Yeah I'm still around, I thought I wasn't going to be involve (because of what was posted earlier) but I will be around to choose
Thanks in advance
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Yeah I'm still around, I thought I wasn't going to be involve (because of what was posted earlier) but I will be around to choose
Thanks in advance
Ok, Round 2 begins today!
Congratulations to the winners of round one. And if anyone sees Jadugar, tell him to come and choose his sig. I've moved both of the competitors from that group up to the next round so that we can continue the contest. Other volunteers, feel free to start using your brand new sigs and avatars!
Details for round 2:
NM and Koyuki will be making a sig and avatar for Deadfire.
PSJ and Phoenix and myself will be making a sig and avatar for LiquidEcho. Theme: Somehow suit it to the username.
The two winners will move on to the final round. Entries for round 2 will be due next Thursday night. Get to it!
Yay! I advance.
Can't see some of the first round stuff on this crap comp and the ones i can see are barely visible due to the size of the monitor, i need a fucking magnifying glass just to see what i type.
From what i could see it all looked good. Mine looked crap though...
Good luck in round 2 everyone!!!
Cool, a threeway battle. This ought to be interesting.
Good Luck To All!!!!
Just a reminder to everyone to start finishing up your sigs for round 2 and have them in by Thursday night. Good luck!
It's Friday already here...
Originally posted by: DB_Hunter
It's Friday already here...
I'm so excited that i just can't wait much longer!!!
but I know art isn't something you can rush
Ok, here are the entries for Round 2!!!!
Liquid Echo, choose your new sig and ava from those displayed below:
Deadfire, here are the entries for you to choose from:
Wow, everyone did a great job. I really like the first one for Dreadfire.
I really liked the Samurai Champloo one.
Darn it I looked at the first one and Well I loved it then i look at the Samurai Champloo and loved it too....
Alot of work was put in to both of them but i have to pick one though so i need to sort out reasons
The first one is very creative as i could even think of a bleach Matrix cross. as It's very cool looking doing that (ichigo with sunglasses is priceless) The Second one wins with it's colour as I really like the early dawn type coloring. Although after looking at it for a bit I really like the first one more then the second (I'm not saying that it's not a great Sig/Avatar) I'll have both on my computer and who knows in a couple months i will use the other one.. but for now I choose the first one
Congrats who ever that is (I would like to know as to give credit to him/her)
I would think Koyuki made the one you are using.
So what happens now?
Liqiud Echo better choose which one he likes soon.
I forsee a four-way battle in the last round, although I hope I'm wrong......
Hmm....if we do this again, we need to make sure that the volunteers are actually gonna be around. If anyone knows where to find Liquid Echo, tell him to come and choose.
I PM'ed him 2 days ago but i guess that didn't help much. Me and Phoenix can't just go through by default the whole way, let's set up a voting to decide which one is the best out of the ones done for Echo.
Yep, the Matrix-Bleach sig was made by Koyuki, mine is the Samurai Champloo one. Great job on the sig Koyuki!Quote:
Originally posted by: PSJ
I would think Koyuki made the one you are using.
I say we give him a couple of days, like up until Thursday. If he's still a no-show, we let some people voteQuote:
Originally posted by: PSJ
I PM'ed him 2 days ago but i guess that didn't help much. Me and Phoenix can't just go through by default the whole way, let's set up a voting to decide which one is the best out of the ones done for Echo.
on it and decide the two for the last round that way.
Sounds good to me. We can appoint a few impartial judges, and move on accordingly.
I'd like to take part in the voting. I think Kage and Eurasian should vote too, since the 3 of us are eliminated participants.
If three's not enough, you can bring in more.
How does that sound?
That's a great idea. Personally, I think it would be good to have a few different categories that you can give a score to for each under each category, and the highest score moves on. This would avoid a deadlock of each judge voting for a different sig, and would encourage you guys to evaluate the sigs more critically.
Liquid Echo officially has until Thursday morning, 9:00am (Ontario time) to show up.
