Today I learned that Ginger Crinkle cookies will always remain my nemesis. No matter what I do, or how I vow to make them better next time or watch them more carefully, I ALWAYS burn them.
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Today I learned that Ginger Crinkle cookies will always remain my nemesis. No matter what I do, or how I vow to make them better next time or watch them more carefully, I ALWAYS burn them.
Today I learned that being unemployed makes you want to kill yourself due to feelings of worthlessness.
Today I learned that teh funniest actrually serious movie is the Oddessy. Me and my friends cracked up watching this movie. I also learned that even the smartest kids in my grade still arent very smart........except me........
I learned that you shouldn't make veiled threats in a conversation unless your prepared to follow through with them.
Also, I can't cook worth a damn. Unless its on a barbque. Then I do ok.
I learnt not to take any medicines without going to see a doctor because then you get nasty side effects.
What? You're not watching enough anime. I've been unemployed for half a year and I couldn't be happier.Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Today I learned that being unemployed makes you want to kill yourself due to feelings of worthlessness.
Where do you get your money from? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif[/img]
today i learned that berardi 151 lights up goood.....i've always heard it but never done it.
I learned that DB_Hunter had explosive diarrhea today. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: DB_Hunter
I learnt not to take any medicines without going to see a doctor because then you get nasty side effects.
I get free money from the government.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] It's called "alpha-kassa" which is like unemployment compensation for students. No I'm just kidding, I'm a gigolo.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Where do you get your money from? [img][/img]
I actually thought I had developed arthritis in my foot at the age of 21!Quote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
I learned that DB_Hunter had explosive diarrhea today. [img][/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: DB_Hunter
I learnt not to take any medicines without going to see a doctor because then you get nasty side effects.
Oh, I thought you had to work for a while before getting a-kassa. Yay for the government [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
wish i was a gigolo
Today I learned that in Italy it is encouraged to get drunk, but not so much so that you puke or spill stuff or fall down or make that much of an ass of yourself.
I also recently learned that the Romans were absolute geniuses. Damn near every aspect of modern urban development has come straight from their designs, models and cities.
I have also learned that unpasteurized cheese makes a person unable to hold down any food or liquid for about 24 hours. Not pleasant.
I have also learned that the world really is very ignorant and close -minded when it comes to accepting American football.
well, those lessons are mostly useless, but its early in the morning and i m hungoverm, so thats just the way it is.
@Terracosmo: For A-kassa yes. For Alfa-kassa no. You just have to gone to school to get this.
Today I learned that train-tickets are very cheap in the middle of the week. They're like 1/3 of the price on weekends.
Thats because American football is the goddamn shittiest game ever created.
That would be cricket or baseball, not football. If its the shittiest game, why is it one of the most watched?Quote:
Originally posted by: The Heretic Azazel
Thats because American football is the goddamn shittiest game ever created.
I learned nothing is ultimately bad. Also, I learned anything ultimately Good is bad in itself.
Today in my History of New Jersey class I learned that the Swedes were responsible for introducing the log cabin, worm fence, and the Swedish Lutheran Church. I also learned that New Jersey used to be a Swedish colony until the Dutch came and whoop their asses out.
Because Americans are shitty lol[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] Nah I'm just kidding............or am I?Quote:
Originally posted by: Ero-Fan
That would be cricket or baseball, not football. If its the shittiest game, why is it one of the most watched?Quote:
Originally posted by: The Heretic Azazel
Thats because American football is the goddamn shittiest game ever created.
Football is boring. Durrr we're gonna runs into each other like a bunch of stupid fat morons. I'd take baseball over that anyday.
Sitting there watching people try to hit a ball is more fun than Football? Especially when there's like no athleticism involved?Quote:
Originally posted by: The Heretic Azazel
Football is boring. Durrr we're gonna runs into each other like a bunch of stupid fat morons. I'd take baseball over that anyday.
