no no no you are getting it wrong... if one of them dies, noe and shinichiro will break up too!
this would be impossible.
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no no no you are getting it wrong... if one of them dies, noe and shinichiro will break up too!
this would be impossible.
Many years would have passed and Shinichiro would have already forgotten about that agreement.
It's flawless.
Unfortunately the whole thing was set up for a sad end from the beginning because Noe told she was looking for tears and that Shinichiro was the one to find them for her. I have a feeling the writers won't consider this story finished unless she finds them. I'm afraid I won't like the ending unless Shinichiro stays with Noe but it seems somewhat unlikely. Unless there's just a soft ending with a real danger of them separating and that's enough for Noe to cry.
In general, though, there have been plenty of series around in recent years that have sought endings different from the norm.
Or it could do a boomerang, where Shinichiro is forced to go to his "sister" for a bit, and then eventually returns to Noe, and she cries tears of joy in surprise.
i prefer my own suggestion, it sounds more convincing.
peh, well since shinichiro's father is a sake-grower, they'll probably get drunk in the end and celebrate a big orgy.
well i m not sure about the former though...
Okay, could we stop funny predictions and go back to topic?
As for my thoughts, Shinichiro will get closer to Noe, have secret sex with Ai-chan, and all that while Hiromi thinks she´s his real girl friend.
That will then end in Ai-chan moving to a different town, Noe killing Shinichro, saying "After all, you are no Raigoumaru...", and Hiromi finding Shinichiro´s dead corpse, who cuts off the corpse´s arms, then arranges a meeting with Noe an school roof, shows her the arms that she brought within a bag, saying "now...he´ll...never be able TO FLY!", and when Noe realizes it, it´s too late, as Hiromi threw her off the building. And at the end, the screen becomes black, with Hiromi saying "Stupid little couldnt fly either".
Thats actually,,, very funny. Either that or Im wasted.
ok.. i can't stop laughing now xD
the part with the black screen > all
i can't believe you came up with that by yourself.... where did you see it before ^^?
You may watch this series:
Though i hope you wont become a dis-believer of Itou like some here....haha, School Days, the series that changed everything.
Lol the best part of MFauli's 'speculation' is that after School Days I would totally accept it as an ending. There would need to be a lot more flip flopping by Shinichiro to really bring out the crazy in all the girls, but with them all showing hints of strss induced mental instability already some extra pushing in the next few eps could reasonably lead to a Nice Boat ending. However Hiromi would definitely knife Shinichiro's mom at the same time Noe was knifing him.
uggg don't make me remember School Days, I ended up feeling so sick when I saw that last episode. I really hope this series doesn't end like that!
Just watched fake tears of True Tears - 09 (IRC only for now it seems). I'm not sure why they bother calling it fake they tl about 90% of the material and only leave out stuff that's ultimately unimportant. Basic impressions are too much got resolved and I'm not happy about it. However there were some surprises in the resolutions that were pretty interesting so we'll see if they go somewhere in the last eps.
w00f's and moetaku have released.
I disagree, Yukimura. If anything, this new development has advanced the plot. It gives the love triangle more time to shape. If Hiromi had learned the truth at the very end, you'd end up with a cramped final episode and more time traps.
The links Everon forgot to post:
Episode 9 HD - w.0.0.f
Episode 9 xvid - w.0.0.f
The Japanese are strange. A guy crashes his bike on some random road somewhere when avoiding a rabbit and gets suspended for two weeks by his school. I suppose if he had driven over the animal he would have been complimented... I think anywhere else teachers would have just said good thing you are okay if even that. It's not like the whole school would have heard of it anyway. Bad luck the bike was burnt but shit happens. Doesn't have anything to do with the school, though.
This series is starting to get pretty melancholic. Or maybe it's just that Noe is sad and giving up and I don't like it. I have no idea what's going to happen next. The mother stated Hiromi is their child, so if Shinichiro now starts to woo her, he'll be getting together with his sister. Not biological but anyway.
Its not just the crash that got them suspended. Its why they crashed. Like the guy said before, riding a bike on the snow is suicide, and doing something so reckless does deserve punishment, if only to prevent them from doing it again.
I don't forget, just getting too lazy. Afterall, its not hard to find the links and ddls.
