yes that was the one. It was wayyy to long that fight.
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yes that was the one. It was wayyy to long that fight.
I don't see what problem everyone had with AD this week. I liked it, can't really see why anyone wouldn't if they generally like the series.
it was good but it cant match up to "pengun mightier than the sword, sword gun mightier than the pengun".
No FG or AD his week? What is up with that.
it was a rerun
none of the fox sunday comedies had a new ep this week. from simposns-warathome-familyguy-americandad all reruns.
Ok ok, now I know that this really doesn't have anything to do with Family Guy or Seth McFarlane, but bear with me because it's about the coolest friggin TV persona ever[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
That's right baby, I'm talking about ADAM The Real Adam West WEST
I was at the discount store run by the illegal immigrants and my friend grabs this DVD out of the $3 barrel.
Turns out its none other than the beloved Adam West starring in Batman The Movie -1966- Starring Adam West as The Caped Crusader!
So, naturally I got to go watch it! Sheer mother fucking Camp humor. So awful its incredibly good!
The Penguin, The Joker, Catwoman and The Riddler all team up to kidnap the leaders of the world! Holy Oakland Batman!
<u>Here's some nuggest of gold from the movie:</u> [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Robin: [sees a shark attached to Batman's leg] Holy sardine!
Batman: Hand down the shark repellent Batspray!
Batman: Bon Voyage, Pussy. (to CatWoman)
(The Riddler has been sending riddles the entire time, this is Batman, Robin and Gordon trying to decipher one)
Commissioner Gordon: [reads] What weighs six ounces, sits in a tree and is very dangerous?
Robin: A sparrow with a machine gun!
Commissioner Gordon: Yes, of course.
Riddler: You and your trained, exploding shark!
Penguin: How was I to know they'd have a can of shark repellent Bat-spray handy?
And my personal favorite
Robin: When you think, Batman, with those 4 supercrooks hangin' around, it's amazing somebody hasn't already reported this place to the police!
Batman: It's a low neighborhood, full of rumpots. They're used to curious sights, which they attribute to alcoholic delusions.
Robin: Gosh, drink is sure a filthy thing, isn't it? I'd rather be dead than unable to trust my own eyes!
Batman: They may be drinkers, Robin, but they're still human beings.
They show The Batman tv-series with Adam West here in sweden at random occasions. I've never seen an entire ep but it always fun when they use the super computer aka Batputer which can do anything and everything.
"And my personal favorite
Robin: When you think, Batman, with those 4 supercrooks hangin' around, it's amazing somebody hasn't already reported this place to the police!
Batman: It's a low neighborhood, full of rumpots. They're used to curious sights, which they attribute to alcoholic delusions.
Robin: Gosh, drink is sure a filthy thing, isn't it? I'd rather be dead than unable to trust my own eyes!
Batman: They may be drinkers, Robin, but they're still human beings. "
You know fun thing is I rented and saw this movie when I was really small, like 5 or so. Back then I found it cool (there was fighting). I wish I could see it again so I understand all the stupid humor. As el_boss pointed out we get that show occasionally, and it's a freakin' riot.
Yeah, I remember watching that movie when I was a kid too. I also remember thinking it was really badass and cool. Aah, so naive. Must see it again now.
The whole, turning people into colored powder thing used to freak me out
No FG/AD this week either?
omg, two weeks of no new FG or AD -.-, anyways least they showed one of my fav espisodes of family guys XD, only seen this espisode once lol. Hopfully they'll start showing new ones next week -.- lol
Isn't it routine to have a break of no new episodes during the winter?
I haven't followed american television in a while, but I think this is the part where you wait until march for more episodes.
I think your right Assertn, they do that for the summer as well, I think. But the thing is that they had a break for like a month around thanksgiving.
Goddamnit what's up with americans and breaks. Let the show air : (
Are you sure the season isn't over already?
5 and 6 pretty much ran back to back, and 5 only had 10 episodes.
Woo, the next Family Guy airs the 18th. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
I'm pretty sure a season consists of the combination of episodes aired in the fall and episodes aired in the corresponding spring.Quote:
Originally posted by: The Heretic Azazel
Are you sure the season isn't over already?
5 and 6 pretty much ran back to back, and 5 only had 10 episodes.
No, the new season started in September, the one before it only had 10 episodes.
Hence why I said started in the fall and continues the following spring
A new FG & AD episode aired last night (or so, depending on where you live). Anyone saw it?
Still waiting for it to show up on piratebay...
3])iT : oh and heres torrents for last nights espisodes XD.