You have your tastes, I have my tastes.
But, today I learned that Heretic Azazel likes baseball better than football.
Today I learned that there are some americans who don't like American Football which is good, as it is a sinfully boring sport. At least in Rugby they don't wrap themselves up in seventy layers of protective clothing incase they break a nail or something.
I learned that astral projection apparently allows you to take the form of a lightning dragon and give static shocks to anyone near your physical body
pfft, i already knew that.
Baaaaah, if you had to watch a sport just go to a martial arts tournament. The whole reason everyone likes football and Ruggby is because you get to beat the shit out of eachother while blaying for the ball. But in martial arts, youget right to the point. The whole objective is to beat the crap out of the other guy, and thats what makes it so fun.
Half the people that have ever existed are living now. That is pretty insane.
5% of the united States' population own 50% of the world's property.
Today I learned how to open a bottle of wine that has a cork on it.
Well, as I've learned long ago how to guzzle them down, that bottle is kapootz, and I fought with that fucking thing for more time than it took me to drink it. So, I don't really recall how I actually got the bastard open...
Hint: A corkscrew, like, one for uncorking wine bottles, is very helpful.
Oh, and if you are turning the knob on the screw, and its just chewing up bits and pieces of the cork, you are going in the wrong direction. That took me awhile to learn. Also, keep the clamps DOWN, then, if you're making the screw go in the right direction and applying proper pressure and all that, the bars will raise themselves slowly as you screw.
Digging with the screw will not work (I tried that also). As most corks are a sizable two inches long. Most screws can't get down that deep just by digging, and you will probably end up with bits of cork in your wine. Yummy.
Cheers bitches!
Well, I didnt learn this today but according to a "reliable" IQ test my IQ is 141 (numerical logician) which makes me a genius. too bad I got a C- in calculus
Your no genius. I on teh other hand, AM A GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But not a god bigger than Jadugar because he posts heavenly pictures that noone esle can seemingly find.
Today I learned that forgive, feel bad for, and laugh at the dumb world around me instead of hating it. I also learned that I am probably smarter than most of the retards in my Highschool, for they are really dumb. As well as almost every kid in my class. They are so fucking dumb, that we are playing a bonus game of putting trinomials back into binomials and THEY ALL DECIDE TO USE CALCULATORS! JUST FOR THAT! AND I BEAT THEM ALL! AND THEY HAD CALCULATORS! THEY'RE SO FUCKING DUMB! EVEN MY TEACHER WHO RECOMMENDED THAT THEY USE CALCULATORS! WHY ARE THEY SO DUMB?! I also learned that I am one lazy mofo. Also that books are good. They are very good.
today I learned that god#2 has issues, and needs to relocate to the bitching thread [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
I second that motion. All in favour say aye.
Originally posted by: el_boss
I second that motion. All in favour say aye.
I say send the assasination squad.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Today (well yestarday) I learned that
Originally posted by: Gotwoot Moderator
There is no freedom of speech here.
I learned the above statement
Today I learned I'm an idiot for not calling my girlfreind for two days. Yes two whole days. Now I have to grovle for the next week. Relationships are great!?
Today I realized that this thread is alot like the bitching thread seeing as how many of the things we learn is through pain.
today I learned that 2+2=7
Today I learned that regular steel, when heated and quenched in water (or something else if need be) becomes harder. That one's common sense, but its needed to make a big deal out of the other one.
Stainless steel, on the other hand, gets softer when you heat it up and quench it in water. The way to make it harder is to put a lot of stress on it, for instance, flattening it under huge rollers.
mind explaining?Quote:
Originally posted by: Knives122
today I learned that 2+2=7
You dont need a mind to come up with that answer [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: God#2
mind explaining?Quote:
Originally posted by: Knives122
today I learned that 2+2=7
Today (well, yesterday) I learned that coffee grounds stuck on with honey can make very realistic-looking (and delicious, according to some) facial hair. Quote of the day: "Jordan just ate her moustache!"