Well, rather boring episode, quite nothing happened.
Though Hiromi not being Shinichiro´s biological sister opens up new possibilities.
Yet, i have to say, if Hiromi and Shinichiro end up as the final couple, it´s too obvious by now. And i still think, that Shinichiro getting Noe is the only possibilty of all of them becoming happy.
One thing this episode made me wonder is how Noe is going to get her tears. It looked to me like she already gave up, saying Shinichiro could fly elsewhere. Doesn't that mean she thinks he could fly with Hiromi? If that's so, then she can't anymore really feel sad for losing Shinichiro and she wasn't crying yet in this episode, at least not that I'd have noticed, and I think since she's looking for tears, it would be a major scene when it happened. Unless Shinichiro and Noe really get together (again) nearing the end of the series and she will cry of happiness.
Otherwise I think it would be somewhat unstylish if she's going to cry alone bitterly if Shinichiro and Hiromi start dating and she sees them somewhere. But who knows. This episode didn't really give great many answers. Actually it kind of returned things to square one.
I wonder if the be able to fly thing is a metaphor for having sex for the first time...
Why did the Mother lie to Hiromi about the child of her husband thing? Seems like a random way to resolve it. She shouldn't be mad, it's just a girl coming to live with them. Or does the mom crave her son's attention all for herself or something odd.
Well, it's still not impossible she hated Hiromi's mother for whatever reason. Maybe she just lied about the relationship - for convenience's sake or something.
hmmm i m not even sure wether she told the truth now or not... its really weird at the moment, can't they just do a blood test or something? (and since they didn't do one yet, doesn't it mean that it is not necessary? and it pretty much certain that hiromi is not his daughter?)Quote:
Originally Posted by animus
and it happened way to fast to be real for me, well maybe on the other hand, she could have realized that she cares for hiromi when she disappeared together with shinichiro.. it made *click* and now she loves her ;o..... well thats pretty lame ^^
maybe the next episodes tell us more but if it is treated just like that, then i have to say this is the worst scene or lets say "chapter" in the (otherwise really good) anime.
well thats a funny thing to say since this is one of the most suspenseful episode.. a accident, a fight (why did they fight actually?), and a new "challanger" (again), and a "what-is-going-to-happen-now"-situationQuote:
Well, rather boring episode, quite nothing happened.
What i always hate is that in the end, the main character can only get one girl.
I know that this is something totally unrealistic, but what IF he really loves two girls (like Noe and Hiromi) equally? Why cant they all live together? Its an anime, anyway, so it doesnt have to be completely reallife-like.
Im certain many of you will disagree with me, but imo you CAN love more than one person. And i wonder why no anime chooses such a real happy end (because otherwise there´s alway a scene where one of the girls that wasnt chosen has to suffer). Yeah, i know, wanting 2 girls at the same time sounds dickhead-ish, but at least in the world of anime it would be believably that the main character really loves them from heart.
Sorry, that´s rather generel, and not really only relating to True Tears ^^
This seems to be the case. She had a problem with Hiromi's mother for whatever reason and was taking it out on Hiromi.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
@Mfauli - You should watch Maburaho then. Its not exactly what you want, but its a decent compromise.
I actually agree with you in the possibility to love 2 people at the same time, but society (at least most of it) is not so open-minded. That is why they simply cant condone that type of ending and make it happy and positive, especially considering the audience for this type of show. Even School Days, with its theme of violence and infidelity, ended badly for most (or all?) of the characters. They do the type of ending you want in a lot of hentai though.
In any case, I want Shinichiro to end up with Noe, but I dont want her to get back her tears simply because of that fact. Being Noe (meaning an absolute weirdo in the cutest way possible), I hope she will ask Shinichiro to express his love for her again in a concrete manner. Shinichiro will then show her the completed picture book, with a story that has so much impact, maybe something that relates to Noe's situation as well, then the tears come in.
In our Christian Societies, polygamy is rare... very rare.
It does happen, but not that much.
I don't know for Asia. And I don't know if it's in the mood of this anime.
As others, I feel that this 180° turn from Schinichiro's mother hides something.
I just got an idea... The father says it's impossible Schinichiro and Hiromi are siblings.
However, he doesn't say he isn't Hiromi's father.