( i dunno how to put in direct downloads so your gonna have to scroll down and click the button -.- )
[*]Family Guy
[*]American Dad
yah i saw both, american dad was quite funny, everything with that dog was absolutey hilarious and had some other funny scenes as well.
and family was pretty good imo, the aqua man beginning was awesome and louis having to sit at the kids table, also when stewie said "... please.. dont... dont take me to a black doctor" then it shows a black one lol, and the Fonz thing was pretty funny though was stretchd out a bit to long imo, but still a good espisode XD
Thanks a lot dude.
Bill Lumberg cameo!!!
Goddamnit, this torrent is slow. >_<
I was just about to say the same thing. We have been spoiled in sweden since alot of people have great internet connections.Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Goddamnit, this torrent is slow. >_<
lols i was thinking the same thing XD, but i dunno why its slow because the family guy one has 4k seeders o.O, but least its better then waiting for a faster one XDQuote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Goddamnit, this torrent is slow. >_<
S : 4001
D : 2457
the american dad has
S : 2193
D: 2214
so i can see that going slow [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Man, the new family guy was too good.
I like that I remembered the reference made with stewie as a pinball. That was nostalgic
It's amazing that FG maintains it's spectacular quality. You would think that it would start declining but it just keeps on making me laugh my ass off.
I liked this quote "It's like sex with Kobe Bryant, kick and scream all you want... it's still going to happen" or something like that.
Very nostalgic.Quote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Man, the new family guy was too good.
I like that I remembered the reference made with stewie as a pinball. That was nostalgic
This episode was great. If nothing else, it proved Madonna's stupidity
Why did Stewie say "don't take me to a black doctor"? There's probably a reference, but I can't recall it.
Nice episode. I liked when Peter punched Meg. So random [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
I don't remember, but it was funny cause they did [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: el_boss
Why did Stewie say "don't take me to a black doctor"? There's probably a reference, but I can't recall it.
i dont there is any reference, its just that he said it so random and was like his last word kinda speech lolQuote:
Originally posted by: el_boss
Why did Stewie say "don't take me to a black doctor"? There's probably a reference, but I can't recall it.
Yep, same here, absolutely. Occasionally I still find that song in my mind these days for no reason. I was pleasantly shocked to see it here.Quote:
Originally posted by: Phoenix20578
Very nostalgic.Quote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Man, the new family guy was too good.
I like that I remembered the reference made with stewie as a pinball. That was nostalgic
So when are more episodes going to be aired?
for US this coming sunday.
aaaahhh shit.....I Just missed 15 min into the new episode..........
Wow, both new eps talked about Jessica Alba being extremely hot(I don't blame them).
The also did another SW reference with chris having his head lowered onto his real face(ala what they showed with Darth Vader in Empire strikes back)
both were good
There's an awful lot of honkies in here..........
Peter: ooh sorry sorry....
what was the jessica alba reference in family guy?
i only remember the (loosely quoted)
Klaus: if it was a real wish bowl, it'd be in a ferrari on its way to jessaca alba's house to be a g-string
or something like that....
Wow. I think I just died watching that FG episode. Instant top-5 material for me, no question about it.
LMAO @ stuffed bear jumping in front of the car instead of returning to Meg.
"And as I always say when I leave, if I come home and find you having sex with someone else I'll kill you both" = WISDOM
"I love the work of Alan Funt"...
"... or a nicely shaven leg"
EDIT: Btw, who the hell is Gene Shallot?
American Dad:
Why hello there friendly!
waht was the jessica alba reference in FG?
The movie guy was saying that if he was 40 yrs. younger he'd tap that ass till kingdom come(or something like that)
Family Guy 5x09 (PDTV-LOL)[VTV
Edit: linked fixed
your link leads to somewhere else..
/\/0t3 : The American Dad torrent is only 147 MB, and they are usally 175 or something, so im not sure if it works or not, but the Family Guy one is the normal size.
[*] Family Guy
[*] American Dad
theres some working links.
They both work fine. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
They were talking about the race confution with The Rock. There is also some confusion with Jessica Alba, so there. Now the joke isn't funny because it needed an explaination. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
waht was the jessica alba reference in FG?
Originally posted by: CmDr_RavEn
Btw, who the hell is Gene Shallot?
He's a film critic that's on the Today Show occasionally.Quote:
Originally posted by: CmDr_RavEn
Originally posted by: CmDr_RavEn
Btw, who the hell is Gene Shallot?
i just missed the whole segment about jessica alba, i went to get ice cream.
Man it feels like FG never airs. What's with all the hold-up?
well lets see....2 sundays ago it was a premire of 24 i think, and last sunday it was the NFL NFC i think, and next coming sunday SHOULD be when the next family guy episode is shown (i think its "peter's done it!") and then the sunday after is superbowl.
Fucking sports. >: (
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Fucking sports. >: (
Also, Fucking Fox. Family Guy is much more important.
than the superbowl?
Yes, yes it is.
your wrong, any kind of bowl is important, whether its the cereal bowl, the soup bowl or the super bowl, they're all important. you need bowls for eating.
