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Sonovabitch just got into this brit series "Peep Show" from a couple of years ago... the first few episodes are hilarious, then the show gets unbearable fast. Mark starts out likeably awkward but then just turns pathetic after a few episodes. Jeremy is silly for a while then turns obnoxious. At first they're both losers you root for, then you realize there's no hope for them and it's a waste of time and energy hoping they'll prevail. Another promising series that turned out shitty.
Oh, and my laptop just died. Working fine, then turned it off, now it won't POST and just beeps at me. Pulled the harddrive and tried to read it from a USB enclosure... CRC errors. Best guess is a power surge fried the laptop, but nothing else connected to the surge protector was damaged.
Redirected Peep Show derail to Peep Show thread.
Please continue bitching as normal.
http://www.forbes.com/sites/larrydow...ess-gradually/ Now I know what they mean 1st hand. I got a gift card for christmas, so I decided to buy NBA 2k11, as I don't like 12, and it was on sale. It took longer than normal for me to get the game, and once I did, it did not work. I called the help line, they told me to take it to the nearest store, the store had none in stock and neither did their personal warehouse, and they have no idea if any other Chicago location does. They tried to help, but eventually were like "sorry, we don't know what to do". I don't know why their system isn't integrated to every other store's so that they could possibly have them ship the game or something. Nice people, horrible system.
Sorry dude. I never had a good experience shopping at Best Buy for anything, and I have been to a lot of the stores in and around the city when searching for electronics that I needed asap. Most of the time I search online before going to the store but always end up spending a few hours in the store. Their in store service sucks, the employees rather bitch, chat and surf the net than actually do their jobs ( I was pleasantly happy when I over-heard their hours were being cut). There are the few that do a great job but most of the stores are managed and runned by idiots. Once spent an hour waiting on a line that wasn't moving to buy a tv for my parents all the while watching four best buy employees try to figure out how to fill out an in home install for two dumb ass (real assholes) gay guys; no disrespect. The section manager was there as well and didn't have the good sense to open up the other registers so other people could check out. A lot of people just left, if I didn't need the replacement or already spent about 2 hours picking out and getting the damn thing I would have too. If have had opened my mouth to say anything only rage would have erupted (and would have most likely hurt a few people) so I grit my teeth a bared it. That was just one experience. The only time I ever spent less than an hour in that store was at returns, geek squad check the item, went to the return area and my money was refunded immediately.
It's no surprise they are going out of business because I am sure as hell going to do everything possible to avoid having to go to that store ever again and I would like to think a lot of people share that feeling. A lot of people that don't know how to shop online go there, that number is decreasing and their service sucks so it's hard to get people to come back and torture themselves.
p.s. Has anyone noticed just how many Baidu Spider are visiting this site lately( almost 2/3 of the guests) I think they are looking for Ani and Archie.
I worked at a Best Buy and their business practices have always been shitty. They're all about selling extended warranties and there is little supervision or control over the floor sales staff. They can pretty much tell the customers anything they want. They don't work on commission, so there's not much incentive to do the job well. These days Fry's and Amazon have better prices and selection. I see Best Buy going the same way as Circuit City in the near future.
That company can survive because it's one of the last largest remaining retailer of electronics which is a very powerful thing. But they need major internal re-structuring and a lot better organization which I doubt they are willing to do.
Best Buy doesn't sell used games, do they? But if it was new, why wouldn't it work?
Yeah, they do sell used games. They even have a $14.99 card like GameStop's Power Up Rewards, called Gamers Club Unlocked. They also have a magazine to compete against GS' Game Informer, called @Gamer.
I find it weird that a new game wouldn't play, so I'm thinking he must have gotten a used copy.
Yes, it was used, but they have a "pre-owned" guarantee. I know a lot of people had problems with that game, but this is ridiculous.
I haven't encountered service so bad over here in Australia before.. but I think in general our stores still have a really big focus on customer service because they recognise its pretty much how they can overcome dirt-cheap internet prices.
Then again, I never expect good customer service. I always just think of it as a bonus.
I'm also one for reading fineprints, so I also don't attempt to return something that's explicitly stated to be non-returnable.
For gadgets and all I pretty much buy online 90% of the time because of both price and availability. Retailers simply don't stock some of the more obscure stuff that I buy. It's also a lot easier to compare prices by tabbing between websites than driving between stores.
Stores will have the advantage when I'm looking for bulky, expensive things that I deem likely to be needing warranty service however - such as fridges, TVs, washing machines..
I know that this is going to sound dumb, but I was just offered a job today. The thing is that another company is interested in me and I think it would be a lot more fulfilling if I can get into that one, but it is not a sure thing. I have studied and prepared for it, so I think I will do well, but it is still basically up in the air. As a pragmatist, I should just take the one that is being offered, but if I were to get into that other company, I think it would be better for my career and more fulfilling.
Rockmanj is greedy. Can't you wait a little so you know if you can get the other job before deciding? A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush (Geico, which stole it from somewhere else), doesn't say what kind of birds we're talking about. But sometimes it's best not to be too greedy.
Yes, that is the problem...the quote actually comes from the bible I believe (in the late 14th century). I have been thinking that the whole time. I would like to wait, but the other job wants me ASAP. I hope this interview goes well tomorrow; it seems like it would be a great fit for me.
Will you know straight after the interview or something? And do you have to reply on the spot? I suppose the "ASAP" part puts you on the spot a bit. Otherwise yeah, I'd just wait a bit to see which jobs actually send you an offer for the position.
My driver's side headlight burned out. My car is a model such that the entire assembly must be removed to replace the lamp. The assembly is attached with three bolts. Get the first out, get the second out, and the third is wedged in a tiny space. It struggles to come out, and I get it out...where it promptly makes a short drop...somewhere inside the engine compartment. Didn't hit the ground. No clue where it is. I'm hoping it dislodges itself safely in my driveway, rather than depositing itself into a swiftly moving engine component while I'm on the highway, where it will then be projected into other components.
Monday, I was washing some clothes and my washer started making this really loud knocking sound and leaking water. I called GE to schedule a repair and was told they'd have someone out between 8-12am this morning. The repair guy shows up and proceeds to tell me that one of the suspension rods that holds up the basket was broken and he'd have to order a replacement since he doesn't stock the rods for my washer.
About an hour later, I received a phone call from GE Consumer Relations telling me that the rod for my washer is no longer available. I am now without a washer.