I know, that last one is a bit stretched...
@MFauli in at least one of the endings to the School Days game Makoto ends up with both Sekai and Katsura (both pregnant). I agree it would be nice if a show managed to acknowledge that people can love more than one person at the same time, though to make it believe able all three participants would have to like each other, which would require some bisexuality which I think rules it out for most anime.
But getting back to True Tears, I am just not comfortable with the mom's sudden change of heart as well as Noe's apparent willingness to give up Shinichiro to Hiromi. I suppose it could be that the mom feels guilty and finally realized it but it's going to need some explanation. But Noe is a weird anime girl, and accepting that a guy you love doesn't love you as much as he loves another girl is not something weird anime girls are supposed to do.
The way I see this playing out, Hiromi and Shinichiro give going out a shot and find out they don't have as much in common as they thought and break up, making Shinichiro sad (since it'll be Hiromi who decides she doesn't want to be with Shinichiro after all). Shinichiro's misery will give Noe a chance to swoop in and cheer him up, taking his tears and crying for his broken heart.
@Yukimura: Actually I think the change isn't that sudden. I think the mother was spiteful (at Hiromi's mother) long ago and simply forgot about thier conversation. Hiromi, however, did not -- and so things the Mother said were intensified and sounded more hurtful than they should of. Only recently, the mother seems to have realized that her comments were taken as harsh criticisms and got extremely worried. Who goes running out in the middle of the night wearing flip flops?
The burning of the photobook -- I think Shinichiro's mom wanted to forget her old suspicions. She didn't want to show that side of herself.
I caught up over the course of a few days after seeing how much activity this thread was getting. Seems that I was missing out.
I have to side with Yuki, at least some of it. The mother's change of heart is abrupt, but it isn't totally out of place. She has been nasty to Hiromi since she came into the house. We have no idea exactly why she hated Hiromi's mother, but she was putting Hiromi in Hiromi's mother's place and taking it all out on her. Was the adultery unfounded suspicions? Perhaps we will never know for sure now that they have quickly resolved it.
The changeover is far to abrupt for me. That much hate and vehemence was invested in the way she treated Hiromi. The way Hiromi has acted as a result of the Shin'ichiro/Noe situation indicates to me that Hiromi is not the sort to simply forgive so easily. Yet, all problems are cleared up with "Oh, so you like that kind of music too?"
Bullshit. Unless Hiromi's behavior towards Noe was some form of living up to the character that Shin'ichiro's mother was putting on her, it should not have ended that smoothly, or that quickly.
I would also like to see Noe 'win' in the end. Sure, she's a little weird, but she comes off just feeling "right." Shin'ichiro and Noe just seem to fit, though perhaps not as good as Aiko and he fit (but that issue has probably already been discussed to death).
I've got some bad memories of Kaori Nazuka's (Hiromi) characters and series dealbreaker harem endings.
One of the schockes could be that Shinichiro's father isn't the one at home...
I don't know. The house is the only home for her for now, and thus I see no practical reason for her to make it any worse by holding grudges. Sure, she was maltreated but it's not like openly hating the mother would somehow make the past and future better for Hiromi. I'm no "turn your other cheek" kind of person but neither I'm one of those who would willingly create a hell for themselves just in order to hate somebody. We don't really know where Hiromi stands here.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
However, with Noe she doesn't have such high stakes. The only thing hating Noe could cause her would be to make Shin'ichiro suspect her integrity. However, she caught herself acting so cheaply and regretted it, so it's reasonable to think it was partly caused by her troubles at home (Shin'ichiro's mother) and it wasn't entirely her own personality speaking.
That´s what i thought of, too.Quote:
Originally Posted by David75
Until now, it was implied that Hiromi is, well, like the bastard-child. But know, Hiromi looks exactly like Shinichiro´s mother.
It's very hard for a mother not to know who their baby/childrens are, unless there was a mistake/plot right after the birth to replace the baby.Quote:
Originally Posted by MFauli
For a man though, you can't always be sure who the father is, unless you have DNA tested...
I could perfectly understand Shinichiro's mother hating Hiromi and her mother so much just because she believe Hiromi's mother add an intercourse with her husband. And sometimes her hatred may even be greater if she did the same...
