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No Clannad for two weeks after 12 eh. That sucks. Won't be surprised if other stuff is delayed for Christmas and New Years. Well gives me time to catch up on some other things.
Whoops sorry for the double post. Connection got interrupted.
Bleh... I keep waiting for the WideScreen episodes so I am far behind to comment...
thanks, sucks because episode 13 wont be coming next week..
Really good episode. Nice development. Im always a fan of unstable characters. I honestly have to say I greatly underestimated the state she was in.
Eh, no SS-Eclipse version yet, meh.
A unexpected taste of Kanon-style childhood amnesia.
Lots of great stuff for a Kyou fans like me though. Loved the Fuko appearance, especially her stumbling during her magical girl style appearance and every word of her dialogue.
Can't say I expected Kotomi to be like that. I was completely confused by the speech "the bad man" gave. Kotomi's parents were involved in what exactly? Quantum physics, parallel universes or worlds? KEY series have always had a supernatural element to them, but this time it sounds like some serious science fiction.
I kinda thought during his speech about his parents that Kotomi was like some genome super soldier haha.
Well it feels as tho she may have been manipulated in a lab, or created that way
I was just thinking that they died in some sort of experiment, but it kinda looks like the fire. Studying abroad. I knew she had to leave somehow, but I kinda wish that every character didn't just leave after their arc was over. Fuko's come back was nice. At first I thought Kotomi and Tomoya were siblings of sort, and somehow got separated.
edit: noticed little things too this ep. The fire dream that Tomoya had, Kotomi saw a toy rabbit, then the deer, then Tomoya. It didn't feel like it, but she may have subconsciously remembered that she and Tomoya knew when they were young. Also, about the accident, maybe it was a car crash, since she snapped after seeing it.
One other reference I forgot to mention in this episode was the stuffed toy in the crane game. That would be the oversized giant anteater stuffed animal that Sayuri was going to give Mai as a birthday present in Kanon.
Bow around its neck and everything.
Well at least that explains how Kotomi was able to talk with Tomoya easily, thinking back to when Tomoya asked her about it. Hope they give a good reason for why he forgot about her and wonder if the whole hidden world is related to the dream Tomoya has about the girl and all that. Well hoping that Kotomi won't leave the show after her arc, more fun to see her hang around and the "bad guy" is kinda weird the things he talked about and everything made him seem yeah just plain weird
Did you mean the dream with the girl and the robot? That's just about the most confusing part of this series. They had it in the beginning, dropped it when we had some development with Fuko, then had it the first ep after we ended the Fuko arc. It seems like some sort of alternate/fantasy world. You're probably right, it may be a dream. But who's dream? I don't see any connection between that and Tomoya, but that's entirely possible. Maybe it's about Nagisa giving meaning again to Tomoya's life. It was going on about being reborn and stuff.Quote:
Originally Posted by fireheart
I think that bad guy might have seemed weird because he seemed to know a lot, but was really reserved, with all the privacy and stuff, so we're edging to find out what it is.
Also, I don't think we'll have a Ryou arc. I'm hypothesising that the arcs will be based the girls who have their names shown in the OP. If the story goes there, we'll have it over this and Kyou's arc, as someone mentioned before.
Yeah I meant that dream. Think the Tomoya is the robot since everything seems to be out of the robots perspective while he was just a body less soul and after he became the robot. And it seems likely to be Tomoyas dream, since they've talked about hidden worlds and what seems like different dimensions it could be likely that while he sleeps he can peer into another being in another time and space, this ability could be related to Kotomis parents since he he know her he should have known her parents. Actually forgot about the dream until they started to show it again. It could be as you said but it feels like it has some other meaning than that.
Mm think it was that he was being cryptic in the things he said, he'd keep hinting things and then withdraw and the things he said didn't make much sense. Besides her parents seem to have passed away some time ago so what is he even doing "stalking" Kotomi and constantly trying to contact her. He can't be that stupid that he doesn't notice how much she doesn't want to see him from how she hide from him and if all he wants to say is sorry that seems like a bad idea. It's kinda like the things he says and does don't mix together, though from Tomoyas dream it seems the weird guy was there when he was a kid during the fire.