Originally posted by: Jadugar
You dont need a mind to come up with that answer [img][/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: God#2
mind explaining?Quote:
Originally posted by: Knives122
today I learned that 2+2=7
-_-, you guys are just jealous of my brilliaint mind
Of course we are. You are one of those code breakers, arent you?
Today I learned that someone in KitKat's circle of friends, perhaps even herself, is named Jordan.Quote:
Originally posted by: KitKat
Today (well, yesterday) I learned that coffee grounds stuck on with honey can make very realistic-looking (and delicious, according to some) facial hair. Quote of the day: "Jordan just ate her moustache!"
lol, Terra you're on my msn, you should know my real name [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] Not to mention that I have it in my profile too
Oh shit. Yeah. You got a point there.
Today I learned that a bigger hard drive so I can hold my torrents before I burn them to DVD. As well I have learned that I need to start watching more anime.. because I'm having days wishing for more Bleach and Naruto Fillers.
who told you!!!Quote:
Originally posted by: Jadugar
Of course we are. You are one of those code breakers, arent you?
*clears throat*
I mean, no
my child, you have been enlightened.Quote:
Originally posted by: Deadfire
As well I have learned that I need to start watching more anime.. because I'm having days wishing for more Bleach and Naruto Fillers.
Today I learned about the proposed budget for US Federal spending in 2007:
2007 Budget cuts every expenditure, except defense.
This budget includes a huge, albeit gradual, reduction to Medicare over the next five years. Bush's State of the Union address promised "to constrain the massive entitlement programs for the elderly and the poor." Aka, we ain't paying for your RX drugs no more.
Also, the proposed fixed budget includes a formal call to reduce 'discretionary' budget expenditures. For those that don't know the difference, the first budget is created beforehand as a guideline for programs that don't require massive surprise spending (NASA, defense (research and development part, numberof jets comissioned), education, etc) while 'discretionary' spending is determined from year to year, often depending on events and often only finalized AFTER the year is over. Examples of discretionary spending would include emergency deployments of Homeland Security/relief efforts, pork barrel projects based in partiuclar states, some security measures (war in Iraq), etc.
Oh, btw, Bush also asked Congress for 120 million to be spent on Afghanistan and Iraq, but he left that money out of the budget. Now that is 'fuzzy math' if you ask me...
Today I learned all about the Atlantic Slave Trade. Only 3% of the actual slave traffic reached America and how slavery at first was not about race, which Europeans later used as a justification for the system, but because of money and gold, since most slaves in the beginnings were East Europeans/Slavs, which is where the word slave came from.
Today I learned that my newborn nephew is the cutest baby ever. I was at the hospital earlier today and it was truly unfathomable that he was the thing that had been inside my sister for over 9 months.
Today I relearned why I like the news so much, its so entertaining to see people burning flags and cars. So fun... And I'm glad it wasn't my car or flag. Woot!
Today I learned how to read a spectrogram properly (or the vowels at least. I'm still having trouble with voiced/voiceless stops).
Today I learned that Dr. McNinja is one of the worlds best webcomics, along with 8-Bit and OotS. I also learned a way to draw eyes so that they don't look like the sterotypical anime cookie-cutter eyes that everyone uses. And how REM are awesome.
Today, Or a yesterday, my mind is a little funny after all the events that have happened. My Grandpa will die a very painful death because a multiple reasons. Noone knows when... but we all know it will happen soon.... Also like his wife will die before his parent.
Originally posted by: el_boss
Today I learned that my newborn nephew is the cutest baby ever. I was at the hospital earlier today and it was truly unfathomable that he was the thing that had been inside my sister for over 9 months.