Let's be tricky:
Shinichiro's mother thinks she has been cheated.
She's so angry that she decides to do the same and have a sexual relation with another man.
The thing is that she gets pregnant with that man.
To spice things a bit, that man is Hiromi's biological father...
All of this hapening when she hasn't even been cheated in the first place, but she does not know.
Hiromi's mother dies. Shinichiro's mother still holds deep hatred and transfer it upon Hiromi. She's so angry thinking she has been cheated, she cheated too and not sure who Shinichiro's father is that Hiromi really gets full hatred.
At some point, the man she lives with, thought to be Shinichiro's father explains her how impossible it is he cheated on her.
Tada, Shinichiro's mother switches because the origin of her hatred disapears.
She quiets even more because she did really cheat on her husband... and there's a bonus prize...
The attempt at logic above is beyond me....I don't think I'm going to even try to comment on it.
The reason she reverted appears to be that when Hiromi ran off, right after the Shin's father told her to stop being so harsh to Hiromi, "she's our child too now..."
The mother seems to have suddenly decided how worried she is about Hiromi, perhaps shocked that "her child" would run off on a snowy day and get into an accident. Lame, cheap, but that's how it looks like it was written.
I admitt I may have been a little too far, since this show is always quite balanced in everything, even when events are not that balanced.
It's more like a pastel painting, you may have strong lines, but in the end everything is soft.
However, it would be nice something strong happens.
Well, i didnt mean that Shinichiro´s mother doesnt know that Hiromi is her daughter. Rather that she knows, but that Hiromi was a child with another man.S´s mother had let go of her daughter, and due to some reason (hatred towards the father of Hiromi or having accepted that Hiromi is away) now showed her the cold shoulder.
But of course there could be some dramatic past with memory loss of S´s mother about having given birth to a daughter ;)
Moetaku-version of episode 10 is online, is that sub group any good?
Moetaku > w00f? Really? I've never watched any of their releases.
I've found that to be the case, however since I find Rozen superior to both and w00f is usually out first I haven't watched a Moetaku release since ep 1 or 2. However I did notice the massive increase in quality between what I'm used to seeing watching w00f first and Moetaku's ep 10, it actually made me pause and think about it for a second.
I just hope the title for the next episode will be a line said by Hiromi and not Noe.
I started with m33w and have since noticed no problems so I'll stick to w00f . I generally prefer to have the whole series from the same subber for consistency's sake, and I also try to avoid having to redownloads (for archiving) if possible and if it doesn't mean overly long waits.
Hm, i cant say that i liked the events of this episode too much :-/
Miyokichi giving in to Ai-chan, Miyokichi approaching Noe, Shinichiro approaching or rather confessing to, actually it really evolves into what i formerly wrote is unlikely: Miyokichi getting Noe, Shinichiro HIromi, and somehow Ai-chan approaches Noe´s brother...meh...
That's what I tend to to as well. I also tend to stick to the most "Japanese"-style subs given that the releases are decent quality.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
(i.e. last name first, first name last)
True Tears 11 mkv HD w00f
True Tears 11 Xvid SD w00f
Will 13 be the last episode?
Anyway, now the Miyokichi and Ai-chan are kinda settled, there are like 3 possible endings:
- Shinichiro and Noe, and Number 4 and Hiromi
- Shinichiro and Hiromi, and the others are unhappy
- Shinichiro and Hiromi, and Number 4 and Noe and some delicious incest, lol
Or should i also throw in the wild card, Shinichiro getting killed by one of the girls or number 4 ? ^^
This episode left things quite open, anyways.
Damn, I really want a nice boat ending. I was hoping Noe would just take Jibeta and jump off a bridge but I don't think we're going to be so lucky. Despite Hiromi's increasingly moody and obscure reactions to mundane things I still want her to end up with Shin'ichiro.
I don't know, I can't stand Hiromi. Call it what you like, obligation, not wanting to embarrass the family that took him in, shame, Hiromi has had a laundry list of reasons not to approach Shin'ichiro. But the second he moves even the slightest bit away from her (towards Noe) she becomes a manipulative bitch. Perhaps not in the really...nice boat kind of way, but she certainly became everything that Shin'ichiro's mother had accused her Hiromi's mother of being. "You really are that woman's daughter," she had said, and for a time it was true. Disregarding the fact of whether Hiromi's mother actually was like that, Hiromi was living up to the lie.