It usually goes like that with a main side character in the stories Fuukos sister, weird guy etc so guessing Ryou will be the main side character in Kyou's arc.
Edit: Ohh yeah don't know if it's been mentioned before but the wafflehouse are currently translating the game so it might be interesting to check out once it's done to find out more details about certain arcs
How many episodes is this series supposed to last?
It feels like it wasn't even this year when I last time posted here...
Episode 13 h264 - SS-Eclipse
Episode 13 xvid - SS-Eclipse
Well, I have to say, episode 12's preview pretty much told us everything about this episode besides how Kotomi's parents died. But there's one thing that I find interesting. Has Kotomi been portraying herself has she has to the outside on purpose, or is it the result of those long days of studying and no communicating? The latter makes sense, but it could also be that she's acting all formal in hope that she's a "good girl" and that she can redeem for her actions.
I liked this episode, good ol' Clannad feel is back after the new year break.
She had no friends even as a kid when her parents were still alive so I assume it's not all an act or a trait of personality developed later. No doubt she changed dramatically as well, though, anybody probably would.
She also said she intends to continue her parents work and apparently they were well known around the world for whatever research they did so all the studying is of course explained by that, even if it is quite a decision made by a little girl.
One thing I wonder is who took care of her. Surely she didn't live all by herself right from the beginning. She wasn't very old when the accident happened. There had to be someone.
My guess: the "bad" guy.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
Well, it could be, but that would then assume she would have spent considerable time in his company, and the way she treats him now certainly doesn't suggest anything like that happened. It also needs to be remembered somebody had to take care of all the expenses, and a tiny girl couldn't pay all the bills and such things. Naturally the bad guy could have kept paying some maid to keep the house running and taken care of any money issues but that's somewhat unlikely. He was just a collegue of her parents, according to his own words. Maybe she was living at some relative's house until she got old enough to move back to her empty home.
The only other person to come to mind would be that teacher. She kept Kotomi's story a secret because of privacy issues. Sure, teachers are supposed to do that, but I got the feeling she was treating it a little differently. Also, the teachers at school allow her to skip classes and all. Attendance is a must where I live, whether you're a genius or not. If a teacher was looking after her then she would probably help her in some way so she can continue her parents' research.
The teacher seems kinda random though, I'm more willing to go with that colleague or a relative. Also, they stopped the flashback when Kotomi started burning the paper. I thought she ended up setting the whole toy room alight or something, and Tomoya came to protect her, while the old man turned up to put it out. Or was that a dream?
It was Tomoyas dream but seeing as it's likely his memory it did happen after she burned the paper. There's one thing though the "bad" guy wants to apologize for what they did to her so it's quite possible that he paid for all her expenses as a way to redeem himself. Second of all her parents were well know so it wouldn't be a stretch to say they left her with a lot of money only thing is that she'd be to young to handle the money. If he were a mere college of her parents he wouldn't still be trying to apologize or anything considering how long it's been since they died. Guessing there's something more to it that keeps him there, besides he's the most logical explanation besides relatives to have taken measures to look out for her.
Yeah. But the thing is that if a child is orphaned, I don't think it's enough to be the colleague of the kid's parents to become the legal guardian. I'm not actually sure how the laws go but I imagine if some relatively close relative is willing to take the kid, then that's the natural way but otherwise the system will look for foster parents suitable and willing to adopt. And seeing how she didn't even want to see the geezer, I doubt he would have been selected.
Ohh that's also assuming things work the same there as in the normal world. It's anime they don't have to come up with a logical explanation to how she managed unless it's something plot related or gets taken up by someone. For all we know she might have lived all by herself without anyone taking care of her, which isn't logical at all yet logical seeing as she's 18 at most and if she lived with relatives it's quite possible she moved once she turned 18 but somehow I don't quite see it since it seems that she stayed in that house ever since they died. The preview stated something about her always waiting for Tomoya after all if that's true it should mean she did stay there, if there were relatives that lived there then the garden and such wouldn't be in such bad shape. I don't really see the guy as a foster parent just a potential trying to help out from the shadows type of person.
