Death Note 06 - Toriyama's World
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Hmm. Nice ep. :cool:
Haha, right on the money, this is pretty much what I was thinking while watching this.
"It's like watching a horror movie where someone goes down into the basement, alone, and goes to investigate a strange noise in the darkest corner... The audience is like: "Youre gonna get killed bitch! Don't do it!" "
Hmm, she was supposedly a really good former FBI agent if I remember correctly, so hopefully shes using a fake name or something.:rolleyes:
Like that would ever happen.....
Hopefully next ep will be like a wacky scenario where a lot of weird things happen to her(like meeting a clown and going on a adventure) right up to the point where she's trampled by a moose.
Was the fiancee's name revealed at some point? I seem to recall such a scene. But anyway, it would seem likely to me she told a fake name, and coupled with Light now saying he won't be witnessing the death, she will actually live on, and Light will just believe she's dead. After all, I don't know why she would suddenly just tell her correct name after coming up with such a scenario. It would be like training martial arts for years and then getting your ass kicked by a regular drunkard in a bar. Unlikely.
Also, I think the shinigami's reaction when she told her name could indicate she lied. After all, the shinigami know people's names, and would thus know whether she told the real name or not. And naturally he wouldn't reveal that to Light. After all, the Death doesn't choose sides.
But this is one fine series, indeed. Very succesful characters.
This development was excellent and I wonder how Light will get rid of her. She probably did give him a fake name, perhaps in an effort to snare him, though I doubt she suspects him yet.
I don't know, it looked like he was laughing at the fact that Light got her to trust him to the point to say her name the same as him(even saying the way it's spelt no less). But this is doubtable seeing how someone that smart wouldn't fall into that so easily(Although, Light is a genius, so pretty much anything is possible up to this point).Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
Well, I think they will need to start to build obstacles for Light at some point. That's one reason why I think it would have been too easy to get the correct name just like that. After all, this series will have plenty of episodes. So far it has been pretty easy for him, despite the complexity of some of the plots he has used.
Well there's plenty of story left from what I understand, there were 13 volumes of manga and apparently this last episode came from the 2nd volume, so I'm sure lot's more will happen before it's over.
all the awesome discussion on this show got wiped in the crash... :(
anyone care to (re)voice their opinion on Light?
I personally think his agenda is morally ambitious, and i'd root for him up until a point. His main problem is that he lets the power of the Death Note get to him, making him both cocky and forgetful of his goal. He sees maintaining his power as more important than actually "being justice" and kills someone who (he thinks) has commited no crime, Lind L Taylor.
besides, i absolutely hate the smart, good looking, self-absorbed, over-achiever type who believes their point of view is worth more than others. I simply dislike Light as a person, no matter what role his character is cast in. He is a rather despicable baddie because of that asshole/manipulative personality tho
Yes just released!
Episode 7 - Live-Evil
Yeah noticed some of the L posts got missing too. Just wondering: would it count as a spoiler if I posted pics of Light and L from the live movie? Because I think they really fit their roles well. :DQuote:
Originally Posted by masamuneehs
*waits for the DVD to be released*
That was truly an amazing episode. It left me with going OMG OMG OMG the last several minutes. Man, I've waited all day for episode 7 to come out and it was so worth it. Such a good story/set up/plot/character development. Anyways, I hope others find it as good as I did.
yeah ... that was some tension right there ...
I was kinda rooting for her. :(
That was ..awesome yet..disturbing..
Crap I'm behind, I just watched ep 6 and came to talk about it and see that everyone else is on 7. I have 6 things to watch ahead of this.
Damn I love Death Note. It had me half wanting the former-FBI agent to win because it would bring an end to Kira and half wanting Light to win so that the story wouldn't end prematurely. I also love how this series tends to end each episode with some dramatic flair. I'm always satisfied by the ending to each episode.
Don't feel bad Aeon, I haven't watched 7 either.Quote:
Originally Posted by Aeon
Kind of a sad episode, for the lady. She had been careful and L cracked her just in time. He wins, becoming even more corrupt as the series goes on and she loses her life. Sad on both sides. L is slowly becoming what he dispises, a criminal.
TW release of Death Note 07:
During all of this, he missed one tiny little thing though. Even a suicide corpse will eventually turn up, because he made her choose her own location, it could be in a damn 7/11 store.
The investigators or at least L will see this Death eventually and link it to the FBI deaths.