She would provoke Shin'ichiro, then rebuke him just as quickly. Say nasty things to Noe, make everyone suspicious, lie to and guilt trip Shin'ichiro when she felt like he wasn't going for her little traps. She "doesn't remember" the festival years ago, despite it being one of her most vivid memories. Why? To make him feel bad for no reason, like such childish memories are beneath her.
Noe was always more open, and that trust is what creates the strongest relationships. She barely knew Shin'ichiro at all, but told him several of her secrets, confided in him, and showed a great deal of enthusiasm for following his dream of writing books.
Hiromi, though she's reformed lately, was always surrounded with her own lies and inherent mistrust.
Despite all that, I still always liked Aiko the best. I blame the tight school uniform offset by the proprietress' working uniform. Simple and pure, but not quite as much as Noe. A little dumb though, taking the roundabout way to try to get to a man's heart. At least she was honest with herself sooner.
She was a lost cause from the beginning, but I'm always a sucker for those types.
eh? eh? thats EXACTLY what i thought when she talked with jibeta and said those words about "i ll let you fly"Quote:
Originally Posted by Yukimura
ok, good to know that i m not the only one who is this weird
well i still hope hiromi and shinchirou get together in the end.... and if not then at least PLEASE not number 4 + hiromi... i hate this guy so much, he's annoying and stupid + weird.
i don't like Noe so much anymore... the whole stuff with "raigomaru" is getting on my nerves, why can't she tell him clearly what she thinks of him and always compares him with a chicken? who likes to be compared to a chicken?
btw the bad ending of the picture book is pretty good.. i like this stuff it tells you so much more than a normal happy ending.. you can interpret many things in it and you always have a certain feeling (which i can't explain) when reading/seeing such an ending.
That is what makes Noe so great. She is honest and direct, but only through a chicken. OK, that came out wrong. What I mean is, she isnt roundabout because she is afraid or because she is diabolical, but because its her personality. She has been like that from the beginning, and Im pretty sure Shinichiro isnt dumb enough not to know what she feels (he has done a good job guessing so far without Noe having to tell him anything directly). Noe without her chicken obsession isnt Noe at all, only some cliche airhead girl. Her words have always carried a lot of meaning, and strange enough, she is extremely perceptive when it comes to Shinichiro. What I am trying to say is, Noe FTW.
@Ryll - You preach the truth about that demoness. She is a bitch, simply put. Selfish, arrogant, fake, hypocritical, what else can I say? I mean, she even considered not calling Shinichiro about Noe's disappearance, knowing full well running away in such weather can be fatal (especially from personal experience). She has done a good job fooling most of the characters in the show, especially Shinichiro and some viewers, but not Noe. Well, its obvious Shinichiro is going to end up with Noe no matter what though.
I used to like Ai-chan, then hated her for her actions towards Miyokichi. But I guess her decision of being the one to bow her head this time deserves some props.
With Noe? I thought it's obvious he's going to end up with Hiromi, as much as I wanted that it would be Noe. Of course I wouldn't mind if they bent the tradition a bit and still chose Noe. I haven't much liked Hiromi during this show. In the end it would even make some sense since Hiromi was his interest mainly out of childhood memories and some sort of idolization. I mean, he didn't actually know Hiromi that well anymore during the time period of this show. It didn't look like he even interacted that much with her before this very end.Quote:
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
Considering Ai did finally go to Miyokichi, Schinichiro going to Noe isn't unlikely at all.
But that would make twice the same kind of development, so maybe the scenarist wouldn't follow that path.
Noe is the obvious choice for two reasons:
1) She is the main female character. I say so because of three reasons
- The title is true tears, and she is the only one with a direct relation to it
- She is walking at the very front in the ending theme (not a certain indicator, but it helps)
- Most pictures for true tears have her as the center of attention
2) The "confession" to Hiromi was two episodes too early
- If he was going to end up with her, it will be placed most likely in the end as a climax
- Shinichiro has time to come to his senses, which has already begun in this episode
I would like to add that Hiromi is a bitch, especially in this episode. The guy never ends up with the bitch, no matter how close they seem to be (points to Shuffle! as an example).