Edit: Woho for wiki though they could be wrong of course
"A gentleman without a given name, and previously known as "Man in Black clothes" in Clannad anime. Kotomi refers him as a bad guy, due to her misunderstanding and her hidden tragedy. He is actually Kotomi's guardian"
Edit 2: Yeah I know everyone or almost everyone here watch the SS-Eclipse version which includes me. Either way figured I might as well post it up anyway.
Episode 14 by Sprocket TWH
A gentleman without a name:
Episode 14 h264 - SS-Eclipse
Episode 14 xvid - SS-Eclipse
Well that was a heart-warming ending. The godfather, still without a name, presents a very nice present.
Well, I can't say I was quite as moved as I was with the Fuuko arc, but it was a happy and warm ending. Kotomi is cute. Was there a time jump at the end of the episode? Maybe only a month or two...?
Is it a Sunohara arc next? I do notice that Nagisa is going to weep, again, and that's just a moe overload every time.
Yeah. I wasn't as moved either, but it did surely fulfill its purpose and complete the arc nicely. The stranger wasn't indeed a total stranger after all (if being a godfather means much in Japan, I don't know). The theory of everything always sounded a bit cheesy to me, because I doubt they were talking about the superstring theory there, so I can't say I'm sorry this arc ended. I'm much more interested in the next one. Perhaps it will reveal something new or new details about Tomoya as well (something more relevant than that he knew a girl in the past).
Tears are more precious than the price of water and salt, yet the poorest of men can afford the words that will stop the tears.
Episode 15 h264 - SS-Eclipse
Episode 15 xvid - SS-Eclipse
This episode was hilarious, especially the last minutes. TomoyoXTomoya action is not bad either.
Yeah. It was good to see Tomoya back at his old habit of trying to fool every person he deals with. Or at least every other.
Haha, good episode. Tomoya's going back into his stride of things. And it's always good seeing more Tomoyo.
Well that was more like it. More Tomoya fun, which is always entertaining.
haha, gay Sunohara, that was the best. :D
Next week should be good too, but what makes Tomoyo ask Tomoya I wonder?
Rather a Sunohara arc, this looks to be Tomoya's arc, or just a few random episodes.
I think this was just a warm-up. Don't forget we got Sunohara's little sister introduced right at the end of the ep. I doubt they would have brough her in now if Sunohara wasn't going to get his deal sorted out soon.
And Tomoya is in every arc obviously. I deem it likely Nagisa's arc, probably at the end of the series, will also be Tomoya's own arc. They are the official pair, aren't they?
This definitely looks like a Sunohara arc to me. It'll probably be a short one, since we have 3 (or 4) girls to still give full arcs to.
But that aside, Sunohara deserves special praise for his role in this series. Unlike the last two KEY series, instead of being completely worthless comedy relief, or a largely passive protagonist, Sunohara fills both roles and more. In addition to being excellent comedy relief (Tomoyo's punching bag, east target for Tomoya, acts like a fool all on his own, etc), Sunohara adds a lot to the series.
His very vocal reaction to Nagisa being pushed around through sympathy, the effort he goes through to try to get some that shows he really is considerate of others, and he always has Tomoya's back on things without asking too many questions.
I would not hesitate to say that Sunohara is probably the best supporting character in at least a decade of anime. Not only is he a good supporter of the main character, he has his own storyline, and he performs nearly all the comedy relief in the series by himself.
Shameless fangirlism for Sunohara aside, I loved how just as Sunohara would have gotten the sense that something was a little off in his conversation with Nagisa, she drove him off by declaring Tomoya to be her boyfriend, firmly giving her the idea that he was gay for Tomoya. Tomoya's plans are perhaps a little too devious.
Yay for Yukari Tamura. Her voice fits characters of Mei's image perfectly.
3% of a decade of Clannad behind:
Episode 16 h264 - SS-Eclipse
Episode 16 xvid - SS-Eclipse
Haha good episode. I liked the sausage to Sunohara's nose instinct.
Tomoyo and Kyou rivalry of the violent high school girls is hopefully gonna continue trucking along.
Aye, it was a great episode. The pranks continued nicely in the beginning.
The basketball match was also nicely balanced; how the rookies couldn't quite make it against the three (natural talents, I suppose), but the senior members were about to beat them easily.