@Deadfire: Wow, I'm really sorry man [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
Today, I learned that there are people who actually study in public washrooms. There's a certain washroom on my campus that has a small room adjoining it with some chairs and a low table. Generally, it's assumed that those spaces are for mothers who need to change diapers on babies, or for extra room for changing your clothes or whatever. Today, there was a group of girls studying there. WHY would you study where you can hear people pee? Granted, girls washrooms generally don't smell as bad as guys washrooms, but they don't exactly smell nice either. It was really bizarre.
That sounds really kinky. Maybe they find the sounds to be soothing, or perhaps even stimulating!
Originally posted by: KitKat
Today, I learned that there are people who actually study in public washrooms. There's a certain washroom on my campus that has a small room adjoining it with some chairs and a low table. Generally, it's assumed that those spaces are for mothers who need to change diapers on babies, or for extra room for changing your clothes or whatever. Today, there was a group of girls studying there. WHY would you study where you can hear people pee? Granted, girls washrooms generally don't smell as bad as guys washrooms, but they don't exactly smell nice either. It was really bizarre.
student centre, 3rd floor, outside the CIBC room?
Nah, BSB 3rd floor. Assassin, how is it that you're familiar with the women's washrooms on campus? Maybe those girls were there because they were HIDING FROM YOU!
You two attend the same uni?
Today I learned that KitKat and Assassin either live in the same town or, more likely, go the the same university! Wow that's pretty funny. Did you two know each other from Gotwoot first? Or did you know each other from university first?
Also, today I learned that not only is basketball catching on in Italy (particularly around Bologna), but that they are horrible at it. Some exceptions, one or two maybe-NBA level players on each squad, but most of them suck. It was like watching a high school basketball game...
I found out Assassin went to my uni pretty much the first week I joined gotwoot. In all that time though, I have still not met him IRL. If Assassin ever wants to meet me, he better arrange it before I graduate in 2 months.
Today I learned Assassin fears the poon-tang.
What Azazel said.
Also, why the heck haven't you guys met? :S
If it was me, I'd arrange a meeting right away. Then again I am a very (read: extremely) social person.
Yeah, well, I arranged a meeting last year but someone never showed up. So now it's up to someone to take the initiative.
It was you wasn't it?
I learned today I need to buy a cheap computer to use as a server to run my PHP and mysql work from...
as well as i maybe fired from my job as they didn't give me hours this week as well have asked me to talk to someone
This almost brings a tear to my eye.Quote:
Originally posted by: KitKat
I found out Assassin went to my uni pretty much the first week I joined gotwoot. In all that time though, I have still not met him IRL. If Assassin ever wants to meet me, he better arrange it before I graduate in 2 months.
Hey, i showed up, i just couldn't find you..not my fault [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]. Tell you what, i'll throw you a graduation party instead.
LOL, his only friend is KK that's both heartwarmin and incredibly sad at the same time
Hehe it's okay, I don't have any friends either.
Originally posted by: Xollence
Hehe it's okay, I don't have any friends either.
Today I learned that mini-crossbows are fairly powerful, and damned accurate. Also, that mischief night will be a lot more interesting this year and my house will be left alone soon after. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Edit: The [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] means I won't shoot anyone who doesn't deserve it. I'll probably just scare em away again.
Today I learned that saying "Well, good thing i'm half Dragon then" makes people look at you funny.
Today I learned that nearly everything about Medieval knights that you see in movies (Like them having a "clumsy" sword style and being slow and lumbering in their Plate mail) is completely false. And that the idea that a Katana could cut eaily through a medieval Shield is entirly laughable.
I also learned the proper name for the type of "ridiculously large sword" that is seen in lots of anime and manga (Cloud from FF7 and Sanoske from Kenshin being the two prime examples that spring to mind)
Today I learned that anphorus leaves out the most important part when he is describing something.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: anphorus
I also learned the proper name for the type of "ridiculously large sword" that is seen in lots of anime and manga (Cloud from FF7 and Sanoske from Kenshin being the two prime examples that spring to mind)
Wh<u>a</u>t would be the poi<u>n</u>t in having secret for<u>b</u>idden hidden knowledge (th<u>at</u>'s secret!) if every<u>o</u>ne knew the tr<u>u</u>th?
it's called a Zanbatou
and you forgot the "T" in you little word puzzle. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
anywho, Today I learned that anphorus can't do word puzzles correctly
What was that? Yeah I thought so.Quote:
Originally posted by: anphorus
(th<u>at</u>'s secret!)