Originally posted by: KitKat
Sounds good to me. We can appoint a few impartial judges, and move on accordingly.
I LIKE JUDGING! lol, and i was going to sign up but phoenix took this sig outta heaven and gave it to me so now i dont need one...acctually i should rotate colors again [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]. anyway, the point of this post was, i'll judge if its not a problem with the contestants.
Originally posted by: GLS
I'd like to take part in the voting. I think Kage and Eurasian should vote too, since the 3 of us are eliminated participants.
If three's not enough, you can bring in more.
How does that sound?
I like the idea of Kage, Eurasian and GLS voting.
Yeah, sounds good. Well back to homework -_-
Oh, and I made the bleach sig [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Yeah, congrats Koyuki, you move on to the final round!
Alright, it's Thursday night, and the Liquid Echo sigs are now open for voting by our fabulous judges: Kage, Eurasian, and GLS. Please try to give a critical analysis of each of the sigs and then give your choice. Back up your choice with concrete reasons. Since you guys are artists, the 'It looks nice' reason doesn't cut it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
/me avoids the American Idol reference
Sig #1: This sig is pretty darn cool. It looks as if they took a stock photo of a winter scene, and put it to use on both sides of Sasuke. The blur added to Sasuke is really cool, and the scanlines help out as well. This sig features the best use of a render. Also has the best avatar of the trio.
Sig #2: At first glance, I didn't think much of this sig. After looking at it more, it's really interesting, and demands attention with its vibrant colors. The render was cleaned up pretty well, and the text formatting is good, imo (I'm not quite sold on the color, though). I would've preferred the avatar to feature Tayuya, rather than a fragment of the sig.
Sig #3: This sig could've been better, imo. The render is too small to be clearly seen (with the new size dimensions allowed, it could possibly be improved), and the ripple effect doesn't fit well. More tech-style brushing like in the bottom left corner would've been cool.
So... you skipped my boring, subpar analysis, eh? You really don't care what I think. You'd rather know who I voted for.
Both #1 and #2 are good sigs. If #2's avatar featured Tayuya, I'd vote #2 easily rather than pondering my decision.
I will give my vote to... #2, because it's one of the most unique sigs in this tournament. If I were Liquid Echo, I'd 1) be here to participate and 2) rotate both these sigs, since they are both cool.
Now... read my analysis!
Hang on a second... what do we do if its a three way tie?
I was under the impression that we were to use some kind of scoring, say 3points for #1 2points for #2 and 1point for #3. The sig with most points goes through.
Yeah, let's do it that way. And after that if there's a tie in number of points, we can bring in NM as the tie-breaker since he's the most recent one to be out of the competition.
If we're going to do it this way, than my scoring is pretty much self-explanatory.Quote:
Originally posted by: PSJ
I was under the impression that we were to use some kind of scoring, say 3points for #1 2points for #2 and 1point for #3. The sig with most points goes through.
Sig 2: 3 points
Sig 1: 2 points
Sig 3: 1 point
So... when was the deadline for the voting again?
No idea, the whole fanart section has felt a bit dead for some time now.
We are waiting for Kage and Eurasian to vote now, perhaps it might be time to send them a PM? Though I guss since KitKat is incharge of this, it would be better if she was the one who sent the PM's.
Ack I'm sorry guys, I thought you weren't gonna be doing one for me, so wasn't paying attention. Sorry to hold it up like that. All of you did a great job, but I've decided to go with this one. I really liked the image AND my name is nice and visible... Thanks much!
Ok, Kittie your call, what do we do?
where are the sigs I need to judge?
Your too late... Liquid Echo came back and chose his sig... the judging was only supposed to take place if he didn't pick one.
Finally! Alright, even though this contest seems to be inching along, we've reached the final stage!
We'll continue as originally planned, now that Liquid Echo has returned. I know for a fact that DB will be around for the conclusion of this contest, so there will be no more delays.