Good episode. I liked how Nagisa was able to affect Tomoya on that last shot.
It'll be interesting to see what Tomoya wants to do, if anything at all for his future.
Nagisa gave me another moe overload in this episode. From her getting all flustered at the beginning having to explain Sunohara's "love" to Mei and the denial that they were about to use his room as their love nest and wondering about the scar on her cute butt. I haven't liked a KEY heroine over the other girls this much since Misuzu in AIR (though Kyou still hold a special place in my heart).
Finally, the return of Akio and Sanae! Which reminds me...there is a very distinct similarity between Sanae and Akio and Nagisa and Tomoya. Both Akio and Tomoya like to lie and play small tricks on others, and both Nagisa and Sanae are gentle-hearted and cry too easily. Nagisa is the obvious choice for the ending for many reasons it seems.
Kyou's rabid fangirls were also a nice touch.
However...we still have to do complete arcs for Tomoyo and the Fujibayashi twins (specifically Kyou, as she's named in the OP). Not to mention closing up Nagisa's arc, which has been spread across the series quite nicely, and it seems like the next eps may focus on her as well. But we're up to episode 16 already, and this is only a 24 episode series. I have my doubts right now.
I'm not sure if we'll actually get an arc for Tomoyo and the twins. There's only eight episodes left, and Nagisa's arc is more important. Plus, looking at the previews, it doesn't look as though the next episode is going to be part of an arc dealing with another character. While I would like them to do arcs for both, I want them to make sure they haven't shortchanged Nagisa's portion at the end.
I think they'll end up leaving either Tomoyo or Kyou/Ryou's arc. 8 eps will feel too compact for three arcs, and disrupts the overall easiness this show has to it. Maybe they'll just have one episode for the character that's left out, say the President election for Tomoyo or Ryou's confession or something. Either way I'm expecting something really good.
As for the episode, I particularly liked how they portrayed Sunohara's feelings for his sister. Finding her somewhat annoying/embarrassing when she's around, but always seeking her admiration/approval and feeling lonely when she's not around/ignoring him. A pretty accurate representation I think, and one that seems to fit Sunohara's personality entirely.
Kyou vs Tomoyo. Both strong girls and speak in a very direct manner. Something to look forward to.
Remember that they don't really need to have a separate arc for Nagisa, hers has been running concurrently with the series whole from the first episode. They may need one full episode and half of the final (with the second half being epilogue) at most. I read that this scene is where Tomoya confesses to her in the game. Here they were interrupted by Kyou, but Nagisa and Tomoya's relationship has progressed quite a bit so far. Enough that many characters believe the two have been dating since early on.
Kyou will probably need two or three episodes to fill out her arc, but Tomoyo needs a full arc even more so, she has had next to no development.
That would put us at 23 episodes with the last left to wrap up Nagisa. The next will be either a Tomoya or from what I believe, a Nagisa related episode. It's possible, but it seems like they should have put a lot less time in the Fuko arc to properly develop the other girls.
See, I just don't think there's enough time to put in all those arcs and do it properly at the same time. They may be able to fit it in, but it wouldn't do justice to the girls involved. I don't think Tomoyo should get more than 2 episodes, because she isn't as critical a character as Nagisa/Kyou/Ryou. You also have to keep in mind, as Buf pointed out, that there will likely be an episode where Ryou confesses to Tomoya.
Excluding next week's episode, that leaves 7 total. I'd say an episode or two at the end for Nagisa/Tomoya, plus another for Ryou. That leaves 4 or so left for Kyou and Tomoyo. I'm not sure how it'll work out. One thing that I seem to notice is that Kyou also seems to like Tomoya as well, but she is trying to keep it out of the way for the sake of her sister.
"Finally, the return of Akio and Sanae! Which reminds me...there is a very distinct similarity between Sanae and Akio and Nagisa and Tomoya. Both Akio and Tomoya like to lie and play small tricks on others, and both Nagisa and Sanae are gentle-hearted and cry too easily. Nagisa is the obvious choice for the ending for many reasons it seems."
I noticed that as well. But not only do Akio/Tomoya play tricks, but they support their counterparts well. They provide an emotional balance, and care very much for the other.
