King of Fighters XIII is coming out Holiday 2011.
SNK Playmore has a home version of The King of Fighters XIII ready and the company publishing the title in North America may surprise you. No, it’s not Ignition. It’s Atlus! The King of Fighters XIII adds fan favorite characters like Yuri, King, Kula, K’, and Mai back to the ring. All of fighters, new and old, have NEOMAX supers and rebalanced move lists.
When The King of Fighters XII came to consoles the game had issues. SNK assures fans they addressed problems from the previous title. The King of Fighters XIII is faster, has more than six different play modes, and characters that better stand out from the game’s vibrant backgrounds. Most pressing are online issues and SNK claims The King of Fighters XIII is vastly improved, thanks to community feedback.
"We view KOF XIII as an oppertunity to deliver a high definition KOF game that meets and exceeds fan expectations. We have worked very hard to listen to all of their concerns and suggestions, to incorporate all of their feedback and ideas, Ryo Mizufune, President of SNK Playmore said. "We are excited to work with Atlus to bring The King of Fighters XIII to North America."
Atlus has The King of Fighters XIII slated for a holiday season release on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.
At long last, finally, I was beginning to believe it would never arrive.
3rd Strike Online Edition - Developer Walkthrough + Tekken Hybrid Trailer
Originally Posted by
No idea. A guy from Zen United mentioned packaging in an interview, so it seems like it will be retail.
Seems we missed this:
Arcana Heart 3 LE retail disc release
Awesome that's in a few days, think I'll be picking up the 360 version.
Originally Posted by
Nah, I didn't miss it. There's a 6 page thread on CAG about ordering this game, so I really can't miss it.
The release was delayed until August, by the way.
Originally Posted by Zen United
Good afternoon everyone.
Unfortunately, we regret to announce that due to some last minute changes we're going to have to push back the release of Arcana Heart 3.
We're working hard to rectify these issues and hope that the delay will not be significant.
We expect the new release date to be in August, and will obviously update you all when we know more.
This is a tough one for us to announce so close to launch - but rest assured we're doing all we can to bring Arcana Heart 3 out to you as soon as possible.
Thanks for your patience,
The Zen Team.
Aww, thanks for sharing that. 2 months ain't so bad.
Originally Posted by
Nah, I didn't miss it. There's a 6 page thread on
CAG about ordering this game, so I really can't miss it.
The release was delayed until August, by the way.
Perfect. Gives me time to find out how the heck to import it to Mexico. I hate digitial-only releases.
Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi Videos & Press Release
Leading video game publisher and developer NAMCO BANDAI Games America Inc. announced the official release date and fan-decided name for Dragon Ball Z® Ultimate Tenkaichi for the PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system and Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft. The game will launch on October 25th, 2011 in stores across North America. Prepare to dive into the world of Dragon Ball Z with Earth-shaking combat, a massive character selection, faithful manga-style graphics, and exciting new features.
“Fans of the Dragon Ball series of games are among the most passionate gamers and anime experts in the world,” said Vice President of Marketing at NAMCO BANDAI Games America Inc., Carlson Choi. “That’s why we reached out to them through our social channels and forums last month to find out what the name should be for the deepest, richest and most intense Dragon Ball game yet. The fans have spoken, and today we’re happy to announce that Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi will be hitting stores across the country this October.”
The upcoming Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi is currently in development by Spike Co. Ltd., who are honing their considerable talents to create a new landmark game for the Dragon Ball Z franchise. The game features upgraded environmental and character graphics, with designs drawn from the original manga series. Destructible battlefields, including massive craters and ki blasts cutting across the sky deliver a more dynamic experience and immediate sense of urgency to the exhilarating fights. An enhanced story mode drops players into the rich Dragon Ball Z universe, filled with beloved characters and powerful enemies. An accessible battle system allows gamers of all ages to hold their own in fast-paced battles, while still retaining tactical depth for hardcore fans.
Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi will be playable at the NAMCO BANDAI Games booth #5136 and the FUNimation booth #4135 at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con. More information related to Dragon Ball Z can be found at: http://www.namcobandaigames.com/cons...mate-tenkaichi.
looks pretty good, I hope tenkaichi 3 combos are back, or at least have some sort of expanded combo system.
SoulCalibur V - Behind The Game
Atlus - KOF XIII Gameplay Trailer
Well these looks pretty cool. keep sharing like this.
Originally Posted by
Stuff about Dragonball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi...
Been waiting for a Next Gen version of Tenkaichi! Have 2 wait till October though, bummer.
You missed Raging blast 1 and 2?...
Didn't bother with them. Didn't have Tenkaichi in it. Why, are they similar?
This game is basically Raging blast 3, raging blast was basically tenkaichi 4.
Soul Calibur V - New Character Revealed
This Is One Of The Characters In Soulcalibur V (She’s A Ninja)
I wonder if he'll keep Taki in.
This tweet made me lol.
Daishi_CALIBUR Daishi Odashima
It's so hot in the office! The company provided a huge ice block to cool things down but it's not working... http://t.co/kUSX7h5
Well she's obviously related to Taki in some way, but unless she had sex with a blond member of the cast, I'd say she's taki's protégé.
Originally Posted by
Well she's obviously related to Taki in some way, but unless she had sex with a blond member of the cast, I'd say she's taki's protégé.
Maybe Taki and Setsuka performed a secret ninja ritual and... :rolleyes:
She looks kind of silly, being a blond cheerleader ninja apparently, but I doubt I could handle an old saggy Taki. I hope her moves are remixed like Patroklos and Pyrrha are a mixup of both Sophitia and Cass. I love Taki's moveset, but something more along the lines of SCIII's double kunai would be awesome (I'd say katana & shuriken, but it's pretty clear the new ninja has Rekki-Maru and Mekki-Maru or similar).
Street Fighter III 3rd Strike Online Edition Features Trailer
YouTube sharing, live streaming replays, vault points and unlockables, and more are some of the new features of SFIII Online Edition. Oh, I should also mention that it's coming out on August 23rd for PSN and August 24th for XBLA!
So hyped for this. Time to get a $20 PSN card to cover this and the 4th MK char.
Dragonball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi - Comic Con Trailer
NOoooooooo....Ivy is more substantially dressed in SCV, ending the tradition of her always wearing less each time. I like the way it looks though. I can't say I'm surprised that she hasn't aged at all. Given her background, she was one of the only character where it would make any kind of sense. Here's hoping they make her a bit more playable than she was in SC4. It was so hard flow into, much less keep her in, whip stance.
As for Natsu (presumably replacing Taki), she moves exactly like Taki. I am a bit disappointed. Maybe there will be some subtle differences, but a lot of those moves have the same frames of animation in SC4.
Zwei at least looks like a new style from what they show us. I don't think I'd use him though.
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Prologue Included In Tekken Hybrid Package
PlayStation 3 owners will get a taste of fighting game Tekken Tag Tournament 2 this fall. A "Prologue" version of the arcade game will be included in the upcoming Tekken Hybrid Blu-ray, Tekken producer Katsuhiro Harada revealed at Comic-Con today.
In addition to the CG animated feature Tekken: Blood Vengeance and the enhanced port Tekken Tag Tournament HD, Tekken Hybrid will also include Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Prologue, essentially a demo version of a game that was previously only announced for arcades. That's three Tekken things on just one disc.
SoulCalibur V - Comic-Con Stage Demo
Originally Posted by
I've already played Tenkaichi 3, Raging Blast 1 and 2 and this seems like that shit all over again. Maybe... even more characters??!!!
SoulCalibur V - Comic-Con 2011 Trailer - Finally!!!
Nice! I was a little apprehensive about Natsu since the earlier photos made it look like she was a frame for frame copy of Taki. But she has some interesting looking moves of her own. If Taki did have that wall-jump attack, I sure never used it before.