Congratulations to Koyuki and Phoenix for making it to the final round! Gentlemen, you have exactly one week to produce an awesome sig for DB. And, just as an added bonus, there may be a custom title for the winner. It's still under negotiation, but it's a definite possibility. The exact title is a secret for now. I'll keep you updated on the details.
So, did DB specify anything? All I saw was that he wanted a Naruto one and a DBZ one.
Just take that to be a DBZ sig or a Naruto sig. One of the two. Your choice.
Cool. If I win, I want a custom title saying: Mr Makeover
Grats Phoenix!
Edit: Can we use the new sigsize, 400x100?
Originally posted by: Koyuki
Cool. If I win, I want a custom title saying: Mr Makeover
Congrats to you to man. I think we can use the new size.
Yep that's right... that's a suggestion as to where you can choose your material from.Quote:
Originally posted by: KitKat
Just take that to be a DBZ sig or a Naruto sig. One of the two. Your choice.
Compared to my last sig I havn't kept this sig for very long at all, and it feels kinda strange that I will be having another one so soon. I guess all I can hope for is that its a really good one that deserves to replace this one.
Congratulations Phoenix. Damn i really thought this was my best sig out of the three i made to. I made the Sasuke one.
Not to kick you when you're down PSJ, but I also would have gone for the one that Liquid Echo chose in the end. I think your one perhaps looked a little too standard, perhaps you could make your one's in the future a bit more snazzy somehow (sorry for that vauge term, I'm not an artist you see).
no worries. Just wanted to know what snazzy meant. Also in my opinion the one Echo chose got a low quality render and the background could use more work. My opinion doesn't really matter in this case though.
Good luck to you guys in the final round.
i personally liked the second signature alot. The idea was very creative. Not that my opinion matters though
can i still sign up. i need a new one lol
Try the request thread, or you can wait for the Gotwoot Extreme Makeover Season 2
I just want another competition im ready to go XD
I can see that your pumped, but all you have to do is wait till Saturday Kage.Quote:
Originally posted by: Kagemane_no_Jutsu
I just want another competition im ready to go XD
@Koyuki: I don't think a round two will happen. How about the one who wins the next round organizes the next comp. KitKat is probably stressed out from exams and this comp.
Stressed about exams, yes. From this competition, no. It's actually been a lot of fun. It was experimental, and I think I've learned a lot in the process, so that if we were ever to do it again, I think there are a lot of improvements we could make to make it go a lot more smoothly. As for the next competition we do though, I think it would be a nice change to do something faster-paced and a little more competetive. We could even start 1-on-1 battles, like I've seen in different graphics forums where someone challenges someone else. You guys are creative, I'm sure there will be something fun coming up soon.
1-on-1 battles? Like Yi-Gi-Oh?
"KitKat, I challenge you!"
"I accept"
"Let's D-D-D-D-D-D-D-Duel!!!!"
Ok, I challenge you Phoenix!
Which day do we have to submit?
LOL, They need to be in by tommorow. I sent mine in already.
I'll fix that, just reinstalled windows ^^
Some of you may remember me. Anyways im back and with photoshop. So I'd like to participate in the next competition, although my work compares nothing to that of the members here.
I want in in the next competition, its boring at home. Gotwoot is my only family [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
I have to say I am really impressed by Kage's work in the other sig thread in this forum... the way the lighting is done on the sigs is fantastic. I hope the sigs I have to choose from are equally as good too...
By the way, do I have to like sit out the next competition as a minimum before I can enter again as a guinea pig?
lol, well, I don't know how soon the next extreme makeover will be. You just want more sigs! Let the other ugly-sigged people have a turn [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
No fair! I'm owed new pretty sigs cos I stuck to one for such a long time!
You should turn to the darkside and learn how to use photoshop. Or you can call it the road in-between Light and Dark called Twilight [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Thanx for the lovely sig.
Jadugar, don't forget to pick up your new avatar too [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Congrats to Phoenix for retroactively winning round 2!
And now for the final round! DB, I'm pleased to present you with two truly spectacular entries to choose from and they are, in no particular order:
Good luck to both of the contestants!
