You need a realignment! Time for you to watch (or rewatch) Demi-chan.
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You need a realignment! Time for you to watch (or rewatch) Demi-chan.
Pretty sure Kumoko is not the demon lord. Demon lord is the red herring. Kumoko isn't the white girl either. Kumoko would be waaay to strong at this point to be subordinate to the demon lord. She was already OP when that vampire was a baby, and that vampire is pretty OP now...
If she keeps her rate of leveling, she'd be a god or something in Shun's timeline.
On the other hand, Sophia's master (who I assume is the Demon Lord) specifically asked Sophia to not go after Oka, but Potimas was fair game. To me this suggests that Demon Lord is at the very least a Reincarnator or administrator or some description. I admit that it doesn't directly prove or disprove Kumoko=Demon Lord.
My bets are still on Kumoko being the demon lord though.
Sophia is probably that shady girl in the OP standing behind the rest of the characters.
Random cuts from the cloaked person with slicing wheels this episode seems to be the crazy "If you see someone with Taboo let me know" girl.
Sophia mentioned "Don't give me that no-killing crap considering how many you've killed." Seems like Oka has been playing world-police when she tried tracking down all the reincarnators with power and determining whether or not they were "suitable" for the world etc.
I've never said that Kumoko is evil because she's forsaken her humanity. My point has always been that due to her actions she lost her humanity - eating humans does that, if killing them wasn't enough. But acting like doing so is fine and she could just casually join up with her friends from school is bs. "Hey guys! Oh btw, human meat isn't ss bad as one could have expected!" :/
On top of that, it's her reluctance to help people and rather watch them die because of overthinking things.
I have accepted the above and still enjoy this anime a lot. But let's never call Kumoko a hero. She might end up dling good, but she also too much questionable shit.
What is humanity to you?
There were tribes (?and still may be) that ate humans and still participated in their tribe's social structures. Eating humans doesn't rob you of humanity any more than being pro-abortion does.
Beware of flamepit landmines please...
Yes it does, when youre a modern day human and theres no immediate need to do so (Kumoko was NOT at the verge of starving in that cave with the soldiers's bodies!).
I think some of you don't understand the difference between humanity and mankind. Mankind describes all the people. Humanity means "being human". See the game Vampire: Masquerade where you lose a bit of humanity each time you use your vampire-abilities.
Also: Just because some humans do something doesn't mean it's within humanity. We often call horrible stuff that criminals do "inhumane", even though it's actually very human, just on the dark side of what's human. Still, when news release like "a man ate a baby", we're likely to call that inhumane.
But that is all on the side of "evil". I wasn't claiming Kumoko to be objectively evil. But she lost her humanity, both because of eating humans AND for how she keeps reacting, so distanced, like other people dying doesn't really concern her. And then she's still able to crack a joke inmidst of it. Again: I'm ok with this and it doesn't make Kumoko evil. But it means she's lost humanity. That is my opinion.
Don't say "most" if your prime example is something like Slime, where the whole idea is that a wide gallery of monsters can gain high intelligence and integrate into a developed society. Or Overlord, where the MC's guild's (or whatever they were called) central point was that no players with "normal" characters were welcome, they needed to be some kind of monstrous entities. That's not most isekai. Most isekai is the MC getting summoned or reborn as a human, going out to slay goblins and other chaotic monsters or wild predators. Of course they would also fight evil humans. Fighting demons is quite common as well, even though half the time the demon side actually isn't nearly as evil as the human side claims they are.
Saying elves or dwarves are monsters makes you a human supremacist in the fantasy world.
There's nothing about human flesh that makes it particularly inhumane to consume.
Note that I didn't say "Dude ate people but was still genetically human". I said "tribes eat people while participating within their social structure". You can be cannibalistic while being human.
A dead corpse is rotting meat, there's nothing to it really.
The dragon administrator who came to see Kumoko before D did some translating is by all metrics a literal god...and he works for the demon lord.
I get what you're saying, but given the evidence the logic doesn't really follow.
Sophia is 100% the creepy girl who was behind Shun at the vending machines in the Japan flashback. That's her name.
Snaggletooth is now cute vampire fangs. Dingy stringy hair is now perfectly coifed honey blond curls. Forgettable face and sunken features now enough to make a spider-girl jealous immediately.