Superbowl can go to hell along with all other sports.
swedish bowl?
What was with Stewie this ep? all thata over $50
That was hilarious, but the music segment was far too long.
Seth McFarlane.......pure genius, agreed ?
Tonights family guy was pretty good, the fight with mike tyson was funny and then stewie getting all worked up over 50$ was pretty funny, and American Dad was awesome imo, It was hiliarious when he was looking for a space to park, old guy going super slow and getting angry at that smart car twice XD.
Pretty nice new episode. Family Guy was so-so. Had some nice moments.
American Dad was also decent. Like KoKo I loved that car parking scene.
Though I want to kill Klaus. Fucking sly bastard. People who try to get it on with other guys' women - death sentence. ALWAYS.
FG was pretty weak this week. The only time I laughed was at the shower-scene with the fotball guy. AD though better than FG was also sub par. Amazingly The Simpsons was best among the three this week for the first time since this season started.
Family Guy 5x10
EDIT : and I think this is new american dad
Family Guy 2x11
I'd just like to say that the scene in American Dad where he refuses to pay for parking and tries to park himself... IS EVERY DAY OF MY MISERABLE LIFE.
I take it you're not a big fan of Quagmire either, huh?Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Though I want to kill Klaus. Fucking sly bastard. People who try to get it on with other guys' women - death sentence. ALWAYS.
family guy wasn't bad, but the singing threw me off..
the singing was ok...what threw me off was Stewie's reaction when he peeped through that hole
You should know by now Stewie is 115% homo... right?
Quagmire sort of redeems himself by actually being funny, but other than that you are correct. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
I take it you're not a big fan of Quagmire either, huh?Quote:
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Though I want to kill Klaus. Fucking sly bastard. People who try to get it on with other guys' women - death sentence. ALWAYS.
Isn't Stewie bi-sexual?
Probably but his reaction to the peep hole shouldn't have surprised anyone.
Yeah, Brian comments on it all the time. the episode I watched last night had a Stewie flashback in a gay club, he's been seen putting on lipstick and a whole bunch of other stuff. "The evidence is really starting to pile up."
EDIT for below: Now that I think, I seem to recall one episode where he was in love with another little girl. You're probably right.
Yeah, but as El_Boss said he's probably bi-sexual, since I recall one episode he was in a locker in the girl's locker room when some cheerleaders were getting changed. He remarked something along the lines of his penis being suddenly struck with rigor mortis.Quote:
Originally posted by: anphorus
Yeah, Brian comments on it all the time. the episode I watched last night had a Stewie flashback in a gay club, he's been seen putting on lipstick and a whole bunch of other stuff. "The evidence is really starting to pile up."
"well it appears my wee wee has been strucken with rigor mortis" his line.
and stewie's not even in preschool yet, you can be whatever you want when you're that age.
i almost missed what brian did to stewie at the last second, with tivo i had to rewind to see wtf happened.
What? It's not like you can "choose" whether you're gay or straight.Quote:
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
and stewie's not even in preschool yet, you can be whatever you want when you're that age.
The hell you can't!
Don't let your genitals push you around man!
As stated in Family Guy, females can choose [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: anphorus
What? It's not like you can "choose" whether you're gay or straight.Quote:
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
and stewie's not even in preschool yet, you can be whatever you want when you're that age.
god damn reruns! no choice, but to watch, though..
So much bagging on Meg this week [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
I actually didn't notice it, but a new American Dad episode aired a few days ago. The finale for season 1, apparently.
So get it if you haven't seen it.
Oh and new Family Guy next sunday, FINALLY.
Edit: Man that American Dad episode was great. Best one in a long while. Stan is such an asshole rofl.
Why are they fucking with the Family Guy season breaking it up so much?
Oh, and American Dad has improved IMMENSELY from its premiere, too. Though i didn't see the finale.
Oh shit the latest FG must have been the best ever. Laughed my ass of at "I only said that so you would gegogetty my geschmoywin".
How much for the fat guy in the corner? I don't see a price tag on that!
lmao black dolphins
Family Guy 5x12
family guy=awsome.
Yay a new FG episode.
Man....too good....
Ice Age cameo and they finally brought back stewie's brother :D
I loved Morgan Freeman in: "The Narrator" The guy's one of my favorite actors but he's been typecast as the wise narrator since Shawshank Redemption, lol.
"'s not hard work. Even now, I'm just sitting here...sipping some tea and...reading from a script..."
The rest of the episode had it's funny points.
Sauron losing his contact lenses LMAO
"My milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard" was almost as good as "gegogetty my geschmoywin" in the previous episode.
LMAO. This was definatly one of the funnier new episodes. At the end when Peters making love to the fat "yes. Its exactly what it looks like.:D "