It might be possible to mix Tomoyo and Kyou into the same arc and wrap it up in around 5 or 6 episodes.
Yeah. That seems more than likely since we already saw their initial confrontation. It's likely that was a sign of things to come. It could be better that way, as well, seeing how both are quite strong characters and prone to conflict (even if Tomoyo might want to try to leave that kind of behavior behind, but obviously she can't).
Ah, that is true. I did forget that Clannad has been going for the blended approach rather than the separated arcs that Kanon went with (AIR is a bit of a middle ground). It does flow better, and they were already hinting at the Ryou/Kyou confession back in the beginning of Kotomi's arc.
They have set up Tomoyo (who I foolishly only now realized was younger than the others, as she always had an air of maturity) and Ryou for a clash. She was really pissed off to see Tomoya talking to her.
It's very likely they will intertwine the two, leaving the final one or two episodes to Nagisa. As much as I want to say they wasted time on Fuko's arc, it had a lot of necessary build up to finish all these other arcs very fast.
I also wonder if there will be any focus on Nagisa's physical weakness anymore.
One thing I did want to mention was that I absolutely loved the music in the last episode, and also in general for the anime. It's well done and soothing
Set up Tomoyo, younger than the others:
Episode 17 h264 - SS-Eclipse
Episode 17 xvid - SS-Eclipse
Yay Tomoyo.
And it kinda seems like they're doing multiple stories with segments each episode.
I didn't expect Kyou to cave in so fast. She was already in omgpleasefuckmenow mode right after the door closed.
I guess that kinda proves she's got some hidden feelings for Tomoya. I LMAO when Tomoya started undoing his underw- er the charm. I like this integrated approach for this, especially since Kyou and Tomoyo probably don't have too much of a backstory to work on, having them interact keeps the pace going.Quote:
Originally Posted by Board of Command
Well, I might be hated for this by a few people, but Fuko's appearances are really starting to ruin the mood now. The writers who adapted the game must have really been Fuko fans.
Kyou did give in a little too fast. She obviously has feelings for Tomoya. My guess is she and Ryou both developed feelings for him, but Ryou told Kyou first, so Kyou decided to back off and help her sister. Kyou was really starting to get into the whole mood of the equipment room cliche. That said, my god I love her thigh-high socks...
I also didn't expect Tomoyo to get so serious about getting Tomoya to school on time. She'll might even develop feelings for him too, now that he's taken the blame.
But I still miss Nagisa. There wasn't any weeping in this episode...
Honestly, the episode felt sad without Nagisa. Hopefully she's back next week.
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
The whole reason she´s waking up Tomoya imo IS that she has feelings for him.
@topic: Very "sexy" episode ^^ A pitty that Tomoya had to stop that scene ;)
Also, it seems that some people here are surprised about Kyou´s behaviour. I thought there´ve been enough signs in previous episodes that she really likes Tomoya.
Ah, if only Tomoya was more like Itou, he could have sooooo much fun.
We're not surprised that Kyou has feelings for Tomoya, as you said, that was obvious. What's surprising is that she was ready to give her virginity to Tomoya so quickly. Kyou seems more like the prudish type, flushing when hearing about the rumored physical relationship between Nagisa and Tomoya. I admit she is a tsundere, but that's a very rapid turnaround in the storage room.Quote:
Originally Posted by MFauli
Yes, "develop." It did not seem to me that Tomoyo considered anyone romantically. So far, she was very pointed in her goal of becoming the student council president, for a reason we will seem to find out next episode. Sure, she was flattered whenever Tomoya or Sunohara called her a girl, because in her past she was never considered that way.
It seems that her life has been fairly hard, and no one has done anything for her before. Perhaps that is why she's become so strong. She's been trying hard to separate herself from her old life, but punks and idiots like Sunohara keep dragging her back. Finally, we have people willing to do kind things for her.I prefer my Nagisa sane thank you very much. Though Kyou does seem a lot like Otome.Quote:
Originally Posted by MFauli
Lol the image of Kyou the obsessed fuck buddy is cute but I can't see it. I think her personality would just be too oppressive to be satisfied with sharing Tomoya just to be close to him.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
I've got nothing against Nagisa but I really liked this episode with her not in it. Tomoyo and Kyou are my two favorite characters (since I judge school life anime girls based first on hair color, then hair length, and finally personality) so having time devoted to them without her interference was win. The closet scene was excellent, and the beforehand setup worked well and made it even funnier than it would have been if they'd spontaneously gotten locked in. Kyou's reaction did surprise me somewhat though, I always suspected she had feelings for Tomoya but I thought they wer more under control. She might as well have just dropped her panties from him on the spot from the way she was acting in that shed. Hopefully this tension in her will get released somehow and she'll come out with it, since between her and Ryou she probably has a better chance at him.