It would actually make quite a beautiful plot if Shinichiro realised Hiromi isn't, after all, the one he likes. Because like I said in the previous post, the reason why he (thinks he) likes Hiromi isn't even something that happened during this show. So, it would have been possible, had there been more episodes, to make him first dream of Hiromi, but get with Noe because of the deal, then switch to Hiromi but eventually realise he didn't love the real Hiromi but the image of her he had in his mind. That could then lead him to find out he cares for the real Noe he actually knows.Quote:
Originally Posted by David75
True Tears 12 SD
True Tears 12 HD
You linked the same torrent
This would be the right link for HD
Made the correction, I'll have to see for myself how features do really work here, thanks.Quote:
Originally Posted by animus
And for the ep, only one word, from the bottom of my heart and surprise that made my heart ache:
As much as I still think she's an atrocious bitch, Hiromi cleans up very nicely in a kimono. The look wouldn't suit either of our other heroines.
Lots of good things in this episode. Most of Noe's actions this episode made my heart ache, especially the ending. But, Hiromi's did the same as well. I could see her and Shin'ichiro together at the end of the series in this episode, although I'm still rooting for Noe.
Aiko underperformed in this episode, but her development is all over at this point.
Lastly, the Mugiha dance sequences were very impressive.
lol she's like: "i can fly!! i can flyyyy!!!... no NOOOOOOOOO" really, it is too bad. that she didn't start fluttering with her arms when she was about to hit the ground.
i don't understand shinichiro btw.. why is he going after Noe now? can't he make up his mind?
i think at the moment he goes for Noe out of pitifulness..
the part with Noe's brothers was really interesting.. somehow i feel sad for him.
i can't wait to see the next and last ( :( ) episode.
btw i like this traditional dancing.. well maybe because everyone was wearing a sword and a sakkat but the drums made a nice beat
Shin'ichiro is going after Noe now because he realized that in the time that Hiromi was being cold to him, he's grown closer to Noe. As he said, he picked up drawing for Hiromi (to remove her tears), he was doing the Mugiha dance to live up to his father, taking over the distillery to satisfy his mother, but he had never done anything for himself.
Playing around with Noe and writing the book was for her too, but it was the only thing he did because he really wanted to. He wanted her to see the completed book. He wanted to fulfill her silly little dream of a chicken flying through his artwork.
That's one explanation anyway.
Though, for those Hiromi fans (which I may considering joining solely for seeing her in a kimono), they are closer now that she has moved out. Their relationship was fairly inappropriate by Japanese standards (even for anime/manga) with her living in the same house. She was cold to him, trying her best to not bring shame upon the entire family that took her in.
Now, Hiromi can finally be open in her feelings to him. They do have the longest past together. He wants to make her happy, and she has always longed for him the most. Vying for his attention, crying when he is not beside her.
It's also possible that Noe is more of a catalyst for Shin'ichiro to realize what he truly wanted. That she's only helping him to "look forward and fly."
But...Noe has slowly fallen for Shin'ichiro. He's the only person who has tried to get close to her since her grandmother died. And he believes in all the fairy tales Noe tells herself.
He did want Hiromi. He grew to like Noe. So, the ending all depends on one thing. What Shin'ichiro wants now.
And that is Noe, that is, if her wings are still attached after that fall. Its a good thing the preview didn't spoil anything this time, unlike some other anime.
At this point i think he´ll end up with Noe. Though that ruins the imo more interesting ending, where Noe ends up with her brother...yeah, fuck the law, love knows no boundaries, and her brother really didnt seem like some creepy pervert who´s just after his sister´s pussy.
But i really dont see him choosing Hiromi...their last scene together felt so...cold. "Are you angry?" - ""
I found the dance scenes to be a bit ridiculous, because at one point a guy from the audience said, the lead dancer, Shinichiro, got better...well, i know it´s because of money and development costs, but...THEY ALL HAD THE VERY SAME ANIMATION xD
Anyway, im excited for the last episode. My perfect, and weird :P ending pairings prediction:
Shinichiro and Hiromi
Noe and Jun
Miyokichi and Ai-chan
I think they were speaking about the dancing in consideration of his previous level or skill, not just in comparison to the other dancers.