No biggie yet , but one of the investigators(If I'm correct) passed Light during his conversation with the female FBI. The girl faced the investigator. Even when showing no or a marginal awareness/attention, this guy has to have seen something. As soon as the picture of the girl pops up, he might remember it and they might have theirselves a new and fresh remodeled Profile of their criminal. Maybe not 100% accurate, but haircolor,size and build are at least a few of them.
Dunno about that. I think it's getting evident this is a personal Light vs L fight now. The task force is clearly incompentent, so they will be of little use other than doing specific tasks for L, so I'd be surprised if that guy paid any attention whatsoever to his surroundings, because he wasn't told to. After all, they had even no system to carefully monitor and question every person that might reveal something, as was made evident by how the former-FBI agent was turned away empty handed with not much inquiries.
And the agent, in the end, just wanted to join her dead fiancee, and thus let Light talk her to surrender. I certainly had higher hopes of her. But on the other hand, it's just ep 7/36 (or something), so maybe it's far too early to build too much pressure on Light. He's still having it easy. Even if this should have taught him he needs to be even more careful. Unless this just gives him more self-confidence.
I guess you meant Light... And Light was a criminal right after he killed the first victim. And he's even been a mass murderer already for a good while. The next step would be a genocide, a crime against humanity, but I doubt we will get to see that... After all, he has no reason for that, although I think he would already be perfectly capable of anything.Quote:
Originally Posted by Foomanchew24
Doubt because of the length of the anime is an illegal argument :P
Im just saying, L will know, which means the police will have to come across it in the end, which means they *might* remember that. ( or rather that one guy )
yeah i got really pissed off when i saw this part. I really liked her character and wanted her to be around for longer. Having a rogue investigator trying to track down Kira, separate from L and his crew, would have been an awesome sideplot.
and as she's gone there's nobody with any clue that Kira can kill people with more than heart attacks...
then again, she really made Light sweat quite a bit. This is his second "sloppy" kill after the Lind L Taylor thing. He had to rush to do it, and this was covering the fallout from the FBI thing. Like someone else noticed, there are cracks in this one for the investigation team to pry.
Oh, and I'm really liking how they put in different rules from the Death Note in different segues (sp?) between the midway point of episodes.
Well he pretty much made sure that her body wouldn't be found after she commited suicide, and it was linked with Ray's death.
So no normal person(maybe even L) would be able to make the connection so fast b/c you would need the events and facts that are only knowlegable to Ray, Naomi and Light(and we all know he isn't telling anyone).
Well, let's hope L will shape up at some point. So far his tricks haven't been quite as impressive as Light's, especially after the initial one that located Light in Japan. I mean, it even looks like he hasn't checked the police computer system logs to try to track down who has been using the access to the task force files, and then tried to evaluate if all those events of accessing were legitimate. Killing the former FBI agent pissed me off, and so I'm expecting L to do, for a change, something else than just drink coffee.
There's no point in checking the system logs because he already knew that Kira is connected to some one in the task force or in the police force, and that he's just using his account to access the information. That's why he's taking so many precautions against them. And I'm sure L's going to pull of something soon.
Ever tried telling anyone "go kill yourself someplace where noone would find you. I wouldnt even know a place where they wouldnt find me anywhere near my Province :> Maybe with a lot of concrete attached to my feet on the bottom of the North Sea :PQuote:
Originally Posted by Knives122
But couldnt L check the times when someone was logging onto the policeīs server, and compare it with the times, the 6 police-men havent been logged in actually?Quote:
Originally Posted by Psyke
@episode 7:
Amazing, simply amazing. The whole episode is actually walking to one side and walking back a little...but all the tension, the psychological mind games, itīs awsome.
And im glad, seh died. It would have been totally typical, if that character would have lived on. And i hated her, i cant stand it when a great "villain" like Light loses to a angry woman >_<
Thats also a point, why i love Death Note: Itīs unpredictable.
Well another possible reason might be that Light has already covered up his tracks and deleted all system logs, being the meticulous type of person that he is.Quote:
Originally Posted by MFauli
I doubt he has that kind of access level. His father was no system administrator, just some police boss (which is essentially why he could use his father's access; if the access level had been high, I doubt Light would have ever learned the password). So, with a series with so much attention to minute details, there's a hollow sound there until it's explained somehow. Well, it's not like I really considered that any huge mistake by the script writers. It's awfully hard to write a story with truly all details right in place. That hardly happens even in the real life...
