its just better to go on the irc channel than to chat on the forum.
its live chat unlike this.
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its just better to go on the irc channel than to chat on the forum.
its live chat unlike this.
guys don't be scared of irc and come drop by. i'm now powerless in there.
I'm headed there now.
Aww, poor Mut, I have power now, so im obligated to be nice, so main aswell drop in.
Edit: Bleh, excuse my stupidity.
people seem to be having trouble connecting to rizon
well there is this site that shows different rizon servers.
use them instead of
well i usually connect through
that always working for me at least, some splits but yeah.
and check the site there are others you can use
kai, you are godly.
so wait, all the servers on that list link with rizon?
EDIT: nm
I joined the channel and I'am alive still.....for now....
say somehting, and that'll soon change [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
heres an incentive for u all to come to #gotwoot:
u migth get lucky, find a drunk terracosmo, and have him make u an op!
and then u can kick Mut@t@ outta the channel and enjoy a brief glimpse of the mighty op powers!
and i speak from experience [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
tehres alot of fun to be had when drunken ops are come join the fun!
(im so gonna get banned for this)
Hmmm, it seems once I can't connect to I can't connect to any of the others as well.Quote:
people seem to be having trouble connecting to rizon
well there is this site that shows different rizon servers.
use them instead of
well i usually connect through
that always working for me at least, some splits but yeah.
and check the site there are others you can use
i just checked the list now and tried out about 7, and they work.
are you typing
I find that works just fine. Give it a try.Quote:
Originally posted by: PossiblE
Hmmm, it seems once I can't connect to I can't connect to any of the others as well.
Ah, it finally worked, thanks guys.
Assassin, you seem to think you're funny.
Lol, you are never gonna get your +o back if Ciber sees this. I was just havin' some fun, but you actually ban people who try to get back at you. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
As for the drunk thing, yeah, come see me when I'm drunk. I'm sooo funny. Yeah, really.
haha, r u kidding mut? it was well worth it. its just too bad no one important was active at the time, except one or two ppl.
one of my finest moments, and there was only a drunk swede and a canadian to see it. ah well [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
damn mut. how come your IRC looks so stylish?
Possible: np
Mr.X: because he changed the display properties.
wrong. it's cuz i'm a badass.Quote:
Originally posted by: kAi
Mr.X: because he changed the display properties.
and it was fun having you in #gotwoot, assassin. hah.
it looks kinda fun. i'll drop in when i have the time
<%Mut[at]t[at]> even though lindsay lohan isn't THAT good looking and way too pale
<%Mut[at]t[at]> something about her
<%Mut[at]t[at]> makes me wanna fuck her inside out
<%Gods_Son> no, she's hot
<%Mut[at]t[at]> she's too pale, it pisses me off
<+Budweineken> <%Mut[at]t[at]> makes me wanna fuck her inside out <--- probably her tits
<%Mut[at]t[at]> lol, nah... i actually like her acting
<%Mut[at]t[at]> i think it's so much better than the other teen girls
<%Gods_Son> are you serious?
<+Budweineken> well gonna sleep now... just came in to say one funny comment
<%Gods_Son> you've actually seen a lindsay lohan movie
<%Mut[at]t[at]> yes =(
<%Mut[at]t[at]> i just downloaded mean girls
<%Mut[at]t[at]> and watched it
<%Gods_Son> I hate you
<%Mut[at]t[at]> i also saw freaky friday
<%Mut[at]t[at]> but that one sucked
<%Mut[at]t[at]> mean girls owned
<+Budweineken> i saw confessions of a teenage.... blah blhan blhan
<+Budweineken> freaky friday was not that bad
<+Budweineken> i want to see mean girls
<%Gods_Son> both of you
<%Gods_Son> kill yourselves
<%Gods_Son> now
<+Budweineken> i just watch about anything
<%Mut[at]t[at]> lol
<+Budweineken> i even used to watch dawson's creek (when i found out about katie holmes)
<%Mut[at]t[at]> k, i'm not -that- gay
<+Budweineken> waht
<%Gods_Son> hah
<+Budweineken> katie holmes
<%Gods_Son> even Mut called you gay
<+Budweineken> she's worth it
<%Gods_Son> stfu
<%Gods_Son> you were watching Joshua Jackson
<+Budweineken> lol
<%Mut[at]t[at]> haha
<%Budweineken> <%Mut[at]t[at]> misha_san no esta aqui <--- working on your spanish skills?