The stage demo with Pyrrha had some really awesome moves. She's got some hidden vicious streaks. I loved the throw where she pulls her opponent down onto her sword, as well as the throat slash throw. She more like Sophitia, but more mobile, where her brother comes off as more like Cassandra. Definitely playing Pyrrha.
Now give me Amy, Setsuka (or a successor), and a double kunai create-a-soul and I'll be one happy fan.
I just want Amy to be in the game, i loved her style in SC4.
Ougon Musou Kyoku X (Golden Fantasia X) Opening Movie and Combo Video
Jessica and battler look awesome. It's just silly this game doesn't have an international release seeing how good it looks.
Indeed. I'm just hoping that it's region free, so I can get my hands on it. If not, then hopefully a company like Aksys releases it outside of Japan.
Originally Posted by
Indeed. I'm just hoping that it's region free, so I can get my hands on it. If not, then hopefully a company like Aksys releases it outside of Japan.
That would be quite glorious, shit looks great
Originally Posted by
Just saw Blood Vengeance earlier tonight.
While I dislike asking favors of groups and strangers, PLEASE do NOT watch this film.
KOF XIII European Trailer
Rising Star Games announced they’re going to bring The King of Fighters XIII to Europe this winter. The news came with a new trailer and a few facts like The King of Fighters XIII has over 30 playable characters, that number includes five characters never before seen in previous King of Fighters titles. Rising Star Games also says there are unlockable customization options (different colors, parts, and icons) plus special endings for story mode depending on the team you pick.
The European publisher also promises global online play that has been optimized for high speed Internet connections. They say the revised online system reduces the time to wait for a match and more importantly lag during fights.
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Watched the highlights of the Tekken movie from 2010 today at work. Outside of some cool fighting scenes and hot butt crack action from Christie Monteiro,
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it's a run-of-the-mill fighting game movie.
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One of KOF XIII's Five New Fighters Revealed
SNK revealed Saiki one of the brand new characters made for the console version of The King of Fighters XIII. Players will need to clear certain conditions before unlocking Saiki.
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Pre-order The King of Fighters XIII and you also get an additional character, a version of Iori who his regained his pyrokinectic powers.
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SNK also outlined the various modes in The King of Fighters XIII. Players can battle through a visual novel-esque story mode, challenge other players via online battle mode, and complete missions (survival, time attack, and trial) in mission mode. The King of Fighters XIII also has a tutorial mode, arcade mode, practice mode, replay mode, gallery mode, and customize mode.
KOF XIII sounds way better than KOF XII already. XII didn't have shit for modes.
Yeah pff KOF13 seems to adress everything that was missing from 12. Can't wait.
Oh and your attachments are busted.
Originally Posted by
Oh and your attachments are busted.
Hrmm, they're showing for me.
Yeah they are working now.
Also saw it has a freaking colour edit mode, haven't seen that since CvS2!....smh @ blazblue colour downloads....
KOF XIII Pre-Order Bonus, Final Box Art, & Full Website
So different covers depending on the console?
Looks to be that way. I prefer the PS3 one because it has Mai and it's less cluttered.
Mai on the cover is indeed nice, but I like the green colour scheme more. Both covers are pretty damn fitting for the box they are in.
Now that I think about it, KOF XII has a different box art for each system.
EVO 2011: Tekken Tag Turnament 2 & Soul Calibur 5 Gameplay
It kind of felt was obvious that whoever was playing as Natsu had never used Taki before...
It's pretty clear now that Natsu has a lot of her own unique moves, but they only seem to have gotten the hang of her toward the end. The Ivy player was playing really conservatively, mostly spamming throws and repeating moves. Great timing on the blocks, but the Natsu player wasn't pushing anywhere near as hard as they should have been.
Judging from her lines...I'm guessing she's French? If they're going to make a foreigner ninja, that country would actually make sense.