This was what in the manga finally turned me against Light. He usually kills his victims from a distance and is pretty cold about it (just killing as a means to and end, trying to create better world). Even the Penbar killing was pretty cold.
But in this case he panics a bit and is just vicious. No empathy for the girl at all. I thought he'd be like, "It's too bad I have to kill her, she'd be a good agent" or something, but instead he almost seems to enjoy himself, selfish prick. He did NOT need to tell her he was Kira, but he HAS to rub in his victory, let the other person know he's won. Probably this will lead to his downfall.
Well he didn't really have a choice with Naomi like he did with Ray. She was going back to the department and that cop was too. She would've given the police what she knew and Light's plan would've gone up in smoke.
But I somewhat agree with the "didn't need to rub it in that he won". He did the same thing with Ray right before he died. I guess that's just his way of given them the satisfaction of knowing who it is before they die.
I thought it was rather foolish of him to reveal that he's Kira. Naomi was clever enough to give a fake name the first time, and despite how she acted after being invited to the task force, she could have given another fake ID the second time as a trick. Hell, for all we know she might not even have a real name because she could have been one of those ghost agents in the world.
Ep. 7 - whew, man. What an episode. Even though I have read the manga and knew what was happening, I was still blown away by the scene. I was rooting for Light the whole time, though it was enjoyable to see him start to squirm a bit, because it gives him a weak side too.I started to laugh a little (God that sounds horrible), especially when Light starts to really hook in that girl. The "I am Kira" sequence, imo, was very well executed. A great Ep. overall, I cannot wait for the next!
i dispise light..... that bastard, i hope L kills him... breaking his neck or something. :P
i'll admit i "mwhaha'd" at that part as well. Light really is a bastard, and I want him to lose. But I want him to go down to L, not this chick. I may not like Light, but the villain fan in me couldn't helped but cheer for her to lose.Quote:
Originally Posted by eat_toast
YaY finally got around to watching ep7 and can't believe she's dead already. I was really liking her character's look and personality. Light talking to himself throughout the ep had me on edge while he was trying his hardest to figure out a way to get her name. Also is the girl in the opening running to Light at the end of it his sister?
Another cool ep, getting Ryuk to help him was pretty slick and also his room entry alarm system shows just how obsessive Light is . I wonder if L will suspect anything more or if he'll be satisfied. I didn't get the feeling that he was assuming that Light was Kira and looking for evidence, which I think he should have done for all of the people if he wanted to be 100% thorough.
Death Note, I can always count on it to bring me interesting episodes.
I lol'd at the fact that the Kira Investigation team was having ice cream while on the case. Seems to kind of offset the gravity of their work. I also thought it was amusing that apples are a Death God's vice. The idea of an entity with control over death going into withdrawal because of a lack of a fruit tickles me.
Man, this episode was great in illustrating Light's cunning. Scheduling deaths in advance as to not invite suspicion? A piece of paper to draw attention away from the actual booby trapped parts of the door? Using apples to trick the "neutral" shinigami into helping him? The whole potato chip, Mini LCD TV scheme? Never in a million years would I have thought of any of those. Man I love Death note.
It was kind of fun to see them seriously talking about a murder case while eating ice cream. Also, did you notice the chief gets three scoops? :p
By far the best part of the ep was Light eating dramatically chips with exciting music, zoom, AND bishounen sparkles. Awesome.
After his earlier recklessness it looks like Light is in defensive mode. Nicely convoluted back-up plans too. I also lol'ed at Light's father being shocked seeing him look at porn, and L being like, "Oh, that's totally normal behavior."
Ok, I found it on youtube:
BEST SCENE EVER. Seriously, though, I LMAO
Originally Posted by eat_toast
Just caught up so...
You started to laugh!? I was freaking cheering! I am officialy starting a Kira sect! although, I wouldn't have said that if I was him (maybe she had a fake ID card). that scene was still nice though.
Ep 8 was good, but watching it back to back with 7... it felt slower. It also shows that Kira isn't as smart as he thinks he is. At this point, L has got to know that Kira is in either of the two families, and Light is suspicious because of the fact that he foiled EVERY attempt at a reaction from L. Also, he only kills criminals after L does something these days (except those set to die in the next few weeks... this was a smart move).