That said Tomoyo x Tomoya would be a fine opposites attract pairing and is my personal preference, but we know Tomoyo can't out moe Nagisa so I suspect the current situation is only going to last until Tomoyo wins the election and Nagisa comes back to find a Theater Club waiting for her.
You know that Tomoyo was popular enough to have her own spinoff game? The adult version for KEY's adult fans as CLANNAD was always an all-ages game, unlike the others' PC versions. You are not alone in liking her more than any others. Tomoyo After
Kyou has the whole "Tomoya can't be in love with anyone else" attitude that Otome shared. She keeps asking him if Nagisa/Tomoyo/Kotomi are romantically involved with him. If you start with that, ignoring the reason that she's actually asking for Ryou's sake, you can get to a fuck-buddy image. Disturbing? Yes. Funny? Yes.
18 is out
Well that was interesting, certainly seemed to end Ryou/Kyou's chances. I also found it interesting that Tomoya slapped away help from the tennis player. He's really got some past issues.
The food scene was quite funny, though it cut away rather abruptly
The links you forgot to post:
Episode 18 h264 - SS-Eclipse
Episode 18 xvid - SS-Eclipse
I don't think it was any past issues. It was just a somewhat forcible reaction caused by the fact he still hasn't really admitted to himself he likes Nagisa and yet had been separated from her for quite a long time (a week or something), and then suddenly when he was having good time with her again there's a risk her fragile health is again in jeopardy. So, he overreacted by being overly protective. I think that scene worked in a really excellent manner like such scenes oft seem to do it in these Visual Art's / Key productions.
Or maybe the past issue is that he wouldn't want to lose her, the person he probably feels closest to since he hardly regards his dad as a human being. But I don't know if that's really something to call an issue.
Did Ryou know that Kyou liked Tomoya all along? Was that why she apologized?
Yeah that's what it seems. Ryou must've known as well.
I don't think she knew all along, but she knows now, and probably put the bits together and realised. Tomoyo also shows she started to develop feelings for Tomoya too. Scene at 20:13, where she walks past Kyou/Ryou you see a sad smile of sorts, telling herself that Tomoya likes Nagisa. It doesn't show as much since she started much later, and is more introverted than Kyou, but it's definitely there. I guess with this we're finished with any major developments with the Fujibashis. And the music was awesome, highlighted all the emotional aspects, from Kyou's reactions, Tomoya's hand swipe to Ryou's realisation. A well done episode, but they should really drop the Fuko scenes.Quote:
Originally Posted by Board of Command
It's pretty disappointing. I'd much rather have him end up with Kyou.
At this point, I think my allegiance fell out of the Kyou camp (she didn't even try to betray her sister, not really anyway), and into the Tomoyo one.
Tomoyo would make an excellent housewife, and you know she'd be super protective of her family. She'd be a mother all pedo's would be afraid of.
Must agree with Ryl. Tomoyo has skyrocketed on my anime girls who I'd marry list. At the end of this ep she was pretty much perfect. She's proven herself highly motivated and determined to support the man she chooses, willing and able to perform housework quite admirably, and strong and capable enough in the event she needs to be. Plus she's hot and has a sexy can't really ask for more.
I still like Kyou of course, and think she'd be slightly better than Nagisa as a partner, but it would depend a lot on one's needs. With Nagisa you'd have to do everything for her as she's so weak and incapable, with Kyou she would bitch and complain about everything you did, but she would be able to do useful stuff around the house and engage you in interesting conversation (plus she puts out).
I suspect next ep they'll explain that with Tomoyo on the council she won't have time to show up and mess around anymore and thus toss her on the back burner, but Kyou and Ryou might yet have a chance to really from this latest defeat and take another (doomed) shot at Tomoya.
