or trying to exploit certain gameplay loopholes. I must have died a couple of hundred times trying to get those trophies.Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
As for the auto aim, it hasn't happened to me yet....
Luck or cheat? that's the question.
Finally got AC-130 emblem and just few more nukes for end of line(i was so close to nuke on ffa(big camp game :/) but time ran out(just 1 more kill..))
not reallyQuote:
Luck or cheat? that's the question.
obviously not cheat.
I was on a server today and after we voted past a particular map, this "bad ass" boasts that he can nuke us on the map that we ended up playing. Of course he camps and snipes to earn a chopper that scores 18 kills to get him the nuke and he nukes us.
So I spend the next couple of maps calling him names and insulting him for his amazing CoD skills and some other guys join in. For some reason I feel bad about it, even though a lot of the insults were of the sort where I suggest he put his endeavors toward something more meaningful than a video game. He was a prestige 2 level 70 if I recall correctly. He ends by saying some very disgusting self-deprecating statements before I quit out.
Anybody still playing this?
I've finally unpacked my box after 5 months, and have only played an hour or two on multiplayer.
It lags like crazy.
Sometimes it's the smooth-but-late type, and sometimes it's the jumpy type. Steam ping graphs always shows my ping as being good (3-4 of 4 bars).
Apparently I'm a bad host too, but the matchmaking system seems to like using me as one...
So far, not very happy with it.
(12 players max is interesting - it makes for smaller scale fights were you actually get a feel for how your teammates and enemies play rather than just some random out of the other 32. On the other hand, it makes sniping more discrete and less "productive" than CoD4, where the sheer numbers mean you're never short of targets coming through rush points or running in the open.)
well the main ps3 i used got the YLoD, so no go there. And then the other ps3 is usually occupied.. I played for the first time in a while the other day. did awful, but it was pretty much expected given the time off <.<.
btw if anyone wants to add me and party on the ps3, my psn is Pandadice.
I been playing this on the PS3 for a little bit now, but a buddy of mine plays only PC (money issues). He's deciding between MW2 and Battlefield: BC2. I never played the latter so can anyone give me a little advice the choice?
I managed to play a handful of games where lag was non-existent.
And (only) when that happens, this game's pretty fun.
I'm constantly playing it since December.
Just 1 more nuke for nuke emblem(I've already used nuke 12 times but 3 times were on the other prestige).
Recently i've started using P90 - its damn good but still too weak compared to ump.
Steam nick - Xelbair[PL] (blue colored, same as my friends, because our party for some reason gets split often and we need to quickly check who's in - i think that's ^4 color)
UMP + silencer
Some form of shotty
Marathon Pro
Lightweight Pro
Commando Pro
Awesome Run'n Gun class.
You guys shellin out $15 for the map pack later this week?
15 euro is way too much(that is if it will come to pc - you can buy 0,5 year old games for that here if you are lucky) for 5 maps and 2 of them are from cod4. if it was 10 euro i would think about it, it it was lower than 10 euro i would buy it instantly.
Bill try removing lightweight for stopping power - lightweight and marathon usually just put you faster into bad situations. And i would prefer scavenger instead of marathon - to refill my precious stun grenades and c4/claymores. And C4 is deadly.
From shotguns it seems that spas its the best right now - with stopping its sure to kill with one shot. AA-12 is also good but has nearly no range. Striker is fun to play with, and imo ranger is worst of them all.
Spas is also great to annoy g18 akimbo fa...users.. because it will kill them before you got chance to shatter your body to pieces with their ammo.
Only thing i find to be impossible to counter is tube - with danger close it will kill you 90% of times. It requires nearly no to skill to use and is damn annoying. You have slim chance of winning at close range due to danger-close safety in them(they won't explode)... unless you get hit with direct impact..
yeah, they're called "noob tubes" for a reason ;)
I wonder why nobody plays with the shotgun attachment?Quote:
From shotguns it seems that spas its the best right now - with stopping its sure to kill with one shot. AA-12 is also good but has nearly no range. Striker is fun to play with, and imo ranger is worst of them all.
best range by far (even better than the Model XXXX shotgun pre-nerfed), 1-2 hits needed (on HC always 1), u can switch to ur assault rifle for range.
I used it alot after the model "random number" shotgun range got nerfed to melee range..
but: only 12(?) rounds
I like using lightweight pro (for the quick aim after running) for all my SMG classes since I always run to flank with them.
For my other more stationary shooting classes (like the assault rifle classes), I'll use stopping power depending on how effective it is on the gun.
The biggest pain for me is choosing perks for my sniper class. Sleight of Hand Pro can be a lifesaver, but I'd need Bling for silencer + thermal.
If you are using barret for close range combat(possible and effective) use sleight, if not - get bling.