I found the op. of DN, but with a change: Potato NoteQuote:
Originally Posted by Mae
Haha! Oh that's awesome.Quote:
Originally Posted by Knives122
Yeah, I sure hope this doesn't become a habit in the anime. This is the second time they do this. I guess the first one wasn't that bad but man, talk about over dramatic. =/Quote:
Originally Posted by Mae
"Ahh...Tricked by the cover again!". Yeah, we've all been there Light. :(
I think the dramatic thing might be a joke... at any rate, i don't mind, it advances the story and is funny as hell.Quote:
Originally Posted by Deblas
L is kinda. cool. He's such an oddball. Eating ice-cream. Lol.
L is a such a peculiar character that him eating ice-cream looked perfectly natural. The fact how eagerly the regular cops also accepted and devoured it was far funnier, though.
for me i think the creators intended for L to be odd, first his appearance is a sure giveaway, next the ice-cream. Sure nothing wrong with eating ice-cream... but green... ^_^ L is a very cool guy.
Probably greentea-flavored, gotta stay awake, after all. Still, by the looks of it, L doesn't appear to need such a thing like "sleep" to operate.Quote:
Originally Posted by Darth Zin
I must say, I am enjoying this series completely. Can't wait till 9...been watching 7 and 8 constantly :P
TW just released!
Episode 9 - TW
Great episode again ^^
Started out slow, but then...BANG!
Interesting development, but i fail to see, how itīs any good for Light, to....well, i wont spoiler anything, as seemingly none has already seen the episode.
@ above, it came out 7 hours before your post that's plenty of time.
Anyway, L put Light into a very interesting predicament, I know he got his resolve back but I have no idea how he plans to implement his plan to get away with killing Ryuuzaki. Chances are he'll end up taking the bait though and working on the investigation with L and his dad, so it'll be interesting to see what he says to them about the Kira murders.
Brilliant. Just Brilliant.
Ok, then here i go:
I fail to see, how itīs any goot for Light to be close to L. He seems confident, but...he said himself, that "he got me" and that heīll instantly under suspicion if L dies. So what can he do? Well, manga reader, dont spoil me :P
Not a reader of the manga, so...Quote:
Originally Posted by MFauli
As to what Light can do? About the same as L, competing against each other to unearth the other's secrets.
L more or less levelled the playing field when he revealed himself.
Hot damn was that an extremly entertaining Ep!:D L rules!:cool:
Never thought I'd see Light have an outburst like that. That was such a great scene. I'm guessing L will use his influence to be room mates with Light. The best course of action for Light now is to get L drunk at a frat party to get some info out of him.
L and Light are really going to go all out soon, it will be interesting to see where it turns out..
Anyone else find it alittle werid the L was taking the entrance exam? I mean why would he go though that, it doesn't look to me he really needs school all that much..
If nothing else, probably just for looks and legitimacy's sake.Quote:
Originally Posted by Deadfire
why have them meet? Cuz all good animes have to have head to head confrontations between the two opposing sides.
I think this is a stupid move on L's part. They're both losing leverage by coming out of hiding, and I think it's just indicative of their ages. But L has the most to lose, since he knows he's just human, while Kira obvious is something above that. Especially stupid (overconfident) on L's part, leaving himself out like that... I know I'd take alot more pains to hide my identity from Kira. As for Light, he obviously can't turn down the chance to compete, and so while L's "lure" worked, he can't know it yet until Kira either kills him (thus reveals himself).
It's mighty brave and noble and all that stuff of L, but I still think it's a stupid move.
On the contrary, I think its the best move he could have made :eek: . As they pointed out, now its so much harder to kill L because then immediately Light would be a prime suspect and his percentage chance of being Kira would rocket. Just knowing that he's L keeps light from killing him, otherwise they'll know that it was him who murdered L. Not only does it protect L, but now he's even closer to Kira and can keep a better watch. Kira can do all the investigating he wants now, but I can't see how he'll kill L. :confused:Quote:
Originally Posted by masamuneehs
And about the episode, I thought it was very well done. Much better than last ep. Ooh I can't wait to see whats coming up. :D
I don't know. L is taking quite a risk on what is really a very remote chance (to him) that Light is Kira. He has no idea how Kira might be killing people and really nothing that could possibly link the deaths to any one person or group of people. He could have chosen pretty much any of the people investigated to approach. Why Light?Quote:
Originally Posted by Carnage
I kinda have to go with story device for getting the two together, but plausible enough that it doesn't wreck the story for me. L is frustrated that the case is going nowhere, and even though he has no concrete reason to believe Light is Kira, you can see that he still suspects (maybe more of an intuition thing, Light is just TOO perfect). He has to do something, as the case is really stalled, so he decides to do this.