Well, dont know about that. One could say Nagisa´s dad a pedophile, looking at the "looks" of her mother, lolQuote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
Im rather shocked how easily they all gave up on Tomoya. Nagisa and he hadnt seen for several days, so what about it, when they sit together this day? Really, there was no reason for giving up at this point.
Also, stupid Tomoya, Kyou and Tomoyo are super hot, and you choose Nagis, who´s only "cute". :-/
Damn, i really want an alternative ending where Tomoyo changes into an Itou-like guy, would be much more enjoyable ^^
I will admit, Nagisa's helplessly weeping moe character archetype usually infuriates me, but for some reason Nagisa works where all the others do not.
As for Sanae, she looks like a young college-age older sister, apparently is often mistaken for just that, and is very pleased with that. I wouldn't say Akio is a would-be pedo so much as say, Konata-papa from Lucky Star who very purposely married a loli. First, Akio is too badass, and second, he's more of the "young wife" type rather than a pedo.
With the seemingly abrupt resolution of the Twins and Tomoyo's romantic arc, we are left with a lot of episodes. There hasn't really been anything done with Nagisa in terms of the theater club, although the romantic arc has already been fulfilled.
It came to my attention that there is an After section of the Clannad game that appears only in the Nagisa arc, taking place many years later (as mentioned before, Tomoyo has her own best-selling direct sequel adult-oriented game). We may see a time jump in the final episodes, though I would not be able to say what that would contain.
Not to mention he's young as well. If you compare him to Tomoya's dad and Kotomi's godfather, the difference in age/appearance is quite large. The only person that comes to mind who's about Akio's age is Fuko's sister's fiance. In that sense, I think both couples are young, not just Sanae.
In the last episode, they introduced all the family business and stuff. I guess we'll be having a Tomoya arc for now. If there is indeed a time skip, which I also think is likely, Fuko will probably be out of hospital. It was something I was looking forward to, but after they've made all those "Fuko is here" moments, any emotional impact will probably be gone.
I have to agree, they really ruined Fuko by continuing to put her in there. If they had allowed her to come back at the end, like buf said, it would've made a very heartwarming ending; but it won't have the same "emotional impact" now that we continue to see her every episode.
I DO hope they get the Theatre club up and running...I'd feel this would be wasted if they didn't, considering this is what they were aiming for in the first place.
No Clannad this week. :( Replaced by women's soccer.
I never knew Japanese people were so fond of women's soccer.
Originally Posted by Board of Command
I never knew ANYONE is fond of women´s soccer >_<
Clannad episode 19- five more to go
SS-Eclipse H264
SS-Eclipse XVID
edit: Rather interesting episode. Sunohara took the stage again as the No.1 comic relief. So Nagisa did something that lost Sanae her job, and probably causing Akio to open up a bakery as well. Since she can't remember it, I'm thinking Nagisa hit her head in some sort of accident perhaps. Mysterious robot/girl scene is back, and judging from her hair/eye colour, it resembles Nagisa with long hair, or even Sanae.
Im still curious about Tomoya´s dad. Im near crying when i see how cold Tomoya treats him, and then i wonder, wth he did to his son to provoke such behavior. :-(
A bit disappointing of how completely killed off the competition between the girls now is, though. It´s clear since last episode, that Nagisa is the one and only. I hope Sunohara gets one of the remaining, though, ...him getting Tomoyo would be great ;)
So even the all-cheerful Sanae can't escape the harsh world. And I hope Tomoya and his father reconcile's painful seeing that.
I'm a little glad they cut off the competition. I do want to see Nagisa and Tomoya progress farther along.
Sunohara's music narration was hilarious
That mysterious robot girl...she looks like Nagisa, talks like her...but it isn't her. What if..that is her daughter? Sounds odd I know but it would be funny if it did. Just a theory O.o
Cut-off competition:
Episode 20 h264 - SS-Eclipse
Episode 20 xvid - SS-Eclipse
So that's where the robot comes from. Wonder how both Nagisa and Tomoya know it though. Maybe they shared some past event together? Sunohara was actually serious and rational this episode. Given how good a friend he is to Tomoya, and probably deep down already knows their relationship, he lets Nagisa go, if he ever had her at all. Akio blunders all over the show building up for his last one. I wonder what his dream was though.