I've tried my runner class and it works great:
Barret(or any sniper rifle of your choice)
Marathon pro
Stopping power pro
Ninja pro
just run with spas - sniper is only for cameo. and remember to aim with spas for surekills.
i've been doing alot of sniping lately, even though I've never been much of a sniper on fps games.
using :
WA2000 + FMJ+Heartbeat Sensor
Spas + Grip + Extended Mags
Cold Blooded
Steady Aim
I'm only using bling because I like having the heartbeat sensor and I'm trying to unlock extended magazines... and not doing very good at that. 9/40 penetration kills w\ FMJ and I really don't think I even got 1 penetration kill in 6-7 straight games last night!
For sniper try meybe:
Barret Thermal+Silencer
Spas + Grip + anything you like
Tactical Insertion + smoke grenade
Bling Pro
Stopping Power Pro
Ninja Pro
You can exchange barret with intervention. You'll get one-shot kills that way(that is if you hit them in chest), and you'll scare the heartbeat sensor users. Silencer will make you invisible, unless there is UAV. If it is on just go on rampage with spas(it makes one-shot kills too thanks to stopping power).
You can get Steady Aim instead of Ninja for barret-shotgunning, but take g18 instead of spas - Steady Aim actually makes it harder to aim with shotguns(they usually kill at close range without it and you just reduce the spread)
I turned auto aim off on single player. I figured it wouldn't be in multiplayer and didn't want to get reliant on it.
Does anyone else get annoyed with the regular games and how you can waste a clip on a guy and he doesn't die? I pretty much only play hardcore cause at least the dying with one or two bullets makes more sense than the staying alive from 30.
If anyone else plays Search and Destroy on Hardcore let me know. Maybe we can party up.
i don't know what the Xbox version is like but the difference between softcore and hardcore on the PC are 2--3 bullets (depends on the weapon)
which isnt much but still enough not to get fucked up by pointless LMG-spraying.
UMP with stopping requires 3 bullets to kill on normal.
Also i found new annoying fa...funny class
Tactical Insertion
Barret/intervention w thermal or fmj
M1014(if i remember correctly)
Its pump-noobin' time!
Idk if you guys are talking PS3 or PC, but I know alot of the assault rifles are horrible (on PS3) on normal mode. I have literally chased down a guy, shot the shit out of him from behind, he has had time to stop, turn around, shoot me a couple times, and I die. The most annoying part is in the kill cam he's bleeding to shit and hasn't put half as many bullets in me with the same gun, or similair assault rifle - I understand when I get akimbo'd or another gun with high damage. This isn't always the case, but it definitely happens too often.
I started playing hardcore after quite a few instances like that... and I much prefer it. I get the occasional BS, but it's usually pretty balanced - though the random Thumper firing can get a little annoying.
If memory serves me correctly - and maybe I am just imagining this cause I am new to PS3 - the PC version was more balanced for MW1. I used to switch back and forth between normal and hardcore, and there was definitely a difference, but it wasn't near as bad as the PS3. I miss the bigger games on PC though. :confused:
Off Topic: Does anyone else enjoy the Nazi Zombie game in WaW? I have not played it in a bit but I find myself missing it, lol.
Assault rifles are good on PC. I'm just waiting for that ACR (currently level 41), as the SCAR's good, but has too much recoil for my liking.
The ACR and SCAR are the only ARs I like.
my favorite is the FAL. 1 hit head shots. No need for stopping power at all.
Then I like the Scar too. a bit weaker, but still no need for stopping power with it
I used the SCAR (once I unlocked it) with the scope, and then when I unlocked the ACR I have used that since. I find it more accurate - probably due to less recoil (and obviously the fact that it's a more accurate gun according to the graphs).
The ACR also allows you to full auto from range with no recoil at all.
Try usign tar-21 with silencer - its a great weapon for all purposes(but remember to use short bursts when doing long range shooting). Way more dmg than acr, its fast shooting too and it just loves to gwet those lucky headshots.
For the PC players :
Have you guys played on many hacked servers? I found myself on one the other day... It was Afghan, and they had zero gravity set on it and super fast speed... so people were just flying around basically. Everytime you got a kill, the points came up w\ weird charactors. I lvl'd up after my first kill and then after 10 minutes it was boring because it's hard to move @ super speed...
so i left, and went from prestige 58 to 70 w\ just 20 kills. I don't have the patience to go through prestige 2 and re-level my guns... I'm just going to stay where I'm at and get my guns levelled up. I want to get extended clips on my ACR and do scavenger + extra mags + extended clips :)
I've played with hackers, but not hacked servers. It's annoying as hell.
Especially when you recognise one, exit the lobby, only to be rejoined with the same group again.
I haven't researched the hacked servers or anything...
There is one type I've been on where it's a different game mode where you have to "gain ground" So there is one central point that you need to capture and I think the first team to 100 pts wins and a nuke goes off.
Others I've played are just infinite time limit, or "first to 9100pts" which could take a very long time to end.