<%Mut[at]t[at]> i took 6 years of spanish you poon
<%Mut[at]t[at]> i'll own ya
<%Budweineken> hehehe... probably... i suck at talking any language
<%Mut[at]t[at]> that's cuz
<%Mut[at]t[at]> you don't talk languages
<%Mut[at]t[at]> you speak it
<@Gods_Son> got him
<%Mut[at]t[at]> word
* %Budweineken feels pwned
<+Samanosuke> anyway, Eurasian|away doesnt need a voice
<@Gai_Daigouji> if someone gave it to her...there is no reason to take it away
<+Samanosuke> yes there is
<@Gai_Daigouji> unless she did something stupid to deserve it
<Gods_Son> you weren't even around when it happened
<+Samanosuke> ya
<Gods_Son> so stop trying to act like you know what's going on
<+Samanosuke> lol
<+Samanosuke> ya
<@Gai_Daigouji> and "because she is a filthy slut" isnt a reason...nor is anything like it
<+Samanosuke> cuz you dont know jack
<+Samanosuke> m/f
<@Gai_Daigouji> if you manage to show a shred of respect to might get a little in return
<Samanosuke> pffft
<Gods_Son> hah
<Samanosuke> ..l..
<%Mut[at]t[at]> lol
<Samanosuke> if i knew a emote to grab my crotch id use it right now
i'll post more funnies later...
haha, damn and i wasnt around for these.
more... this one is about NarutoMaster's dirty hindu/mexican/christian indian mustache. please note when it first started...
Session Start: Wed Oct 06 07:29:31 2004
<%Gods_Son> I like the dirty moustache
<%Gods_Son> he pulls it off nicely
<%Mut[at]t[at]> lol
<%Mut[at]t[at]> he looks like a 29 year old
<%Gods_Son> and he looks really boring
<%Gods_Son> somehow
<%Gods_Son> you can just tell
Session Time: Mon Oct 11 00:00:00 2004
<%Gods_Son> NM, shave your moustache
<NarutoMaster> really GS?
<%Gods_Son> yeah
<%Gods_Son> trust me
Session Time: Thu Oct 14 00:00:00 2004
<%Gods_Son> maybe if he didn't have that fuckin moustache
<NarutoMaster> dammit GS, i said ill shave it
Session Start: Wed Nov 03 07:25:59 2004
<%Gods_Son> NM, you got that shaved off moustache pic yet?
<NarutoMaster> no
somehow we got on the subject of making out...
<%Mut[at]t[at]> NM
<%Mut[at]t[at]> you can't make out with any girls yet
<NarutoMaster> until i shave the stache right
<%Mut[at]t[at]> your mustache will scratch up their faces
<NarutoMaster> yea yea
<%Mut[at]t[at]> exactly
<%Mut[at]t[at]> you're getting it
<Winged_Dancer> Mut's got a point!
<%_kAi_> 11:37
<%_kAi_> for you mut?
<%Mut[at]t[at]> yes
<%Mut[at]t[at]> what time is it there?
<%_kAi_> 6:32
<%Mut[at]t[at]> pm?
<%_kAi_> give or take.
<%_kAi_> yeah
<%Mut[at]t[at]> what day?
<%_kAi_> 18/11
<%_kAi_> thursday
<%Mut[at]t[at]> wednesday here
<%Mut[at]t[at]> so you're like...
<%Mut[at]t[at]> 19 hours ahead?
<%_kAi_> something like that.