I knew it! Finally I figured something out before it shows...haha. I had a hunch the robot and the girl were part of the play that Nagisa was thinking about. But yeah, it certainly is interesting how they both know it. Maybe he told it to her a long time ago? A very fun episode in general
Maybe basketball player or whatever.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Anyway, i felt quite emotional confused with this episode. On the one hand they all appeared totally happy, enjoying everything they do. But when Okazaki asked himself "I wonder whats dad doing" i couldnt help myself but be sad about that again.
Im really curious as to what evil things his dad did do to him. I already fear that when Okazaki returns to his own home, he founds his father, having hanged himself...
I don't think his dad did anything evil to him, aside from ruining his career as a basketball player in a fit of drunken rage, and the fact that he acted distant from him since then (probably from guilt rather than any ill feelings, but Tomoya doesnt understand that yet)
I hope the two of them can make up before the series is over. His dad seems like a decent guy, he just needs to be more involved with Tomoya. He doesn't seem like a character that gets angry easily, which makes it interesting that he did that to Tomoya.
He was probably a character that DID go nuts easily, but stopped after what he has done to his own son.
Who knows, things might have been a different before the incident, and it was only the very last big confrontation. Perhaps they both cared to some extent before it but after it happened, they both get reversed to almost total ignoring of the other, kind of giving up. Or rather Tomoya giving up on trying to get his father back on his feet. It looks like the old man gave up a long time ago.
It's pictured rather well how he, under such circumstances, feels like an outsider in the company of the happy Furukawa family. He might also dread his presence could lead to something to happening to it, despite his active efforts to heal Nagisa.
Clannad, the movie, has been subbed and released.
What's up with that picture? Is this supposed to be set in the future?
I think explaining would be a spoiler from the game, and I also think discussing the movie could be considered spoiling for the show since they could conceivably have adapted similar endings for both.
FUCK... Double Posted again...
FUCK I REALLY SHOULDNT HAVE WATCH THE MOVIE! I really hope the ending will be different.
All I have heard about the movie are warnings by people who have played the game, watched the series and the movie. And they all have been saying it will spoil the series if you watch it. But who knows. Nobody has seen the end of the series yet, after all.
However, from what I've read (again) the series seems to basically end at #22, then there will be some sort of a special and the last ep (24) will be DVD only. If this is true, then it's only so much that can happen anymore in a couple of episodes.
Wah, Nagisa´s dad having been an actor is rather shocking imo. Makes me feels sad for him.
And next episode is the last one? I wonder if they are going to resolve Tomoya´s problem with his father at all.
I see why you're confused, but the last episode is in fact episode 23 airing on 28th March. I would have never thought of acting, I thought it was baseball. But it kinda makes his statement "you've inherited my superior genes" a meaning, and also Akio saying he would have known if Nagisa saw a play. They finally concluded the relationship war though. Everybody looked in agreement when Tomoyo said "I'm glad it was you." Proves everyone developed feelings for Tomoya one way or another, but all aknowledged Nagisa. Kind of sad to see them all miss out. Next episode will be Nagisa's internal battle, and a race against time since she walked out on the play.Quote:
Originally Posted by MFauli
24 is going to be a DVD only episode? When would that even be released? Bah!
And it'll be interesting to see if she gets this resolved before the play starts. I assume she will but you never know. It'll be hard to convince her within one day...actually less than a day.
This is supposedly the last episode, but Clannad's still got one more time slot next week. Watch to find out.
Clannad 22 h264
Clannad 22 XviD
edit: Well, so we have it. The end of Clannad, minus the extra summer eps. I have to say, overall it was a pretty good ep. There weren't anything unexpected though, and I was sitting there wanting to shout what Akio said since the beginning. But, that aisde, it made a good ending. Emotionally, it didn't give the same kick as it did the Fuko arc, and contrary to what most of us thought, Fuko didn't appear, though probably for the best. It would have been really out of place. Overall, I think this episode wrapped up the series nicely, and its' been a good show the whole way through.