Oh, and Light's insane laugh should have been more insane. It was really creepy in the manga when he just completely lost it. Also, should L have risked the life of some random pop star by taking his name? Who has the moral high ground here again?
Nothing happens to the pop star unless Light decides to try his luck and shoot in the dark. So, I would say L's action is pretty mild compared to Light's possible action.Quote:
Originally Posted by Mae
But it has also been made quite evident L is willing and ready to bend even the law this way and that to get to his goals. But so far he hasn't actually hurt anybody, just placed a couple of people in the line of fire. But even then if something happens the whole guilt does belong to the person pulling the trigger. Well, that's what I think in this case, anyway.
Wow...what a great episode.
Btw, before the show actually starts, does anyone have the image of Light with the devil/angel wings? the sub group normally puts a comment on this screen and the image itself is wallpaper worthy.
Or...any other bad ass Death Note wallpapers would rock :]
What was up with the echo when L said who he was? It was like watching a Repairman episode on All that...
"This note will not take effect unless the writer has the subject's face in their mind when writing his/her name. Therefore, people sharing the same name will not be affected."Quote:
Originally Posted by Mae
so writing the pop star's name while keeping L's face in mind wouldn't work, and thus L doesn't have to worry about that. L's concluded that Kira needs the subjects true name and face to kill, so he's not risking anybody's life but his own by taking on the identity of Ryuuzaki.
Note right before L goes to meet Light at school he was thinking about being able to witness Kira kill some one in front of him. He clearly is making this play to attempt to see if he can make that happen.Quote:
Originally Posted by Deadfire
Well... As Light says himself, there is a good chance that the face of Ryuga Hideki might pop up in his head while he's writing the name and be killed because of that. If that happens, L will know that Light is Kira. That's part of the trick. I think L knows that he might be risking the singers life. But he has probably already figured out that if Light is Kira, he won't be taking that chance.Quote:
Originally Posted by masamuneehs
Just watched 8 & 9. Great stuff, and the part where L sat beside Light and introduced himself was brilliant.
Death Note 10 - TW
Death Note 10 - Live-eviL
Download it and watch it!
Yuki, as you know you're dead to me.
But that still doesn't stop me from enjoying death note and it's over-dose of drama. Thanks for the link.(zombie guy)
most ....
dramatic ....
tennis match ....
yup. easily my least favorite scene in the anime sofar. I thought the tennis analogy was pretty well done in the manga, although it's so cut and dry that it's hardly genius... I chuckled to myself for most of this scene.Quote:
Originally Posted by complich8
but it does look like they got the flavor of Light and L's interaction dead on. I love how L's natural, unrefined style goes right against Light's calculating-every-last-detail and his focus on keeping up guises.
on another note, my friend IMed me and wanted to discuss the "hidden homoerotic undertones" between L and Light. It went something like this:
Yaoiluver!11: You see the latest Death Note episode?
Me: Yup.
Yaoiluver!11: I love how they are hinting at Light and L's hidden feelings for each other!
Me: Um... like how they want to kill each other?
Yaoiluver!11: NO! How they're obviously perfect matches for each other, the perfect matches in both brains and wits! But of course they're set in the story to be enemies. But you can plainly see how much they want to just fuck the shit out of each other. I mean, they both constantly think about each other, they're obsessed!
Me: So their rational desires to kill their enemy is actually subconscious sexual attraction?
Yaoiluver!11: Exactly!
Ah yaoi fangirls, you make my mind go numb. The search for hidden gayness in anime is a long and fanatical crusade...
I have to say a theory like that never even visited my mind, and it would have required a lot longer interaction than that for me to come to think there could be such undertones there. While the tennis match was worth some chuckles, I think the cups of tea was interesting. There was a hidden purpose for every act, and I was glad I couldn't notice them all beforehand. That's the best trait of Death Note.
I surely don't need any yaoi stuff or even any such ideas to mar my view of this title... Damn, Busou Renkin and Inukami are already too much in their blatant outrageousness.
The letter and tapes at the end of the ep made me think that we will be getting another Kira. That other DeathGod that decided to visit the human world prob decided to give his deathnote to someone. Something like this happening is the only way I can see the focus leaving Light.
Wow, wish I could derive that much pizazz from ordinary, day-to-day things like Light does...
"...and I shall eat- POTATO CHIPS."
"...and I shall play- TENNIS."