<+Arcness> fucking kai lives in the future
<+Arcness> mut..he's too good for the past
<+Arcness> like normal ppl
<%Mut[at]t[at]> hahah
somehow we got to talking about our real names...
<%Gods_Son> Xollence, what's yours?
<+Xollence> James Jhoung
<%Gods_Son> similar
<%Gods_Son> except way more foreign at the end
<+Xollence> hehe the only jhoung in the world
<+Xollence> no one else spells it that way
<%Gods_Son> do you pronounce it jong?
<+Xollence> jung
<%Mut[at]t[at]> he's a dumb korean
<%Gods_Son> I see
<%Gods_Son> the ho is silent
<%Gods_Son> that's the way it should be
<%Mut[at]t[at]> lol
more later...
I'll add to that future talk.
[06:36] <+Arcness> fucking guy
[06:36] <+Arcness> [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
[06:36] <%_kAi_> your so yesteday.
[06:36] <%Mut[at]t[at]> that's so funny
[06:36] <%_kAi_> your living in the past man
[06:36] <%Mut[at]t[at]> he IS the future
[06:37] <+Arcness> hahaha
[06:39] <%_kAi_> yeah the future
[06:39] <%_kAi_> whoops
[06:39] <+Arcness> haha
[06:39] <+Arcness> bastard and your future time
[06:39] <+Arcness> so hows tomorrow look?
[06:40] <+Arcness> so do we have cars that fly yet?
[06:40] <%Mut[at]t[at]> wait
[06:40] <%_kAi_> nah im still practicing.
[06:40] <%Mut[at]t[at]> wtf
[06:40] <%Mut[at]t[at]> i don't get it
[06:40] <%Mut[at]t[at]> since kai
[06:40] <%Mut[at]t[at]> is in front of
[06:40] <%Mut[at]t[at]> physically
[06:40] <%_kAi_> i put someone in the car and push it off a cliff.
[06:40] <%Mut[at]t[at]> and geographically
[06:40] <%Mut[at]t[at]> shouldn't we also be in the future
[06:40] <%Mut[at]t[at]> cuz we are in front of kai
[06:40] <%Mut[at]t[at]> geographically
[06:41] <%_kAi_> ummmm...
[06:41] <%_kAi_> you are the past.
[06:41] <%_kAi_> i know its hard to deal with.
[06:41] <%Mut[at]t[at]> lol
[06:41] <%_kAi_> but you have the canadians.
[06:41] <%Mut[at]t[at]>
Go to the channel.
Maybe I'll come to the channel one day, it looks exciting.
So...Can I get unbanned now?
yah everyone should at least just come into the channel and check it out. then you can'll only get dissed in there. i guess you can just pisses people off. =D haha...*silence*
you want us to unban you after you told us to go to a site that fucks up our comps? nope, not happening. just be happy you can still come here.Quote:
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
So...Can I get unbanned now?
maybe when one of us is drunk we'll accidentally unban you.
ohhh.....that was YOU BOC?
i was wondering who that guy was....
nobody messes with the sanmods!
Omg it's not a virus, it's just some javascript. All you have to do to stop it is do Ctrl-Alt-Delete then stop iexplore.exe process. It can't harm your computer because you're not physically downloading and running malicious code. It's basically the same thing as the QUICK REPLY button on the forum, except it opens infinite windows instead of one.
I can't believe I got banned for posting that...You guys are paranoid.
.:19·37·45:. Samanosuke sets mode: +b *!*@*
That's enough. Don't give the wrong impression.Quote:
Originally posted by: Eurasian
yah everyone should at least just come into the channel and check it out. then you can'll only get dissed in there. i guess you can just pisses people off. =D haha...*silence*
Im definetly there. Those funnies you posted Mut@t@ are great!![img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
norton doesnt pop up saying "a virus has attempted to infect your computer" from a website that just opens infinite windowsQuote:
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
Omg it's not a virus, it's just some javascript. All you have to do to stop it is do Ctrl-Alt-Delete then stop iexplore.exe process. It can't harm your computer because you're not physically downloading and running malicious code. It's basically the same thing as the QUICK REPLY button on the forum, except it opens infinite windows instead of one.