Noe and Jun = MURI
Shinichiro and Hiromi = almost impossible by now
Holy shit, the crazy girl took flight.
Not going to make any predictions for the last episode. My Harem ending got completely squashed in episode 11.
Last episode out!
[w00f] Episode 13 Xvid
[w00f] Episode 13 H264
Lots of things happen in a short amount of time.
The bait and switch!
They really went all out to make Hiromi a sex object in the last two episodes. First the kimono, now the perfect split for absolutely no reason.
However, unlike Canvas2 (series I loathe beyond most others) where a Kaori Nazuka-voiced character steals victory from the jaws of defeat set up over the course of an entire 24 episode series, I didn't really hate Hiromi for winning out in the end. The writers did a good job of winning me over in only two episodes.
I'd be lying if I said the kimono and the 180 split weren't part of that, but this episode did quite a lot in winning me over completely. Take the previous episode were Hiromi was acting like the bitch she's been all season to Noe. Proclaiming Shin'ichiro to be solely hers, saying occasionally nasty things to Noe, acting unlike herself to get Shin'ichiro. Basically living up to everything that Shin'ichiro's mother said she was becoming, even after his mother admitted that was all a total lie. It's hard to avoid becoming what everyone says you are.
However, Hiromi didn't stop this episode either. The lie with the coffee cup as a method of seducing Shin'ichiro, showing up at his house afterwards, etc. Only here, when he called her out on it, she remarked on her own behavior and called it disgusting. I believe she realized that she was taking advantage of her proximity to him, and simultaneously pushing him away and playing hard to get.
She redeemed herself pretty fast. I'd still say I'd rather see Noe with Shin'ichiro, (nice little tears at the end seeing the confession he was forced to so adamantly proclaim, now literally scattered) but this is an ending I can more than accept. Hiromi just "fits" a little better than Noe does.
Well, it´s rather what i predicted last week ^^
Though it sucks that they didnt really resolve Jun´s love for his sister...or what was he doing at the end? Didnt quite get that one.
Ending is ok, but was presented rather lame, dont could have been presented more dramatic imo.
Good series overall, still i prefer romantic-anime that fuck around with your mind by having sick twists here and there ;)
He left town so he didn't have to see Noe every day.Quote:
Originally Posted by MFauli
@Mfauli - I disagree completely. The ending was lame, but the presentation was just perfect. The suspense was held for a long time, but didnt get tiring, and the fact that a Hiromi hater and Noe lover like me can accept the ending is proof of it being well done.
If suspense is what you wanted i can see how you liked that ending. But just like i wrote, i hoped for a more dramatic ending. Like Hiromi not being able to accept Shinichiro´s doubt of who to choose, Noe´s brother publicy confessing his love to Noe, and so on. It was a very quite ending, though. With suspense, yes. I simply prefer drama over suspense ;)
I guess that would be the case if you wanted drama that much. I think the ending was more than dramatic enough, with Shinichiro crying while singing his feelings, and Noe trying to pick up the paper planes. The examples you mentioned are a bit predictable, overdone, and in fact too unrealistic for the feel of the entire show, which was indeed quiet, yet moving.
You should probably pick up Itazura na Kiss next season then.Quote:
Originally Posted by MFauli
I definitely felt that True Tears was going with the more realistic approach. Sure, I didn't like the idea at first, but it was far more likely that Shin'ichiro was going to pick someone he loved for a long time over someone he just met. That was with the whole 'talking to Noe makes my heart waver,' bit.
Now, we can take that same scenario with ef - a tale of memories. The only difference, spoiler:[Is that the male lead in that series felt the girl he was still close to for years, Kei, was more of a sister than a lover. So...logically he would choose the girl he just met that fit better with him. He still cared deeply for Kei, but Miyako was the only one he could "love."]
Here, Noe was more of a close friend that happens to be a girl (much like Ai turned out to be) or perhaps more appropriately, Shin'ichiro's muse.
Sure, all that drama can be injected, but don't add beyond what is necessary.