Equal amounts of spamming in the other two videos...Zwei vs Patroclus I can understand, both new characters. Mitsurugi vs Siegfried showed some competency, but they're both longtime series mainstays, so it was a bit boring. Good use of Sieggy's stances though.
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Another offspring announced for the SCV roster and she's 15... Anyone else notice how it's only the women that are being replaced so far? It's looking like Sophitia, Taki, Xianghua, and Cassandra won't be returning.
Xianghua’s Daughter, Leixia, Enters Soulcalibur V
Soulcalibur V Director Explains The Game’s Critical Edge Combat System
Edit: The original artwork of Leixia and her mother, given to popular Xianghua player Kayane as a gift by Daishi Odashima at EVO2K11.
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Originally Posted by the link Marik posted
Meanwhile, Ivy will be closer to Soulcalibur and Soulcalibur II. “Her basic moves will be in sword form and by holding the button down, can be turned into a whip,” Odashima revealed.
Oh thank GOD...Ivy will be playable again. I got annoyed by getting frequently getting stuck in sword form in SCIII, but SCIV Ivy was nigh-unplayable because you were locked in sword mode until you switched. Worse, any move you did locked it back into sword mode or, at best, coiled mode.
SoulCalibur V Gamescom 2011 Trailer
Heh, Tira looks more insane than ever. Love it.
Tira's alt was super hot in sc3, I hope it returns >_>.
Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown Announcement Trailer
Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown will finally be released overseas as a downloadable game next summer on PSN and Live Arcade.
Fuck yessss, about goddamn time; I hope this can be a smaller download if you already have VF5.
Did you pre-order it to get Gill and the theme? I did.
Edit: Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection hits XBLA, PSN on August 31
Originally Posted by
I just found out about it today :\
Edit: Had money in my PSN wallet, so I went ahead and got it. Came with Gill, but no theme. Man...I am rusty.
Persona 4 Fighting Game Announced
Atlus is teaming up with Arc System Works for a 2D fighter that will be released first for arcades in Spring 2012, then for PS3 and Xbox 360 in Summer 2012. Developed by the team behind Arc's BlazBlue fighting series, the Ultimate in Mayonaka Arena has a new story that takes place two yeas after the events of Persona 4. Characters from Persona 4 and Persona 3 will feature in the game.
andriasang: Atlus Announces Persona 4 Vita, Persona 4 Fighter, and Teases Persona 5
Edit: Siliconera: BlazBlue Team Developing Persona 4 Fighting Game
Originally Posted by
I died. I seriously fucking died.
Excuse while I fangasm.
I need your help guys...
I've been searching for a game for the PS1. I've rented it once back in '98 or something and it's a fighting game. I don't know the story or characters name or anything. Only things I remember are two characters: 1 looked like a power ranger (more like a VR trooper) and he had acrobatic-like moves and one was and Ishida (or Jin from Samurai Champloo) lookin' dude in a tuxedo performing magical attacks (hexagram stars on the floor and such). I thought the game was pretty awesome. I know it's not much but... anybody?
Oh yeah, 3D.
Edit: Hah, found it. It's called Evil Zone and it looks kinda crappy. Guess back then it was pretty cool.
Well your description is incredibly vague so I'll just list some fighters from that era:
Battle Arena Toshiden
Bushido Blade
Cardinal Syn
Psychic Force
Ranma 1/2: Battle Renaissance
Tobal (nr.2)
kensei scared fist
Bloody roar.
This looks better each time I see it, now I just hope to god the battle system is more like tenkaichi 3 instead of this raging blast crap...
I believe the game is Evil Zone, Killa-Eyez.
Evil Zone - Danzaiver Vol 1 <-- I believe these are the two dudes you described.
Yes, I edited my previous post saying I found it already. Thanks anyway!
Persona 4: The Ultimate in Mayonaka Arena - First Trailer
Looks great as expected, but with:
and VF5FS I don't really need another fighter. The only other one I would like is ougon musou kyoko x...