I can't believe I got banned for posting that...You guys are paranoid.
if you didnt notice this, then i think you might want to check your computer for viruses asap
Norton might classify it as a virus, but don't worry it's safe. I've been to that site lots of times before and I scan my computer periodically, and I'm fine. McAfee simply classifies it as Javascript, which I agree with.
The bottom line is, I wouldn't post a virus on IRC.
Ok here's my alert from McAfee
One of an anti-virus's functions is to detect the usage of javascript. As long as the alert isn't from German warez sites or porn sites, you're fine.
the point is, you actually did it and you don't even look sorry for it. whether it's a virus or not isn't even the main problem. maybe if you apologized or even sounded remotely sorry, i would've considered unbanning you, but nah.
anyway, have a good thanksgiving weekend, guys. i'll post some more funnies later.
There's nothing to apologize for really. I posted that as a practical joke, but unfortunately you guys actually took it seriously and banned me without ANY warning. I have no reason to feel guilty because I didn't do anything bad or wrong, you guys just stubbornly think I did. How am I supposed to apologize for that? Am I supposed to say "I'm sorry for making you close your browser"? or "I'm sorry for offending you with a laughing smily"?
Or how about this?
"I'm sorry for potentially scaring you, I just didn't expect you'd be so serious about it"
================================================== =====
Frankly, I really don't care if you uplift the ban. All I'm saying is that I don't feel like I had a fair judgment.
At first I thought it was just one of those temporary bans, so a day later I went back to the channel, but my Sysreset's nick manager automatically reset my nick to "paramecium002", which is my registered nick for Rizon. Since I have a dynamic IP, I was able to get into the channel, only to find out that I was under the wrong nick. So, I disconnected, changed my nick back to "BoC", and went back in, only to meet up with that samanosuke guy, who said "no use trying to fool us, just leave". Then I was promptly banned again, without any warning like last time.
In the end you have to make a choice. If you truly believe that I was there with the intention to kill your computer with a virus, then fine, keep me banned because you have a legitimate reason to. If you don't think that but still persistently keep me banned for whatever reasons, then fine, keep me banned. But then your judgment is not fit for a mod position.
hey guys i cant get to the irc channel. I use the message Krbadass put in the news but it cant find it. can somebody help me out
Type this exactly:
(wait for it to connect)
/join #gotwoot
edit: clarity
ooh okay, thanks BOC
BoC, you're so sneaky with your dynamic ip =\
you can go back on IRC now, you've been unbanned. let me know how your next visit to #gotwoot was.
btw, i was kidding.
yes well giving a mod a url that pops up virus warnings after they just dealt with a computer crisis and still had half of a 1500 word term paper to turn in a few days from when that happened isnt exactly a bright idea
Sorry to hear, that really sucks.
Well I guess I'll have to be more considerate of what to post and what not post in the future [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif[/img]
That brings up another topic: GOATSE........Ok just jk this time, I won't post that ever again [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
...My address is still banned. Oh well, I'll refrain from resetting my modem and just check back tomorrow.
I didn't care about the link. You're just annoying.Quote:
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
There's nothing to apologize for really. I posted that as a practical joke, but unfortunately you guys actually took it seriously and banned me without ANY warning. I have no reason to feel guilty because I didn't do anything bad or wrong, you guys just stubbornly think I did. How am I supposed to apologize for that? Am I supposed to say "I'm sorry for making you close your browser"? or "I'm sorry for offending you with a laughing smily"?
Or how about this?