Today I learned that Knives is blind. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
I was panning on making a certain naruto manga joke, but it'd be a spoiler.
PS: Way to ruin the mystery!
Today I learned that my oldest friend(our mothers were friends when they were pregnant with us) is engaged. It was a shock because he's engaged to a girl I knew in early High School, though he didnt go to the same high school as i did, which makes it one of those crazy coincidences.
Today I learned that I'm also blind, since I didn't notice the "t" at first either. Maybe Knives and I can help each other as we try to learn to see again. Then make millions selling a book about our tough trials, it's genius!Quote:
Originally posted by: anphorus
Today I learned that Knives is blind. [img][/img]
I think you two have got "Lazy" eyes, thats all. No need to worry about it that much.
but.. but... you cant make money selling a book about lazy eyes... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
Then how about
Journey of two blind people who thuoght they had lazy eyes.
Its much more complex and has more turns and twits.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
oooh, and we'll put a bunch of sex scenes to spice things up, just for good measure [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Today I learned that the next one is "Jinchuuriki"Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Since the hierarchy of some titles has changed, we've decided to post some of them here just for reference.
0 - Student
50 - Genin
200 - Chuunin
350 - ANBU
500 - ANBU Leader
750 - Jounin
1000 - Missing Nin
1500 - Hunter Nin
2000 - Mist Lord
After that, there are a bunch of new ones. Happy hunting :S
2500 - Jinchuuriki
Today I learned that I have 568 more posts until I'm one.
Today I learned that this is a stupid topic....
Today I learned that Phoenix is really good at giving e-fellatio.
You should have been much more subtle.Quote:
Your probably right [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: Jadugar
You should have been much more subtle.Quote:
Originally posted by: Jadugar
Today I learned that the next one is "Jinchuuriki"Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Since the hierarchy of some titles has changed, we've decided to post some of them here just for reference.
0 - Student
50 - Genin
200 - Chuunin
350 - ANBU
500 - ANBU Leader
750 - Jounin
1000 - Missing Nin
1500 - Hunter Nin
2000 - Mist Lord
After that, there are a bunch of new ones. Happy hunting :S
2500 - Jinchuuriki
Today I learned that I need 123 more posts to be promoted
Well you could get a custom title with the help of your new connections.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: Deadfire
Today I learned that I need 123 more posts to be promoted
Today I learned that I rule. Why do I rule you ask? b/c I have obtained the power to put mp3 from my computer directly onto my razr, and the mp3 I chose to use as my ringtone is the FFVII victory theme(like in AC).
This is why I like learning people?
How do you do that Knives?
Originally posted by: Deadfire
Originally posted by: Jadugar
Today I learned that the next one is "Jinchuuriki"Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Since the hierarchy of some titles has changed, we've decided to post some of them here just for reference.
0 - Student
50 - Genin
200 - Chuunin
350 - ANBU
500 - ANBU Leader
750 - Jounin
1000 - Missing Nin
1500 - Hunter Nin
2000 - Mist Lord
After that, there are a bunch of new ones. Happy hunting :S
2500 - Jinchuuriki
Today I learned that I need 123 more posts to be promoted
Today I learned I won't get promoted anytime soon [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
give me your email in a pm, and I'll send you the .exe and instructions on how to do it (it took me a couple of hours to get it working)(mostly b/c I had to look for the crap)
is it just me or are there huuuge jumps between the genin and chuunin. I guess my goal just got higher
No, it's 150 which is less than the higher ones.