Yeah, I'll probably skip it as well. King of Fighters XIII and Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 are coming in October/November and then SoulCalibur V, Street Fighter X Tekken, and the Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition 2012 patch are coming next year. There's also BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend, which I'll be getting whenever it drops.
You should've posted that trailer on the Shin Megami Tensei thread Marik. Those that will buy the game probably read that thread. Though I can understand just 3 or 4 people visit that thread =P
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If they fix some of the annoyances I have with the DOA series, sign me up too.
Dead or Alive 5 Game's Pre-Alpha Version Video Streamed
Hmm still actually saw the hands out counter...I really hope they retool the counter system...
Originally Posted by
I really hope they retool the counter system...
Only because you suck at it.
Since DOA2, it's always been about counters. They do a lot of damage. Mix up your attacks to fake your opponent out. That's why there are so many combos. Use throws. Not that hard.
I don't suck at it, that's exactly why I want it to be harder, timing should be stricter; right now it just sucks, it's not fighting, just playing a glorified game of rock paper scissors.
You could argue that most fighting games are complicated, glorified versions of Rock Paper Scissors. So many of them have the system (any that have a high/medium/low hit system, which is most) where :
- normal block counters high and med but not low
- low block counters med and low but not high
Or: Combo A of Character Q will always have a frame advantage over anything that Character R can open with.
Or: Player 1 intentionally used a pattern during the first round always followed Kasumi's teleport with a low jab. Player 2 goes to counter, and Player 1 throws them instead.
Counter or blocking heavy games (DOA, VF, SC, Melty Blood) have always been about the mind games between two opponents. It's the 2D fighters where execution takes first priority. There's less to work with, less freedom for fake outs.
SCV: TGS 2011 Trailer feat. Astaroth & Viola / DBZ Ult. Tenkaichi Vegeta vs Cell
I really need to play this myself...I had no idea what was going on with the camera and all those quicktime events..
KOF XIII: TGS 2011 Trailer / Tekken Tag 2 Final Boss Footage
SFIII: 3rd Strike Online Edition Patch Coming 9/27 / DBZUT Trunks vs 17 Vid
Thanks to your excellent feedback, we have created a patch that will address a few bugs that you may have run into while playing Street Fighter III Online Edition. The patch will update the following items -
- Fixes a bug that made it difficult to get into a Ranked Match, especially during times of peak traffic.
- Fixes a bug that could cause players to have very large disconnection percentages (> 100)
- Fixes a bug that could cause characters to become invisible online, or to be displayed with incorrect colors.
- Fixes a bug that sometimes caused Hugo’s combo trial #2 to not detect correctly
- Fixes a bug that permitted an exploit in Trial mode when using "stun" settings
- Fixes some rare crashes
- Improves network stability
- Adds support for additional DLC packs
- Raises the online level cap
The patch is currently going through the submissions process, and we are targeting a 9/27 release date. Make sure to check back as we will have more news about this update.
Also, we are working on another patch that will address some additional items, as well as add some new functionality to the game (hello dummy recording in training mode!).
Street Fighter III Online Edition Patch Information
It looks cool, but I'm still worried about the combo system, also it doesn't seem like you can just shoot an attack anymore; everything seems to become cinematic as soon as you fire it..
Yeah, not very Budokai Tenkaichi like. Don't think I'll cop it.
When I saw that Dragon Ball trailer I was wondering when the gameply would start... I thought I was watching an animated cutscene.
ATLUS Trailer: The King of Fighters XIII
FFFFFF it got delayed? WTH are they thinking releasing it in the same window as UMVC3; I was really looking forward to playing it hardcore for at least a month before UMVC3 got released :[.
Yeah, that got delayed and Skullgirls got delayed until 2012. I was really looking forward to teaming up Parasoul and Peacock. :( Well, at least they're adding things like a custom soundtrack option for PS3.
- Gameplay speed changes – 10% faster!