"I'm sorry for potentially scaring you, I just didn't expect you'd be so serious about it"
================================================== =====
Originally posted by: Gods_Son
I didn't care about the link. You're just annoying.Quote:
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
There's nothing to apologize for really. I posted that as a practical joke, but unfortunately you guys actually took it seriously and banned me without ANY warning. I have no reason to feel guilty because I didn't do anything bad or wrong, you guys just stubbornly think I did. How am I supposed to apologize for that? Am I supposed to say "I'm sorry for making you close your browser"? or "I'm sorry for offending you with a laughing smily"?
Or how about this?
"I'm sorry for potentially scaring you, I just didn't expect you'd be so serious about it"
================================================== =====
And thats what makes GS a badass.
what can i say?
I'm lame i dont have IRC
i am bad at teh intarweb.
if someone wants to give me a free version, i suppose i could join.
just download the version and keep on clicking continue even if the 30 days is up. or you can just dl the key generator, which i have. you can just PM me or something.
cool. that was easy.
kay, kids, I be inner_kitsune
a combination of two of my intarweb handles.
I'am at the channel....why can't YOU!?
why can't i what?
did u mean y "aren't" you?
kooshi, you've been selected as an invite to join us in #gotwoot.
get your ass in here now.
response to below:
oops chambers, that's my bad. you can come back in now.
am i banned or is the room not open at the mo?
well terra seing as tho your mod can you answer me?
"But then your judgment is not fit for a mod position."
I have no idea how many times I've seen random people ending their posts with that.
What do they think, that their argument becomes cooler and more valid?
Hmm, IRC, eh? Well, I guess I'll download it and see what the hype is all about.Quote:
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
kooshi, you've been selected as an invite to join us in #gotwoot.
get your ass in here now.
EDIT: Strange, I type in "#gotwoot" into the channel thingy, but I'm the only one there. Explanation anyone?
you're doing something wrong. make sure you're in one of the servers for the rizon network and just type /j gotwoot
kooshi read my post on bottom of the previous page.
more irc funnies!
<YTheAlien> None of you people read American comics do you?
<+Budweineken> no
<%Mut[at]t[at]> <--- not gay
<Eurasian> lol
<YTheAlien> Mut[at]t[at], you read Naruto, don't you?
<%Mut[at]t[at]> yeah
<%Mut[at]t[at]> are you implying that
<%Mut[at]t[at]> it makes me gay if i read naruto
<YTheAlien> no
<YTheAlien> merely that you were implying that it makes me gay to read American comics when you read Japanese comics of similar caliber
<+Budweineken> he just doesnt read Archie
<YTheAlien> the manga genre is really underutilized
<@Gods_Son> YTheAlien, name some of the American comics you read
<+Budweineken> Archie
<@Gods_Son> gay
<+Arcness> richie rich
<@Gods_Son> gay
<YTheAlien> Transmetropolitan
<@Gods_Son> gay
<+Arcness> caspar
<@Gods_Son> gay
<YTheAlien> Sandman
<@Gods_Son> gay
<%Mut[at]t[at]> HAHAH
<@Gods_Son> that's enough
<@Gods_Son> I think I've proven my point
<NarutoMaster> lol, is it easy to pick up girls in college?
<%Mut[at]t[at]> it's easy to pick up girls
<%Mut[at]t[at]> period
<%Mut[at]t[at]> well, if you're a stud
<%Gods_Son> for you
<%Gods_Son> try going for younger girls
<%Gods_Son> only one or two year difference though
<NarutoMaster> oh
<NarutoMaster> ill keep that in mind then
<%Mut[at]t[at]> lol
<%Mut[at]t[at]> watch NM pick up a 9 year old
<%Gods_Son> heh
<NarutoMaster> ok, im not that desperate to go with a 9 year old
<%Gods_Son> with candy
<%Gods_Son> NM, you do want poon though, right?
<NarutoMaster> yeah, i do
<%Gods_Son> k
<%Mut[at]t[at]> lol
<%Mut[at]t[at]> ahah
<%Gods_Son> just making sure
<%Mut[at]t[at]> pic?
