I find it hilarious how Hayama lost to Souma despite the entire match being rigged towards his favor. How the mighty(?) have fallen.
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I find it hilarious how Hayama lost to Souma despite the entire match being rigged towards his favor. How the mighty(?) have fallen.
The thing was, they tied. And that would've been an acceptable result, but there was an actual difference in their dishes, however minute. Souma spent more effort to find an ingredient to give him that edge. That's commendable.
It's as commendable as, for example, Hayama winning over two equally delicious dishes just because his dish is extremely his style. There is no real difference in flavor, but then things other than flavor come in to make you win.
It's not uncommon. Even Iron Chef has creativity as a judging criteria, and Chopped also often chooses the more creative dish if all other parts are equal. That has nothing to do with flavor but is used to determine winners.
Very well. Then it seems overall I'm quite against judging dishes based on external, not-previously-decided-upon factors, unless there is a clause that said "In the event that flavours are deemed equal, the dishes with then be judged on their uniqueness" or whatever.
If it's as common as you say, to the point where the general competitive cooking community deem it an unspoken rule, then consider myself uninformed.
edit: in this case it wasn't even creativity. It was "obsession" - and it was thrown in there just because the judge thought he should use it as the next criteria.
I'm of the opinion that high stakes competitions and exams should have clear, publicised performance criteria that examinees will know beforehand. It's otherwise prone to bias and unfairness. That's why I'm so pissed off when they pull this shit.
Is it any more or less frustrating for you that the rebels were made to face off against the top students in the school or face expulsion? The rest of the student body didn't have that criteria. I don't mean to confuse the issue, but after that I'm more accepting of the development that suggested Souma is pushing his cooking more, so in an otherwise even match, he was given the victory.
@Buff - I find it strange that you are pissed off that Souma won by the tiniest margins because of some undisclosed criteria or judgement basis (that actually makes sense as an admirable quality for a chef), even though the entire battle was rigged for Souma to lose. The theme was about removing and/or enhancing gaminess for crying out loud. Fairness was thrown out the window from the very start. The three way match between Souma, Hayama, and bandanadood had a much fairer food item considering their specialties.
There's no fairness in taste judging. So why not ?
Rebels vs Elite 10? That didn't annoy me nearly as much as rigging the exam with rubbish ingredients. The rubbish ingredient thing was about as annoying as Souma winning here with an impromptu criteria.
The key is mainly in the surprise factor: Elite 10 was open in telling you you're up against a boss. The other was "here's your exam. Oh, btw..."
Why I'm pissed off about an undisclosed criteria is because a candidate can not prepare for it. Hayama got penalised here because he didn't prepare a dish by putting his all into it. I would argue that he didn't need to, since it tied Souma anyway.
Imagine sitting a test and scoring the same mark as the guy next to you, but he won because of 'neater handwriting', or 'because he studied for longer' or some other shit like that. Yeah, it probably makes him a better student, but you're tested on your performance (taste). If that's a tie, do further not testing. Don't pull some other unknown criteria out. For all we know, the winning criteria could well have been 'colour' or 'presentation'.
This exam was 'rigged' in that it played to Hayama's forte, but Souma still had plenty of time to prepare. Souma also knew head on about what he's up against prior to starting. Having him face off against Hayama to get a 'pass' is still unfair - but we know that.
What pisses me off is how Souma winning here seems 'fair' when the judge decides to choose an undisclosed criteria as the winning criteria that happened to be in Souma's favour.
This is also more or less the same reason I was pissed about Hayama winning their Autumn battle.
Just so you know, presentation is actually a big factor in judging dishes in cooking shows. I think you are getting too hung up on flavor, when clearly they never said that is the only criteria they are judging in a shokugeki. They are judging which dish is "better" and that is subjective as it can get. They can deem a dish better because of style, hard work, or whatever.
It isn't a surprise criteria when you were supposed to be aware that such subjective calls could be made beforehand. Hayama won once because of that. He has no right to call foul when the tables are turned.
Yes. I brought it up because despite being a common judging criteria, it's almost never brought up in SnS.Quote:
Originally Posted by Shinta
If they couldn't decided on a winner, presentation would actually be a fairly logical step as a criteria. Maybe creativity could have been the next criteria from that. But they chose obsession.
I reckon that if someone had to come up with a marking sheet for Totsuki Exams, Umami would be the critical criteria, unless you were testing sweats.
Which is funny because a lot of foods are delicious but have no or little umami, like a lot of sushi dishes, for example. Salads also come to mind.
Remember the guy randomly expelled because he had a citric fragance/perfume ? Was that camp from hell or even before ?
SnS is all about random criteria and subjectivity.
Episode 22
Holy shit, take me now Isshiki-senpai!
Episode 23
Too bad, this episode felt a bit weak because:
1) no one cares about the Italian guy
2)It's hard to see how Isshiki's skill was fully translated into his dish. He managed to match the ingredients well, but the technical aspect which was suggested last episode didn't seem relevant in this risotto. It just proved that he's good.
(Nevermind. I forgot that grilling eel was supposed to take a lifetime's work to perfect. Guess it's just #1)
Can't wait for the next episode where Souma will shit all over Nene. What is lacking in finer details in these episodes is made up for in energy and intermittent coolness. The soundtrack has a lot to do with it.
episode 24
welp, did the season ended without properly finishing the exams?
What exams?
Their exam is now the Team Shokugeki, and it remains incomplete.
This latest run of SnS has been quite entertaining. A large part of that has to do with fleshing out Joichiro's backstory, which also tends to ship Souma x Erina hard.
And Rindou Senpai. God bless Rindou Senpai.
Now we just have to wait for the final season. There's enough material for it since the arc ended recently in the manga.
S4 E7
Hahaha wtf. "Oh, those independant judges that we invited? Forget them. Here's your new judge whose conflict of interest reaches 100%.
Ohooooo, so we needed more sexy judges. That's alright then. Carry on. (sips tea)