Thats gotta be te best ep and tennis match ever. Ownage. That homo thing between L and Light never crossed my mind and hope not a shred of its true. Now its weird when the two of em look at each other. =(
L and Light will probably be working together to find that other Death Gods Kira.(Pretty sure there'll be one)
I suspect that Light's father getting sick is all staged by L.
- Both are sitting there talking and suddenly both of their phones ring.
- The phones ring right when L is telling Light about the task force.
- L notifies Light about his father, thus proving that he is indeed on the task force.
- Light's father blows L's cover and even uses the name "Ryuzaki" in front of Light.
- "Ryuzaki" is only supposed to be used within the task force.
- L does not mind that Light's father just blew his cover.
The only way for this sequence of events to make sense is if the whole thing is staged.
Lol atleast the tennis match wasn't as dramatic as the "POTATO CHIPS!".
I dont know, compared to the manga the anime seems to be going at a much faster pace. We've already gotten up to the videos for the news station. :(
Next ep looks promising. :)
The tennis match was pretty dramatic, but they were both very good tennis players, and like L said they both are childish and hate to lose. Really, it would be best for Light to just opt out of the investigation, avoid L, and keep doing his thing. It would be almost impossible to catch him. But of course he won't do that...
As for the yaoi part? Meh, it's just silliness and pornography, staples of the internet. And like there's not yuri of pretty much every popular female character. Let them have their fun, it doesn't need to bother you any.
Also this gives us some more of Light's amusing logic: "If I do this will he think I'm Kira? But if I don't maybe he'll think I'm Kira but I'm deliberately trying to throw him off the scent, which is true, so maybe I should..."
I don't know if this will show up, but here's Light's most recent chat log...
Let's have a closer look at the tapes...
Episode 11 - TW
Excellent, now we have a crazy chick with the Shinigami eyes coming out of left field...I definitely wouldn't have seen that coming... If Light plays this right he might be able to use this girl as a patsy if L gets too close.
Also we had more dramatic camera work, this time the Dance of the Two Cell Phones, very breathtaking.
Was that the same death god that left for the human world a couple eps ago or could we have the potential for a 3rd Kira? The voice of this one didn't match up to any I remember.
There is at least one thing this fake kira realised and then calculated correctly: She doesn't have the wits to avoid getting caught in the long run, if she does anything major (like she has), so it made no difference to make the eye deal. Her estimated life span won't probably reach even that what would have otherwise been left after the deal.
Interesting plot development, though. Certainly explains how they can fill the rest of the episodes of the extra long season.
Isn't that cute? A Fake Kira(Misa) did some crap to get Light's attention and is practically obsessed with him. But wait there's more, she has the whole "I will kill you if you don't return my feelings" mentaility. It's like the perfect love story.
Don't you just love that sort of stuff?
This episode knocked my socks off. Thoroughly got into it it again. Series is for sure a winner. Can not wait to see what happens next. That chick looks like shes waiting to pull out a huge knife and stab Light in the back when he doesn't return her calls...psycho.
DN 11 by Live-evil
Yet another awesome ep, the twists just keep on coming!
lol that cellphone scene was awesome, drama ftw XD
How did Misa know that Light doesn't have the Shinigami eyes?
She probably made an educated guess about Light's crusade to become a god and deducted that Light wouldn't want to make such a deal.
That or magic.
Or if she is really obsessed with him she could have figured the same thing as L, that he needs a face and a name to kill, which wouldn't make a difference if he had the eyes.
She probably deduced it from the way he does things. He's never done something that would require the eyes so she probably thinks that he doesn't have them.
EDIT: I guess I should refresh the page before making a post.
I don't really think Misa's as smart as L or Light, and so I don't think she figured it her herself. I'd be impressed if she does though. Another theory is that the Shinigami know each other, and that the new shinigami knows that Ryuk did not give the eyes to Light.
it'd be cool if she was as smart... or close... that would make an interesting three-sided war (or more, if shinigami's decide that this is a new way to have fun)
Well she killed the police who were trying to enter the station. Maybe she just promotes killing in general and wanted Light's tapes to be played.
I thought they were supposed to be neutral. Even if the new shinigami knew, I doubt he would tell her as that would mean he is helping her.Quote:
Originally Posted by Psyke
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought they are her tapes and she just used them to get people's attention.Quote:
Originally Posted by darkmetal505
The tapes weren't Light's.... she made em
EDIT: beaten to it