when I go to "scarywater...." "samurai 7" has no links..it is a problem?
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when I go to "scarywater...." "samurai 7" has no links..it is a problem?
samurai 7 is licensed, so scarywater wont have it up.
Revquest have started from episode 13
site: http://www.revquest-fansubs.com/
bt: http://www.revquest-fansubs.com/bittorrent/
and you should be able to find ANBU 1-12 at places like, lokitorrent, downloadanime.org, boxtorrents, etc
Does the torrents of eps 10 and 11 work for you from Apeople subs. I have problem with them,so im asking if the problem is my client or the torrent.
RevQuest have released eps 17 and 18.
have fun
Just saw the RAWS to 25 and 26 and.... whoa
Episode 19 By Iy4ever
20 is out by katana fansubs
i dono how good they are, downloading now tho
ive heard that they are not reliable... but to each his own...
I havent tried them myself...
you know of anyone else thats gonna sub it? IY-F is putting it on hold because they only have 1 translator currently and he/she cant do everythingQuote:
Originally posted by: Budweineken
ive heard that they are not reliable... but to each his own...
I havent tried them myself...
we at #revquest are doing it...
19 and 20 should be release soon, hopefully within the following week
And from what im told those people (iy4ever and katana) are just making up lines that might mislead on what is going on the plot... i don't have the details now, just telling what i hear...
episode 19 apparently was a difficult episode to translate, hence why it seems to have many errors in translation (again i havent watched their versions myself)
ahh i see, i beleive i have your channel saved on IRC, i will keep an eye outQuote:
Originally posted by: Budweineken
we at #revquest are doing it...
19 and 20 should be release soon, hopefully within the following week
And from what im told those people (iy4ever and katana) are just making up lines that might mislead on what is going on the plot... i don't have the details now, just telling what i hear...
episode 19 apparently was a difficult episode to translate, hence why it seems to have many errors in translation (again i havent watched their versions myself)
I watched episode 19 from IY-F and 20 from katana, and the quality was good, i have no idea about the translation because i dont speak japanese, however it all went together well, nothing seemed blatently made up or anything
Revquest released episode 19 if interested...
Episode 19 by Revquest
getting it now
im gunna watch 18 now.
I wanna start watching the series, but I'm not sure which fansub is the best to watch.
Any recommendations?
i recommend 1-12 form anbu-keep and 13+ from revquest
episodes 22 and 23 by Katana
Samurai 7 - 22
Samurai 7 - 23
episodes 24 by Katana
Samurai 7 - 24
My fav group aka anime-kraze started subbing ep 9+ and thats great cause i didnt like lunar versions.
how is Katana subs btw, I wanted to know while before I dl it