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The problem is Goku. With the exception of Vegeta, heīs so much stronger than everybody else that you cannot build a proper story around it. Any villain that Piccolo, Kuririn, Gohan and Co. can fight, will be a piece of cake for Goku. Any villain that is a match for Goku will decimate the others.
This wasnīt the case in past DBZ arcs. During the Freezer-arc, even Kuririn managed to be of use, and Vegeta and Piccolo both got their fair share, before Goku took over. Tenshinhan, Trunks, Vegeta all put up a good fight against Cell and the cyborgs, before Goku and Gohan joined. Even during the Boo-arc, we had several threads of hope that would all entertain good fights (Super Gotenks, Mystic Gohan, Vegeto).
But these days thereīs Goku and then not much else. :/ If only Chichi would shut up, then Gohan and Goten could join the training. Makes me wonder why little Trunks isnīt heaps stronger than everybody, surely Vegeta puts him to training.