As you know i disappered a while back before asking for a particular sig or avatar. I wanted to keep Mugan as an avatar but a new avatar with some thing to do with Mugan in it but I didnt had the chance to ask for it.Quote:
Originally posted by: KitKat
Jadugar, don't forget to pick up your new avatar too
If someone would be kind enough to do a Mugan avatar or even both, I would appreciate it. Otherwise the current sig is fine for me but I want to keep my Mugan avatar.
Thanx again for the sig.
Well, as long as Phoenix doesn't feel snubbed or heartbroken that you're not taking the avatar, that's fine. I think everyone is busy with exams now, so I don't know if someone will have extra time to make you an avatar, but you never know.
Wow, the Naruto sig is nicely done. He looks crazy in it. Good job to whoever did it.
*sniff*.... a little [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: KitKat
Well, as long as Phoenix doesn't feel snubbed or heartbroken
I acually found some some today and made Jadugar an Avatar.
I have chose the sig guys...
After looking at the sigs this is my opinion of each.
The DBZ sig looks as if though as if it hasn't had as much work go into it as sig 2 has. Sig 2 has great effects, and I can see what the creator was trying to bring out with the style employed. Sig 1 could have been taken up a notch by perhaps including some lightning effects, and using some custom images besides the standard ones that are used on the net. The picture on sig 2 seems a bit wacky though, in my opinion.
My decision is therefore.... to pick sig 1. The reason is that despite Sig 2 having more originality and seeminlgy more work go into it, it was let down for me by the choice of image itself. The look in Naruto's eyes is perhaps what makes the image look as it does. Sig 1, though simple, still looks good... in a simple kind of way.. yea I think that makes sense.
So congrats to the creator of Sig 1, serious comiserations to the creator of sig 2. If the creator of sig 2 had chosen a different image, then I think sig 2 would have been the winner.
I will use the new sig and ava soon btw...
I like the pic used in the second sig. Can you post the original version of it?
The pic in sig 2 kicks ass. I am surprized you do not like it.
Congratulations to Phoenix for winning the very first Gotwoot Extreme Makeover! *applause* *cheering*
You should be recieving your custom title sometime within the next week.
You and Koyuki both did a fantastic job. Despite the roadblocks we ran into with this competition, I think it went pretty well. If we decide to do it again I think there are ways we could optimize the efficiency more and make it even better. Thanks to all the volunteers and artists who participated!
Grats Phoenix!
It was fun, and thanks for the support. Yea, I'll hook you up with the picture assertn. Can't find it atm, but think it was in the manga.
Thanks Koyuki. You did an awsome job. I loved the bg colors. And I see that you decied to use it anyway
and not have it go to waste [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Also, I think its funny we both used the same color scheme.
Crap I just relaised I should start using the new sig.
I kinda hate having to support a notion of a certain stylistic technique needing to be in every single work, but its real hard for a sig to feel complete without some sort of border to seperate it from spilling all over the forum. You should try using a dark red or black border for your sig, koyuki
Congrats Phoenix and good job to everyone else, especially KitKat for organizing the event.
Originally posted by: KitKat
Congratulations to Phoenix for winning the very first Gotwoot Extreme Makeover! *applause* *cheering*
You should be recieving your custom title sometime within the next week.
wow it's been like 2 weeks and pheonix still hasn't gotten his custom title yet?
Eeep! Sorry, I meant to ask Terra about this a while ago.....but then exams happened and I forgot. Not to worry! I'm asking now!
Enjoy your new title Phoenix. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Thanks Terra. I will [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
I considered giving you the title "Sora's Underpants", but I changed my mind. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
I considered giving you the title "Sora's Underpants", but I changed my mind. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
I'm very grateful that you did change your mind.
Sora's Underpants would have been the most hilarious custom title ever! You have to admit, it's very original [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
to late to sign up a sig?
Kinda, the contest ended 2 weeks ago.....
lol, there were to many pages to read so i just skipped to the end