Kumoko doesn't waste food. Period. She's almost starved to death a few times, and she learned her lesson. Eat what's there, recover your SP whenever you can, because having it topped up has saved her a few times. She's survived when her enemies have not because she's always fully fed.
Humanity is relative. Vegans call meat eaters inhumane. Kumoko was willing to save people who meant nothing to her, saved Sophia again where Kumoko has absolutely no stake in the fight, solely because she wanted her to suffer less.
- Hugo has become a monster, because he believes this world was made for him. No real reason other than that. Shun has implied that his other friend (who isn't around) is the one who kept him under control back in Japan, so maybe he's always been like this.
- Yuri happily looks for Taboo tags so she can have them burned at the stake or something. That label is all the evidence she needs in her mind. Even if Fei saved them all to earn one. Yuri's childhood abandonment and subsequent care at the Church's hands seems to have made her this way the last 15 years.
- Potamias, the elven king, or possibly even Oka, apparently ordered soldiers to murder Sophia's parents and kidnap her.
Kumoko, aside from eating dead things regardless of their prior category, seems to be doing pretty well on the humanity scale. She's had minimal human or even sapient being interactions over the last year or so, and seems to be doing pretty well for herself in terms of still caring for others. She's been through some pretty awful stuff too.
The others, aside from Yuri and apparently Sophia, were pampered for most of their childhood. Kumoko was given a nearly certain death sentence with her starting place.
I rewatched the scenes where it is showing Kumoko attack because they're awesome. But when she's hanging there right at the beginning, I recognized that she kind of looks like a Hannya mask now, which is pretty cool.
(Also looks like some spiny orb weavers)
Yes, he's one of the demon lord's generals, sitting at the table. He and the demon lord talked about how long they've known each other, than the episode flipped back to him appearing before Kumoko when she killed the dragon, right before D manifested a smart phone.
That suggests that the Demon Lord is at least god-tier.
In that case, it's possible that the white girl is Kumoko. She has all the looks down pat, and the silent-type (since Kumoko can't communicate) to boot. All I had going against the hero-killer is the fact that she was subordinate to the Demon Lord, but if the Demon Lord is god-level, then that still makes sense.
The world right now could eat our dead grandparents, and we'd be none the less humane.Quote:
Originally Posted by MFauli
I don't get your point that modern humans shouldn't eat other humans.
The Kuru disease was named by the people who thought it was a good idea. I would say humans eating humans shouldn't normally happen, it's taboo for a reason in the vast majority of the world. Even the Fore people didn't do it for other but religious reasons. However, Kumoko is a giant spider, so there's no particular reason for her to avoid it from that point of view. It's actually quite interesting that she's eaten her own current kind and then her own former kind. She's like a super cannibal.
Oka has administrator powers though, so she's likely working with them directly. So I doubt whatever she's doing is that simple.
That's not really accurate at all.
Vampire abilities don't affect your humanity at all, it's what you do with them. Vampires have a "Beast" inside them, and as they do more and more inhuman things, they become more animalistic in appearance and behavior. But that actually has little to do with "being human" because there are alternate morality codes that a Vampire can follow that will also prevent you from decaying into an animal that have COMPLETELY different behavior requirements, and actions, like murder, that would cause you to lose humanity on one path, don't on others.
I gave FIVE examples...
Well MOST isekai are fucking video games, where the monsters aren't actually monsters, or people. They're just computer programs.
Prion disease is a practical reason why it's a bad idea, but practical reasons aren't really what all this "humanity" stuff here is about, it's closer to "morality".Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
Ethics, and consequently morals, are born out of practical reasons. Most of them are related to simply allowing a society to exist and function. Some of them were even hardcoded into the DNA, like the capacity for empathy. It was that important for the species (many species, not just humans). However, I'm damn sure it's missing from spiders, haha.
Looks like I got it backwards- I really enjoy the humans' story more than Kumoko's, so this episode was a treat. I like the coup scene and subsequent escalation. I'll take intrigue over stat grinding any day.
I'm really thankful I have this thread, as y'all really make following the story much easier by spelling events and correlations out that I totally miss.
Is it possible that Kumoko's kamikaze brains sent to take down mother get somehow taken over and respawned as the human spider baddie?