- Lots of new effects and overall presentation improvements
- Upgraded backgrounds to 3D
- Additional music from Michiru Yamane
- Requested color palettes
- Accidental pause prevention option – hold Start for 15 frames to pause
- PlayStation 3 custom soundtrack option
- Button macros to help when playing on a pad
- Innumerable balance and gameplay tweaks
- In-game art galleries
Gonna be a busy 2012..
Street Fighter X Tekken
SoulCalibur V
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations
Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown
Dead or Alive 5
BlazBlue Continuum Shift Extend
KOF XIII Promotion Movie
Bloody Roar says “Me too” in 2012
Hudson Soft announced today, via their twitter, that a new installment in the Bloody Roar series is in production. They note that more will be revealed soon, and use the hashtags #BloodyRoarProject2012 and #BloodyRoar5. This leads me to believe that they are aiming for a 2012 release date, making them just another game in the massive list of fighters set to debut in the next year and a half. Lets hope they can achieve something special with their were-beast-brawler.
Hudson: New Bloody Roar title 'in production'
Well the bloody roar thing was a hoax.
Anyway I've been playing the ougon musou kyoku x demo and it's pretty awesome I really like beatrice. Battler is pretty cool too, this should definitly get localised.
Originally Posted by
Well the bloody roar thing was a hoax.
Yeah, ANN had an article on it two days ago. Bloody Roar Game Sequel Not in Production
GameTrailers posted an Exclusive Dead or Alive 5 Trailer. Carl White (Perfect Legend) seems pretty hype about it. Hopefully, DOA5 makes it to EVO, so he came become a two time DOA EVO champ.
GameTrailers: Dead or Alive 5: Exclusive TGS Gameplay Trailer HD
Also, the 360 exclusive fighter, Phantom Breaker is listed on Amazon. Hopefully, it's not fake and will actually be released here.
Phantom Breaker Special Edition @ Amazon
Update: Southpeak Are “Looking At The Possibility” Of Publishing Phantom Breaker
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Ezio from Assassin's Creed in SCV / Release Date is January 31st
Can't say that I'm surprised by this.
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Edit: Some more info from the PS3 Live Blog.
PS3BlogLive: hint: "our life is made by the death of others" - new guest character on SCV!!!
("our life is made by the death of others" is a quote from Leonardo da Vinci.)
PS3BlogLive: Collectors Edition comes with artwork, DLC, two characters exclusive to CE
PS3BlogLive: worldwide launch: Jan 31st, 2012!
Note: There are also 3 more NEW characters on the select screen.
~New Characters
Ezio Auditore (Guest)
Leixia (She is the 15 year old daughter of Xianghua)
New unknown male character
Comment From Mintia This is what we got. Worldwide release: January 31, 2012. Guest Character is Ezio from the Assassin's Creed series. Collector's Edtion of the game comes with artwork and two exclusive characters (Boo!). A character select screen was leaked showing Nightmare, Leixia, and a new character wearing a hat and semi-hidden in shadows.
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SoulCalibur V - Ezio Auditore Trailer
January 31st can't come soon enough. I'm hyped for this. That remixed theme is nice.
Edit: WTF! Trailer for some pre-order dude.
SOULCALIBUR V delivers exhilarating 3D fighting mechanics, breathtaking visuals, and new characters alongside expanded online and character creation modes. In addition, Dampierre from SOULCALIBUR: Broken Destiny will be available as an exclusive pre-order bonus playable character, and a feature-packed Collector's Edition is coming to retailers across Europe. SOULCALIBUR V is poised to become the preeminent fighting game experience on its release in Europe on February 3rd 2012.
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SCV Character Walkthroughs + CE
Aside from being crazy hot, Viola actually looks a lot of fun to play with, her "super" reminds me of aegis reflector.
Ezio however really fits the game nicely, I can already see myself using him a lot when I get this game eventually; shame he doesn't actually speak italian though.