I really enjoyed this series. I wouldn't call it realistic as much as proper development. The animators over the coarse of the show, had each character learn and change. I liked how a number of them would often self-reflect.
the ending was beautiful.. well the part with the injured Noe trying to pick up the picture book is very cliche like but who cares. i liked it when shinichro started to sing and cry... that really got me especially when he cried out "inside shinichro's heart is yuasa hiromi" that was just heart taking ^^ that was a nice "farewell"
i didn't understand the part with hiromi's splitt though? was it mentioned somewhere that she always tried to do that or something? i don't get the metaphor or symbol.. or whatever this was supposed to be... well maybe it was just fanservice, since she looked hot with her ponytail, glasses and her pants
good thing that he ended up with hiromi, that couple is just more fitting since Noe is so childish and well..small.
Of course, it was meant to show, how great having sex with her will be for Shinichiro...erm,
Originally Posted by KrayZ33
But the problem is that it may break proof of virginity, thus leading Hentaï "True Tears" Sequel to another quagmire. (joking of course, but I thought the same when I saw that scene)Quote:
Originally Posted by MFauli
Regarding that last ep, it clearly lacked something I can't really describe. I wasn't moved at all, maybe I was in a bad day and couldn't catch the atmosphere there?
The only scene that cheared me up was the very short one with AI chan, sometimes it's hard to understand why you react to something so simple.
Well, another interresting show is ending. Always a bit sad.
i wouldn't mind seeing some hentai-stuff with Hiromi ^_^
well i think it lacked something like a real drama in the end, everybody excepted a lot of tears and maybe even suicide or something like that... or murder...
it was a peacefull ending and i don't know why but i liked how noe was able to cry in the end. that was somehow touching, because she liked shinichro but inside is his heart is yuasa hiromi *sing* ^^
Just got to finish this series. Superb art and animation quality. I certainly like how the series ended, peacefully. The ending is actually what I wanted though (Hiromi being the one chosen by Shinnichirou) :).
Watched the entire series this sunday morning...
What can I say? Overall I liked the story a lot, but I did not like he ended up with Hiromi, despite everything that happened between them. I was rooting for Ai-chan at first lol... but I think she is better with the other guy, she just needed to move on. I was hoping Shin'ichiro chose Noe though. I never liked Hiromi, since ep1.
Last thread I raise from the grave I promise. I just have to ask though, did Noe die at the end? She seemed like she was running full speed on that ledge by the sea, and there were rocks at the bottom, a wave splashing, and then a scene of the mountains which is "close to the sky" and her grandma. That reads like a suicide to me...
No she didn't.
How was the show by the way?
It was good. The main character pissed me off to no end though. A little empathy *or* a little courage on his part would've done a world of good for everyone involved. Had his best friend been in that same situation, I highly suspect things would've went MUCH smoother. Miyokichi >>> Shin'ichiro. Not to mention Shin'ichiro was too easily moved to anger for my tastes.
As far as the girls are concerned, I liked Noe the most. She was both quirkier and more insightful than Hiromi and Aiko. I guess as a consequence of that wisdom, she never did anything to sabotage her relationship with Shin...unlike Hiromi. So I was kind of bummed when she wasn't picked. That's not to say I disliked Hiromi though. She was in a shitty situation and turned out quite well despite that. But then again, Noe wasn't much better off and turned out better imo. Regardless...I can see why Shin would choose Hiromi, she was a good girl. I'd have chosen differently. As far as Aiko was concerned...I liked her personality over the other two, but not her lack of resolve. That ended up hurting Miyokichi, but he handled that shit like a boss, and she was infatuated with Shin' so...again, I get it. She made her move, got rejected, and behaved with a decent amount of honor, everything considered.
I haven't seen many romance stories, but of the ones I have, this is the first where I've seen the rival girls actually clash head to head. That was great to watch. Hiromi was manipulative, but noe was a straight shooter. "Yeah bitch, eat this fucking bento. Put it in your mouth. I don't really get what's going on here, so you know what? Forget the bento, I'm kicking your ass!" That's a rather liberal and somewhat inaccurate paraphrase of what actually happened in that scene where they fought at lunch time, but that's the impression I got.
Overall I enjoyed the series, and it had just the right amount of melodrama for me. I wasn't moved to tears but I did feel the drama.
As you can read from my posts in this thread, I hated Hiromi pretty much the entire series, right up until the last two episodes. But the series did a good job of redeeming her, after she could finally be herself.
Admittedly, it won me over.