<NarutoMaster> nope
<NarutoMaster> i told u, my dad has the camera
<NarutoMaster> he wont be back until december 10
<%Mut[at]t[at]> take it from your dad
<%Mut[at]t[at]> oh
<%Mut[at]t[at]> i see
<%Mut[at]t[at]> he told you
<%Mut[at]t[at]> he'll be 'back'
<NarutoMaster> lol
<%Mut[at]t[at]> yeah... well, i think i should tell you now since you're old enough
<%Gods_Son> what's so funny NM?
<%Mut[at]t[at]> your dad is gone NM
<%Mut[at]t[at]> that heartless bastard ain't coming back
<NarutoMaster> Mut, ive been talking to him on the phone
<NarutoMaster> i think he's coming back [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
<%Gods_Son> your moustache was just too dirty
<%Gods_Son> who could blame him
<+YTheAlien> I'd pay good money for that keyboard
<%Samanosuke> heh
<%Samanosuke> it would be hard to type
<%Samanosuke> if everytime you hit the d button
<%Samanosuke> it typed damn
<%Mut[at]t[at]> gee
<%Mut[at]t[at]> no shit sam
more later...
btw, kooshi, why did you leave?
I didn't leave, I was booted, hehe. Dunno why though [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
btw, kooshi, why did you leave?
They do that to everyone.
Nah, only people with Rock Lee avatars.
Aw, what's wrong with Lee? He's a cool guy.... well, except for his appearance, hehe.
Still, whatever. I don't care about being booted and such.
Hey kids. Recently a new manga channel has been made so that the manga readers aren't restricted from talking about it (spoiling) while there are anime only viewers in the main gotwoot channel.
The new channel is #gotwoot-manga so join in the channel and you won't be banned like YTheAlien and received the 'Dumbass Spoiler' title for spoiling.
im lurking in the gotwoot channel right now haha
hey, we're looking for someone to replace NarutoMaster's spot on the IRC channel cuz NarutoMaster has been slacking a lot. we originally selected kooshi as the primary candidate but he turned out to be... what one would call; useless.
anyway, come on guys. come join us at #gotwoot and #gotwoot-manga and try out for NarutoMaster's position. but no pussies allowed, you gotta be tough.
Haha, you guys haven't even told me the reason why I should've gone. Besides, getting kicked like that is quite discouraging, especially on someone who has no idea how to use IRC, hahaha.
if you haven't figured it out by now, then you don't deserve to replace NarutoMaster.Quote:
Originally posted by: kooshi
Haha, you guys haven't even told me the reason why I should've gone.
i thought i already explained this.Quote:
Besides, getting kicked like that is quite discouraging, especially on someone who has no idea how to use IRC, hahaha.
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
but no pussies allowed, you gotta be tough.
getting kicked from IRC is a fun and exhilirating experience.
just be sure to return, or have auto-j on kick.
someone for NM's position, lol.
NM's position? You mean Ass-Clown?
yeah pretty much, and dirty mustouche (sp?).
the default guy to say something to, if there is no one else.
I'll see if I can try NM's position, though I probably can't stay on as long
when you are kicked you are supposed to rejoin.
i don't think he could handle to take NM's position.
Where is NM?
It wouldn't let me rejoin for an hour or so...
I even have auto rejoin turned on
Sorry, I know I haven't been on Irc for awhile. I've been really busy with school and playin some new video games I got [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]. As for my position....anybody is free to take it. Whoever takes my position, enjoy! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: kAi
i don't think he could handle to take NM's position.
Where is NM?
Yeah, I dunno NarutoMaster very well, so it's obvious if I don't know what his position was in the IRC channel. As for the position taking, I don't care if someone else has it.
I think his position is to just sit there and let everyone else insult him
that's incorrect. do not give false information.
so, who's next in line to try out for NM's spot?
I'll try again sometime tonight. Last time Rizon was acting up on me and wouldn't let me rejoin for some reason.
you have to try out to get in the irc channel?
^you can skip the try out for NM's position. just come to the channel.
whats NM's position anyway?
come to the IRC channel to find out.
and eclipse you came in and leave straight away, give some time before a reply.
I finallly made it to the Irc channel!! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Deblas are you still recovering from last night?
Hahaha, sounds interesting. What happened?Quote:
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
Deblas are you still recovering from last night?
trust me you dont want to know. I'll tell you this. dont open anything that BOC sends youQuote:
Originally posted by: kooshi
Hahaha, sounds interesting. What happened?Quote:
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
Deblas are you still recovering from last night?
no offense to anybody in this forum, but i wouldnt open anything anybody here would send, unless i specifically asked for it. just safer that way.
kooshi come to the channel sometime and I'll fill you in, fill you in GOOD
no kooshi dont listen to him. noooooooooooooooooo
NOooooOOooooooooooOOOOo HEs EVILQuote:
Originally posted by: Deblas
no kooshi dont listen to him. noooooooooooooooooo
Hmm, with 2 people with the same response, I'll heed their warning, hahaha.
Don't listen to them. Eclipse wasn't even there, so you actually only have 1 person telling you not to, and that's the guy that went to the sites, so his opionion is biased, therefore you should just listen to me. COME
can someone turn off +i in the channel.
yeah seriously.........
Hmm...didn't Joker set it to +i in the first place? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Okay, Okay, it wasn't Mut@t@ it was me pwning Mut@t@, here is the log...
* Joker-kun sets mode: +im
* Joker-kun sets mode: -h Mut[at]t[at]
For the n00bs, that means I took away his halfops and set the channel to moderated and invite only...only problem was I forget and went to bed....
yeah and left it on all night, when no hops or ops (besidr ciber and yourself) were in the channel.
[18:09] <%AssertnFailure>;enterthread=y
[18:09] <%AssertnFailure> basey is lucky he put in that little insert
[18:09] <%AssertnFailure> but im tempted to
[18:10] <%AssertnFailure> say "locked" as the next word
[18:10] <%AssertnFailure> and then lock it
[18:10] <Eurasian> do it then
[18:10] <%Mut[at]t[at]> i don't get it
[18:10] <%Mut[at]t[at]> what does
[18:10] <%Mut[at]t[at]> arnie
[18:10] <%Mut[at]t[at]> have anything to do with
[18:10] <%Mut[at]t[at]> locked
[18:10] <%AssertnFailure> stfu
[18:11] <%Mut[at]t[at]> you stfu
[18:11] <%AssertnFailure> i'll associate arnie with california
[18:11] <%AssertnFailure> which i'll associate with you
[18:11] <%AssertnFailure> which i'll associate it with "something that needs to die"
[18:12] <Eurasian> ouch
[18:12] <%AssertnFailure> B)
[18:12] <%Mut[at]t[at]> and then
[18:13] <%Mut[at]t[at]> i'll associate my dick
[18:13] <%Mut[at]t[at]> onto your face
[18:13] <%Mut[at]t[at]> which didn't make any sense
[18:13] <%Mut[at]t[at]> but i obivously don't care
Im not giving up Mut! I deserve to have this post!!
<NarutoMaster> * Joker-kun sets mode: +v NarutoMaster <--- Im glad you got your admin powers back to
<NarutoMaster> lol
* Joker-kun sets mode: -v+h NarutoMaster NarutoMaster
<Joker-kun> ill give you the chance to kick mut
<Joker-kun> you got 10 seconds
<NarutoMaster> oh, im hopped!
<NarutoMaster> lol
<Joker-kun> 8
* Deblas has quit IRC
<Joker-kun> 6
* Joker-kun sets mode: -m
* Mut[at]t[at] was kicked by NarutoMaster (Mut[at]t[at])
* Mut[at]t[at] has joined #gotwoot
* ChanServ sets mode: +h Mut[at]t[at]
<NarutoMaster> omg, i kicked Mut
<Assassin> lol